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Jarnik Vojtech: more detail |
21. Erdos0d, Version 2004, February 2, 2004 This Is A List Of The 509 TIBOR* (GRUNWALD, TIBOR) 9 joint papers 1936 VAZSONYI, ANDREW* (WEISZFELD, ENDRE)2 joint papers 1937 GILLIS, JOSEPH E.* 1937 jarnik, vojtech* 1937 OBLATH http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos0d | |
22. Erdos0, Version 2004, February 2, 2004 This Is A List Of The 509 1994 JACOBSON, MICHAEL S. 3 joint papers, first in 1987 JAGOTA, ARUN KUMAR jointpaper in 1996 JANSON, SVANTE joint paper in 1996 jarnik, vojtech* joint paper http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos0 | |
23. MFF > Public Relations > Invitations > Jarnik's Lecture 2nd October 2002 P. Gruber napsal vyzadany prispevek Professor jarnik s contributions to thegeometry of numbers do publikace Life and work of vojtech jarnik (1999). http://www.mff.cuni.cz/verejnost/pozvanky/20021002.htm | |
24. Mathematik Und Briefmarken Mathematics Stamps Timbres Mathematicien Translate this page Anfangsbuchstabe J. Mathematiker jarnik, Chen Jing-run. vojtech jarnik(1897 - 1970) Er studierte in den 20-er Jahren mit Landau in Göttigen. http://www.schulmodell.de/mathe/briefmarken/j/ | |
25. NMBRTHRY Archives -- January 2001 (#36) Number Theory List NMBRTHRY@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU From Jaroslav Hancl KMA PrF hancl@albert.osu.cz Subject 11th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition http://listserv.nodak.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0101&L=NMBRTHRY&F=&S=&P=3874 |
26. NMBRTHRY Archives -- January 2001 11th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition 11th vojtech jarnik MathematicalCompetition (147 lines) From Jaroslav Hancl KMA PrF hancl@albert.osu.cz . http://listserv.nodak.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A1=ind0101&L=NMBRTHRY&D=0 |
27. Djordje Milicevic - Studentska Takmicenja Izuzetak cine zadaci koji se postavljaju u drugoj kategoriji vojtech jarnik takmicenja,za cije je resavanje potrebno jos i poznavanje Algebre 1, Analize 2 i http://www.matf.bg.ac.yu/~djordje/lat/takmicza.htm | |
28. This Page Is Quoted From Jerry Grossman, See Link Below. It May Be 1994 JACOBSON, MICHAEL S. 2 joint papers, first in 1987 JAGOTA, ARUN KUMAR jointpaper in 1996 JANSON, SVANTE joint paper in 1996 jarnik, vojtech joint paper http://www.cs.unlv.edu/~bein/erdos/Erdos1.txt | |
29. This Page Is Quoted From Jerry Grossman, See Link Below. It May Be Translate this page Francois SCHNITZER, FRANZ JOSEPH Grammatikakis, Miltos D. HSU, DERBIAU FRANK Grandjot,K. jarnik, vojtech Granlund, Torbjorn MONTGOMERY, PETER L. Grannell, MJ http://www.cs.unlv.edu/~bein/erdos/Erdos2.txt | |
30. Full Alphabetical Index jarnik, vojtech (468*). http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm | |
31. Australian National University (ANU) Library - Science Cluster foundations of mathematical analysis / vojtech jarnik preface by Josef Novak introductoryarticle by Jaroslav Folta translation, Jiri jarnik, jarnik, vojtech, http://anulib.anu.edu.au/clusters/science/lac/mathlac/maths2002.html | |
32. Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages Pál; jarnik, vojtech Title Eine Bemerkung über lineare Kongruenzen. http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/text/general/general/erdos/cit/01800606 | |
33. Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages Pol. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astron. Phys. 6, 541543 (1958). Zbl 009.30802 jarnik,vojtech, Remarque sur les nombres derives. Fundam. Math. 23, 1-8 (1934). http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/text/general/general/erdos/cit/erdcit.h | |
34. From Kirk@cs.pitt.edu Sun Mar 1 181307 1998 Received From Gomez 4 13 JAGOTA, ARUN K. 117 165 271 370 216 5 47 JANSON, SVANTE 9 15 38 271 405 2170 6 jarnik, vojtech 218 2 4 JIN, GUO PING 38 63 219 2 0 JONES, FRED B. 115 255 http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/biblio/testdata/erdos-number | |
35. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of J Jarnigan, Richard, City University of New York, 1984. jarnik, vojtech,University of Prague, Jaroma, John, University of Rhode Island, 1993. http://genealogy.impa.br/html/letter.phtml?letter=J&fShow=1 |
36. A KöMaL 2001. Májusi Matematika Feladatai (1x n ) m +(1-(1-x) m ) n 1. vojtech jarnik emlékverseny, Ostrava,2000. A. 268. Egy vojtech jarnik emlékverseny, Ostrava, 2000. A http://www.komal.hu/verseny/2001-05/mat.h.shtml | |
37. New Exercises And Problems In Mathematics - May 2001 10th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition, Ostrava, 2000. A. 268. 10thvojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition, Ostrava, 2000. http://www.komal.hu/verseny/2001-05/mat.e.shtml | |
38. Acta Arithmetica Vol. 20, 1972 B. Novak, St. Schwarz, vojtech jarnik. (22.12.189722.9.1970)., 107115; S.Chowla, P. Hartung, Bibliography of scientific works of V. jarnik., 117123; http://www.impan.gov.pl/PUBL/Old_Archive/AA/V20.html | |
39. The Second Announcement Of The 12th Vojtech Jarnik Mathematical Competition The 12th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition. Second announcement.In order to recognize achievement and to increase interest http://www.osu.cz/katedry/kma/soutez/j12annonce.html | |
40. Vysledky 9th vojtech jarnik International Mathematical Competition. Ostrava, March1999. I category. Name, Town, Probl. 1, Probl. 2, Probl. 3, Probl. 4, Sum,Order. http://www.osu.cz/katedry/kma/soutez/matseng9.htm | |
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