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         Ibn Qurra Thabit:     more books (24)
  1. Thabit ibn Qurra: Science and Philosophy in Ninth-Century Baghdad (Scientia Graeco-Arabica) by Roshdi Rashed, 2009-09-15
  2. Thabit ibn Qurra
  3. Astronome Arabe: Alhazen, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Al-Battani, Taqi Al-Din, Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan Al-Hamdani, Ibn Al-Banna (French Edition)
  4. 826 Births: Saints Cyril and Methodius, Thabit Ibn Qurra, William of Septimania, Al-Mubarrad, Ansgarde of Burgundy
  5. Geboren 826: Wilhelm Von Septimanien, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Ansgard Von Burgund (German Edition)
  6. 9th-Century Scientists: 9th-Century Mathematicians, Al-Kindi, Banu Musa, Muhammad Ibn Jabir Al-Harrani Al-Battani, Thabit Ibn Qurra
  7. Mathématicien Arabe: Alhazen, Al-Kindi, Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Al-Battani, Al-Qalasadi, Ahmad Ibn Yusuf (French Edition)
  8. Thabit ibn Qurra: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  9. Traducteur Vers L'arabe: Al-Khawarizmi, Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Hassan Koubeissi, Mahmoud Ben Othman (French Edition)
  10. 9th-Century Mathematicians: Al-Kindi, Banu Musa, Muhammad Ibn Jabir Al-Harrani Al-Battani, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Abu Ma'shar Al-Balkhi
  11. Translators to Syriac: Greek-syriac Translators, Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Masawaiyh, Sergius of Reshaina
  12. Greek-arabic Translators: Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sufi, Qusta Ibn Luqa, Al-ajjaj Ibn Yusuf Ibn Maar
  13. Abu'l Hasan Thabit ibn Qurra' ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani: Sabier von Harran, Buchreligion, Hermes Trismegistos, Hermetik, Haus der Weisheit, Aramäische Sprache (German Edition)
  14. 901: 901 Deaths, 901 Establishments, Thabit Ibn Qurra, List of State Leaders in 901, Adelaide of Paris, Muhammad Ibn Abi'l-Saj

61. Collection De Nombres, Nombres Amiables Et Sociables, Suite Aliquote
a été établi par un brillant mathématicien musulman thabit ibn qurra.
Accueil Dictionnaire Rubriques Index ... M'écrire Édition du: SOS je suis Débutant Rubrique: Nombres Présentation Parfait Presque parfait Amiables ... Sublimes Sommaire de cette page NOMBRE AMIABLES ET SOCIABLES HISTORIQUE LISTE DES NOMBRES AMIABLES À 5 CHIFFRES PROPRIÉTÉS CRITÈRE DE THABIT TRIPLET AMIABLES NOMBRES SOCIABLES OU CHAÎNES AMIABLES HISTORIQUE ET RECORDS CHAÎNE ALIQUOTE Pages voisines Nombres économes, équidistants et prodigues Théorie des nombres Calcul mental Géométrie NOMBRES AMIABLES ET SOCIABLES ou Nombres Amicaux sortes de nombres parfaits mutuels Il sont très rares On en connaît une centaine seulement Anglais : Amicable numbers NOMBRE AMIABLES ET SOCIABLES Chaque nombre est la somme des diviseurs propres de l'autre Le nombres amiables et sociables sont une généralisation de la notion de nombres parfaits. Exemple Paires Diviseurs propres 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 et 110 1, 2, 4, 71 et 142 Somme des diviseurs et 284 forment la première paire amiable On note Paires Diviseurs propres 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 et 110 1, 2, 4, 71 et 142

62. Al-andalus
ibn thabit qurra, ou le travail d ibnAflah, Abu l-Wafa, et ibn thabit qurra peut tout soit basé sur quelque
Dates importantes Début de l'histoire Omeyyades d'Espagne Emirs Omeyyades ... Effondrement Ibn Jabir Aflah Ibn Jabir Aflah est souvent connu par la forme Latin de son nom, à savoir Geber . Bien qu'il ne soit pas le meilleur mathématiciens arabes, il est plus connu depuis que ses travaux ont été traduits dans le latin, et que donc ces traveaux ont été étudiés par les mathématiciens européens.
Peu de renseignements sont disponible concernant la vie de ibn Jabir d'Aflah . On sait qu'il est d'origine Andalous ,de Séville parcequ'on le surnomme " al - Ishbili " qui veut dire " de Séville ".
Ibn Jabir Aflah a inventé un instrument d'observation connu comme le torquetum, un appareil mécanique qui permet la transformation entre systèmes de coordonnée sphériques . Il a aussi donné son nom à un théorème dans la trigonométrie sphérique, et ses critiques de l'Almagest de P t olémée sont bien connues. Ces critiques paraissent dans ibn Jabir le travail le plus célèbre d'Aflah "

