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Ibn Yunus Abu'l-hasan: more detail |
61. Forgotten Witness: Evidence For The Early Codification Of The Qur'an Abu lHasan s family was thus ultimately descended from the Companion of story aboutthe mushaf (5 220); Abu yunus was `Â ishah s own mawla, but ibn Sa`d http://www.islamic-awareness.org/History/Islam/Dome_Of_The_Rock/Estwitness.html | |
62. The Origins And Early Development Of Shi`a Islam mention should first be made of Abu lHasan b. A are recorded by Kashshi from Dawudb. yunus and Khalid b fundamental (furu ), are given by Shaykh ibn Babawayh al http://www.karbala-najaf.org/shiaism/289-316.htm | |
63. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths yunus Emre is the most significant Bektashi poet 2001) which became named after ShaykhAhmad ibn Mustafa al a pilgrimage to the tomb of Abu lHasan al-Shadhili http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/sufismorders.html | |
64. Muslim Education And The Scholars Social Status to coin gold in the year of the pacification ie year 74 Abu l Hasan al Madaini Amr,the Inspector, from Ismail ibn Ibrahim from yunus ibn Ubaid from http://homepage.ntlworld.com/farrukh/ia/coinage.htm | |
65. HizmetBooks Alyasa , Dhu lkifl, Sham un, Ishmoil, yunus ibn Mata, Dawud Laith ibn Sad, A mash,Muhammad ibn Jarir at One of them was Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Ashari (rahimah http://www.hizmetbooks.org/Belief_and_Islam/bprophet.htm | |
66. Belief In The Hereafter by Abu lHasan (c) Al-Jumu`ah magazine Death and the Grave The saved from it, itwould have been Sa`d ibn Mu`adh And you shall not escape. (10) yunus, 53. http://webpages.marshall.edu/~laher1/akhirah.html | |
67. Persian/Arabic Bahá'í Books In The Library Of Ahang Rabbani based on Bombay 1894 ed) Shaykhu rRa is, Abu l-Hasan Mirza, Hirat Taban printing),1351 Sh, 259 pages Tabari, Muhammad-ibn Jarir, Tarikh Afrukhtih, yunus Khan. http://bahai-library.com/?file=rabbani_library_catalogue.html |
68. Ijtihad Abu Bakar waliwalinya di dalam Surah yunus(10)62 ibn Abbas menjawab Sekirannya kalian tidakdapat menjawabnya Abu Bakar berkata Wahai Abu l-Hasan, sesungguhnya lelaki http://www.fatimah.org/artikel/ijtihadbakar.htm | |
69. Tara's World Of Islam: Jinn ibn Taimiya stated, Concerning curing the possessed by means of incantations and insurah AlBaqarah (2102), Al-Araaf (3117-119), yunus (1079 By Abu l-Hasan. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/scarves/jinn.html | |
70. Tara's World Of Islam Ali was silent, and Umar said to him, Abul-Hasan, what sayest thou? . And I do notknow that there is any body better than yunus ibn Matta. (Al-Bukhari, vol. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/scarves/muhammad.html | |
71. MAIN SUBJECT On another occasion I saw Prophet yunus wearing a Isa ( alaihis salaam) looked likeUrwah ibn Mas ood as Also, Imam Nawawi, Imam Abu lHasan Ali as-Subki and http://www.raza.co.za/Publications/Publications_Salawat and Salaam.htm | |
72. IRCICA NEWSLETTER Muhammad; 15/9 AugustSeptember 1987 Abu l-Hasan Alauddin Ali b 11/45 April 1986 Al-Angari,Ibrahim ibn Abdullah; 09 41/19; December 1996 Baba, yunus Muhammed; 41 http://www.ircica.org/indexofnewsletter.htm | |
73. Mathematicians Abd alJalil al-Sijzi (c. 970). Abu l-Hasan ibn yunus (950-1009)*mt. Abu Mahmud Hamid ibn al-Knidr al-Khujandi (dc 1000) *SB. Abu http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/Mathematicians.html | |
74. Digital Learning Commons Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus A biography of Abu l-Hasan Ali ibn Abdal-Rahman ibn yunus and his work as a mathematician, this resource includes http://rdfgateway.syr.edu/dlc/parents/search?t0=keyw&q0=Astronomy |
75. Personalities Noble The Book Personalities Noble Glimpses of Renowned Scientists and Thinkers of Muslim Era Abu Ali Hasan ibn al-Haitham. ibn al-Nafis. ibn Khaldun Abu al-Hasan al-Mawardi. Mohammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani http://www.jamil.com/personalities | |
76. Full Alphabetical Index l-Hasan ibn (182). http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm | |
77. Egypt Math Web Sites Hasan ibn al Haitam; 12 Pappus of Alexandria; 13 Abu lHasan ibnYunus; 14 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier; 15 Hypsicles of Alexandria; http://showcase.netins.net/web/rmozzer/Egypt.html | |
78. Full Alphabetical Index l-Hasan (1312) ibn http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
79. LibraryS Sharib Press 1995 0 9508926 9 6 yunus b.Yusuf b 1968 not given Abu Yayha alSinhajiIbn Arabi/Austin Orders in Islam OU Press 1971 none Abu l Hasan Sumnun b http://www.zahuri.org/LibraryS.html | |
80. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern l-Hasan ibn (950 - 1009). http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
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