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81. Full Alphabetical Index
l-Hasan ibn (182).

ibn Arabi s Cf. Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Harawi, Guide des lieux de pèlerinage

83. Anales De La Córdoba Musulmana (5)
Translate this page construido en tiempos del sultán de los Benimerines Abu-l-Hasan. Sabemos por IbnDahin, que lo supo del hijo al-Askandarini, además de ‘Abd Allah ben yunus.
Número 198 // 3 de Enero de 2003 // Shawal 1423 A.H. AL- ÁNDALUS Anales de la Córdoba Musulmana 5
Reinado de 'Abd al-Rahman III Por Antonio Arjona Castro Documento núm. 140 942, marzo, 22. Llegada a Córdoba de los comerciantes de Amalfi ("al-Malfiyyin") “Y al final de yumadá II [=22 marzo] de este año 330, se establecieron en Córdoba los comerciantes de Amalfi. Vinieron a petición de los comerciantes por mar por la utilidad que les traería. No se les conocía otra llegada antes de los días de al-Nasir li-din Alláh, por no tener fondeadores para establecerse, ni por la parte del mar ni por la parte del continente. Llegaron amparados en la seguridad del gobierno con géneros extraordinarios de su país, desde brocados hasta excelentes púrpuras y otros preciosos utensilios. Al-Nasir compró la mayoría de ellos a mitad de precio y el resto se quedaron entre los habitantes de su reino y los comerciantes de la capital. El pueblo elogió y disfrutó con su comercio. Después llegarían otros comerciantes hacia al-Andalus, pues había aumentado el interés hacia ellos.” Ibn Hayyán, Muqtabas V, p. 322.

84. Bibliography
trans. by RA Nicholson, London, 1911. ibn AbiZar, Abu’lHasan ‘Alib. YunusFarangi Mahalli, Muhammad, ibn Rushd, A’zamgarh, 1324 AH.
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Works of Allama Iqbal
(A) Works in Prose
Bedil in the Light of Bergson , ed. and annotated by Dr. Tehsin Firaqi, Lahore, 1988. The Development of Metaphysics in Persia (a contribution to the history of Muslim philosophy), London, 1908. Reprinted Lahore, 1954, 1959, 1964. Ilm al-Iqtisad , Lahore, 1903. Rep. Karachi, 1962. Six Lectures on the Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam , Lahore, 1930. 2nd edn., with revision at about six places and quite a few proof-reading corrections and changes, and more importantly with the addition of Lecture: ‘Is Religion Possible?’ and an Index, published under the title: The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam , London, 1934. Reprinted Lahore, 1944, many later edns. Reprinted Delhi, 1974. French trans. by de Eva Meyerovitch: Reconstruire la pensé e religieuse de l’Islam, Paris, 1955. Arabic trans. by ‘Abbas Mahmud: Tajdid al-Tafkir al-Din fi’l-Islam , Cairo, 1955. Urdu trans. by Sayyid Nadhir Niyazi:

85. Neuerwerbungen 01/2000 Des SSG 6,23
l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn-Hamza
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    2.1 Allgemeines Intellectual life of the ancient Near East : papers presented at the 43rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Prague, July 1-5, 1996 A 8772/1999 A Scientific Humanist : studies in memory of Abraham Sachs / ed. by Erle Leichty .. - Philadelphia, Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum, 1988. - xvi, 378 S. : Ill. - (Occasional publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund ; 9).- ISBN 0-934718-90-3 C 2618/1999 (9) 2.2 Kleinasien 99 SB 138 Pilgrimage and holy space in late antique Egypt / ed. by David Frankfurter. - Leiden [u.a.]: Brill, 1998. - XIV, 516 p. : Ill., Kt. - (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world ; 134).- ISBN 90-04-11127-1 (Gewebe) C 2098/1999 (134) Rubba, Johanna Elizabeth: Discontinuous morphology in modern Aramaic / by Johanna Elizabeth Rubba. - Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Dissertaion Services, 1993. - XX, 528 S. : Ill. - (UMI dissertation services).- ISBN 1-800-521-0600 = 734-761-4700
  • 86. New Page 1
    20 I refer here to the followers of the theologian abu l Hasan Ali ibn Ismail al ibnYunus (died AD 1009) obtained the still more accurate figure of 1 o in 70
    Al-Ghazali Contra Aristotle:
    An Unforeseen Overture to Science In Eleventh-Century Baghdad Richard P. Aulie
    3117 W Sunnyside #1
    Chicago, IL 60625 From: PSCF (March 1994): 26-46. [?]The year was A.D. 1091, the city was Baghdad, and a thirty-three year-old scholar, whose reputation for Greek learning and religious piety had preceded him, was arriving by caravan from the east. His name was Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al Tusi al-Ghazali. He was born in Persia. He wrote and spoke Arabic. His religion was Islam. And what he wrote during the next four years played a definite, though unforeseen rôle in the origin of modern science. One Basic Idea It would seem far-fetched, would it not, that our everyday life of computers and DNA and research and all the rest would have anything imaginable to do with one particular person with a strange-sounding name, a name that few non-Muslims today have ever heard of, a person who lived nine centuries ago and in a society completely unlike our own? Ask any computer specialist today what good have the Middle Ages done for us. While his or her eyes glaze over, the answer likely will be "nothing." In a sense, this is the correct answer. So great is the gulf fixed between the medieval and the modern that we are not even aware that a transformation in thought has occurred, a transformation more revolutionary even than the coming of computers and DNA. What one, basic idea about the natural world most distinguishes our modern age from the medieval? Unless we have taken the time to look into the matter, we would be hard put either to say what this would be or why knowing would be of interest to anyone. Yet we conduct our everyday lives as though we knew.

    87. Islamic And Arabic Word Definitions - Glossary Of Terms Specifically Words Start
    and the stories of Ilyas and yunus are recounted Searching for Knowledge See IbnBattuta; Ilm; Rihla; Talab Major sufi order named after Abu l-Hasan Ali al
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    • al-Sa'a - The Hour. This word is used to designate the Last Day, the Hour of Resurrection. In the Qur'an , verse 107 of Suart Yusuf talks of 'The Hour' taking the unwary unbeliever by surprise. Islamic eschatology has elaborated a profusion of detail about 'The Hour' and the portents or 'Signs of the Hour' ( Isharat al-Sa'a ) which signal its imminent coming. (See Ba'th al-Hisab Yawm al-Qiyama Saba', Surat - The title of the 34th surah of the Qur'an ; Saba' is one of the Arabic forms of the place name known in English as Sheba. It was a major seat of South Arabian civilization in ancient times. The surah belongs to the Meccan period and contains 54 verses. Its title is drawn from verses 15 on ward which relate the story of the destruction of the great Ma'rib Dam . The surah goes on to stress that Muhammad has been sent as a herald ( bashir ) and a warner ( nadhir ). (See

    88. Standlijst Collectie "Houtsma"
    aus den Hss ud-dawlat `is-Saljuqiyya / by Sadr`uddin Abu`l Hasan Ali ibn
    Standlijst collectie "Houtsma"
    ABDP1: HOUTMA QU 114
    Cuinet, Vital.
    La Turquie d'Asie : géograghie administrative, statistique, descriptive et raisonnée de chaque province de l'Asie-Mineure / par Vital Cuinet. - Paris, 1892-1894. - 4 dl. : ill.
    ABDP1: HOUTSMA 382
    MALLESON, G. B..
    Blau, Ludwig.
    Masoretische Untersuchungen / von Ludwig Blau. - Strassburg i.E., 1891.
    Kamphausen, Adolf Hermann Heinrich.
    Die Chronologie der hebräischen Könige : eine geschichtliche Untersuchung / Adolf Kamphausen. - Bonn, 1883. - 104 p. ; 24 cm
    ABDP1: Houtsma Br. oct 134
    Edhem, Halil.
    Garbi Anadoluda Selçukilerin varisleri : tevaif-i muluk. - Istanbul, 1926. - 51 p. ; 25 cm - Note: Auteur is Halil Edhem.
    ABDP1: Houtsma Br. qu 136
    Kremer, Alfred von (1828-1889).
    Über das Budget der Einnahmen unter der Regierung des Harun al-Rasid nach einer aufgefundenen Urkunde / Alfred von Kremer. - Wien, 1887. - ill. ; 8-o - Note: Overdr. uit: Verhandlungen des 7. Internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses.
    ABDP1: Houtsma Br oct 1
    Landauer, Samuel.

