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         Ibn Qurra Thabit:     more books (24)
  1. Greek-syriac Translators: Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Masawaiyh, Sergius of Reshaina
  2. People From Sanliurfa Province: People From Sanliurfa, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Ibrahim Tatlises, Fuat Necati Öncel, Abdurrahman Yalçinkaya, Ali Yasak
  3. Medieval Science of Weights (Scienta De Ponderibus): Treatises Acribied to Euclid, Archimedes, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Jordanus De Nemore and Blasius of Parma by Ernest A. and Marshall Clagett Moody, 1952
  4. Roshdi Rashed (ed.). Thabit ibn Qurra: Science and Philosophy in Ninth-Century Baghdad.(Book review): An article from: Islam & Science by Muzaffar Iqbal, 2010-06-22
  5. Décès En 901: Francon, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Antoine Ii de Constantinople (French Edition)
  6. The Medieval Science of Weights by Archimedes, Thabit ibn Qurra, Jordanus de Nemore, Blasius of Parma; edited by Ernest A. Moody & Marshall Clagett Euclid, 1952
  7. Medieval Science of Weights (Scientia de Ponderibus): Treatises Ascribed to Euclid, Archimedes, Thabit ibn Qurra, Jordanus de Nemore and Blasius of Parma. by Ernest A. and Marshall Clagett (eds). Moody, 1952
  8. The astronomical works of Thabit B. Qurra by Thabit Ibn Kurrah, 1960
  9. Le Livre Du Qarastun De Tabit Ibn Qurra: Etude Sur L'Origine De LA Notion De Travail Et Du Calcul Du Moment Statique D'Une Barre Homogene (Collection de ... d'histoire des sciences) (French Edition) by K. Jaouiche, 1997-08

21. Muslim Scientists
KHAWARIZMI. NASIR ALDIN AL-TUSI ( philosopher, mathematician, astronomer,theologian and physician). thabit ibn qurra (mathmatician). OMAR
Weekly Quote Worship none but Allah. treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people... Quran ( Print freely, all the pages are printed in black and white Home Page Scientists During the Muslims Era(6th-16th century) or called as Golden Era of the World, the most remarkable developments of the history took place that shaped up the world immensely. These developments became the basis of many inventions that were made centuries later. You can find about these discoveries by reading the biographies of some prominent Scientists who made these discoveries. Apart from the scientists from the Muslim Era there are also Biographies of other scientists that belonged to other era's. . Below is the list of available Biographies ,with your support and contributions we will continue to increase database. List

22. The Time Of Al-razi
literature was very similar to that of thabit ibn qurra with regard to the mathematical and astronomical texts son of Basil, Musa ibn Khalid, thabit ibn qurra, Yusuf alKhuri
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Introduction to the History of Science by George Sarton
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These pages are edited by Prof. Hamed Abdel-reheem Ead, Professor of Chemistry at the Faculty of Science -University of Cairo, Giza, Egypt and director of the Science Heritage Center
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The Time of Al-Razi
Second Half of Ninth Century The whole ninth century was essentially a Muslim century. This more clear in the second half than of the first, since all the scientific leaders were Muslims, or at any rate were working with and for Muslims and wrote in Arabic. Cultural Background Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847-861) continued to protect men of science, chiefly the physicians, and he encouraged the school of translators headed by Hunain ibn Ishaq. Da ud al-Zahiri founded a new school of theology, based upon a more literal interpretation of the Qur'an; however, did not survive very long. Muslim published a new collection of traditions, arranged according to legal topics, like Bukhari's, but more theoretical. The Egyptian Dhul-Nun is generally considered the founder of Sufism, that is, of Muslim mysticism.