63. Thabit Ibn Qurra - Information
An online Encyclopedia with information and facts thabit ibn qurra Information,and a wide range of other subjects. thabit ibn qurra - Information.
Thabit ibn Qurra - Information Home
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sl:Tabit ibn Kora
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician . In Latin he was known as Thebit Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey ). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabeans from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran . This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongols have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the

64. Biography-center - Letter T
thabit_ibn_QAYS.html; thabit ibn qurra, Abu l;Thackeray, William
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65. Al-Khayyam E Le Eq Di III
Translate this page Occorre citare tra essi thabit ibn-qurra , medico, filosofo e astronomo oltre chescienziato, vissuto a Baghdad nel IX secolo, che fornì la risoluzione di
... CONQUISTE TECNICHE Omar Khayyam e le equazioni di 3° grado

IX secolo
X secolo XI secolo XII secolo ... , l'opera poetica di Khayyam Molti furono gli scienziati arabi che dopo Al-Khuwarizmi si dedicarono alla soluzione delle equazioni per via aritmetica e geometrica. Occorre citare tra essi Thabit ibn-Qurra , medico, filosofo e astronomo oltre che scienziato, vissuto a Baghdad nel IX secolo, che fornì la risoluzione di alcuni casi di equazioni di 3° grado ma scoprì anche una formula sui numeri ‘amicabili’ (due numeri sono amicabili se ciascuno di essi è la somma dei divisori dell’altro) e dimostrò un teorema che generalizza quello di Pitagora (e che si può applicare a tutti i triangoli). Thabit fondò una scuola araba di traduttori : a lui si debbono le traduzioni in arabo delle opere di Euclide, Archimede, Apollonio e Tolomeo. Un secolo più tardi, uno dei maggiori esponenti della matematica araba fu Omar Khayyam, soprannominato ‘fabbricatore di tende’, ricordato in oriente per le sue scoperte scientifiche ma più famoso in Occidente come uno dei maggiori poeti persiani. Il suo contributo più significativo all’algebra fu una trattazione generale delle

66. Arabic Numerals
Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra (908946) who introduced a methodof integration in studying the quadrature of the parabola.
By M Erhayiem The IBM World Book Encyclopaedia raises the question as how the Arabic Numerals originated (!?) as appeared in an article contributed by Nadine L. Verderber, Ph.D., Prof. of Mathematics, Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville. The article states, as such, "Scholars do not know how Arabic numerals originated." "The Hindus developed the zero sometime after A.D. 600." The World Book Multimedia Encyclopaedia has largely ignored the work of the Scientists during the Islamic and the Arabic medieval era. The contributions of the Muslims and Arabs in the field of Mathematics were very significant. The great Harvard historian of science, Professor George Sarton wrote in his monumental Introduction to the History of Science[4]: "From the second half of the 8th to the end of the 11th century, Arabic was the scientific, the progressive language of mankind... When the West was sufficiently mature to feel the need of deeper knowledge, it turned its attention, first of all, not to the Greek sources, but to the Arabic ones." O'Connor and Robertson[2] published various articles about the contribution of those forgotten brilliance. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (801-873 A.D.), a Philosopher and Mathematician, who wrote many works on arithmetic, including: the numbers, relative quantities, measuring proportion and time, and numerical procedures. He also wrote on space and time.

67. Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit), 836-901 C.E.
thabit ibn QURRAH (THEBIT) (836 901 CE),by Dr. A. Zahoor. Click here to proceed.
THABIT IBN QURRAH (THEBIT) (836 - 901 C.E.) by
Dr. A. Zahoor

Click here to proceed

68. De Imaginibus
De Imaginibus thabit ibn qurra. Written entirely in Latin (translatedfrom Arabic). An ancient Arabic Miscellenie of vast power. Reported Magica/Library/Imaginibus.htm
De Imaginibus Thabit Ibn Qurra Written entirely in Latin (translated from Arabic) An ancient Arabic Miscellenie of vast power. Reported to contain experiments on how to arouse hatred and friendship, become ruler of a realm, and how to destroy cities and regions. Our crumbing scrolls, written in Arabic with Latin translation alongside, contain the opening fragment of this work: Scroll Art Spell Title, Author, promise that these 20 enchantments can turn a mage into a king. Subtle Shift of Heart Rising Ire Aura of Rightful Authority Return to the Stacks

69. Thabit Ibn Qurra
thabit ibn qurra. thabit ibn qurra abu l Hasan ibn Marwan alSabi al Harrani,(826 - February 18, 901) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician.
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Thabit ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician . In Latin he was known as Thebit . Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey ). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabeans from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran . This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongols have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the

70. Blog Matematico
Translate this page Il grande matematico arabo Al-Sabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani (826-901) dimostròil notevole teorema fissato n intero positivo, se i numeri p = 3 2 n-1 - 1
Blog Matematico di Umberto Cerruti
E' possibile consultare l' archivio degli articoli precedenti. Math News Home
31 maggio 2003
Numeri amicali
Due interi positivi m,n si dicono amicali (in inglese amicable ) se: s (m) = s (n) = m + n dove s (x) è la somma di tutti i divisori di x Se definiamo la funzione f(x): f(x) = somma dei divisori di x minori di x equivalentemente f(x) = s (x) - x allora m,n sono amicali se e solo se n = f(m) m = f(n) La prima coppia di numeri amicali che si incontra è (220, 284). Infatti: f(220) = 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 10 + 11 + 20 + 22 + 44 + 55 + 110 = 284 f(284) = 1 + 2 + 4 + 71 + 142 = 220 Questa coppia era nota già a Pitagora, e forse prima.
Il grande matematico arabo Al-Sabi Thabit ibn Qurra al-Harrani (826-901) dimostrò il notevole teorema: fissato n intero positivo, se i numeri: p = 3 2 n-1 - 1 q = 3 2 n - 1 r = 9 2 - 1 sono tre primi dispari, allora la coppia (a,b) con a = 2 n pq e b = 2 n r è una coppia di numeri amicali Si tengano a mente due fatti:
1) dato un certo n si ottiene una coppia amicale solo se p, q, r sono tutti primi
2) non tutte le coppie amicali provengono da questo teorema; per esempio (1184, 1210) non si trova.

71. The University Of Illinois At Chicago Department Of Classics And Mediterranean S
Forthcoming Publications With Amos Bertolacci, thabit ibn qurra s Concise Expositionof Aristotle s Metaphysics Text, Translation, Commentary, in thabit

Faculty List Next David C. Reisman , BA, MA (1993, Boston University), PhD (2001, Yale University)
Assistant Professor of Arabic-Islamic Thought Areas of Research and Publication:
Medieval Arabic-Islamic Philosophy (particularly Avicenna and the Avicennan Tradition); Graeco-Arabic translation movement in medieval Islam (social and political contexts); Arabic history and historiography (Mamluk period); Arabic codicology and paleaography; medieval Arabic grammar and literary theory.
Recent Publications:
The Making of the Avicennan Tradition: The Transmission, Contents, and Structure of Ibn Sina's al-Mubahathat (The Discussions) , Leiden: Brill, 2002.
"Avicenna at the ARCE," in R. Wisnovsky, ed. Aspects of Avicenna (Princeton Papers: Interdiscplinary Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 10), Princeton, N.J.: Markus Wiener, 2000, pp. 131-182.
"Miskawayh's Ethics in Andalus? (Philologica Arabica I)," Yale University Library Gazette , Supplement 4 (1999), pp. 1-7.
"Ibn al-Athir,"

