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         Ibn Al-banna:     more detail
  1. Astronome Arabe: Alhazen, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Al-Battani, Taqi Al-Din, Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan Al-Hamdani, Ibn Al-Banna (French Edition)
  2. Hayat wa-muallafat Ibn al-Banna al-Murrakushi: Maa nusus ghayr manshurah (Manshurat Kulliyat al-Adab wa-al-Ulum al-Insaniyah bi-al-Rabat) (Arabic Edition) by Ahmad Jabbar, 2001
  3. Egyptian Sufis: Hassan Al-Banna, Shawni, Dhul-Nun Al-Misri, Abul Abbas Al-Mursi, Ibn 'ata Allah, Amir Allis, Sharani
  4. Maan ala tariq al-dawah: Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah wa-al-Imam al-shahid Hasan al-Banna (Silsilat "Nahwa al-nur") (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad Abd al-Halim Hamid, 1989
  5. Until You Return to Practising Your Deen by SHIEKH MUHAMMAD ABDULWAHAB MARZOOQ AL-BANNA, 2009
  6. Islam: An entry from Gale's <i>Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices</i> by John Esposito, 2006

61. IslamicFinder Finding Islamic Places And Prayer Times
some Muslim scholars Muhammad Abdur Rahman, Hassan Albanna, Abdur Rahman Islam English Umar Al-Mokhtar, Fudail ibn Ayad, Imam Hassan al-banna, Malcolm X

62. Islamic Articles
Sumayyah bint Joan Ten Principles of Hassan albanna by Hassan al-banna Polytheismand friend of mine Great Virtue of Lowering the Gaze by Imaam ibn al-Qayyim

Description of the Prophet (pbuh)
by Athar Husain
Smoking is Haram (forbidden)
- from University of Houston MSA
Sadaqah (charity)
- from Fiqh Us Sunnah
Modernism in Islam
- by Jamal Zarabozo
Dangers of Excess, Extremism Among Muslims
- by Imam Ghayth Nur Kashif
Understanding the 4 Madhabs (schools of thought)
- Abdal-Hakim Murad
Confusion of the scholars
- by Yahiya Emerick
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
- National Muslim Student Association of USA/Canada.
A List of Scholars of the 4 Madhabs

Ordering Right and Forbidding Wrong
Islamic Contributions to Science - by Aminuddin-Ahmed Free Will and Predestination - by Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqi Resisting the Urge to Compromise - by Ibrahim Abu Khalid Ruling System of Islam Backbiting (Ghiba) - from " Mukhtasar Minhaj al-Qasideen The major sins (a brief summary of Kabair) by ad-Dahabi Bida-Its Meaning, Aspects, Dangers, And The Solution by Jamal Zarabozo Speaking Without Knowledge Islamic knowledge and you - Hudaa Magazine Volume 1 no. 1 Our Beloved Prophet ISA (Jesus), the Prophet of Allah author unkown Muslim College Life; Dating, Drinking and Deen

63. Online Community
Alimaam Asheekh Xasan ibn Axmad ibn C/raxmaan al-banna, wuxuu ku dhashaymagaalada Maxmuudiya ee dalka Masar, sanadku markuu ahaa 1906.
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ASCE Publications Eng.Virtual.Library ... N. S. P. E. HEALTH TALK Asthma Edu. Network Asthma Resource Asthma and Immun. Asthma and Allergy ... Search w w w . s o m a l i t a l k . c o m SOMALITALK - MAQAAL NOLOSHII IMAAM ASHAHIID XASAN AL-BANNA I I D H E H Waa adagtahay in lagu cabiro qalin iyo qoraal toona noloshi imaam Al-Bannaa, waxaana horay uga afeeftay culumo badan oo isku dayay bal inay wax ka qoraan xayaatadi caalimkan u dhexda ah umadaha Islaamka oo idil meel walba ooy joogaan. Maadaama wali lagu jiro bishii la oofsaday imaamkan ayaa waxaan hadaba isku hawlay inaan akhristayaasha sharafta leh u soo gudbiyo qoraal gaaban oo ku saabsan taariikhdii imaamkan qiimaha badan anigoo kasoo xiganaya qaar ka mid ah qoraaladii laga qoray noloshiisi. QAYB KA MID AH NOLOSHII IMAAMKA AAS AASKII AKHWAANKA Masjidka Cordoba, Spain - taariikh kooban

