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         Huygens Christiaan:     more books (100)
  1. The Land of Stevin and Huygens: A Sketch of Science and Technology in the Dutch Republic during the Golden Century (Studies in the History of Modern Science) by D.J. Struik, 1981-08-31
  2. Het land van Stevin en Huygens (Sunschrift ; 134) (Dutch Edition) by Dirk Jan Struik, 1979
  3. 17th-Century Astronomers: Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Christiaan Huygens, Ole Rømer, Christopher Wren, John Flamsteed, Christoph Scheiner
  4. Dutch Inventors: Christiaan Huygens, Laurens Janszoon Coster, Kees Schouhamer Immink, Willem Einthoven, Cornelius Drebbel
  5. Studies on Christiaan Huygens. Invited Papers from the Symposium on the Life and Work of Christiaan Huygens, Amsterdam, 22-25 August 1979. by Christiaan]. BOS, H.J.M. (ed.). [HUYGENS, 1980-01-01
  6. Christiaan Huygens
  7. Dutch Music Theorists: Christiaan Huygens
  8. Christiaan Huygens Makes Fundamental Contributions to Mechanics, Astronomy, Horology, and Optics: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Stephen D. Norton, 2001
  9. Dutch Physicists: Dutch Nuclear Physicists, Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest
  10. Oeuvres Completes De Christiaan Huygens (French Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, 2010-02-17
  11. Dutch Physicists: Edsger W. Dijkstra, Christiaan Huygens, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz, Paul Ehrenfest, Willem Hendrik Keesom
  12. Statistiker (17. Jahrhundert): Christiaan Huygens, William Petty, Johan de Witt, John Graunt, John Arbuthnot (German Edition)
  13. Discoverers of Moons: Galileo Galilei, Christiaan Huygens, Gerard Kuiper, William Herschel, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Edward Emerson Barnard
  14. People of the Dutch Golden Age: Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, René Descartes, Christiaan Huygens, List of People From the Dutch Golden Age

41. Bibliography Christiaan Huygens
Biographical Studies on christiaan huygens. Detailed biographies. 597613. Dutchversion in De Gids, 142 (1979), 306-319. Residences of christiaan huygens.
Biographical Studies on Christiaan Huygens
Detailed biographies
  • Harting, Pieter, Christiaan Huygens in zijn leven en werken geschetst (Gebroeders Hoitsema, Groningen, 1868). Bell, Arthur E., Christian Huygens and the Development of Science in the Seventeenth Century Oeuvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens publiées par la Société Hollandaise des Sciences (Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1950), vol. XXII, pp. 383-778 Khristian Gyuigens 1629-1695 (Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1962).
      French translation by I. Sokolev: Christiaan Huygens (Editions Mir, Moscow/Paris, 1976).
    Keesing, Elisabeth, Constantijn en Christiaan: Verhaal van een vriendschap Christiaan Huygens: Una biografia intellettuale (Franco Angeli Libri, Milan, 1985 [= Filosofia e scienza nel Cinquecento e nel Seicento , Serie I, nr. 27]). Christiaan Huygens, 1629-1695 (Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, 1988 [= Museum Boerhaave Communication , nr. 224]). Andriesse, Cornelis D., Titan kan niet slapen: Een biografie van Christiaan Huygens (Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam, 1993); 2nd ed. 1994.

42. Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695)
huygens, christiaan (16291695). Very short biography and references; Very shortbiography; huygens, christiaan Systema Saturnium, 1659 In image form.
History of Astronomy Persons Persons (H)
Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695)
External documents
Wolfgang R. Dick . Created: 18 Sep 2003
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43. Huygens, Christiaan
Basisbegrippen. christiaan huygens werd op 14 april 1629 in Den Haag geboren,als tweede zoon van de de beroemde dichter/staatsman Constantijn huygens.
Christiaan Huygens werd op 14 april 1629 in Den Haag geboren, als tweede zoon van de de beroemde dichter/staatsman Constantijn Huygens. Hij groeide op in een vooraanstaand milieu en kreeg les van privé-leraren. Hij was in alles een uitblinker, zodat hij op negenjarige leeftijd al Latijn sprak. Hij had ook aanleg voor wiskunde en mechanica. Hij verdiepte zich niet alleen in de theorie, maar voerde de mechanische constructies ook zelf in de praktijk uit, aanvankelijk thuis. In 1645 gaat hij in Leiden rechten en vooral wiskunde studeren. In 1657 verschijnt het werk "Van rekeningh in spelen van geluck" over de kansberekening, waarin Huygens bewijst dat uitkomsten van kansspelen weliswaar onzeker zijn, maar de kans op winst of verlies exact te bepalen is. In het voorjaar van 1695 werd hij ziek. Hij was nooit getrouwd geweest. Op 8 juli 1695 stierf hij op 66-jarige leeftijd in Den Haag.

