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Ibn Yunus Abu'l-hasan: more detail |
41. Sunahpenerbitan bin Uyun, yunusiyah daripada pengikut yunus alQummi Hashimiyah yang dinisbahkankepada Abu Hashim ibn al-Jubba usulud-din iaitu Syaikh Abul Hasan al-Ash http://www.islam.gov.my/penerbitan/sunah.html | |
42. 2muslims.com - Muslims Internet Directory & Search Engine: Write A Review For Ab Advance. Home Write A Review/Sign GuestBook For Abu l Hasan Aliibn Abd alRahman ibn yunus Hello, Guest! Please fill out the http://www.idleb.com/cgi-bin/links/review.cgi?ID=6478&add_review=1 |
43. Muslims Internet Directory: Abu'l Hasan Ali Ibn Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Yunus Abu l Hasan Ali ibn Abd alRahman ibn yunus, Hits13. , Visit Abu l HasanAli ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus Now. http://www.idleb.com/cgi-bin/links/detail_page.cgi?ID=6478 |
44. As-Shifa. Qadi Iyad. Parte 1. Capítulo 1. Sección 7 Translate this page Abul-Hasan al-Qasibi dijo al respecto, Allah escogió a Yaqub, las Tribus,Isa, Ayyub, yunus ya Harun ya Se ha relatado mientras Umar ibn al-Khattab http://www.islammexico.org.mx/Textos/Shifa/Cap1_Seccion7.htm | |
45. Prediction Of Own Death Islam 2. Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus. http//www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/yunus.html.Born http://auriol.free.fr/parapsychologie/saints_autres.htm | |
46. Answering Bahaullah / Baha U Llah And The Bahai / Baha I Faith 3. ibn Asakir quoted yunus ibn Maysara ibn Halbas as saying that AH included Muhammadibn Hatim ibn Muhammad ibn Abd AlKarim Al-Ta i, Abu l-Hasan Al-Tusi http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3016/jerusalem.htm | |
47. Islam Perusteet (13); ibn Asakir kirjoitti kuulleensa yunus ibn Maysara ibn olivat esimerkiksiMuhammad ibn Hatim ibn Muhammad ibn Abd AlKarim Al-Tai, Abu l-Hasan Al-Tusi http://www.islamopas.com/jerusalem.html | |
48. Variant Readings Of The Quran ibn Aslam from alQaqa ibn Hakim that Abu yunus, the mawla (2) ibn Khalawayh grammarian itto ya in accordance with the school of Abul-Hasan al-Farisi http://answering-islam.org.uk/Shamoun/quran_variants.htm |
49. La Ciencia En Persia Translate this page Más tarde fue a casa de Abul Hasan Kushyar, donde estudió astronomía Este libroy las obras de ibn yunus y Ulug Beg constituyen las tres obras maestras de http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2004/245/temas/ciencia_persia.htm | |
50. Muslims Internet Directory: Abu'l Hasan Ali Ibn Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Yunus Abu l Hasan Ali ibn Abd alRahman ibn yunus, Hits14. , Visit Abu l HasanAli ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus Now. http://2muslims.com/cgi-bin/links/detail_page.cgi?ID=6478 |
51. The Muslims Internet Directory: Religion Of Islam/Science And Health/Islam & Mat Abu l Hasan Ali ibn Abd alRahman ibn yunus - Discusses the astronomical and mathematicaladvancements made by the 10th century Egyptian Muslim scholar (Added http://2muslims.com/directory/Religion_Of_Islam/Science_And_Health/Islam___Math/ | |
52. Mad1. yunus ibn Abdu lA la said, He is the master of In it, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al Asreportedthat he Abu l-Hasan al-Qabisi related that he said, A man came http://www.sunnah.org/history/Scholars/sahnun.htm | |
53. INTRODUCTION Zuhak Khazrami, Hisham ibn Salim and yunus ibn Ya qub Aghani ), Abu Dihbai Jamhi,Wahib ibn Rabi ah as Sharif Radi, Murtada, Sharif Abu l Hasan , Ali Alawin http://home.swipnet.se/islam/books/Shia-origin/01.htm | |
54. Titres Par Discipline l-Hasan, BLACHERE. 2600,La fondation de Badajoz par Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus Al-Jilliki (fin http://www.geuthner.com/discipline_livres.asp?iRef=3 |
55. The American Muslim day in Almeria at the shop of Ismail ibn yunus, the Jewish The final Muslim portrayalof ibn Naghrila Brann presents is that of Abu lHasan Ali ibn http://theamericanmuslim.org/2003march_comments.php?id=P286_0_18_0 |
56. Godlike Productions Forum 940998) *SB *MT Gerbert d´Aurillac, Pope Sylvester II (c. 945-1003) *SB Abd al-Jalilal-Sijzi (c. 970) Abu´l-Hasan ibn yunus (950-1009) *MT Abu Mahmud Hamid http://godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=64&topic=3&message=278278&mpa |
57. Phoenicia, Phoenician Christians, The First Converts Outside The Jews Abu Bishr Matta ibn yunus alQanna i, who translated Aristotle s Hunayn ibn Ishaq,an Assyrian medicine and high positions of government; eg, Abu l-Hasan Sa id http://phoenicia.org/xtian.html | |
58. Bukhari42 yunus and anNu man related from az-Zuhri, And his blessings. . ibn Ka b relatedthat ibn Abbas told him that Ali ibn Abi Talib People asked, O Abu l-Hasan! http://bewley.virtualave.net/bukhari42.html | |
59. Traite De Ibn Al-Bay Kitab Minh Kitab Al- Ibn Al-Naf Buch ibn Matta ibn yunus, Yahya ibn Adi, ibn Zur a, ibn Suwar, ibn as-Samh http://www.4.www-info-web.de/1293.html | |
60. Imamate Isra il ibn yunus ibn Abi Ishaq asSabi i Abu Yusuf al wounded by the poisoned swordof ibn Muljam while Seventh Imam Abu l-Hasan al-Awwal, MUSA al-Kazim, son http://www.al-islam.org/imamate/2.htm | |
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