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         Ibn Sina:     more books (100)
  1. Ibn Sina and Abu al-Barakat al-Baghdadi on the origination of the soul (Huduth al-nafs) and the invalidation of its transmigration (Ibtal al-tanasukh).: An article from: Islam & Science by Suhaimi Wan Abdullah Wan, 2007-12-22
  2. IBN Sina--Al-Biruni correspondence--VII.: An article from: Islam & Science by Rafik Berjak, Muzaffar Iqbal, 2006-12-22
  3. International Mountains of Asia: Mount Everest, Ibn Sina Peak, Kangchenjunga, K2, Belukha Mountain, Baekdu Mountain, Mount Hermon, Lhotse
  4. La Pensee Religieuse D'Avicenne (Ibn Sina) by Louis Gardet, 1951-01-01
  5. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina: Aus Dem Arabischen Ubersetzt Und Erlautert (1902) (German Edition)
  6. God and Humans in Islamic Thought: Abd Al-jabbar, Ibn Sina and Al-ghazali by Maha Elkaisy-friemuth, 2011-02-12
  7. Abu 'Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdallah ibn Sina: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Stephen D. Norton, 2001
  8. A Library of the World's Best Literature - Ancient and Modern - Vol. XIX (forty-five volumes); Holinshed-Ibn Sina by Charles Dudley Warner, 2008-06-01
  9. Arabic Phonetics: Ibn Sina's Risalah on the Points of Articulation of the Speech-Sounds Translated from Medieval Arabic (Arthur Jeffery Memorial Monographs No. 2) by Khalil I. Semaan, 1977
  10. IBN SINA (980-1037): An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World</i> by Shams C. Inati, 2004
  11. Die Augenheilkund Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  12. The Metaphysica of Avicenna (ibn Sina): A Critical Translation-Commentary and Analysis of the Fundamental Arguments... by Avicenna (ibn sina) & Parviz Morewedge, 2001
  13. Ibn Sina--al-Biruni correspondence-VIII.: An article from: Islam & Science by Rafik Berjak, Muzaffar Iqbal, 2007-06-22
  14. IBN SINA: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Religion</i> by William Gohlman, 2005

41. Robert C. Koons: Phl 356 Lecture #4
LECTURE 4 IbnSina, Maimonides and Aquinas. I. ibn sina. FOCUS. RATIONALE. It is in the area of rationale that ibn sina makes his most significant contribution.

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LECTURE #4: Ibn-Sina, Maimonides and Aquinas
I. Ibn Sina
In Ibn Sina, it is especially clear that the distinction between essence and existence (in contingent beings) is supposed to be a real, and not just a logical or mental, distinction. Ibn Sina describes 'existence' as a kind of "accident" that is super-added to the essence of a thing, thereby bringing one thing of that kind or essence into real existence. At the same time, Ibn Sina recognizes that is is not quite appropriate to say that existence is a "property" of a thing as though, in addition to having two legs and being warm-blooded, I have the additional property of existing. Existence is a special sort of accident one that does not characterize things, but which constitutes their being. As I explained last time, al-Farabi and ibn Sina are "realists", in the sense that they believe that essences and accidents (properties) are real constituents of the world, not things that are merely invented by us and projected on the world through language or thought. Therefore, to learn about the essence of a thing, we must engage in scientific and metaphysical investigation - it is not enough merely to introspect and examine our own ideas. We do not discover that God's essence is identical to His existence by examining our subjective idea or conception of God. Instead, the cosmological argument leads us to the conclusion that there must exist something whose essence is identical to its existence, and further investigation enables us to recognize that this something has all the characteristics we associate with the idea of God.

42. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of
Avicenna (ibn sina) Resources at Questia The Online Library of Books and Journals. Avicenna (ibn sina). Questia. Primary Content. Avicenna (ibn sina).

43. Ibn Sina
Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah - ibn sina (Avicenna). ibn sina s father was the governor of a village in one of Nuh ibn Mansur s estates.
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Afghanistan Photos About Afghanistan ... Urdu Ghazals [ Ibn Sina ] Al Biruni Afghan Women Afghan Links Personal Chat ... Read Guestbook Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina
Born: 980 in Kharmaithen (near Bukhara), Central Asia (now Uzbekistan)
Died: June 1037 in Hamadan, Persia (now Iran)
Ibn Sina is often known by his Latin name of Avicenna , although most references to him today have reverted to using the correct version of ibn Sina. We know many details of his life for he wrote an autobiography which has been supplemented with material from a biography written by one of his students. The autobiography is not simply an account of his life, but rather it is written to illustrate his ideas of reaching the ultimate truth, so it must be carefully interpreted. A useful critical edition of this autobiography appears in [7] while a new translation appears in [9]. The course of ibn Sina's life was dominated by the period of great political instability through which he lived. The Samanid dynasty, the first native dynasty to arise in Iran after the Muslim Arab conquest, controlled Transoxania and Khorasan from about 900. Bukhara was their capital and it, together with Samarkand, were the cultural centres of the empire. However, from the middle of the 10th century, the power of the Samanid's began to weaken. By the time ibn Sina was born, Nuh ibn Mansur was the Sultan in Bukhara but he was struggling to retain control of the empire.

