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1. History Of Mathematics: Arabic Mathematics Abu `Ali alHasan ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (c Muhammad al-Khalili (c. 1250) ibn al-banna (1256-1321) Ghiyath al-Din al-Kashi (d http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/arab.html | |
2. Al-Banna alMarrakushi ibn al-banna. Born 29 Dec ibn al-banna is also knownas Abu l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Uthman al-Azdi. It is a http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Banna.html | |
3. Al-Banna Biography of ibn albanna (1256-1321) al-Marrakushi ibn al-banna. Born 29 Dec 1256 in Marrakesh, Morocco ibn al-banna is also known as Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Uthman al-Azdi http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Banna.html | |
4. Al-Qalasadi The author seems to believe that algebraic symbolism was first developed in Islamby the SpanishArabic mathematicians ibn al-banna (d. 1321, a Moroccan) and al http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Qalasadi.html | |
5. Al-andalus ibn albanna. ibn al-banna is also known as Abu l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammadibn Uthman al-Azdi. It is a little unclear whether al-Banna http://membres.lycos.fr/andalus/savants/albanna.htm | |
6. Timeline Of Islamic Scientists 965. Ibn Al-Haitham (Alhazen) - Physics, Optics, Mathematics) - ibn al-banna (Al Murrakishi), Azdi - Medicine, Mathematics http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam10.html | |
7. Al-andalus Translate this page ibn al-banna était un mathématicien Marocain qui était mort 100 ans avant queAl-Qalasadi navait écrit son commentaire mais, peut-être cest étonnant http://membres.lycos.fr/andalus/savants/Alqalasadi.htm | |
8. History Of Astronomy: Persons (I) History of Astronomy Persons (I). ibn albanna, al-Marrakushi (1256-1321)Short biography, references and links (MacTutor Hist. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_i.html | |
9. Biographies Sharaf alDin Al-Muzaffaribn Muhammad ibn Al-Muzaffar al-Tusi ibn al-banna ( 1256 1321 AD) http://www.math.utk.edu/~m400/ch7/Biographies.htm | |
10. History Of Astronomy: Persons (A) Ahmed b. Muh. b. Otman elAzdi, Abu l Abbas see ibn al-banna, al-Marrakushi(1256-1321); Ailly, Pierre d Aliacensis; Petrus de Allaco (1350-c.1420) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_a.html | |
11. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #14 (03/21/1995) of two proofs, by the Banu Musa, of Heron s formula; * Puig, Roser (Spain) The Risalafi lcamal bi s-safiha of ibn al-banna al-Murrakushi; * Rebstock, Ulrich http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_14.html | |
12. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #24 (6/25/99) (continued) ( 297 322). 8.1 On the History of Mathematics in Africa. 297 Aballagh, MohamedIntroduction à l étude de l influence d ibn al-banna sur les mathématiques http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_24a.html | |
13. Timeline Of Islamic Scientists 1258 ibn al-banna (Al Murrakishi), Azdi - Medicine, Mathematics. 1262(died) - Al-Hassan Al-Murarakishi - Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography. http://www.alchemywebsite.com/islam10.html | |
14. Timeline 1000?Abu 'Abdallah al-Hasanibn al-Baghdadi writes Risalafi'l- 1300?-Abu-l-'Abbas Ahmad al-Marrakushiibn al-banna derives the http://www.math.utk.edu/~m400/ch7/Timeline.htm | |
15. Ce Livre, écrit En Arabe, Est Centré Sur Un Traité Philosophico Translate this page Ce livre, écrit en arabe, est centré sur un traité philosophico-mathématiquedu XIV e siècle du mathématicien maghrébin ibn al-banna (1256-1321) qui s http://www.ashm.ass.dz/cahier8f/conred8f.htm | |
16. Search Results For Al - Encyclopædia Britannica from Ibn alHaytham. Conflicting stories are told al backgrounder and information on its academic programs, admission procedures, and facilities provided. al-Marrakushi ibn al-banna http://www.britannica.com/search?query=Al&submit=Find&source=MWTEXT |
17. 6 . Colloques ABALLAGH M. Linfluence des écrits mathématiquesdibn albanna sur lesmathématiciens égyptiens de lempire ottoman, Symposium sur Science http://www.ashm.ass.dz/cahier8f/collo8f.htm | |
18. Albanna Translate this page ibn al-banna al-Marrakouchi. ibn al-banna est aussi connu comme Aboul-AbbasAhmed ibn Mohammad ibn othmane al-Azdi.( né le 29 Dec http://membres.tripod.fr/alkashi/albanna.htm | |
19. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians Maximos Planudes (c. 12551310); ibn al-banna al Marrakushi (1256-1321)*SB; John Duns Scotus (c. 1266-1308) *SB; Peter Philomena of Dacia (fl. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
20. The Encyclopedia Of Language And Linguistics Electronic Index Ibn alAnbari, 1 202 ibn al-banna , 1 189 Ibn al-Jazari, 1 190 Ibn al-Sarraj,1 197, 202; 2 862; 3 1628 Ibn al-Tahhan, 1 190, 191 Ibn Battuta, 4 1780 http://www1.elsevier.com/homepage/sal/ellei/data/name/i.html | |
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