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Ibn Yunus Abu'l-hasan: more detail |
81. Full Alphabetical Index l-Hasan ibn (182). http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
82. Oumma.com ibn Arabi s Cf. Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Harawi, Guide des lieux de pèlerinage http://oumma.com/imprimer.php3?id_article=513 |
83. Anales De La Córdoba Musulmana (5) Translate this page construido en tiempos del sultán de los Benimerines Abu-l-Hasan. Sabemos por IbnDahin, que lo supo del hijo al-Askandarini, además de Abd Allah ben yunus. http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2003/198/temas/anales_cordoba_musulmana_5.htm | |
84. Bibliography trans. by RA Nicholson, London, 1911. ibn AbiZar, AbulHasan Alib. YunusFarangi Mahalli, Muhammad, ibn Rushd, Azamgarh, 1324 AH. http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Books/MI_RRTI/bibliography.htm | |
85. Neuerwerbungen 01/2000 Des SSG 6,23 l-Hasan Ali ibn-Hamza http://www.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/ssg/nel/nel0001.htm | |
86. New Page 1 20 I refer here to the followers of the theologian abu l Hasan Ali ibn Ismail al ibnYunus (died AD 1009) obtained the still more accurate figure of 1 o in 70 http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1994/PSCF3-94Aulie.html | |
87. Islamic And Arabic Word Definitions - Glossary Of Terms Specifically Words Start and the stories of Ilyas and yunus are recounted Searching for Knowledge See IbnBattuta; Ilm; Rihla; Talab Major sufi order named after Abu l-Hasan Ali al http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/Glossary/STU.htm | |
88. Standlijst Collectie "Houtsma" aus den Hss ud-dawlat `is-Saljuqiyya / by Sadr`uddin Abu`l Hasan Ali ibn http://repertorium.library.uu.nl/standlijsten/houtsma-list.htm | |
89. Bektashiyya Lignée spirituelle Silsilah (I) ImamAli ibn Abi Talib Maghribi Abu l-Kasim Gurgâni Abu l-Hasan Kharkani Shayh http://hakyolu.free.fr/bektasilik.htm | |
90. SUFISKA VISDOMSORD Gud talar ur mystikerns innersta väsen när han är tyst. . Abu Sa îdIbn Abi`lKhayr. De gör. . Abu l Hasan Shadhili. kom! . yunus Emre. http://www.sidratul-muntaha.org/texter/txt-sufiska_visdomsord.htm | |
91. Alevilik bu konuda çok kitaplar yazmis olan yunus bin Abd ar için inananlarin emiri Aliibn Ebu Talib Bunu degerlendiren Abu l Hasan Ahmed bin Muhammed (Hasan in http://www.t-k-p.org/alevilik/artf-7.htm | |
92. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths Sufism Sufis Sufi Orders. Sufism s Many Paths Dr. Alan Godlas,University of Georgia. Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in http://www.uga.edu/islam/Sufism.html | |
93. Neuerwerbungen 3/1999 Des SSG 6,23 l-Hasan Ali ad http://www.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/ssg/nel/nel9903.htm | |
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