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         Hypatia Of Alexandria:     more books (25)
  1. Hypatia of Alexandria: Mathematician and Martyr by MichaelA. B. Deakin, 2007-07-17
  2. Hypatia of Alexandria (Revealing Antiquity , No 8) by Maria Dzielska, 1996-10-01
  3. Flow Down Like Silver (Hypatia of Alexandria) by Ki Longfellow, 2009-09-09
  4. Holy Murder: The Death of Hypatia of Alexandria by Charlotte Kramer, 2006-07-21
  5. Romans From Africa: Augustine of Hippo, Septimius Severus, Athanasius of Alexandria, Hypatia, Tertullian, Cyril of Alexandria, Apuleius
  6. Hypatia, scientist of Alexandria. 8th march 415 A.D. by Adriano Petta, Antonino Colavito, 2004-04-01
  7. Roman Alexandria: Roman-Era Alexandrians, Hero of Alexandria, Hypatia, Menelaus of Alexandria, Hesychius of Alexandria, Pamphilus of Alexandria
  8. Hypatia of Alexandria: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Edith Prentice Mendez, 2001
  9. Person (Alexandria): Euklid, Eratosthenes, Katharina von Alexandrien, Philon von Alexandria, Hypatia, Celsus, Athanasius der Große (German Edition)
  10. Hypatia: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by Shirley B. Gray, 2002
  11. Persecution by Early Christians: Theodosius I, Hypatia, Arcadius, Cyril of Alexandria, Jovian, Persecution of Religion in Ancient Rome
  12. Hypatia of Alexandria by Maria Dzielska, 2002
  13. Hypatia of Alexandria **ISBN: 9780674437760** by Maria/ Lyra, F. (TRN) Dzielska, 1996-10-01
  14. HYPATIA(370/75415 CE): An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Mary Waithe, 2006

81. Wauu.DE: Society: Philosophy: Philosophers: Hypatia Of Alexandria
links. http// hypatia of alexandria Resource page maintained by Howard A. Landman.
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  • Hypatia
    Resource page maintained by Peter Alfeld. Discusses probable birth and death dates, provides annotated links.
  • Hypatia
    Biographical information, with an emphasis on what is known of Hypatia's philosophy.
  • Hypatia
    Concise biography by Ginny Adair, with footnotes and links.
  • Hypatia of Alexandria Resource page maintained by Howard A. Landman. Hosts a number of biographical works on Hypatia, as well as extensive annotated links.
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82. Hypatia Of Alexandria
Article on hypatia of alexandria from, licensed from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index hypatia of alexandria.
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Hypatia of Alexandria
Hypatia of Alexandria (c. 370 - ) was a neo-Platonic philosopher and mathematician, who was murder ed by a Christian crowd, led by a cleric named Peter, in March, 415 CE. Several works are attributed to her by later sources, including commentaries on Diophantus 's Arithmetica , on Apollonius 's Conics and on Ptolemy 's works, but none have survived. She was the daughter of Theon , the last fellow of the Museum of Alexandria, which was adjacent to or included the main Library of Alexandria . Hypatia did not teach in the Museum, but received her pupils in her own private home. Theophilus , the patriarch of Alexandria, had destroyed some "pagan" temples in the city in , which may have included the Museum and certainly included the Serapeum (a temple and "daughter library" to the Great Library). In 391, Emperor Theodosius had published an edict which prohibited visiting pagan temples, and Christians in the entire Roman Empire had embarked on an intense campaign to destroy pagan places of worship. Hypatia clearly lived during a power struggle between pagans and tolerant Christians on the one side, and dogmatic Christians who demanded the final destruction of paganism on the other. Hypatia herself was a pagan, but was respected by many Christians, and exalted by some (though by no means all) later Christian authors as a symbol of virtue, often portrayed as a life-long virgin. These later accounts should not be seen as strict historical records, though, as they often contradict each other.

