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21. Muslim Scientists KHAWARIZMI. NASIR ALDIN AL-TUSI ( philosopher, mathematician, astronomer,theologian and physician). thabit ibn qurra (mathmatician). OMAR http://www.famousmuslims.com/scientists.htm | |
22. The Time Of Al-razi literature was very similar to that of thabit ibn qurra with regard to the mathematical and astronomical texts son of Basil, Musa ibn Khalid, thabit ibn qurra, Yusuf alKhuri http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam14.html | |
23. Thabit Ibn Qurra Article on thabit ibn qurra from WorldHistory.com, licensed fromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index thabit ibn qurra. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/T/Thabit-ibn-Qurra.htm | |
24. World History: Tete Thru TeV INDEX OF ARTICLES thabit ibn qurra thru Thammasat University SirindhornInternational Institute of Technology. thabit ibn qurra, Thabo Mbeki. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/T_Tm038.htm | |
25. Islamic History And Culture - Personalities In Islam Specifically Thabit Ibn Qur Personalities in Islam. thabit ibn qurra (836 901 CE). thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwanal-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836 CE at Harran (present Turkey). http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/History/Personalities/Content/Qurra.ht | |
26. Islamic History And Culture - The History Of Islam And Personalities In Islamic thabit ibn qurra, thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwan alSabi al-Harrani contributed toseveral branches of science, notably mathematics, astronomy and mechanics, in http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/History/Personalities/Personalities.ht | |
27. Thabit Ibn Qurra Definition Meaning Information Explanation thabit ibn qurra definition, meaning and explanation and more about thabit ibnqurra. FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, thabit ibn qurra. http://www.free-definition.com/Thabit-ibn-Qurra.html | |
28. Des Puzzles De Pythagore Flash 5. Le puzzle de thabit ibn qurra PLEIN ECRAN ici. A partir http://perso.wanadoo.fr/therese.eveilleau/pages/truc_mat/pythagor/textes/qurra.h | |
29. La Notion De L'Infini Pendant L'Antiquité thabit ibn qurraet les mathématiciens arabes. thabit ibn qurra est un des plus http://perso.wanadoo.fr/matt95/infini/INFbases.htm | |
30. Al-Sabi Thabit Ibn Qurra Al-Harrani AlSabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani. Nascut lany 826 a Harra,Mesopotamia. Mort 18 de feb de 901 a Bagdad. thabit ibn-qurra fou http://www.mallorcaweb.net/mamaguena/arabs/thabi/thabi.html | |
31. Biografia De Thabit Ibn Qurra Translate this page thabit ibn qurra. (Harran, 836-Bagdad, 901) Sabio árabe. Dedicado enespecial a las matemáticas y la astronomía, reformó el sistema http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/t/thabit.htm | |
32. Ibn Qurra Translate this page Em Nome de Deus, O Clemente, O Misericordioso! thabit ibn qurra ibnMarwan Al Sabi Al Harrani. ibn qurra. thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwan http://www.islam.org.br/ibn_qurra.htm | |
33. Learn More About Thabit Ibn Qurra In The Online Encyclopedia. Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answeredabout thabit ibn qurra. see previous page. thabit ibn qurra. http://www.onlineencyclopedia.org/t/th/thabit_ibn_qurra.html | |
34. SCIENZA ARABA Translate this page SCIENZA ARABA. thabit ibn qurra, 221/836-288/901. Da Règis Morellon,Introduzione Matematico eccellente e medico apprezzato al suo http://www.dismec.unige.it/testi/cosmo/Theb.htm | |
35. Storia Della Scienza-Indice Generale Translate this page SCIENZA ARABA. thabit ibn qurra, 221/836-288/901. La misura della precessione.La precessione. thabit ibn qurra. © Tutti i diritti riservati. http://www.dismec.unige.it/testi/cosmo/Theb11.htm | |
36. Al-Sabi Thabit Ibn Qurra Al-Harrani during the Middle Ages. Home Math History People AlSabi thabitibn qurra al-Harrani. Al-Sabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani. http://www.spacetransportation.org/Detailed/71441.html | |
37. References For Thabit References for Abu lHasan thabit ibn qurra. S Brentjes and JP Hogendijk, Noteson thabit ibn qurra and his rule for amicable numbers, Historia Math. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZCFF1.htm | |
38. Thabit Abu lHasan thabit ibn qurra. Born 836 in Harran, Mesopotamia(now Turkey) Died 18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq). http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Thbt.htm | |
39. Th\^abit Ibn Qurra - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts Th\^abit ibn qurra Mathematics and the Liberal Arts. To expand search,see The Islamic World. Th\^abit ibn qurra and the Pythagorean Theorem. http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/Thabit.html | |
40. Comments On Th\^abit Ibn Qurra Comments on Th\^abit ibn qurra Comments http://math.truman.edu/cgi-bin/thammond/makebibcomment.pl?code=General&cat=Thabi |
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