44. Ibn Sina S Treatises On Possible And Necessary Existence
ibn sina s Treatises on Possible and Necessary Existence. In the First Treatise on Metaphysics in The Book of Healing (Kitab alShifa
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Ibn Sina's Treatises on Possible and Necessary Existence In the First Treatise on Metaphysics in The Book of Healing Kitab al-Shifa ), Ibn Sina draws a distinction between possible and necessary existence. Necessary existence belongs to that which necessarily exists. Possible existence belongs to everything which can possibly exist. Necessary existence belongs to that which exists through itself, and which does not have a cause for existence. Possible existence belongs to that which is caused to exist by something other than itself, and which must have a cause for existence. If something is caused to exist, then its existence is not through itself. Something which exists through itself does not depend for existence upon anything other than itself. Anything which can possibly exist depends upon being caused to exist or not exist; if nothing causes it to exist, then it does not exist. If it were to exist without being caused to exist, it would already have to exist through itself. For something to necessarily exist through itself, it must have a sufficient nature for necessary existence. If something does not necessarily exist through itself, then its possible existence depends upon whether or not it is caused to exist.

45. Mymtw - Benutzerprofil - Id 90548 - Ali Ibn Sina
Translate this page Profil - Ali ibn sina. Gästebuch - 60 Einträge. persönliche Daten. Nick, Ali ibn sina Ali ibn sina eine mySMS schreiben, Profil wurde bisher 002700x eingesehen.

46. Comparative Index To Islam : IBN SINA (Avicenna)
ibn sina (Avicenna) Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (known in the west as Avicenna), was born in 980 in Kharmaithen (near Bukhara), in Uzbekistan.
IBN SINA (Avicenna) Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (known in the west as Avicenna), was born in 980 in Kharmaithen (near Bukhara), in Uzbekistan. He was a famous Islamic philosopher and physician. Ibn Sina was born into a middle class family and his father was the governor of a village in one of Nuh ibn Mansur's estates. He was educated by his father, and was a very intelligent child. By the age of ten, ibn Sina had memorised the entire Qur'an and several volumes of the Arabic poetry. Ibn Sina began studying medicine when he was thirteen and mastered the subject by the age of sixteen, when he began his practice. Ibn Sina was a court physician for the Samanid ruler in Bukhara - who was overthrown a year latter. From 1023 to his death in 1037, he served as scientific advisor with the local ruler of Esfahan. He also studied logic and metaphysics. In his autobiography, ibn Sina stressed that he was mostly self-taught but admits that he received instruction at several critical points in his life. Among his works, the

47. Ibn Sina
ibn sina (Avicena). 981 1037. Ebu Ali el-Husein ibn Abdullah ibn sina u lind me 981 ne Afshan afer Buhares (Azia Qendrore).
Ibn SINA (Avicena) Ibn Sina, mbas vdekjës së babait të tij udhëtoi për në Xhurxhan ky aty ai takoi bashkohasin e njohur të tij Ebu Reihan el- Beiruni. Më vonë ai shkoi në Raj dhe më pas në Hamad, ku ai shkruajti librin e tij të famshëm "El-Kanun fi el-Tibb". Aty, ai kuroi mbretin e Hamadanit, Shems el-Deulah, për dhimbjet e barkut. Nga Hamadan ai kaloi në Isfahan (Irani i sotëm), ku aty përfundoi shkrimet e tij të shumta të shquara. Megjithatë , ai vazhdoi udhëtimin ku lodhja mentale dhe trazirat politike dëmtuan shëndetin e tij. Përfundimisht, ai u kthye në Hamadan ku edhe vdiq në vitin 1037. "El-Kanun fi el-Tibb" (Kanuni i Mjekësisë) është një enciklopedi viganeme mbi një milion fjalë. Libri shqyrton njohuritë mjeksore të vlefshme nga burimet e lashta si dhe muslimane. Për shkak të trajtimit sistematik, formës së përkryer si dhe vlerës thelbësore, Kanuni ua kalon të gjthë librave të kohës dhe qëndron suprem për gjashtë shekuj.Ibn Sina jo vetëm që përmbledhi diturinë ekzistuese por ai gjithashtu dha kontribut të madh origjinal. Libri "El-Kanun fi el-Tibb" flet për mjeksitë gjenerale, drogat e ndryshme (706 lloje), sëmundjet që ndikojnë në të gjitha pjesët e trupit nga koka deri tek këmbët, në veçanti patologjinë dhe farmacopinë. Njihej si libri më autentik mjekësorë. Ndër kontributet e tija origjinalë janë arritjet sikur njohja e natyrës infektuese të tuberkulosit, përhapja e sëmundjeve përmes ujrave të zeza, dhe ndërlidhja në mes psikologjisë dhe shëndetit. Ishte i pari që shpjegoi sëmundjën meningjit dhe i dha kontribut të veçantë anatomisë, gjineokologjisë dhe shëndetit të fëmijëve. Gjithashtu ai ishte i pari që sugjeroi mjekimin e fistelës së gjendrave të lotëve dhe prezentoi sondën (vegël për mjekim) për kanalin.

