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         Ibn Tahir:     more books (35)
  1. Ibn Ashur: Treatise on Maqasid Al-Shariah by Muhammad Al-Tahir Ibn Ashour, 2006-12-15
  2. Al-Maqamat Al-Luzumiyah (Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures) by Abu L-Tahir Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Al-Tamimi Al-Saraqusti ib Al-Astarkuwi, 2001-12-01
  3. Moslem Schisms And Sects - Being The History Of The Various Philosophic Systems Developed In Islam by Abu-Mansur Abd-Al-Kahir Ibn-Tahir Al-Bag, 2008-11-04
  4. Kitab Al-Milal Wal-Nihal. D'Après Le Manuscrit Conservé à La Bibliothèque Des Waqfs à Bagdad by Al-Tamimi al-Baghdadi ] & Nader, Albert N [editor] Abu Mansur Abdul Qahir Ibn Tahir Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi Al-Baghdadi [ Abd al-Qahir Ibn Tahir, 1970
  5. Moslem Schisms And Sects, Al-Fark? Bain Al-Firak (1919) by Abd Al-Qahir Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi, 2008-06-02
  6. Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and Arabic Writerly Culture: A Ninth Century Bookman in Baghdad by Shawkat M. Toorawa, 2010-10-27
  7. Moslem Schisms and Sects: (Al-Fark Bain Al-Firak) Being the History of the Various Philosophic Systems Developed in Islam (1920) by Abd al-Qahir Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi, 2009-07-08
  8. Naissance En 980: Avicenne, Otton Iii Du Saint-Empire, Ichijo, Baudouin Iv de Flandre, Thierry Iii de Frise Occidentale, Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi (French Edition)
  9. 822 Deaths: Saicho, Tian Bu, Li Yijian, Eigil of Fulda, Al-Waqidi, Winiges of Spoleto, Kim Heonchang, Tahir Ibn Husayn, Denebeorht
  10. A Ninth Century Bookman in Baghdad.(Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and Arabic Writerly Culture: A Ninth Century Bookman in Baghdad)(Book review): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society by Unavailable, 2008-04-01
  11. Mathématicien Arabe: Alhazen, Al-Kindi, Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Al-Battani, Al-Qalasadi, Ahmad Ibn Yusuf (French Edition)
  12. Tahirid Rulers: Muhammad of Khorasan, Abdullah Ibn Tahir Al-Khurasani, Tahir Ibn Husayn, Tahir Ii of Khorasan, Talha of Khorasan
  13. Tahirid Dynasty: Tahirid Rulers, Nishapur, Muhammad of Khorasan, Abdullah Ibn Tahir Al-Khurasani, Tahir Ibn Husayn, Tahir Ii of Khorasan
  14. Homonyma inter nomina relativa, auctore Abdu?l-Fadhl Mohammed ibn Táhir al-Makdisí, vulgo dicto Ibno?l-Kaísarání, quae cum appendice Abu Musae Ispahanensis e codd (Arabic Edition) by Mu?ammad ibn ??hir Ibn al-Qaysar?n?, 1865-01-01

81. S--International
Isá ibn Ahmad ibn `Abd al`Azim ibn Abi Bakr ibn `Ayyash ibn Findar al-Muradi al-Qayrawani,`urifa bi-ibn `Azzum; taqdim wa-tahqiq Muhammad al-tahir al-Rizqi.
Saudi Arabia
Al Mansur, Salih ibn `Abd al-`Aziz ibn Ibrahim. al-Jawab al-wadih `alá shubuhat man ajaza al-zawaj bi-niyat al-talaq: min khilal adillat al-Kitab wa-al-sunnah wa-maqasid al-shari`ah al-Islamiyah wa-al-fitrah al-salimah, wa-al-nazar al-sadid / ta'lif Salih ibn `Abd al-`Aziz ibn Ibrahim Al Mansur al-Tab`ah [Saudi Arabia: s.n.], 1419 [1998 or 1999] (al-Riyad, Saudi Arabia: Matabi` al-Humaydi). Divorce in Islamic law. Ali, Muhammad. al-Talaq fi al-Islam, ta'lif mawlana Muhammad `Ali. Tarjamat Habibah Yakan. Ma`a fusul wa-ta`liqat `an al-talaq fi al-`alam [li] Zuhdi Yakan Sayda: al-Maktabah al-`Asriyah, 1967. Ibn Baz, `Abd al-`Aziz ibn `Abd Allah. Fatawá al-talaq al-sadirah `an Samahat Mufti `Amm al-Mamlakah al-Shaykh `Abd al-`Aziz ibn `Abd Allah ibn Baz / i`dad `Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Tayyar wa-Muhammad ibn Musá ibn `Abd Allah al-Musá al-Riyad, Saudi Arabia: Dar al-Watan, 1417- [1996 or 1997-]. Risalat al-tamlik, aw, Irshad al-raghib fi al-`ilm bi-al-tahqiq fi musawat al-shart al-taw` fi al-tamlik bi-al-ta`liq / ta'lif Abi `Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Abi al-`Abbas Ahmad ibn `Isá ibn Ahmad ibn `Abd al-`Azim ibn Abi Bakr ibn `Ayyash ibn Findar al-Muradi al-Qayrawani, `urifa bi-Ibn `Azzum; taqdim wa-tahqiq Muhammad al-Tahir al-Rizqi.