23. Thabit Ibn Qurra
Article on thabit ibn qurra from, licensed fromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index thabit ibn qurra.
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Thabit ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician. In Latin he was known as Thebit Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabean s from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran. This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongol s have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the Muslim s. In the times of al - Mutawakkil reign their city became a center of the philosophical and medical school, which was transferred from

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25. Islamic History And Culture - Personalities In Islam Specifically Thabit Ibn Qur
Personalities in Islam. thabit ibn qurra (836 901 CE). thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwanal-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 CE at Harran (present Turkey).
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Thabit Ibn Qurra
(836 - 901 CE)
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Commissions help to support orphaned kids. Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 C.E. at Harran (present Turkey). As the name indicates he was basically a member of the Sabian sect, but the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir, impressed by his knowledge of languages, and realising his potential for a scientific career, selected him to join the scientific group at Baghdad that was being patronised by the Abbasid Caliphs. There, he studied under the famous Banu Musa brothers. It was in this setting that Thabit contributed to several branches of science, notably mathematics, astronomy and mechanics, in addition to translating a large number of works from Greek to Arabic. Later, he was patronised by the Abbasid Caliph al-M'utadid. After a long career of scholarship, Thabit died at Baghdad in 901 C.E.
Thabit's major contribution lies in mathematics and astronomy. He was instrumental in extending the concept of traditional geometry to geometrical algebra and proposed several theories that led to the development of non-Euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, integral calculus and real numbers. He criticised a number of theorems of Euclid's elements and proposed important improvements. He applied arithmetical terminology to geometrical quantities, and studied several aspects of conic sections, notably those of parabola and ellipse. A number of his computations aimed at determining the surfaces and volumes of different types of bodies and constitute, in fact, the processes of integral calculus, as developed later.

26. Islamic History And Culture - The History Of Islam And Personalities In Islamic
thabit ibn qurra, thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwan alSabi al-Harrani contributed toseveral branches of science, notably mathematics, astronomy and mechanics, in
Islamic Paths
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Common Name Full Name (if different) and Description Last Posting 24 September 2000 We are looking for more biographies and material to add to this section. If you have material to share please forward it to us so we may post it for everyone to read and enjoy, insha Allah. Thank You.. Previous Posting ‘Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani Great 'ulama and charismatic leader of Islam. Abu Abdullah al-Battani Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani al-Harrani was a famous astronomer, mathematician and astrologer. Abu al-Hasan al-Mawardi Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Habib al-Mawardi was a great jurist, mohaddith, sociologist and an expert in Political Science. Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahrawi was a great surgeon. Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham was one of the most eminent physicists, whose contributions to optics and the scientific methods are outstanding. Abu'l-Hasan al-Ash'ari Famous 'ulama Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masu'di Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Ali Al-Masu'di expert an geographer, a physicist and historian.

27. Thabit Ibn Qurra Definition Meaning Information Explanation
thabit ibn qurra definition, meaning and explanation and more about thabit ibnqurra. FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, thabit ibn qurra.
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Thabit ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician . In Latin he was known as Thebit Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey ). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabeans from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran. This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongols have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the Muslim s. In the times of al - Mutawakkil reign their city became a center of the philosophical and medical school, which was transferred from

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29. La Notion De L'Infini Pendant L'Antiquité
thabit ibn qurraet les mathématiciens arabes. thabit ibn qurra est un des plus
Ce paradoxe, connu sous le nom de paradoxe de la dichotomie, a longtemps perturbé les scientifiques grecs. En effet, ceux-ci, suivant le maître Pythagore (VIè siècle avant JC), pensaient que toute grandeur physique pouvait être représentée par un entier naturel (l'ensemble des naturels étant noté N) ou par un nombre formé par le quotient de deux naturels, ou nombre rationnel (l'ensemble des rationnels étant noté Q). On a déjà un aperçu de la "politique" grecque dans le nom donné aux fractions de naturels : les nombres rationnels, "ceux qui ont une raison". Ce paradoxe déboucha sur une crise profonde au sein des mathématiciens grecs, crise qui freina considérablement le développement des théories de la numération en Grèce.
A celà s'ajoute une grande "découverte", faite, on suppose, par un disciple de Pythagore : celui de l'incommensurabilité de la diagonale du carré. Dessinez un carré de côté 1 : celà est aisément faisable, même en utilisant les simples règle non graduée et compas, seuls outils que les Pythagoriciens acceptaient en géométrie. Ensuite, tracez une de ses diagonales : sa longueur est alors égale à la racine carrée de 2.