72. The Time Of Al-razi
IBRAHIM ibn SINAN Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra.Born in 9089, died in 946. Grandson of thabit ibn qurra (qv
This is the mirror of the alchemy web site
History of Islamic Science 4
Based on the book
Introduction to the History of Science by George Sarton
(provided with photos and portraits)
Edited and prepared by Prof. Hamed A. Ead
These pages are edited by Prof. Hamed Abdel-reheem Ead, Professor of Chemistry at the Faculty of Science -University of Cairo, Giza, Egypt and director of the Science Heritage Center
Web site:
Back to Islamic Alchemy

The Time of Al-Mas'udi First Half of Tenth Century The overwhelming superiority of Muslim culture continued to be felt throughout the tenth century. Indeed, it was felt more strongly than over, not only the foremost men of science were Muslims, but also because cultural influences are essentially cumulative. By the beginning, or at any rate by the middle of the century, the excellence of muslim science was already so well established, even in the West, that each new arabic work benefited to some extent by the prestige pertaining to all. To be sure, other languages, such as Latin, Greek, or Hebrew were also used by scholars, but the works written in those languages contained nothing new, and in the field of science, as in any other, when one ceases to go forward, one already begins to go backward. All the new discoveries and the new thoughts were published in arabic. strangely enough, the language of the Qur'an had thus become the international vehicle of scientific progress.

73. The Time Of Al-razi
thabit ibn qurra Abu Hassan thabit ibn qurra Marawan alHarrani, that is, from Harran,Mesopotamia, born 826-27 (or 835-36), flourished in Bagdad, died in 901.
This is the mirror of the alchemy web site
History of Islamic Science 3
Based on the book
Introduction to the History of Science by George Sarton
(provided with photos and portraits)
Edited and prepared by Prof. Hamed A. Ead
These pages are edited by Prof. Hamed Abdel-reheem Ead, Professor of Chemistry at the Faculty of Science -University of Cairo, Giza, Egypt and director of the Science Heritage Center
Web site:
Back to Islamic Alchemy
Back to reference library
The Time of Al-Razi Second Half of Ninth Century The whole ninth century was essentially a Muslim century. This more clear in the second half than of the first, since all the scientific leaders were Muslims, or at any rate were working with and for Muslims and wrote in Arabic. Cultural Background Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847-861) continued to protect men of science, chiefly the physicians, and he encouraged the school of translators headed by Hunain ibn Ishaq. Da ud al-Zahiri founded a new school of theology, based upon a more literal interpretation of the Qur'an; however, did not survive very long. Muslim published a new collection of traditions, arranged according to legal topics, like Bukhari's, but more theoretical.

74. Muslims In Science
826 901 ibn qurra, thabit; mathematician. 865- 923 Razi, al- (Rhazes); alchemist,philosopher, physician. 839- 923 Tabari, al-; historian, theologian.
Muslim Contribution to Science
Muslim Contribution to Science
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75. Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit), 836-901 C.E.
thabit ibn QURRAH (THEBIT) (836 901 CE). by Dr.A. Zahoor. Biography Available in the E-Book.
(836 - 901 C.E.)
Dr. A. Zahoor
Biography Available in the E-Book

76. The Garden Of Archimedes: Pythagoras
scheda3_1.gif, The demonstration of thabit ibn qurra. The following demonstrationis attributed to the Arab mathematician thabit ibn qurra (826901).
The Garden of Archimedes
A Museum for Mathematics

Pythagoras and his Theorem
Another very simple demonstration.
visual demonstration and Airy's explanation demonstration of Thabit Ibn Qurra
The white area with the two yellow triangles forms the square of the hypothenuse, while with the two green triangles, equal to the previous ones, gives the squares of the cathets. Naturally, even here the visual evidence must be supported by a demonstration, which can be performed by anybody. It seems that the previous demonstration was found in 1855 by G. B. Airy , the Greenwich observatory astronomer from 1836 to 1881. In the white part of the figure, Airy wrote the poem that follows: I am, as you may see,
a + b
When two triangles on me stand,
But if I stand on them instead,
The squares of both sides are read.
The demonstration of Thabit Ibn Qurra.
The following demonstration is attributed to the Arab mathematician Thabit Ibn Qurra (826-901).
Starting from the right angled triangle ABC we make an irregular polygon ABDGLA by adding to the triangle the squares on the cathets ALHC and CBDE and the rectangle HCEG. This last one is divided by the diagonal GC in two right angled triangles, equal to the triangle ABC. Let now LI equal to BC and FD equal to AC; also the triangles ALI and BFD are equal to ABC. The same is true for the triangle IGF, because we have GI=AC and GF=BC. .