82. Moslem Schism And Sects (Pt. 2): Being The History Of Various Ph
2) Being the History of Various Philosophic System Developed in Islam. byAbdAl-Kahir ibn-tahir. Author Abd-Al-Kahir ibn-tahir with Abur-Mansur.
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Moslem Schism and Sects (Pt. 2):
Being the History of Various Philosophic System Developed in Islam
by Abd-Al-Kahir Ibn-Tahir
ISBN: Title: Moslem Schism and Sects (Pt. 2): Being the History of Various Philosophic System Developed in Islam Author: Abd-Al-Kahir Ibn-Tahir
with Abur-Mansur Publisher: Porcupine Press, Incorporated Edition: Hardcover (This book is out of out of print, but copies may be available for sale. Click below to check.) Found a mistake in this data?
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83. Saudi Aramco World : The Potter's Of Al-Qarah
on the north side of the jebel is neither a hideout nor the site of buried treasure. It is, less romantically, the workshop of Sayied tahir ibn Ali Al
October 1961 Volume 12, Number 8 October 1961
Volume 12, Number 8 The Potter's of al-Qarah For 15,000 years and maybe longer man has mixed clay, water and imagination to create ceramics. That Tahir ibn Ali turns out a useful, eye-catching product is no surprise. His family has been working with ceramics for generations. Tahir ibn Ali and his two eldest sons are the potters who "throw" the pieces on foot-powered potter's wheels, which are built into the rock for stability. Other members of the family dig the clay from nearby clay beds, wedge (mix) it, prepare the outdoor kilns or ovens, and fire them with a fuel of dried palm fronds. Youngsters are taught at a very early age to help in all stages of pottery production, and they are not very old before they are shown how the potter's wheel operates. In this way the art of ceramics is passed on from generation to generation. Visitors to the workshop are amazed at the display of dexterity that enables the potters to "throw" a two-foot-tall water jug in about six minutes. Tahir ibn Ali first centers a roll of clay on the wheel head. Then, with the clay whirling between his hands, he quickly opens the top of the batch. It begins to assume a jug-like shape as Tahir ibn Ali pushes his left hand down into the center of the pliable clay while his right hand raises and supports the outside wall. Extreme steadiness of hands and arms is needed to insure uniform thickness and shape. When the jug reaches its full height, Tahir ibn Ali forms the narrow neck by squeezing his hands together. So sure and swift are his movements that his skill looks deceptively easy to an)'one who doesn't appreciate the many years it took to acquire. Carefully, Tahir ibn Ali lifts the finished jug from the wheel and hands it over to another member of the family.

84. Chapter 70
H 793, Ch. 70, h 4. A number of our people has narrated from Ahmad ibnMuhammad from Ali ibn alHakam from tahir who has said the following.

85. Resource Library: Abu Zayd
He collaborated with Muhammad ibn Abi tahir (see ABU tahir, (1)) on the two mostimportant lustreware projects of the period, the decoration of the tomb
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Abu Zayd [Abu Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Zayd]
fl bi-khattihi ) after his name, so that it has been misread as Abu Zayd-i Bazi or Abu Rufaza. His earliest piece is an enamelled (Pers. ) bowl dated 4 Muharram 583 (26 March 1186; ex-Tabbagh priv. col.), but he is best known for his lustrewares. A fragment of a vase dated 1191 (ex-Bahrami priv. col., see Watson, pl. 53) is in the Miniature style, but most of his later pieces, such as a bowl dated 1202 (Tehran, priv. col., see Bahrami, pl. 16a) and a dish dated 1219 (The Hague, Gemeentemus.), are in the Kashan style, which he is credited with developing ( see ISLAMIC ART