64. : : : :
SM Hasan albanna $4.95 Paperback. Islam - Faith, Culture, History Paul Lunde $17.95.The History of Islam, 3 Volume Set Based on writings by At-Tabari, ibn Athir History&type=Books

65. Young Muslims - Books Section
Principles of Islamic Faith. by Sheikh AlIslam Ahmad ibn Taimiyah. Let us be Syed Abul Ala Maududi. Al- Aqaa id- The Islamic Creed. by Hasan al-banna.
Islamic Belief Towards Understanding Islam  by Syed Abul 'Ala Maududi The Foundations of Islamic Belief by Hamid Ghazali Principles of Islamic Faith by Sheikh Al-Islam Ahmad ibn Taimiyah Let us be Muslim by Syed Abul 'Ala Maududi Al- 'Aqaa'id- The Islamic Creed  by Hasan al-Banna Al- Hajj by El- Bahay El- Kholi Hajj: The Pilgrimage by Ali Shariati Vitals of Faith by Syed Abul 'Ala Maududi Unity of The Muslim World by Syed Abul 'Ala Maududi Peace in Islam by Hasan al - Banna Towards the Light by Hasan al - Banna The Message of the Teachings by Hasan al - Banna 33 Lesson for Every Muslim PDF File by Abdul Aziz Saleh Al - Shomar The Declaration of Faith PDF File by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan Islamic Way of Life by Syed Abul 'Ala Maududi Glimpse of Faith by Ghalib Ahmad Masri The Message of Islam by Abdulrahman Al-Sheha Islam - The Easy Way by Khurran Murad Jihad in Islam by Syed Abul 'Ala Maududi The Authentic Creed PDF File by Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baz The Muslims Belief PDF File by Shaikh Muhammad as-Saleh Al-'Uthaimin The Signs before the Day of Judgment by Ibn Kathir The Seven Oft- Repeated Verses PDF File by Sheikh Salman b. Fahd al-Oadah

ibn Khaldûn qui En ce quiconcerne l application de la loi islamique, Gamâl al-banna avait souligné'Enseignement_de_Gamal_al-Banna_(3).htm
L'ENSEIGNEMENT DE GAMAL AL-BANNA (TROISIEME PARTIE) L'ESPRIT DE L'ISLAM Ce déchirement vécu “avec des centaines d'autres” – entre la nécessité d'une évolution et l'appartenance culturelle qui semblait en contradiction avec les données modernes en raison de la méconnaissance du rôle de la religion d'une part, et de l'interprétation erronée de ce rôle, d'autre part –, qui reflète la situation de la société égyptienne sera à nouveau évoqué par Gamâl al-Banna dans Rûh al-Islâm L'Esprit de l'Islam ) écrit en 1972, ouvrage charnière qui constitue un développement décisif dans sa pensée. Ayant toujours reconnu l'importance de l'Islam comme composante constitutive de la société arabe et égyptienne en particulier, il s'était gardé jusque-là, malgré son approche critique de l'islamisme et les ébauches d'alternatives proposées dans les années quarante et cinquante, d’approdondir la question, comme s'il misait sur la capacité de discernement des mouvements concernés qui déboucherait sur une réflexion différente, comme s'il s'en remettait en quelque sorte aux “spécialistes”. Mais sa propre réflexion dans le domaine syndical et social arrivait à maturité ; il avait trouvé l'anneau manquant. L'idéologie qu'il estimait nécessaire pour donner une finalité autre qu'utilitaire et étroitement sectaire à la lutte syndicale comme à la lutte sociale, il la trouve dans l'Islam parce que lui seul lui apparaît répondre à l'exigence de justice et de liberté totales qu'il n'a trouvée nulle part ailleurs. Dans l'introduction à “