83. Damascius: The Life Of Hypatia From The Suda
The Life of hypatia. From Damascius's Life of Isidore, reproduced in permission from alexandria 2. hypatia, daughter of Theon the geometer and philosopher of alexandria, was herself a
The Life of Hypatia
From Damascius's Life of Isidore , reproduced in The Suda
Translated by Jeremiah Reedy
Reprinted with permission from Alexandria 2 HYPATIA, daughter of Theon the geometer and philosopher of Alexandria, was herself a well-known philosopher. She was the wife of the philosopher Isidorus, and she flourished under the Emperor Arcadius. Author of a commentary on Diophantus, she also wrote a work called The Astronomical Canon and a commentary on The Conics of Apollonius. She was torn apart by the Alexandrians and her body was mocked and scattered through the whole city. This happened because of envy and her outstanding wisdom especially regarding astronomy. Some say Cyril was responsible for this outrage; others blame the Alexandrians' innate ferocity and violent tendencies for they dealt with many of their bishops in the same manner, for example George and Proterius.
Regarding Hypatia the Philosopher and the Sedition of the Alexandrians
Hypatia was born, reared, and educated in Alexandria. Since she had greater genius than her father, she was not satisfied with his instruction in mathematical subjects; she also devoted herself diligently to all of philosophy. The woman used to put on her philosopher's cloak and walk through the middle of town and publicly interpret Plato, Aristotle, or the works of any other philosopher to those who wished to hear her. In addition to her expertise in teaching she rose to the pinnacle of civic virtue. She was both just and chaste and remained always a virgin. She was so beautiful and shapely that one of her students fell in love with her and was unable to control himself and openly showed her a sign of his infatuation. Uninformed reports had Hypatia curing him of his affliction with the help of music. The truth is that the story about music is corrupt. Actually, she gathered rags that had been stained during her period and showed them to him as a sign of her unclean descent and said, "This is what you love, young man, and it isn't beautiful!" He was so affected by shame and amazement at the ugly sight that he experienced a change of heart and went away a better man.

84. John Of Nikiu: The Life Of Hypatia
A paragraph condemning hypatia and praising her murderers. From this bishop's Chronicle.
The Life of Hypatia
By John, Bishop of Nikiu, from his Chronicle
Reprinted with permission from Alexandria 2 Notes 1. The Coptic word for the desert of Nitria. 2. This is apparently wrong. It should be "Cyril."
Local Resources
Home page: ALEXANDRIA on the Web

85. Socrates Scholasticus: The Life Of Hypatia
Biographical paragraph from Scholasticus' Ecclesiastical History. Condemns the slaying of this Alexandrian thinker.
The Life of Hypatia
By Socrates Scholasticus, from his Ecclesiastical History
Reprinted with permission from Alexandria 2 Notes * The Greek word is ostrakois , literally "oystershells," but the word was also applied to brick tiles used on the roofs of houses.
Local Resources
Home page: ALEXANDRIA on the Web

Translate this page hypatia VON alexandria. von Sabine Bauer. aus 1. hypatias Leben. hypatia wurde wahrscheinlich im Jahre 364 in alexandria geboren. Es
HYPATIA VON ALEXANDRIA von Sabine Bauer aus: Sabine Bauer, Die Siegel der Sophia,
Zum Begriff der weiblichen Weisheit im Altertum und Mittelalter,
Station I: Hypatia von Alexandria,
Wien 1998, Dissertation, S.
Vorwort H Hypatia befand sich als Philosophin und politische Ratgeberin offensichtlich in einer Reihe zusammen mit anderen "sophischen" Frauen, umgeben von einer langen Tradition weiblichen Wissens Frau des Wissens und der Gelehrsamkeit 1. Hypatias Leben H eine Frau einer Philosophenschule vorstand : Im geistig verwandten Athen wurde nach dem Tod Asklepigeneias die Athener Schule Geheimwissenschaften und in Zahlenmystik Hypatia die Leitung des Museion Auch Neid wurde als eines der Motive des Mordes genannt, Neid auf den Erfolg und die Wirkung Hypatias: Um 400 hatte wahrscheinlich ein Gelehrtenwettstreit mit Hypatia an der Spitze Kyrill, Patriarch von Alexandria Es Berg Sinai 15 gebracht wurden, an dem im 6. Jahrhundert unter Kaiser Justinian ein Kloster [Katharinenkloster] 2. Hypatias Lehre, "ein Werk voll heller Metaphysik"...