    89. Bektashiyya
    Lignée spirituelle Silsilah (I) ImamAli ibn Abi Talib Maghribi Abu l-Kasim Gurgâni Abu l-Hasan Kharkani Shayh
    Pour plus d'informations : (en anglais) 4 Seuils 40 Makam
    Enseignements de Hajji Bektash-i Wali

    Ordre des Bektashis (branche Babagan)

    Naissance du Bektashisme
    La confr©rie des Bektashi a un rite tr¨s proche des rites alevi nefs 4 Seuils 40 Makam seyyid Tarik¢t Marifet
  • Les Abid Les Zahid Les Arif Les Muhib
  • Il existe 4 seuils ( kapi ) 40 stations ( makam ). Chaque porte contient 10 makam. Dans la conception th©osophique ( tasavvuf ) les 4 portes sont : Tarikat , la personne est sur le chemin du Vrai ( Hak ), a entendu l’amour. Elle a discern© l'essence mure ; Marifet (Connaissance) c’est l’©tape o¹ on se lib¨re du nefs Hakikat (V©rit©), apprendre les secret du Vrai ( Hak ), c’est ªtre le Vrai avec le Vrai. Shariat ibadet (Bakara Suresi/255 ; M¼min Suresi/60) Ilim ) et la Gnose ( Irfan (Nis¢ Suresi/162 ; En'am Suresi/140) (Bakara Suresi/16 ; N»r Suresi/137) 4. Disposer d'un gain licite ( (Bakara Suresi/286 ; Rahman Suresi/9) 5. Contracter un mariage et donner naissance

    Gud talar ur mystikerns innersta väsen när han är tyst. . Abu Sa îdIbn Abi`lKhayr. De gör. . Abu l Hasan Shadhili. kom! . yunus Emre.
    "Hur kan hjärtat färdas mot Gud medan det fängslats av sina begär?" SUFISKA VISDOMSORD Ibn 'Áta`illâh "Din strävan efter det som är garanterat dig och din försummelse av det som krävs av dig pekar på att din inre syn är förblindad." "Hur kan hjärtat färdas mot Gud medan det fängslats av sina begär?" "Om morgonen grubblar den okunnige över vad han ska göra, medan den vise grubblar över vad Gud ska göra med honom." "Hjärtats Gudserinran är lik biets läte, varken högt eller störande." "Kännetecknet på att man lägger för stor vikt vid sitt eget initiativ är att hoppet avtar då man misslyckas." "Den gärning som föds ur ett åtråfullt hjärta är aldrig stor, medan den gärning som föds ur ett avhållsamt hjärta aldrig är ringa." "Att vilja skuta upp sina goda gärningar tills man har tid över tillhör en av jagets lättsinnigheter." "Begrav din existens i den mörka jorden, ty fröet gror ej och bringar ej någon mogen frukt utan att först ha begravts i jorden." "Gärningarna är av mångahanda slag till följd av mångfalden av de andliga tillståndens inströmningar."