67. Re: Fermat's Amicable Pair By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
A German web page devoted to AN has a list of the pairs 10 000 000 The 8th entryreads 8 17296 18416 um 1300/um ibnal-banna/Farisi/Pierre de Fermat 1300
Re: Fermat's amicable pair by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
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Subject: Re: Fermat's amicable pair Author: Date: The author refers to: J. Lee - Joseph Madachy: The History and Discovery of Amicable Numbers. Journal of Recreational Mathematics 5(1972), S. 2-4. Another reference: J P Hogendijk: Thabit ibn Qurra and the Pair of Amicable Numbers 17296, 18416. Historia Mathematica 12(1985) 269-273. Antreas The Math Forum

68. Biographies Of Famous Muslims Of Later Times
albanna - Vision Mission List price $6.95 Discount price $6.26, Hundred GreatMuslims. Hundred Great Muslims List price $21.95 Discount price $19.76. ibn

History, Politics, Biographies Law (Fiqh) and Modernity - Biographies of Famous Muslims of Later Times
The Four Imams : Their Lives, Works and Schools of Thought

Biographies, stories, theological bases, the Sunni schools of law and more.....
List price: $59.95
Discount price: Great Women of Islam
List price: $12.95
Discount price: Commanders of the Muslim Army
List price: $14.95
Discount price: Napoleon and Islam : From French and Arab Documents
List price: $11.95 Discount price: Makers of Contemporary Islam (John L Esposito) Analysis of nine Muslim activists of the 20th century List price: $17.95 Discount price: Al-Kindi: the Philosopher of the Arabs List price: $4.95 Discount price: An Oriental Biographical Dictionary List price: $12.95 Discount price: Bediuzzaman Said Nursi List price: $16.95 Discount price: List price: $6.95 Discount price: Hundred Great Muslims List price: $21.95 Discount price: Ibn Hazm List price: $19.95 Discount price: Ibn Taymeeyah's Letters From Prison List price: $7.95 Discount price: List price: $4.95 Discount price: Iqbal: Poet-Philosopher of Islam List price: $6.95

69. The Prophet’s (s) Seating On The Throne
his Tafsir, alHakim in al-Mustadrak, al-Darimi in al-Shaykh in al-Azama, and ibn al-Mundhir. Ahmad and al-Hakims yaitu al-rahlu al-jadîdu min
The Prophet’s (s) Seating on the Throne
(Iq‘âd al-Nabî (s) ‘alâ al-‘Arsh) Dr. G. F. Haddad “Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (s) will be seated by His Lord on the Throne next to Him.” Ibn Taymiyya. “Whoever imagines that our Lord sits on the Throne and leaves space at His side for His Prophet to sit, has followed the Christians who hold that ‘Isa was raised to heaven and sat next to his Father – Allah (swt) is clear of the partnership they ascribe to Him!” Al-Kawthari. Allah Most High said, as rendered in the translations of His meanings in the Qur’an (17:79): And some part of the night awake for it, a largess for thee. It may be that thy Lord will raise thee to a praised estate. [Pickthall] And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee : soon will thy Lord raise thee to a station of praise and Glory. [Yusuf Ali] It is known that the meaning of the Exalted Station (al-maqâm al-mahmûd) mentioned in the above verse is the granting of the Major Intercession (al-shafâ‘a al-kubrâ) to the Prophet (s) on the Day of Judgment, at which time “people shall surge like the waves of the sea,” each community begging its Prophet for intercession but only the Prophet (s) shall accept to undertake it

70. WisFaq!
is een interessant onderwerp om te onderzoeken, deze methode is bekend al ruim duizendjaar geleden en werd toegepast door Alkhawarizmi, ibn Al Banna e, Qusta



Re: Verwachtingswaarde dobbelsteen
Hartstikke bedankt voor de snelle reactie en uitleg! met vriendelijke groet, Sura
sura pattyn
Re: Kansverdelingstabel en verwachtingswaarde

