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61. Collection De Nombres, Nombres Amiables Et Sociables, Suite Aliquote a été établi par un brillant mathématicien musulman thabit ibn qurra. http://membres.lycos.fr/villemingerard/Decompos/Amiable.htm | |
62. Al-andalus ibn thabit qurra, ou le travail d ibnAflah, Abu l-Wafa, et ibn thabit qurra peut tout soit basé sur quelque http://membres.lycos.fr/andalus/savants/aflah.htm | |
63. Thabit Ibn Qurra - Information An online Encyclopedia with information and facts thabit ibn qurra Information,and a wide range of other subjects. thabit ibn qurra - Information. http://www.book-spot.co.uk/index.php/Thabit_ibn_Qurra | |
64. Biography-center - Letter T thabit_ibn_QAYS.html; thabit ibn qurra, Abu l wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/thabit.html;Thackeray, William http://www.biography-center.com/t.html | |
65. Al-Khayyam E Le Eq Di III Translate this page Occorre citare tra essi thabit ibn-qurra , medico, filosofo e astronomo oltre chescienziato, vissuto a Baghdad nel IX secolo, che fornì la risoluzione di http://www.iisalessandrini.it/progetti/medioevo/eq3gr.htm | |
66. Arabic Numerals Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra (908946) who introduced a methodof integration in studying the quadrature of the parabola. http://www.arabicnumerals.cwc.net/ | |
67. Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit), 836-901 C.E. thabit ibn QURRAH (THEBIT) (836 901 CE),by Dr. A. Zahoor. Click here to proceed. http://salam.muslimsonline.com/~azahoor/qurra.html | |
68. De Imaginibus De Imaginibus thabit ibn qurra. Written entirely in Latin (translatedfrom Arabic). An ancient Arabic Miscellenie of vast power. Reported http://mywebpages.comcast.net/cwood163633/Ars Magica/Library/Imaginibus.htm | |
69. Thabit Ibn Qurra thabit ibn qurra. thabit ibn qurra abu l Hasan ibn Marwan alSabi al Harrani,(826 - February 18, 901) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/thabit_ibn_qurra | |
70. Blog Matematico Translate this page Il grande matematico arabo Al-Sabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani (826-901) dimostròil notevole teorema fissato n intero positivo, se i numeri p = 3 2 n-1 - 1 http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/aprile-maggio-03.html | |
71. The University Of Illinois At Chicago Department Of Classics And Mediterranean S Forthcoming Publications With Amos Bertolacci, thabit ibn qurra s Concise Expositionof Aristotle s Metaphysics Text, Translation, Commentary, in thabit http://www.uic.edu/las/clas/David_Reisman.html | |
72. The Time Of Al-razi IBRAHIM ibn SINAN Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra.Born in 9089, died in 946. Grandson of thabit ibn qurra (qv http://www.alchemywebsite.com/islam15.html | |
73. The Time Of Al-razi thabit ibn qurra Abu Hassan thabit ibn qurra Marawan alHarrani, that is, from Harran,Mesopotamia, born 826-27 (or 835-36), flourished in Bagdad, died in 901. http://www.alchemywebsite.com/islam14.html | |
74. Muslims In Science 826 901 ibn qurra, thabit; mathematician. 865- 923 Razi, al- (Rhazes); alchemist,philosopher, physician. 839- 923 Tabari, al-; historian, theologian. http://www.engr.csufresno.edu/~msa/articles/science.html | |
75. Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit), 836-901 C.E. thabit ibn QURRAH (THEBIT) (836 901 CE). by Dr.A. Zahoor. Biography Available in the E-Book. http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/qurra.html | |
76. The Garden Of Archimedes: Pythagoras scheda3_1.gif, The demonstration of thabit ibn qurra. The following demonstrationis attributed to the Arab mathematician thabit ibn qurra (826901). http://www.math.unifi.it/archimede/archimede_inglese/pitagora/exh_pitagora/sched | |
77. Il Giardino Di Archimede: Pitagora Translate this page scheda3_1.gif, La dimostrazione di thabit ibn qurra. La dimostrazione seguenteè attribuita al matematico arabo thabit ibn qurra (826-901). http://www.math.unifi.it/archimede/archimede/pitagora/exh_pitagora/scheda3.html | |
78. HPS: Paper 1: Centres Of Excellence - 5. Baghdad thabit ibn qurra of Harran; Revised each others translations. GreekArabic byIshaq ibn Hunayn, revised by thabit ibn qurra, c.892 clear and unambiguous. http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/readinglists/p1psme-5.html | |
79. Mathem_abbrev ibn Ishaq Hunayn ibn qurra, thabit ibn Sina (Avicenna) ibn Sinan, Ibrahim ibn Yunus,Abu lHasan ibn Yusuf Ahmed, Ibrahim, ibn Sinan Jacobi, Karl Jafar, Abu al http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
80. Untitled surds). Abu lHasan thabit ibn qurra Born 826 in Harran, Mesopotamia(now Turkey) Died 18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq). thabit http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/arab/arab.html | |
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