77. Il Giardino Di Archimede: Pitagora
Translate this page scheda3_1.gif, La dimostrazione di thabit ibn qurra. La dimostrazione seguenteè attribuita al matematico arabo thabit ibn qurra (826-901).
Il giardino di Archimede
Un museo per la matematica

Pitagora e il suo teorema
Un'altra dimostrazione semplicissima.
dimostrazione visiva e spiegazione di Airy dimostrazione di Thabit Ibn Qurra
La Sembra I am, as you may see,
a + b
When two triangles on me stand,
But if I stand on them instead,
The squares of both sides are read.
Mi presento, signori, eccomi qui:
a + b
Con due triangoli sopra, chiedo scusa* Ma se questi di sotto stanno quieti Si formano i quadrati dei cateti.
*Di "chiedo scusa", amici, chiedo scusa, non ho la rima dell’ipotenusa ... La dimostrazione di Thabit Ibn Qurra. Pagina principale Pitagora e il suo teorema Pagina precedente Pagina successiva ... Links

78. HPS: Paper 1: Centres Of Excellence - 5. Baghdad
thabit ibn qurra of Harran; Revised each others translations. GreekArabic byIshaq ibn Hunayn, revised by thabit ibn qurra, c.892 clear and unambiguous.
window.defaultStatus="Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge" Department of
History and Philosophy of Science READING LISTS HOME SEARCH CONTACT Centres of Excellence: Patronage and the Exact Sciences in the Pre-Modern Middle East, 800 BCE-1500 CE
Week 5. Baghdad, 750-950 CE
Abbasid Iraq
  • Descendants of Abbas, the prophet's uncle Peace and prosperity Islamic 'commonwealth' Tax-breaks for Muslims
Most important caliphs:
  • Mansur, 754-775 CE Ma'mun, son of Harun al-Rashid, 813-833
Population mix:
  • Urban Aramaic-speaking Christians and Jews Urban Persians Christian Arabs in southern towns Nomadic, pagan Arabs Muslim Arabs in Baghdad and Mosul
Mansur's Baghdad
  • Founded on 30 July 762 Date chosen by court astrologer Nawbaht and colleagues Round city: astrological symbolism? Upstream from Ctesiphon, the old Sasanian capital Madinat al-Salam : city of peace Diwan , "bureaux" around central ring
Mansur's Sasanian ideology
  • Overthrow of Ummayads plotted in eastern Iran (Khurasan) Persian Barmakid family senior administrators Astrology central to administration 'House of wisdom' simply a Persian style library, one of many diwans

79. Mathem_abbrev
ibn Ishaq Hunayn ibn qurra, thabit ibn Sina (Avicenna) ibn Sinan, Ibrahim ibn Yunus,Abu lHasan ibn Yusuf Ahmed, Ibrahim, ibn Sinan Jacobi, Karl Jafar, Abu al
Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
(a) Any wars etc.
(b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
(c) Major discoveries of the time
(d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

80. Untitled
surds). Abu lHasan thabit ibn qurra Born 826 in Harran, Mesopotamia(now Turkey) Died 18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq). thabit
Next: About this document
Arab Contributions Within a century of Muhammad's conquest of Mecca, Islamic armies conquered lands from northern Africa, southern Europe, through the Middle East and east up to India. Within a century of that the Caliphate split up into several parts. The eastern segment, under the Abbasid caliphs, became a center of growth, of luxury, and of peace. In 766 the caliph al-Mansur founded his capitol in Baghdad and the caliph Harun al-Rashid, established a library. The stage was set for his successor, Al-Ma'mum. In the 9 century Al-Ma'mum established Baghdad as the new center of wisdom and learning. He establihed a research institute, the Bayt al-Hikma (House of Wisdom), which would last more than 200 years. Al-Ma'mum was responsible for a large scale translation project of as many ancient works as could be found. Greek manuscripts were obtained through treaties. By the end of the century, the major works of the Greeks had been translated. In addition, they learned the mathematics of the Babylonnians and the Hindus. What follows is a brief introduction to a few of the more prominent Arab mathematicians, and a sample of their work

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