30. Al-Sabi Thabit Ibn Qurra Al-Harrani
AlSabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani. Nascut l’any 826 a Harra,Mesopotamia. Mort 18 de feb de 901 a Bagdad. thabit ibn-qurra fou
Al-Sabi Thabit ibn Qurra al-Harrani
Nascut: l’any 826 a Harra, Mesopotamia
Mort: 18 de feb de 901 a Bagdad
En teoria de nombres Thabit treballa en nombres amics. Recordem que, si S(n) denota la suma dels divisors de n llevat de n , dos nombres n m S(n)=m i S(m)=n. Per ,siguin i . Si p n-1 p n , i q n a n p n-1 p n i b n q n A del triangle ABC rectes AB ’ i AC ’ tals que els angles AB B i AC ’C siguin iguals a l’angle A aleshores:

31. Biografia De Thabit Ibn Qurra
Translate this page thabit ibn qurra. (Harran, 836-Bagdad, 901) Sabio árabe. Dedicado enespecial a las matemáticas y la astronomía, reformó el sistema
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Thabit ibn Qurra (Harran, 836-Bagdad, 901) Sabio árabe. Dedicado en especial a las matemáticas y la astronomía, reformó el sistema de Tolomeo y tradujo y comentó algunos tratados de Arquímedes, Euclides y Apolonio de Pérgamo. En su obra El libro de los datos estudió cuestiones de geometría elemental y trató de resolver la ecuación de segundo grado por métodos geométricos. Extendió el concepto de número a los reales positivos y elaboró un sistema de formación de los «números amigos». En astronomía, se ocupó en especial del fenómeno de los equinoccios. Médico de gran fama, escribió diversos tratados médicos, entre ellos la antología Tesoro de la medicina Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

32. Ibn Qurra
Translate this page Em Nome de Deus, O Clemente, O Misericordioso! thabit ibn qurra ibnMarwan Al Sabi Al Harrani. ibn qurra. thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwan
Em Nome de Deus, O Clemente, O Misericordioso!
Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan Al Sabi Al Harrani
Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan Al Sabi Al Harrani nasceu no ano 836 em Harran (Turquia), ele foi aluno de um grande matemático muçulmano Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Shakir, ampliou o seu conhecimento em línguas, o que ajudou a aumentar o seu potencial para a carreira científica, foi selecionado junto com um grupo para estudos científicos em Bagda, convidado pelo Califa Abássida. Lá, estudou com os famosos irmãos Banu Musa, Thabit Ibn Qurra, contribuiu com diversos ramos da ciência, notavelmente com a matemática, astronomia e mecânica, além a traduzir um grande número trabalhos do grego para o árabe. Mais tarde, foi contratado pelo Califa Abássida Al M'utadid, após uma longa carreira, Thabit Ibn Qurra, morreu em Bagda em 901. A principal contribuição de Thabit Ibn Qurra, encontra-se na matemática e na astronomia, estendeu o conceito da geometria tradicional a álgebra geométrica e propôs diversas teorias que conduziu ao desenvolvimento da geometria, o trigonometria esférica, o cálculo integral e números reais. Criticou um número de teoremas de elementos de Euclides e propôs melhorias importantes, aplicou a terminologia aritmética às quantidades geométricas, e estudou diversos aspectos de seções cônicas.

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Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answeredabout thabit ibn qurra. see previous page. thabit ibn qurra.
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Thabit ibn Qurra
Thabit ibn Qurra abu' l'Hasan ibn Marwan al-Sabi al'Harrani February 18 ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician . In Latin he was known as Thebit Thabit was born in Harran (antique Carrhae), Mesopotamia (now Turkey ). Upon the proposal of Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir Thabit went to study in Baghdad to Shakir's brothers the Bani Mussa. He led a group of translators, who came from the pagan pseudo Sabeans from Harran. Arabic writters confound the Babylonian Sabeans from the Harrarian Sabeans. Harrarian Sabeans respected stars and for this reason they have very soon showed a great interests for astronomy and mathematics . In the times of Muslim supremacy they have accepted the name Sabean to get benefits from privileges that were allowed by the Ko'ran . This name later ramained and this strange sect have lived in vicinity of the main center of the Caliphate till the half of the 13th century , when the Mongols have destroyed their last shrine. Their merits in the spiritual and scientifical fields have with no doubt helped them to get a protection from the