Bedankt dat U zo snel heeft gereageerd en voor de fijne uitleg! groetjes, Emma
Emma Re: Formule voor 6-hoek van een potlood Ja, heel erg bedankt! Pim Re: Re: Re: Abc formule Hartelijk dank voor dit uitgebreide antwoord. ran Re: Experimentele kansen Fijn dat U zo snel reageerde op mijn gestelde vraag. Groetjes, Suci suci Re: Re: Steekproef: aantal respondenten Ik wilde jullie even bedanken. Het heeft me veel geholpen zodat ik nu weet dat ik op de goede weg bezig ben. Groetjes marjan marjan endel Re: Cycloide - formulesentoepassingen heel erg bedankt! eg oneigenlijke integralen Waaauw, bedankt! ik snap het nu. super! thnx! Véronique Re: Machtsverheffen Bedankt ! Enne..ik denk dat ik maar een rekenmachine ga kopen waar machtsverheffen op zit ... :-) Helga. Helga Re: Gyroscoop Heel erg bedankt! Nu kan ik aan de slag. Ik geloof dat ik het wel snap.

71. Mes De Muharram
Translate this page Como fue informado de digna fuente por el Sheikh Abu Nasr ibn Muhammad ibnal-Banna (ra), fue Abu Ghaliz ibn Umayya ibn Khalaf al-Jamhi quien dijo
Hz. Abdul Qadir al Jilani
"Se le ha encomendado a los Hijos de Israel (Bani Isra'il) el ayunar un día en el año, a saber, el día de Ashura, el 10 de Muharram, y lo dedican al ayuno, y en él tratan a los suyos con especial generosidad. Si alguien utiliza su riqueza para tratar a los suyos con especial generosidad en el día de Ashura, Allah tratará a esta persona con especial generosidad a lo largo del resto del año. Si alguien dedica ese día al ayuno, contará a su favor como la expiación (kaffara) de cuarenta años. Si alguien mantiene la vigilia la noche de Ashura en adoración y entra en la mañana en un estado de ayuno, morirá sin conocer la agonía de la muerte" "Si alguien mantiene la vigilia en adoración la noche de Ashura, Allah le dejara vivir tanto como el desee" "Si alguien trata a los que tiene a su cargo ('iyali-hi) con especial generosidad en el día de Ashura, Allah tratará a esta persona con especial generosidad el resto del año"

72. Alojamiento. Itinerarios IV.El Legado Andalusí
Translate this page Tel 09-93.44.93/94.29.38. Marco Polo**A. Rue El Antaki, 2. Tel 09-93.82.13/94.11.24.Anjou**B. Rue ibn Al Banna, 3. Tel 09-93.42.44/93.43.44.
Volver Itinerario IV
Poblaciones TANGER Arriba Hoteles:
  • El Minzah . Rue de la Liberté, 85. Tel: 09-93.87.87/93.78.44. Recomedado Malabata . Baie de Tanger. Tel: 09-406.40/401.60. Recomendado Les Almohades ****A . Avenues des F.A.R. Tel: 09-94.00.26/94.03.30. Recomendado Intercontinental ****B . Parc Brooks/Boulevard de Paris. Tel: 09-93.60.53/58. Recomendado Rif ****B . Avenue des F.A.R., 152. Tel: 09-93.59.10/08/09. Recomendado Solazur ****B . Avenue des F:A:R. Tel: 09-94.01.64/66. Recomendado Tanjah Flandria ****B . Boulevar Mohammed V, 6. Tel: 09-93.33.00/93.32.79. Recomendado Ahlen Village ***A . Route de RAbat, Km. 5. Tel: 09-94.30..00/01/02. Recomendado Chellah ***A . Rue Allah Ben Abdellah, 47. Tel: 09-94.20.03/94.33.88. Recomendado Les Grottes d'Hercules ***A . B.P.: 228. Tel: 09-93.87.65/93.76.76. El Oumnia ***A . Avenue Beethoven. Tel: 09-94.03.66/67/68. Recomendado Rembrant ***A . Boulevard Mohammed V. Tel: 09-93.78.70/72. Recomendado Shéhérazade ***A . Avenue des F.A.R. Tel: 09-94.05.00/02. Recomendado Tanger ***A . Rue de la Croix, 29. Tel: 09-93.35.64/93.35.67. Recomendado