48. Ibn Sina, Stifel, And Zarlino
harmoniche (1573), Zarlino acknowledges a theoretical contribution by the Arabian physician, scientist, and music theorist Avicenna, or ibn sina (980–1037
Musical Mathematics
a practice in the mathematics of tuning instruments and analyzing scales © 2004 Cristiano M.L. Forster WESTERN TUNING THEORY AND PRACTICE Part VI: Just Intonation For background information on the Greek prefix epi -, on Equations 3.37 A and 3.38 A , and on the arithmetic and harmonic divisions of musical intervals, see Origins of Length Ratios. Chapter 10: Section 39 Although Ramis managed to integrate 5-limit ratios into the 12-tone scale, he did not develop a theory of consonance. In 1558, seventy-six years after the publication of Ramis’ monochord, Gioseffo Zarlino (1517–1590) published a work entitled Istitutioni harmoniche in which he proposed (1) that the numero Senario (fig. ‘the number Series 1 from the Latin: senarius , lit. ‘composed of six in a group’ ) constitutes the source of all possible musical consonances, and (2) that the harmonic division of strings expresses the ‘ nature of Harmony ’ and produces ‘the consonances which the composers call perfect .’ (See Section 45, Quote V.) However, at the end of his life, in the

49. Ibn Sina From
ibn sina. ibn sina was the most famous of the philosopher scientists of Islam. ibn sina, or Avicenna, was born in Bukhara then a leading city in Persia.

50. Ibn Sina
Translate this page Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdallah ibn sina. ibn sina (Avicena). Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdallah ibn sina nasceu em 980, em Afshana perto da cidade de Bukhara.
Em Nome de Deus, O Clemente, O Misericordioso!
Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina
IBN SINA (Avicena)
Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina nasceu em 980, em Afshana perto da cidade de Bukhara. O jovem Ibn Sina recebeu estudou em Bukhara, e com a idade de dez tinha se tronado bem versado no estudo do Alcorão e das várias ciências. Começou estudar a filosofia lendo o livros dos gregos, dos muçulmanos e outros livros neste assunto e aprendeu a lógica e alguns outros assuntos de Abu Abdallah Natili, um filósofo famoso de sua época. Quando ainda era jovem, ele alcançou tal grau de perícia na medicina que seu nome havia se espalhado por todas as partes. Com a idade de 17, curou Nooh Ibn Mansoor, o rei de Bukhara, de uma doença a qual todos os médicos tinham dado como sem cura. Em sua recuperação, o rei desejou recompensá-lo, mas o jovem médico Ibn Sina desejou somente a permissão do rei em usar a sua biblioteca que era muito rica em livros de diversos ramos da ciência e outros assuntos. Com morte de seu pai, Ibn Sina deixou Bukhara e viajou a Jurjan onde Khawarizm Shah lhe deu as boas vindas. Lá, encontrou-se com seu famoso contemporâneo, Abu Raihan Al biruni.

ibn sina. ibn sina.
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52. Avicenna --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Arabic ibn sina, in full Abu Ali alHusayn ibn Abd Allah ibn sina Iranian physician, the most famous and influential of the philosopher-scientists of Islam.