Translate this page SCIENZA ARABA. thabit ibn qurra, 221/836-288/901. Da Règis Morellon,Introduzione Matematico eccellente e medico apprezzato al suo
THABIT IBN QURRA, 221/836-288/901
    Da Règis Morellon, Introduzione
    Matematico eccellente e medico apprezzato al suo tempo fu un celebre traduttore dal greco all'arabo, e revisionò i testi derivanti dal siriaco, essendo questa la sua lingua materna. Le fonti arabe non sono concordi nell'indicare l'anno della nascita. Originario di Harran, in Mesopotamia, era membro della setta dei Sabei, presso i quali si erano conservate vive le tradizioni ellenistiche. Questa regione era anche famosa per la costruzione degli astrolabi. In seguito a dissapori con i correligionari si trasferì a Bagdad su invito di Muhammad b. Musa b. Shakir, entrando nel circolo scientifico da lui fondato assieme ai suoi due fratelli.
    L'opera di Thabit b. Qurra si inserisce nel grande movimento scientifico che iniziò sotto l'impulso di al-Ma'mun che regnò dal 198/813 al 218/833. Sotto il suo regno furono costruiti due osservatori, uno a Damasco e l'altro a Bagdad e ampliò la famosa "Casa della sapienza" bayt al-hikma , un istituzione fondata sotto il regno di al-Mansur: era nello stesso tempo biblioteca generale, centro di ricerca e di traduzione dal siriaco o dal greco all'arabo. Accanto a questa istituzione operava nello stesso periodo il circolo fondato dai mecenati "fratelli Musa".

35. Storia Della Scienza-Indice Generale
Translate this page SCIENZA ARABA. thabit ibn qurra, 221/836-288/901. La misura della precessione.La precessione. thabit ibn qurra. © Tutti i diritti riservati.
THABIT IBN QURRA, 221/836-288/901
La misura della precessione
La critica a Tolomeo
dalla traduzione di Régis Morelon di Sull'anno solare di Thabit Ibn Qurra, Oeuvres astronomiques pag.30,8-17:
"Dato ciò che abbiamo detto, è necessario che il movimento della sfera delle stelle fisse sia connesso a quello dell'orbita del sole, quanto alla leggera differenza che interviene tra il risultato che abbiamo trovato per lo spostamento dell'apogeo del sole, nel tempo che va dall'osservazione degli antichi alla nostra osservazione, essa deriva da un errore di osservazione. La prova di ciò risiede nel fatto che quando Tolomeo ha fatto la sintesi dei suoi risultati, ha menzionato che il movimento della sfera delle stelle fisse era di 1 grado per secolo,mentre noi abbiamo trovato che il movimento della sfera delle stelle fisse è di un grado e mezzo per secolo circa.".
Questo passo è fondamentale perchè mostra come ben presto a Bagdad si mise a controllo i dati e i modelli di Tolomeo, mentre in Occidente si continuava a seguire l'astronomo greco, come Dante espressamente ancora riferisce nella Vita Nova e nel Convivio ,citando il compendio di Astronomia tolemaica di Al-Fargani, un astronomo della generazione precedente a Thabit Ibn Qurra. Per essere precisi la costante annuale di precessione trovata da Thabit è di 0;0,49,39, molto vicina alla misura di 50" per anno della tradizione sapienziale dell'antichità.

