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21. Biography-center - Letter I I. 53 biographies. ibn albanna, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Banna.html;ibn Ishaq Hunayn, www-history.mcs http://www.biography-center.com/i.html | |
22. Mes De Ramadán Translate this page Sheik Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn al-banna me ha informado, en la buena autoridad tradicional,que fue Abu Huraira (quiera Allah estar complacido con él) quién http://www.sufismo.net/primera/ramad/ram9.htm | |
23. Abundant Number -- From MathWorld Souissi, M. Un Texte Manuscrit d ibn albanna Al-Marrakusi sur les Nombres Parfaits,Abondants, Deficients, et Amiables. Karachi, Pakistan Hamdard Nat. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/AbundantNumber.html | |
24. Blog Matematico ibn al-banna de Marrakech (1256-1321), e http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/aprile-maggio-03.html | |
25. R.105 - IREM De Rouen ibn al-banna de Marrakech (1256-1321) ». Ce documentpropose de découvrir quelques chapitres des oeuvres d ibn al-banna. http://www.univ-rouen.fr/sciences/IREM/r105.html | |
26. PUBLICATIONS - IREM De Rouen ibn al-banna de Marrakech (1256-1321). Fiche, 9.15 , 60 F. http://www.univ-rouen.fr/sciences/IREM/publications.html | |
27. Muslims And Maths A commentary on his treatise on arithmetic, written by ibn albanna, gained muchpopularity and was published in French by A. Narre in 1864 and reprinted in http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/6443/Maths/maths.html | |
28. OnTab Online: Tabel 51 850. Bhaskara, 1114 ca. 1185. Leonardo van Pisa (Fibonacci), ca. 1170 - na 1240.ibn al-banna, 1256 - 1321. Zhu Shijie, ca. 1303. Pacioli, Fra Luca, ca. 1445 - 1517. http://www.casia.nl/OnTab/tabel51.html | |
29. Ayuntamiento:Presentación De La Ciudad IbnHayyan, filólogo, al-Qalasadi, matemático, ibn al-banna, jurisconsulto, al http://www.granada.org/inet/wgr.nsf/0/1a0d4bdfae53a3f3c1256e31007ba6dc?OpenDocum |
30. Online Islamic Store behaviour and their pure good manners. This book is the commentary by Shaykh Ahmadibn Muhammad ibn Ajiba alHasani on the poem of ibn al-banna of Saragossa. http://onlineislamicstore.com/b7914.html | |
31. History And Civilization (41 BP64.Z3A2); Abu Ali ibn albanna, 1005-1100 Autography diary ofan eleventh-century historian of Baghdad by George Makdisi, 1958. http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~library/histciva.htm | |
32. Collection De Nombres, Nombres Amiables Et Sociables, Suite Aliquote ibn al-banna (XIV e ).n = 7. 9 363 584 9 437 056. Muhammad Baquir Yazdi (XVII e ). Exemple pourn= 2 http://www.multimania.com/villemingerard/Decompos/Amiable.htm | |
33. IDD Héritage Du Monde Arabe : Linguistique Mots Mathématiques Dénombrement Translate this page Ces études vont être reprise par des mathématiciens (Ibn Mun im, ibn al-banna)et vont constituer une nouvelle branche des mathématiques, lanalyse http://www.ac-versailles.fr/pedagogi/Lettres/IDD_HMA_ling_maths.htm | |
34. Prijateljsko Å¡tevilo - Wikipedija Pred njim so ta par odkrili e Tabit in okoli leta 1300 tudi ibn albannain Farisi. 7. najmanji par (12.285, 14.595) je nael leta 1939 Brown. http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prijateljsko_Å¡tevilo | |
35. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 2847*) al-Khujandi, Abu (713) al-Kindi, Abu (1151) al-Kuhi, Abu (1146) al-Maghribi,Muhyi (602) al-Mahani, Abu (507) al-Marrakushi, ibn al-banna (861) al-Nasawi http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
36. Euler El següent pas en aquest tema, va arribar al segle XIII, quan el matemàtic àrabibn albanna, va descobrir el parell 17.296 i 18.416, aquest cop foren http://www.xtec.es/centres/a8046785/expo1/euler.htm | |
37. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 2847*) al-Khujandi, Abu (713) al-Kindi, Abu (1151) al-Kuhi, Abu (1146) al-Maghribi,Muhyi (602) al-Mahani, Abu (507) al-Marrakushi, ibn al-banna (12) al-Nasawi http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
38. PHILOSOPHIE (retour) PHILOSOPHIE DES SCIENCES ibn al-banna. EDITION CRITIQUE, TRADUCTION,ETUDE PHILOSOPHIQUE ET ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE. Référence http://www.anrtheses.com.fr/Catalogue/SCat_151.htm | |
39. Genetic Engineering Totality. . Sayyid ibn albanna, may Allah bepleased with him. The universe is designed in a dual nature. One http://www.nuradeen.com/CurrentIssues/GeneticEngineering.htm | |
40. Number Theory - Euler For a long period of time, this was the only known pair, until theArabic mathematician ibn albanna found (17 296, 18 416). Fermat http://members.aol.com/tylern7/math/euler-6.html | |
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