73. Fes Festival
During these centuries of cultural expansion, the mystic and metaphysician ibnArabi (d.1377), ibn Khaldoun (d.1382), and the mathematician ibn Al Banna.
Many Fassis still know by heart the inaugural prayer that historians attribute to Idriss: "Oh Allah, You know that I did not build this city in search of glory, or out of vanity, or through the desire for fame or pride. But I would like You to be worshipped, I would like Your Book to be read and Your Law to be applied as long as the world exists. Oh Allah, be the guide of those living on this earth and help them to carry out Your Law, and let them not see the sword of anarchy and dissidence." The Qaraouine University has a rich library with numerous manuscripts dealing with the religious sciences and natural and cosmological philosophy. Teachers at this university have always had access to large private libraries, either inherited from their family tradition or through personal acquisition. To this day, a manuscript market where one can find rare and precious specimens is held every Sunday morning in a small street next to the University.
Festival de Fès des Musiques Sacrées du Monde - Conception, Design:

74. Firmen_in_marokko
rue ibn Al Banna, 90000 Tanger. Tourismus. Firma. kotakt. Telefon//Fax. e-mail. Adresse.
[Sartseite] [Home] Firmenkontakte in Marokko [Praktikum-Ferienjobs] [Absolventen] [Links] [Forum] ... [Kontakt] Leider Sind nur die unten genannten Fachbereiche getroffen daher Bitte ich jeden der noch eine paar quellen kennt um eine E-Mail [Bekleidungsindustrie] [Chemie] [Energie] ... [Lebensmittelindustrie] Bekleidungsindustrie Firma kotakt Telefon//Fax e-mail Adresse Schneberger Maroc s.a Mr. Mhammed Fagroud Lot 61, Q.I. Sidi Brahim, B.P. 5522 30014 Fes Tatex s.a. Mad. Juliane Luise Brükner Zone industrielle 67, Route de Tétouan 90000 Tanger Temasa Mr. Mohamed Eddouasse Zone industrielle Route Martil, B.P. 6009 93000 Tétouan Textil Manufakturing LLtd Mr. Klemens Kotowski Zone frache, B.P. 528 90000 Tanger TUltitex s.a. Mr. Chegdaly Lot 23, Lotissement Attasnia Zone industrielle Temara VVivioni Mad. Karin Lukacs Zone franche, B.P. 550 9000 Tanger TModarama Mr. Mohammed Hanafi Zone industrielle Lot. N° 7

75. Union Des Professeurs De Physique Et De Chimie (UdPPC) - Fournisseurs - Livres -
et deux précurseurs de l analyse combinatoire, ibn Munim et ibn al Banna.
R - Collection l'esprit des sciences.
Par BLAY, M. Editions Ellipses (2001, 128 p, FF).
: Grand Public
Michel HENRY R Une histoire de la science arabe - Collection Point seuil sciences S144.
Par DJEBBAR, A. et ROSMORDUC, J. Editions Seuil (2001, 385 p, FF).
Arkan SIMAAN R L'homme devant l'incertain - Collection sciences.
Par PRIGOGINE, I. (SOUS LA DIRECTION DE). Editions Odile Jacob (2001, 380 p, 165 FF).
: amateur de philosophie des sciences
Analyse Jacques CAZENOVE R Les cristaux liquides Par OSWALD, P. et PIERANSKI, P. Editions Gordon and Breach Science Publishers (2000, 522 p, 295 FF). Analyse DETWILLER Luc R - Collection sciences physiques. Editions Analyse Luc DETWILLER R The physics of free electron lasers - Par SALDIN, E., E., SCHNEIDMILLER et YURKOV, M. Editions Springer (2000, 464 p, 486 FF).