87. Hypatia, The Mathematician And Philosopher
A POPULAR TEACHER. After studying with her father at the Museum in alexandria, hypatia traveled to Athens and Italy to do some postgraduate work.
Daughter of Theon, the mathematician Hypatia got involved in power politics in ancient Alexandria which led to her murder.
inspired by a mummy case
Papyrus Press
Alexandria, March AD 415 - Christian and non-Christian students of Hypatia expressed shock and outrage when informed of their teacher's murder. Hypatia had been a popular, public lecturer in philosophy and mathematics. She was also a close advisor of Orestes, the Roman governor of Alexandria. He and other officials have called for a complete investigation of Hypatia's death.
Hypatia is the most recent victim of the mob violence that has racked this city over the last 6 months. It began with an attack on Orestes by a group of fanatical Christian monks. The monks were enraged over rumors that Orestes had been making sacrifices to outlawed Pagan gods. Orestes escaped from the mob uninjured, but the monk Peter was arrested, put on trial, and executed. The ensuing controversy over Peter' s execution has developed into a serious rift between city hall and church leaders.
Cyril, the Christian Bishop, held a press conference this morning. He denied that he ordered the attack on Hypatia. Meanwhile bands of monks continue to roam freely about the city.

88. Hypatia Von Alexandreia
Translate this page Die griechische Mathematikerin und Philosophin hypatia von alexandria ist Tochter des Mathematikers und Astronomen Theon von Alexandreia und die Schwester des
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Hypatia von Alexandreia (ca. 370 - 415)
Die griechische Mathematikerin und Philosophin Hypatia von Alexandria ist Tochter des Mathematikers und Astronomen Theon von Alexandreia und die Schwester des Mathematikers Epiphanius. Sie wurde von ihrem Vater unterrichtet, der dem alexandrinischen Museion neuplatonischen Ammonius Sakkas Sie trug wahrscheinlich die neuplatonische Lehre im Sinne des Iamblichos von Chalkis vor. Hypatia schrieb (verschollene) Kommentare zu Apollonios von Perge und Diophantos. Mit ihrer Ermordung erlosch die alexandrinische Mathematikerschule. powered by Uwe Wiedemann

89. Hypatia Von Alexandria
Translate this page hypatia von alexandria ca. 370-415 Eine der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftlerinnen war hypatia, die im vierten Jahrhundert nach Christus

90. Klikk - Magasin Om Utdanning Og Læring
hypatia fra alexandria (Serie om Kvinner i naturvitenskap). Mange oppdrag hypatia fra alexandria levde i perioden ca. år 370415.

91. Klikk - Hypatia Fra Alexandria
hypatia fra alexandria. Av kjente kvinner i naturvitenskap er hypatia fra alexandria en av de første kvinnene det finnes skriftlig materiale om.

92. Biografie
Translate this page 370 - 415) hypatia war eine berühmte Mathematikerin und Philosophin, die in alexandria lebte, einem Zentrum der Wissenschaft in der antiken Welt.




der TFH

Hypatia von Alexandrien (ca. 370 - 415)
Die meisten ihrer wissenschaftlichen Werke sind verschollen. Bekannt ist jedoch, dass Hypatia einen Kommentar in 13 Bänden zur "Arithmetika" des Diophantes von Alexandrien verfasste und einen Kommentar zu den Kegelschnitten des Apollonios von Perge. Wahrscheinlich arbeitete sie auch an einem Kommentar zu den großen mathematischen und astronomischen Abhandlungen des "Almagest" von Klaudios Ptolemaios mit.
Alexandria war zu dieser Zeit Schauplatz gewalttätiger Auseinandersetzungen, die christliche Eiferer im Kampf gegen heidnische "Irrlehren" inszenierten, zu denen sie auch die Wissenschaften und die griechisch geprägten Philosophie zählten. Religiöser Fanatismus, gepaart mit politischen Intrigen, führte wahrscheinlich dazu, dass Hypatia im Jahre 415 u.Z. von Anhängern des Patriarchen Kyrillos brutal ermordet wurde.
- R. Asmus, Hypatia in Tradition und Dichtung, Studien zur Vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte 7, 1907, 11-44

93. Tekniska Museet - Uppfinningar, Experiment, Utställningar Om Teknikhistoria,
hypatia från alexandria, Utskriftsvänlig sida. Forntidens tidsvärdinna hypatia patriark av alexandria. hypatia från alexandria,

94. Hypatia Von Alexandria. Über Die Philosophin Sprechen
Translate this page Projekt hypatia von alexandria. Über die Philosophin sprechen. Abstract, Die alexandrinische Philosophin hypatia (4./5. Jahrhunder

95. Hypatia Portraits
JOC/EFR August 2001 The URL of this page is © Copyright information. http//
JOC/EFR August 2001 The URL of this page is:

96. Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Palazzo Corsini Via della Lungara, 10 - 00165 Rome, Italy Telephone +39 06 680271 - Fax +39 06 6893616 E-mail segreteria@lincei

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