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61. From Cairo@loc.gov Mon Jan 24 024915 2000 From Library Of German orientalism; Arabic poetry; to 622; history and criticism; Arabic poetry;study and teaching. 4 LCN 99904657 Khuwayyi, Yusuf ibn tahir, Fara id al http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/2000/l2000-060 | |
62. From Cairo@loc.gov Thu May 25 084144 2000 From Library Of fi sharh Alfiyat alathar / li-Jalal al-Din Abi al-Fadl Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakral-Suyuti ; tahqiq wa-dirasat Abi Anas Anis ibn Ahmad ibn tahir al-Andunusi http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/2000/l2000-151 | |
63. Alamut In Slovenski Nacionalni Interes Najmodreji med ucenci, ibn tahir, se pritihotapi v tabor oblegovalcev in umorivelikega vezirja Nizama al Mulka, ta pa mu pred smrtjo razodene, kako Hasan http://www.ijs.si/lit/alamut2.html-l2 | |
64. Troje Podob Domaèega In Tujega Najmodreji med ucenci, ibn tahir, se pritihotapi v tabor oblegovalcev in umorivelikega vezirja Nizama al Mulka, ta pa mu pred smrtjo razodene, kako jih je http://www.ijs.si/lit/troje.html-l2 | |
65. Tahir Ibn Husayn - Encyclopedia Article About Tahir Ibn Husayn. Free Access, No encyclopedia article about tahir ibn Husayn. tahir ibn Husayn in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. tahir ibn Husayn. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Tahir ibn Husayn | |
66. Tahir Ibn Al-Husayn - Encyclopedia Article About Tahir Ibn Al-Husayn. Free Acces encyclopedia article about tahir ibn alHusayn. tahir ibn al-Husayn in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. tahir ibn al-Husayn. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Tahir ibn al-Husayn | |
67. Al-Maqamat Al-luzumiya By Abu L-tahir Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Al-Tamimi Al-Saraqusti, AlMaqamat Al-luzumiya by Abu L-tahir Muhammad ibn Yusuf Al-Tamimi Al-Saraqusti, ibn Al-Astarkuwi (D. 538/1143) Author Monroe, James T. (Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature, University http://www.netstoreusa.com/aubooks/900/9004123318.shtml | |
68. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 4. AbuMansur abd-al-Kahir ibn-tahir al-Baghdadi, Al-Farq Bain Al-Firaq , Translatedinto English by Kate Chambers Seelye, Published by AMS Press, New York http://www.alislam.org/library/links/73-11.html | |
69. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community narrations of the same hadith. Talking about the authenticity of thishadith Abu Mansur Abd alKahir ibn-tahir Al-Baghdadi 4 says http://www.alislam.org/library/links/73-03.html | |
70. I900.html Tengku MOHAMMED tahir ibn Badar Shah. Tengku KHAIRUDDIN ibn Mohammed tahir25 MAR 1960 ; Tengku Rahimah binti Mohammed tahir 30 JUL 1961 - ; http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/malaysia/i900.html | |
71. I904.html Tengku KHAIRUDDIN ibn Mohammed tahir. BORN 25 MAR 1960 FATHER TengkuMOHAMMED tahir ibn Badar Shah MOTHER Puan Fauziah binti Abdullah http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/malaysia/i904.html | |
72. Shawkat Mahmood Toorawa 2004 ibn Abi tahir Tayfur and Arabic Literary Culture A Ninth CenturyBookman in Baghdad (London RoutledgeCurzon) forthcoming. http://www.arts.cornell.edu/nes/Toorawa.0803.CV.html | |
73. Shawkat Mahmood Toorawa In Wasafiri 30 (Autumn 1999), 2731. 1999 Notes Toward a Biography of ibnAbi tahir Tayfur (d. 893). ibn Abi tahir Tayfur forthcoming. http://www.arts.cornell.edu/nes/SMTCV2.htm | |
74. Ibn Taymiyya/Shah Wali Allah/Ibn `Abd Al-Barr Between the father of Abu tahir (Abu tahir = Muhammad ibn Ibrahim alKurdi al-Madani)and the Hafiz ibn Hajar there are no less than four missing links. http://www.abc.se/~m9783/n/itsw_e.html | |
75. "Ibn Khaldun, The Father Of Economics" moral and religious principles on one hand and good government on the other is effectivelyexpounded in his citation and discussion of tahir ibn alHusayn s http://www.georgetown.edu/oweiss/ibn.htm | |
76. Overzicht Auteur Ibn Gallun, Al-Tahir Zoeken Auteurs Home Overzicht auteur ibn Gallun, altahir Naam reeks, Volgnummer,Titel, Geen, 1, Zoon van haar vader, Info. Geen, 2, Gewijde nacht, Info. http://www.bibliolink.nl/cat/neede/deelwerken/dw.php?dauteur=Ibn Gallun, al-Tahi |
77. ASIL CUP 2003 - StraightEgyptians.com ibn Maisa). PhotoMelzer. Photo Gutersohn Senior Champion tahir (Imperial Imdal x Tiffaha). http://www.straightegyptians.com/international/asilcup03/ | |
78. IPC Website: History XL 813 AD, The Khorasanian army under tahir ibn AlHussain besieged and conquered Baghdadfor Al-Ma mun. 849 AD, Abdullah ibn Al-tahir of Taherids passes away. http://hometown.aol.com/ahreemanxii/page36.html | |
79. Salaam Knowledge Diary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. BiographicalData Name tahir ibn Al Husayn. Period 822. Biographical http://www.salaam.co.uk/knowledge/biography/viewentry.php?id=1637 |
80. Islamic History In Arabia And Middle East When, for example, alMamun marched from Khorasan to Baghdad, he left a trustedgeneral named tahir ibn al-Husayn in charge of the eastern province. http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/ihame/Sec7.htm | |
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