76. Le Guide Touristique De Tanger
Translate this page Tel 09-93.44.93/94.29.38. - Marco Polo**A. Rue El Antaki, 2. Tel 09-93.82.13/94.11.24.- Anjou**B. Rue ibn Al Banna, 3. Tel 09-93.42.44/93.43.44.
Le Guide Touristique de Tanger par Travel in Morocco Tanger Tanger (en arabe Tandja), ville du nord du Maroc, chef-lieu de la province de Tanger et port d'une petite baie située dans le détroit de Gibraltar, adossée aux contreforts du Rif. Tanger est un port franc doté d'industries diverses. Carrefour de civilisations, au croisement de la Méditerranée et de l'Océan Atlantique, Tanger étale une baie magnifique au pied de collines verdoyantes. A partir de la Kasbah, on peut visiter le palais du Sultan, où se trouvent rassemblées toutes les facettes de l'art marocain. Si vous le préférez, vous pouvez aussi flâner tout à loisir dans les ruelles de la médina, qui vous conduirons vers la terrasse qui surplombe le détroit de Gibraltar. Tout près, de multiples excursions s'offrent à vous, comme le Cap Spartel, extrême pointe de l'Afrique, non loin des fameuses grottes d'Hercule, et le Cap Malabata. Carrefour des civilisations de par sa position stratégique, Tanger, porte d'entrée du continent Africain, a l'avantage d'observer également l'Europe, en admirant à la fois l'Atlantique et la Méditerranée.

77. Il Mondo Moltiplicativo - Esercizi E Giochi Con Le Moltiplicazioni E Le Division
Translate this page 22. Prodotti che danno risultati curiosi ibn Albanna, matematico arabo, vissutonel Marocco verso il 1200, pubblicò le seguenti moltiplicazioni curiose.
BASE Cinque Appunti di Matematica ricreativa
BASE Cinque
Collezione Appunti scolastici in forma provvisoria e in continuo divenire.
Il mondo moltiplicativo
Esercizi e giochi con le moltiplicazioni e le divisioni Gli esercizi e giochi che ho raccolto in questa pagina servono formare ed esercitare abilità e conoscenze nell'area moltiplicativa. Possono essere risolti applicando le sole operazioni di moltiplicazione e divisione (oltre all'addizione e alla sottrazione). 1. Dire il doppio, il triplo di un numero 2. Dire la metà, un terzo di un numero 3. Moltiplicare e dividere per 10, 100, 1000, ... 4. Moltiplicare per 9 5. Moltiplicare per 11 6. Moltiplicare e dividere per 5 7. Moltiplicare numeri pari e dispari 8. Trovare il resto di una divisione con la calcolatrice 9. Quale numero bisogna aggiungere a n per ottenere 100n? 10. Completare successioni numeriche moltiplicative (e additive) 11. Sequenze di operazioni da percorrere in senso diretto e inverso
MAESTRO: Paolo, pensa un numero, raddoppialo, aggiungi 3, dicci il risultato, e tu Pietro indovina il numero pensato.

78. Kasbah-films Tangier About Us
Translate this page Kasbah-films SARL (GmbH) Karim Debbagh Rue ibn al Banna Nr. 10 CentreVille 90000 TANGER Medina Telefon +212 (039) 32 52 45 Fax
Kasbah-films S.A.R.L. (GmbH)
Karim Debbagh
Rue Ibn al Banna Nr. 10
Centre Ville
90000 TANGER Medina

Seit den Dreharbeiten zu "Am Strand von Merkala", einer Episode des Spielfilms "Paul Bowles - Halbmond" in Tanger 1992, bestehen enge Verbindungen und Freundschaften nach Marokko. Hieraus hat sich jetzt, im Sommer 2003, die Kasbah-films Produzent vor Ort ist Karim Debbagh, ein junger "Tangaoui" mit Diplom für Produktion der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Thomas Lechner und Frieder Schlaich sind die weiteren Partner. Die Filmgalerie 451 Stuttgart/Berlin ist Produktions- und Vertriebspartner von Kasbah-films Kasbah-films Verzichten Sie nicht auf seinen Rat, wenn Sie Dreharbeiten in Marokko planen. Filmgalerie 451 Esplanade 21, 13187 Berlin Telefon