36. Al-Sabi Thabit Ibn Qurra Al-Harrani
during the Middle Ages. Home Math History People AlSabi thabitibn qurra al-Harrani. Al-Sabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani.
Gives information on background and contributions to non-euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, number theory and the field of statics. Was an important translator of Greek materials, including Euclid's Elements, during the Middle Ages.
Home Math History People : Al-Sabi Thabit ibn Qurra al-Harrani
Al-Sabi Thabit ibn Qurra al-Harrani
Gives information on background and contributions to non-euclidean geometry, spherical trigonometry, number theory and the field of statics. Was an important translator of Greek materials, including Euclid's Elements, during the Middle Ages.
Visit this link - Science Directory - Last Update: Sun May 23 2004

37. References For Thabit
References for Abu lHasan thabit ibn qurra. S Brentjes and JP Hogendijk, Noteson thabit ibn qurra and his rule for amicable numbers, Historia Math.
References for Abu'l-Hasan Thabit ibn Qurra
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • F J Carmody, The Astronomical Works of Thabit b. Qurra (Berkeley-Los Angeles, 1960).
  • F J Carmody, Thabit b. Qurra, Four Astronomical Tracts in Latin (Berkeley, Calif., 1941).
  • E A Moody and M Clagett (eds.), The medieval science of weights, Treatises ascribed to Euclid, Archimedes, Thabit ibn Qurra, Jordanus de Nemore, and Blasius of Parma (Madison, Wis., 1952). Articles:
  • S Brentjes and J P Hogenduk, Notes on Thabit ibn Qurra and His Rule for Amicable Numbers, Historia Mathematica
  • S Brentjes and J P Hogendijk, Notes on Thabit ibn Qurra and his rule for amicable numbers, Historia Math.
  • F J Carmody, Notes on the astronomical works of Thabit b. Qurra, Isis
  • Y Dold-Samplonius, The 'Book of assumptions', by Thabit ibn Qurra (836-901), in History of mathematics (San Diego, CA, 1996), 207-222.
  • H Hadifi, Thabit ibn Qurra's 'al-Mafrudat' (Arabic), (Tunis, 1990), A163-A164, 197-198.
  • 38. Thabit
    Abu lHasan thabit ibn qurra. Born 836 in Harran, Mesopotamia(now Turkey) Died 18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq).
    Abu'l-Hasan Thabit ibn Qurra
    Born: 836 in Harran, Mesopotamia (now Turkey)
    Died: 18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq)
    Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
    (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Thabit was a native of Harran and inherited a large family fortune which enabled him to go to Baghdad where he obtained his mathematical training. He returned to Harran but his liberal philosophies led to a religious court appearance when he had to recant his 'heresies'. To escape further persecution he left Harran and was appointed court astronomer in Baghdad. At that time there were many patrons who employed talented scientists to translate Greek text into Arabic and Thabit translated and revised many of the important Greek works. In fact many Greek works only survive today because of this industry in bringing Greek learning to this part of the world. Thabit generalised Pythagoras 's theorem to an arbitrary triangle (as did Pappus ). He also discusses parabolas, angle trisection and magic squares. Perhaps most impressive is his contribution to amicable numbers, that is two numbers who are each the sum of the divisors of the other. Thabit also wrote on astronomy, writing

    39. Th\^abit Ibn Qurra - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts
    Th\^abit ibn qurra Mathematics and the Liberal Arts. To expand search,see The Islamic World. Th\^abit ibn qurra and the Pythagorean Theorem.
    To expand search, see The Islamic World . Laterally related topics: The Hindu-Arabic Numerals Abu Abdullah Muhammed ibn Musa al Khwarizmi Omar Khayyam (abu-l-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim Khayyam) Nasir al-Din al-Tusi , and Abu Kamil (b. 850) The Mathematics and the Liberal Arts pages are intended to be a resource for student research projects and for teachers interested in using the history of mathematics in their courses. Many pages focus on ethnomathematics and in the connections between mathematics and other disciplines. The notes in these pages are intended as much to evoke ideas as to indicate what the books and articles are about. They are not intended as reviews. However, some items have been reviewed in Mathematical Reviews , published by The American Mathematical Society. When the mathematical review (MR) number and reviewer are known to the author of these pages, they are given as part of the bibliographic citation. Subscribing institutions can access the more recent MR reviews online through MathSciNet Mathematics Teacher Elements , which was the basis for the translation by Gerard of Cremona. Reprinted in

    40. Comments On Th\^abit Ibn Qurra
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