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21. VCoins - The Online Ancient Coin & Antiquity Show Item 1335 Tahirid (Medieval Iran), Tahir ibn alHusayn (AH 205-207),RARE Dirham, Herat mint 206AH. 862 873 Muhammad ibn tahir II. http://www.vcoins.com/canmoose/store/viewItem.asp?idProduct=274&large=0 |
22. Arabic Numerals Abu Mansur ibn tahir alBaghdadi (980-1037 AD) gave an interesting discussion of abundant numbers, deficient numbers, perfect numbers and equivalent http://www.arabicnumerals.cwc.net/ | |
23. Encyclopedia: Tahir Ibn Husayn ZOROASTRIAN RELIGION AFTER THE FALL OF SASANIAN DYNASTY he would see a Zoroastrian. Publication in Persian was banned by Abdollahibn tahir (Taherid Dynasty), who burned Persian books. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Tahir-ibn-Husayn | |
24. MONTEAGUDO - Murcia - Comunidad Murciana, MONTEAGUDO - Murcia - Comunidad Murcia Translate this page noticias que tenemos del castillo de Monteagudo datan del año 1078-1079 en que,al ser destronado el reyezuelo de Murcia Abu Abderramen ibn tahir por Ibn Ammar http://www.pueblos-espana.org/comunidad murciana/murcia/monteagudo/ | |
25. Schools And Sects A treatise on the principles of Shi ites theology. London Royal Asiatic Society,1928. (41 BP194.I213); ibn tahir alBaghdadi, Abd al-Qahir, d. 1037 Moslem http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~library/school.htm | |
26. 111 entre Ali ibn Bakkar et Sams al nahar, ibn tahir quitte Bagdad. http://www.univ-tours.fr/arabe/076.htm | |
27. Islam Online - Services (Fatwa) ibn tahir says, Not even a single letter from all these Hadiths was proved tobe authentic. Ibn Hazm says, All the hadiths narrated in this respect http://www.islamonline.net/fatwa/english/FatwaDisplay.asp?hFatwaID=40116 |
28. Al-Albani Unveiled: Conclusion And Bibliogrpahy (18) ibn tahir alBaghdadi, al-Farq bayn al-firaq, (Moslem Schisms andSects), vol. 2, Trans. Halkin, AS; Porcupine Press, Philadelphia. http://www.masud.co.uk/ISLAM/misc/alconc.htm | |
29. The Time Of Al-razi The Book of the Creation and History formerly ascribed to him was reallywritten in 966 by Mutahhar ibn tahir alMaqdisi (qv, next chapter). http://www.alchemywebsite.com/islam15.html | |
30. Muslim Rulers 1063). Andalusian Arab family. Abu Bakr ibn tahir (10381063); Abuabd al-Rahman al-Tahir (1063-1078. Annexed by Seville (1078-1091) http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/0711/rulers_muslim.htm | |
31. Sunni Revival; A Slow Trickle That Grew Into A Raging River (www.islaam.org.uk) Among these scholars was Ali ibn tahir asSulami (431-500 AH), a Shafi eejurist. He stood up against the Crusader-led annihilation http://www.sunnahonline.com/ilm/seerah/0049.htm | |
32. Shia News | Articles: Islam | A Fairytale Of Abdullah Ibn Saba; Refuted. of Islam). AbdulQahir ibn tahir al-Baghdadi (d. 429) in his book al-FarqBain al-Firaq (Differences of the Sects). Muhammad Ibn http://www.shianews.com/hi/articles/islam/0000163.php | |
33. Mad7. Susi. Abu Muhammad alFahsili, Muhammad ibn tahir ibn Tawus and a groupof peopel from Fes and Ceuta and some Andalusians. His fatwas http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/mad7.html | |
34. Forms Of `Id-greeting: Companions' Way alSuyuti, in *Wusul al-amani bi-usul al-tahani* (printed in *al-Hawi li-l-fatawa,1126), said, Zahir ibn tahir recorded in *Kitab tuhfat `Id al-Fitr*, and http://www.islamworld.net/eidgreet.html | |
35. Slo-Tech | Alamut, Krasni Novi Svet - Matura 2003 SLO IV. poglavje V cetrtem poglavju ibn tahir odkrije, da je izvrstenpesnik in napie pesmi za Alija, Seiduno in o Alamutu. Postal http://www.slo-tech.com/script/forum/izpisitemo.php?threadID=79203&mesto=49 |
36. Abaqat Al-Anwar one who has written a book on the topic of the chains of transmission (turuq) ofthis tradition is alHafiz Abu alFadl Muhammad ibn tahir alMaqdisi (448 http://www.al-islam.org/thaqalayn/nontl/Abaqat.htm | |
37. The Explanation Of The ^Aqidah Of Ibn^Asakir He also learned from his uncle, alHafidh Abul-Qasim, Sharafud-Din ^Abdullah IbnMuhammad Ibn Abu ^Asrun, Asma Bint Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan ibn tahir and her http://www.aicp.org/IslamicInformation/English/TheExplanationofTheAqidahofIbnAsa | |
38. The Summary Of ^Abdullah Al-Harariyy also included. The original book was written by the Hadramiyy faqih(scholar) ^Abdullah Ibn Husayn ibn tahir. Many precious issues http://www.aicp.org/IslamicInformation/English/TheSummaryofAbdullahalHarariyy.ht | |
39. Baghdad -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia , Abu Mansur ibn tahir AlBaghdadi University of St.Andrews, Scotland Briefintroduction to the life and works of this tenth century mathematician and http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=294820&query=qala'un mosque&ct=ebi |
40. Egyptian Kings (Pharaohs) 820822 AD) Obeidullah Ibn al-Serri (822-822 AD) Khalid Ibn Yazid Ibn Mazid al-Shibany(822-826 AD) Abdullah ibn tahir Ibn al-Hussein (826-827 AD) Eissan Ibn http://www.touregypt.net/kings.htm | |
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