    91. Alevilik
    bu konuda çok kitaplar yazmis olan yunus bin Abd ar için inananlarin emiri Aliibn Ebu Talib Bunu degerlendiren Abu l Hasan Ahmed bin Muhammed (Hasan in
    Ismail Kaygusuz
    Kitab al Milal agy , s.295) agy,
    agy, Le politique religieuse du calife abbaside al-Mamun (Abbasi Halifesi Memun'un Dinsel Siyaseti) Subh el-a'sha
    , IX, 362-366) , Paris-1976, s.170) Les Mouvements Religieuse Iraniens in II et Siecles en Iran , s.62)
    Kitab al Milal , s.273)
    History of The Islamic Peoples, s.131-132) agy , s.133) agy, ibidem)
    agy , s.60, 61, 62 ve Not: 2, 5) The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol.IV , s.206) agy The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol. IV , s.206 vd. ve Carl Brockelman, agy, s.142 ) , s. 171) agy, s.172)
    The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol.IV, s.206) agy, s.207) agy, IV, s.208) , agy, IV, s. 209, Shahrastani, Kitab al Milal s.272, Not: 223, 278) Tarih-u' Rusul wa'l-Muluk (Peygamberler ve Ülkeler Tarihi, Vol.3 , s.2292)
    Turcica, agy, Voyage Chez les Bulgares de la Volga , 1983-Paris, s.9-10) agy, IV, s.210- 212) Memun'un Ali soyundan

    92. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths
    Sufism Sufis Sufi Orders. Sufism s Many Paths Dr. Alan Godlas,University of Georgia. Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in
    Sufism Sufis Sufi Orders
    Sufism's Many Paths
    Dr. Alan Godlas, University of Georgia Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in Arabic, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or psycho-spiritual dimension of Islam. Today, however, many Muslims and non-Muslims believe that Sufism is outside the sphere of Islam. Nevertheless, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, one of the foremost scholars of Islam, in his article The Interior Life in Islam contends that Sufism is simply the name for the inner or esoteric dimension of Islam. After nearly 30 years of the study of Sufism, I would say that in spite of its many variations and voluminous expressions, the essence of Sufi practice is quite simple. It is that the Sufi surrenders to God, in love, over and over; which involves embracing with love at each moment the content of one's consciousness (one's perceptions, thoughts, and feelings, as well as one's sense of self) as gifts of God or, more precisely, as manifestations of God. Announcement: ISRA Conference of Sufi Shaykhs and Scholars May 28-30, Columbia, South Carolina (USA).

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    99 SA 413
    2.3 Mesopotamien 694. Magidi, Hazal al-: Mutun Sumar / Hazal al-Magidi. - Amman: al-Ahliya, 1998-
    • Kitab 1. at-Tarih, al-mitulugiya, al-lahut, at-tuqus. - Taba 1. - 1998. - 384 S. : Ill.
    99 SA 339 (1)
  • 99 SA 234 (1) 99 SA 316
    • T[ext]. 1996. - LX, 414 S. - (Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium ; Vol. 559 : Scriptores Syri ; T. 226).- ISBN 2-87723-288-3 = 90-6831-776-8

    698. Robinson, Theodore Henry : Paradigms and exercises in Syriac grammar / by Theodore H. Robinson. - 4. ed., repr. / rev. by L. H. Brockington. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. - VIII, 158 S.- ISBN 0-19-815458-5 99 SA 603 699. Sefati, Yitschak: Love songs in Sumerian literature : critical edition of the Dumuzi-Inanna songs / Yitschak Sefati. - Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan Univ. Press, 1998. - 445, XLIV S. : Ill. - (Bar-Ilan studies in Near Eastern languages and culture).- ISBN 965-226-203-X 99 SA 417 700. Gul, Umar al-: Der Aufbau der nordwestsemitischen Weihinschriften : (vom 10. - 4. Jh. v. Chr.) / vorgelegt von Omar Al-Ghul. - 1991. - 195 S.
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