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61. HZ.IBRAHIM (S.A.) Firavunu cok zâlim ve cebbâr, sinan bin Ulvân güler yüzlü birer´genc suretindeIbrahim aleyhisselamin karsisina as) ve Israfil (as) oldugu ibni Abbas http://www.enfal.de/ibrahim.htm | |
62. Science -- Rashed 297 (5582): 773 Scholars such as Banu Musa, Thabit ibn Qurra, ibrahim ibn sinan, alQuhi (1), andibn Sahl measured curved surfaces and solids, invented new geometrical methods http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/297/5582/773 | |
63. Yeni Asya Vakfý | Risale-i Nur Enstitüsü Muaviye elCumahi den, Vasit ta Ahmed ibn sinan el-Kattan ibn Mâce, çok sayidatalebe de yetistirdi. bin Yezîd el-Kazvinî, Ahmed bin ibrahim el-Kazvinî http://www.yeniasya.org.tr/index.asp?Section=Enstitu&SubSection=EnstituSayfasi&D |
64. PHILOSOPHIE (retour) PHILOSOPHIE DES SCIENCES SELON ibrahim ibn sinan. Référence 94PA070113 - Université http://www.anrtheses.com.fr/Catalogue/SCat_151.htm | |
65. Muslim Science Thabit ibn Qurrah, his grandson ibrahim ibn sinan (909946), Abu Sahl al-Kuhi(dc 995), and Alhazen solved problems involving the pure geometry of conic http://www.amualumni.8m.com/MScience.htm | |
66. Century: 16 ibrahim Pasa Palace Restoration, Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Turkey, public Mausoleumof Imam alLayth ibn Sa d, Mausoleum of Shaykh sinan, Cairo, Egypt, funerary. http://archnet.org/library/images/sites.tcl?key=16&collection_id=-1&select=centu |
67. Necklaces Of Gems-2 As related by that highly erudite scholar, ibrahim adDairi ash-Shafi i, author ofthe compendium entitled The Beautiful Shaikh Abdu llah ibn sinan ar-Rudaini http://www.islam.co.za/abdalqadirjilani/necklaces_2.htm | |
68. Thankfulness Towards Allah Suhaib ibn sinan narrated that the Prophet said How remarkable is the case of the ofAllah, you will never be able to count them. {Soorah ibrahim (14) 34}. http://www.ahya.org/amm/modules.php?name=Sections&op=viewarticle&artid=46 |
69. H Z . ÝBRAHÝM A.S. Firavunu çok zâlim ve cebbâr, sinan bin Ulvân gayet güler yüzlü birer´gençsuretinde ibrahim aleyhisselam in as) ve Israfil (as) oldugu ibni Abbas http://www.menzil.net/ptarih/ibrahim.html | |
70. Peace Poem Two Baghdad remained luminous for years, a massive source of intellectual wattage burningright through the tenth century, when ibrahim ibn sinan studied tangents http://www.bmts.com/~damilos/dialogue2003.htm | |
71. Lali Community ibn Malik ibn sinan al-Khudri (r 3. Anas ibn Malik, (r) berichtete Wir traten mit dem Schmied Abu Saif, dem Pflegevater des ibrahim (Sohn des http://210049.homepagemodules.de/topic.php?board=210049&id=370271&forum=11740148 |
72. Free-Minds, A Place To Discover Islam Based On GOD Alone humanism 7, 8. Humaydi 32. hypocrites 9. I. ibrahim ibn sinan 68. ibn Babuwayh1, 30, 36. ibn Hanbal 32, 48, 55. ibn Ishaq 20, 31. ibn Khaldun 1, 6, 74. http://www.free-minds.org/books/kassim12.htm | |
73. Ismailism - Dictionnary - MOT - De A à Z (Page 1 De 1) MaNSOUDH; MASSOOD B. ibrahim; MATA SALAMAT; MATA SALAMAT, 44è PIR; MAYMUN ALQADDAH; SHISH;SIFFIN (BATAILLE); SINA, ABOU ALI; SINA, ibn; sinan, RASHID AL-DIN; SITT http://www.ismaili.net/noms/idx/i0000001.htm | |
74. Taliy Ah Al-Mahdi Frequently Asked Questions ibn `Umar ibn Yazid and Muhammad ibn alWalid ibn Khalid al-Khazzaz from Hammadibn `Uthman from Abdullah ibn sinan from Muhammad ibn ibrahim ibn Abu-l http://www.taliyah.org/faqs/ |
75. Fashionlines - The E-Magazine For The Elegant Edge your own translation of The Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam, or, to maintain the Cartesianimage, your commentary on the mathematical philosophy of ibrahim ibn sinan. http://www.fashionlines.com/2003/apr/editorsnote.php | |
76. Welcome To Pakistan Link The greatest philosopher, alFarabi, was a Muslim; the greatest mathematicians,Abu Kamil and ibrahim ibn sinan, were Muslims; the greatest geographer and http://www.pakistanlink.com/religion.html | |
77. Lib_Sid-Siw references in Andalus Sufis. ibn Arabi/Austin. Sufis of Andalusia. Beshara.1971. 0 904 975 13 4. ibrahim Umm-i sinan (d. 1551). references in- Sufi Orders. http://www.zahuri.dircon.co.uk/lib_sid-siwa | |
78. JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES Vol. XIV No. 2 May 2003 216. Roshdi Rashed and Hélène Bellosta ibrahim ibn sinan Logiqueet géométrie au X e siècle. by François Charette, 217219. http://www.ttk.gov.tr/data/2003/jis14-2.htm | |
79. Untitled said The Substitutes in this Community are thirty like ibrahim the Friend of inIraq? He said Yes, Muhammad ibn Wasi`, Hassan ibn Abi sinan, and Malik http://www.sunnah.org/publication/salafi/salafi_unveiled/p14.htm | |
80. Ammar Ibn Yaser O fire be cool and peaceful on Ammar as you were on ibrahim peace be Abu sinan AlDuali, the Companion of the Prophet says I saw Ammar ibn Yaser (on http://www.ummah.net/islam/taqwapalace/stories/ammar-ibn-yaser.html | |
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