53. Tomb Of Ibn Sina
Tomb of ibn sina,

54. Abu Ali Al-Husain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
1000tallet. Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna) (980-1037). ibn sina skrev omkring 450 arbeid, hvor 240 har overlevd til i dag.
Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1037)
Side fra ei arabisk urtebok, "Skapelsens under".
Ibn Sinas to viktigste verk er " Boka om helbredelse " og " Canon medicinae
Oppkalt etter ibn Sina: Mangrovebusken Avicennia germinans Kilder Asimov, I. 1966. Biologiens utvikling. Oversatt av Brynjulf Valum. - Cappelens realbker, J.W. Cappelens Forlag A/S, Oslo. Bergmark, M. 1968. Lægekunst, tro og overtro. Dansk bearbejdelse: Harald Nielsen. - Politikens Forlag A/S, København. Høeg, O.A. red. 1984. Våre medisinske planter. Trollskap, tradisjon og legekunst. - Det Beste A/S, Oslo.

55. Ibn Sina
V W X Y Z Or search the encyclopaedia ibn sina. Arabic name of Avicenna, scholar, and translator. back. Your browser does not support
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56. Ibn Sina. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ibn sina. see Avicenna. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2003 Columbia University Press.
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57. PhilTalk Philosophieforen - Ist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Ein Tadshike?
Translate this page PhilTalk Philosophieforen - Ist ibn sina (Avicenna) ein Tadshike?. Autor, Thema Ist ibn sina (Avicenna) ein Tadshike? (Gelesen 1330 mal).
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Ist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) ein Tadshike?
Heute erreichte mich eine ziemlich erboste eMail. Darin heißt es: "Ich bin richtig fassunglos, da ich soeben auf ihrer Seite gelesen habe, dass Avicenna angeblich aus Tadshikistan stammen solle!!!

58. Ibn Sina
Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdullah ibn sina (Avicenna) (981 1037 CE). No deliberation on the science of medicine can be complete without a reference to ibn sina.
Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina
(981 - 1037 C.E.)
By: Dr. A. Zahoor
Ibn Sina traveled to Jurjan after his father's death where he met his famous contemporary Abu Raihan al-Biruni. Later he moved to Rayy and then to Hamadan, where he wrote his famous book Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb. Here, he treated Shams al-Daulah, the King of Hamadan, for severe colic. From Hamadan he moved to Isphahan (present Iran), where he completed many of his monumental writings. Nevertheless, he continued travelling and the excessive mental exertion as well as political turmoil spoilt his health. Finally, he returned to Hamadan where he died in 1037 C.E. His major contribution to medical science was his famous book al-Qanun, known as the "Canon" in the West. The Qanun fi al-Tibb (the Canons of Medicine) is an immense encyclopedia of medicine extending over a million words. It reviewed the medical knowledge available from ancient and Muslim sources. Due to its systematic approach, formal perfection as well as its intrinsic value, the Qanun superceded Razi's (Rhazes') Hawi, Ali ibn Abbas's Maliki, and even the works of Galen, and remained supreme for six centuries. Ibn Sina not only synthesized the available knowledge, but he also made many original contributions. The Qanun (pronounced Qanoon) deals with general medicines, drugs (seven hundred sixty), diseases affecting all parts of the body from head to foot, specially pathology and pharmacopoia. It was recognized as the most authentic materia medica.

59. | Khazanah - Pionir - Ibn Sina ,Avicenna
ibn sina (Avicenna) Sang Tabib Pengelana. Abu Ali AlHussain Ibn Abdullah ibn sina lahir di Afshana, dekat kota Bukhara, Uzbeskiztan pada tahun 981 masehi.
CARI DATA home berita haji/umroh info halal ... SITUS ISLAM Tahukah Anda

Tahukah Anda, bahwa 8 bayi berumur kurang dari 1 bulan di seluruh dunia meninggal setiap menit karena tidak menerima perawatan yang tepat? Juga fakta 53 juta perempuan di dunia setiap tahun melahirkan tanpa mendapat pertolongan dari tenaga profesional? Itulah hasil penelitian yang dilakukan organisasi internasional Save The Children pada September 2001. PIONIR Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Sang 'Tabib' Pengelana Di kalangan Barat, Ibnu Sina (981-1037) dikenal dengan nama Avicenna . Dialah dokter, seorang filsuf, ensiklopedis, ahli matematika dan astronom terkemuka di zamannya. Kontribusi terbesar Ibnu Sina dalam bidang kedokteran terutama bisa dilihat dari bukunya yang terkenal, Al-Qanun fi Al-Tibb . Di Barat lebih dikenal sebagai The Canon
Dan tidak ada satu rujukan pun dalam ilmu kedokteran yang tidak mengambil rujukan dari Ibnu Sina.

60. Geschichtsforum - Abu Ali Ibn Sina
Translate this page Backup. vom Alten Forum. Registriert seit 03.2004. Beiträge 177. Abu Ali ibn sina. Hallo zusammen! Weis jemand etwas über Abu Ali ibn sina, der im 11.

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