86. Ýbn-i Rüþd
920./ (MILLET Ali Emiri Trh. 703) Ali ve Katib Çelebi nin TercemeiHalleri / Bursali$- Mehmed tahir b. Ri fat. Selanik Hamidiye
920./ (MÝLLET Ali Emiri Trh. 703)
Ali ve Katib Çelebi'nin Terceme-i Halleri / Bursalý$- Mehmed Tahir b. Rý'fat. Selanik : Hamidiye Mekteb-i Sanayi Basým, [t.y.]
47 s.
1. Biyografya
920./ (EDÝRNE BAD.
Ali ve Katib Çelebinin Tercüme-i Halleri / Bursalý Mehmed Tahir, 1344/1925. [y.y., t.y.]
1. Biyografya
Ali ve Katip Çelebi'nin Tercüme-Ý Halleri / Bursalý Mehmet Tahir. Ýstanbul : [y.y.], 1322.
47 s.
1. Biyografya 000./ (MÝLLET Ali Emiri Coð. 2) Atlas Minör Tercemesi -Levamiü'n-Nur / Nevrovikos Hondiyo Cerar de Vis Mir Kator ; çev. Katib Çelebi ; müst. Þerif Sirri Selim. [y.y.] : Yazma, 1223. 332 vr.

87. Ibn Batuta's Description Of Adam's Peak Or Sri Pada
The Travels of ibn Batuta Chapter XX. of the cave Ista Mahmud Buzuta - Monkies- Estuary of reeds - Old woman s house - Cave of Baba tahir - Of Sibak - The
The Travels of Ibn Batuta: Chapter XX
Arrival in Ceylon - Visits the King at Battala - Natural productions - Pearls - Obtains permission to visit Adam's Peak - Arrives at Manar Mandali - Port of Salawat - Kanhar, the capital of Ceylon, described - Mosque of the Sheikh Othman - The Emperor Kinar his white elephant - large rubies found all over Ceylon - Description of the cave Ista Mahmud - Buzuta - Monkies - Estuary of reeds - Old woman's house - Cave of Baba Tahir - Of Sibak - The fierce leech - The seven caves - Ridge of Alexander - Description of Adam's Peak - Customs of Pilgrims - Fish Port - Village of Karkun - Of Dildinuh - Of At Kalanja - City of Dinaur - Great Idol -Temple, with Brahmins, Jogees, and daughters of the Nobility - Kali - Kalambu - Battala W HEN we sailed, however, the wind changed upon us, and we were near being lost; but arrived at last at the island of Ceylon , a place well known, and in which is situated the mountain of Serendib bakam , and the kalanji aloe; which, however, is not equal to the Kamari , or the Kakuli , in scent. The merchants of Malabar and the Maabar districts transport it without any other price than a few articles of clothing, which are given as presents to the king. This may be attributed to the circumstance, that it is brought down by the mountain torrents, and left in great heaps upon the shore. Between this city and the Maabar districts, there is a voyage of one day and night. The king of Ceylon, Ayari Shakarti, by name, has considerable forces by sea. When I was first admitted to his presence, he rose and received me honourably, and said: You are to be my guest for three days. Security shall be forwarded to the people of the ship, because your relation, the King of the Maabar, is my friend. After thanking him, I remained with him, and was treated with increasing respect.

88. IBN News Website
Police say they re not detaining tahir because he has apparently broken no local storyViews expressed do not necessarily represent the views of ibn and its

89. Shia News | Articles: Islam | A Fairytale Of Abdullah Ibn Saba; Refuted.
One of the most popular propoganda of Wahabis against the Shi'as is calling Abdullah ibn Saba being the founder of Shi'ite beief. This myth has been refuted with facts and references. to dismiss
hi graphics advertisement promotion feedback ...
A Fairytale of Abdullah Ibn Saba; refuted.