79. Islam Selamanya
buku karangan hasil alImam Hasan alBanna merupakan sebuah kesimpulan atau ringkasan seketika,aku rasa mengantuk..hanya sempat membaca tentang ibn Hud dan ibn

Man Ana?
"Ya Allah, selamatkan aku daripada azabMu.. dan masukkan aku beserta golongan para Anbiya', sahabat dan orang-orang mukmin kedalam SyurgaMu.."
May 2004 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
[Ruang Iqtiroh] var chatterbox = 'no'; Talk in my flooble chatterbox, a free javascript chat tag board / shoutbox / tagboard program for your xanga, diary, blogger or weblog resume for java servlet and web development in new york [Lembaran Ikhwah Muslimku]
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+Utusan +Berita Harian ... +Harun Yahya [FaAqimusSolah..] [Ikhwan Muslimin Huna..] var go_mem="ibnuhazam"; free hit counter Contact Me If you want to be updated on this weblog Enter your email here: May 28, 2004 Lama Kesepian.. Alhamdulillah.. lama dah aku tak menulis.. mungkin 'angin' aku tak sesuai ataupun dilanda kesibukan.. hari ini, aku rasakan seperti seorang penulis yang baru mengenal erti penulisan.. (rupanya lama dah aku tak update blog aku..) 7.00 ptg Hari ini, barulah ada aktiviti untuk menghadiri majlis maulidur rasul di rumah duta besar. Aku semestinya tak melepaskan peluang untuk turut serta. Nak tak nak, pergi tetap pergi. Bas yang kami naiki tiba pukul 7.00 ptg. Yer.. masalahnya, sebilangan siswa yang lain belum bersiap sedia. Emmm.. tunggulah sehingga 7.20 ptg, kami bertolak. Tidak ada apa yang menarik sepanjang perjalanan ke Rabat. Kulihat setiap orang sibuk menelaah pelajaran masing-masing. Bersedia untuk menghadapi 'round two' pada 01/06/04 sehingga 05/06/04. Masing-masing dengan 'madah' yang dibawa bersama. Ada yang berlatih mengira dalam ilmu Faraid. Ada yang menghafal ALQuran. Rata-rata terkumat-kamit dengan 'muqorror'. Aku hanya duduk merehatkan diri. Mungkin merehatkan sejenak otak yang aku perah selama ini. Keletihan. Fikiran aku mula menjalankan fungsinya.. memori:

80. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-Il Messaggero-24 MAGGIO 2002
primi intuizioni dell analisi combinatoria (ibn Munim e ibn al Banna) e del


Einstein e Pitagora? Una volta erano arabi
C’è stato un momento nella storia dell'umanità, tra il nono e il quindicesimo secolo, in cui la lingua della scienza era l'arabo. Dalla matematica all'astronomia, dalla chimica alla medicina, il sapere scientifico parlava con la voce del Corano.
Questo accadeva mentre nell'Europa del medioevo l'invenzione degli ellenisti, la scienza che si muove per modelli ed esperimenti, era ormai dimenticata da molto tempo. Anche a causa dell'incapacità dei romani di capirle e farle proprie, infatti, le conoscenze di chimica erano state via via adulterate dalla magia trasformandosi nel girare a vuoto dell'alchimia. L'astronomia si era tradotta in pura e semplice divinazione astrologica. La medicina in una pratica che, quasi sempre, peggiorava la malattia.
Poi arrivano gli arabi. Il popolo venuto dal deserto che aveva riempito una grande parte del mondo allora conosciuto - dall'India alla Spagna, dalla Sicilia allo Yemen - di giardini e porti commerciali, di fontane e di minareti. E che riprende, riscopre e valorizza la scienza ellenistica.
Traducendo i testi dei grandi pensatori greci, prima di tutto. E poi, una volta ereditata quella cultura di mille (e più) anni prima, ecco fiorire nuove conoscenze per la medicina, la matematica, l'astronomia, la fisica, la geologia, l'ottica, la botanica, la chimica.

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