Published on: Monday, 26 Shaba´an 1422 (12 November 2001)
A Fairytale of Abdullah Ibn Saba; refuted.
By Ali Payam Mosbat
Author's Note:
To the reader, when people write critical and objective articles without identifying themselves, such as the article bellow, it feels like I'm reading and refuting a pamphlet written by the KKK. It's spooky, and detracts greatly from the weight of any comments made. This absurd and anonymous article ABDULLAH IBN SABA; FOUNDER OF SHIISM is another ploy demonstrated by the anti-Shi’ah syndicate in order to mislead, cast confusion and discord among the Shi’ah in particular and Muslims in general. The anti-Shi’ah zealots have attempted to invert every truth about the forthright successor ship of Ali ibn abi Talib (a.s.) to accommodate their predecessor’s fundamental error, i.e. the irrational and fraudulent concept of caliphate, hence, its stepchild the misconception of (shura).
A Fairytale Refuted by Facts
"Oh you believe, if a transgressor comes to you with news, try to verify it, lest you inflict damage on people unwittingly; then you may consequently regret your hasty action. (ch. 49, v.6)

90. Pages Spirituelles DIbn Taymiyya
Pages spirituelles dibn TaymiyyaIX. La finalité du curJe reprends la traduction du texte là où je lai laissée à lafin des Pages spirituelles VIII1. fréquemment, déphèbes alSulamî, Avicenne, ibn Pagspi 09.pdf

91. Kashan Lustre: Tiles
The two prominent figures in this development are the potters Muhammad ibn Abu Tahirand Abu Zaid, who are known through signatures to have worked together on
D. Kashan Lustre: D.5. Tiles: a Pre-Mongol: Tiles were not produced in great quantities before circa 1200, and large-scale tile production kicks off at basically the same moment as the new "Kashan" style of painting: it is rare to find tiles decorated in the "Monumental" or "Miniature" styles althought they do exist. However, from the turn of the C13th, much of finest work of the Kashan potters is on tiles. The two prominent figures in this development are the potters Muhammad ibn Abu Tahir and Abu Zaid, who are known through signatures to have worked together on the most important tilework projects of the pre-Mongol period. Their earliest dated joint effort is a sarcophagus in the tomb-chamber at Qumm, where the top panel is signed by Muhammad and the main frieze is signed by Abu Zaid. This work is dated 1206. At Mashhad in 1215 they undertake a much more ambitious project, cladding the walls in star and octagonal tiles surmounted by an inscription frieze, and installing two large and elaborate mihrabs, one of which is signed by Abu Zaid as well as a number of the star tiles. This is extremely high quality work, and shows that Abu Zaid produced some of the best products of the whole Kashan industry. There has been some confusion over dating this shrine, because two dates exist side by side in the inscriptions: 1215 and 1118. It is now thought that the tiling dates to the C13th, but the earlier date is included to commemorate the decoration that was replaced in 1215.

92. Biography-center - Letter I
ibn Sina,; ibnTahir,;
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93. IDD Héritage Du Monde Arabe : Algèbre, équations

Al Kwarizmi
par Mmes De Roeck et Gougeon Boussy-Saint-Antoine (Essonne)
Ibn Tahir (mort en 1037)
Ibn Qunfudh (mort en 1407) (Magist er
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94. Reino De Murcia
Las primeras noticias ciertas de la ciudad datan del 825, fecha en que Abd al Rahmán II ordenó al gobernador de Orihuela que trasladara su residencia a Murcia. Fué capital de la región hasta la disolución del califato, y desde entonces capital del reino de taifas de Murcia. Dependió de los reinos taifas de Almería, Denia y Valencia, independizándose de éste último en el 1063 por obra de su gobernador Abd al-Rahmán ibn Tahir; cayó en poder de al-Mu'tamid de Sevilla en 1078 y luego, trás un corto período de independencia, fue conquistada por los almorávides de Yusuf ibn Tashufin en 1091, y bajo su dominio permaneció hasta que una rebelión del pueblo murciano en 1143, destruyó el poder almorávide y se colocó bajo la soberanía de Ibn Hamdin de Córdoba. En 1147 Muhammad ben Mardanish, llamado el rey lobo, quedó como soberano independiente de Murcia y de todo el levante musulmán-español. En 1172, su hermano Ab-l-kamar Hillal se sometió y entregó la ciudad a los almohades. La región fué asignada a los catalanes por el Tratado de Tudellen (1151), pero el de Cazorla (1179), firmado por Alfonso VIII y Alfonso el Casto, la adjudicó a la reconquista Castellana.

95. ABO
From Bagdad he visited Khorassan, where he enjoyed the favor of Abdallah ibnTahir. About 845 he was in Ma arrat unNu man, where he met Buhturi.
ABO TAMMAM See Life in Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, trans. by M'G. de Slane (Paris.and London, 1842), vol. i. pp. 348 ff.; and in the Kitdb ul-Aghani (Book of Songs) of Abulfaraj (Bulaq, 1869), vol. xv. pp. 100-108. (G. W. T.) ABNER ABODE

96. France-diplomatie - Les Carnets De L'archéologie
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