44. MSN Encarta - Huygens, Christiaan
Translate this page huygens, christiaan. huygens, christiaan (1629-1695), astronome, mathématicienet physicien hollandais. Plus de résultats pour huygens, christiaan,
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45. Huygens, Christiaan
huygens, christiaan, kris tyän hoi guns Pronunciation Key. huygens, christiaan, 1629–95, Dutch mathematician and physicist; son of Constantijn huygens.
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    Huygens, Christiaan u ns] Pronunciation Key Huygens, Christiaan , Dutch mathematician and physicist; son of Constantijn Huygens. He improved telescopic lenses and discovered (1655) a satellite of Saturn and studied the rings of Saturn. His findings were described in his Systema Saturnium (1659). He was the first to use the pendulum in clocks. He developed a wave theory of light opposed to the corpuscular theory of Newton and formulated Huygens's principle, which holds that, concerning light waves, every point on a wave front is itself a source of new waves. In 1678 he discovered the polarization of light by double refraction in calcite. His chief work is Horologium oscillatorium See his On a Research Program in Early Modern Physics The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

46. Huygens, Christiaan
huygens, christiaan. Dutch mathematical physicist and astronomer. Heproposed the wave theory of light, developed the pendulum clock
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De Motu Corporum 1656, he was also able to show that the quantity mv is conserved in an elastic collision. Huygens also studied centrifugal force and showed, in 1659, its similarity to gravitational force, although he lacked the Newtonian concept of acceleration. He considered projectiles and gravity, developing the mathematically primitive ideas of Galileo . He found an accurate experimental value for the distance covered by a falling body in one second. In fact, his gravitational theories successfully deal with several difficult points that Newton carefully avoided. In the 1670s, Huygens studied motion in resisting media, becoming convinced by experiment that the resistance in such media as air is proportional to the square of the velocity. The pendulum clock
In 1657, Huygens developed a clock regulated by a pendulum, an idea that he published and patented. By 1658, major towns in Holland had pendulum tower clocks. Huygens worked at the theory first of the simple pendulum and then of harmonically oscillating systems throughout the rest of his life, publishing the

47. Huygens, Christiaan (Nordic Authors)
huygens, christiaan (1629 1695) mathematician, physicist, astronomer,The Netherlands. Project Runeberg needs your help in writing
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48. Huygens, Christiaan
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49. Huygens, Christiaan - Physik Lexikon - Huygens, Christiaan
Translate this page huygens, christiaan. huygens, christiaan (1629-1695), niederländischerAstronom, Mathematiker, Physiker und Uhrenbauer. huygens, christiaan., Christiaan

50. Huygens, Christiaan - Physik Lexikon - Huygens, Christiaan
Translate this page huygens, christiaan. huygens, christiaan (1629-1695), niederländischerAstronom, Mathematiker, Physiker und Uhrenbauer. huygens, Christiaan

51. Huygens, Christiaan. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
2001. huygens, christiaan. (kr s´tyän hoi´g ns) (KEY) , 1629–95,Dutch mathematician and physicist; son of Constantijn huygens.
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52. Huygens, Christiaan. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language:
huygens, christiaan. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. 2000. 2000. huygens, christiaan. SYLLABICATION Huy·gens.
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53. Christiaan Huygens (1629-95)
christiaan huygens (April 14, 1629 June 8, 1695). christiaan huygens biography (MacTutorHistory of Mathematics); christiaan huygens biography (Mike Sinclair);
Christiaan Huygens (April 14, 1629 - June 8, 1695)
Born in The Hague in 1629, Christiaan Huygens was a famous Dutchman for his development of advanced pendulum clocks (1659). He also invented an improved type of 2-lense eyepieces (1703), now named after him, and constructed very long air telescopes of up to 250 feet focal length. With these, he made important discoveries such as Jupiter's equatorial bulge, the polar caps of and a dark surface feature, later named Syrtis Major, on Mars. He discovered Saturn's satellite Titan (March 25, 1655) and was the first to clearly see its rings and to explain their appearance over time (1655-59). In 1656 he independently discovered the Orion Nebula M42 and made detailed studies and sketches of this object, including the discovery of three stars of the Trapezium cluster. He visited London in 1665 and was made a member of the Royal Society. On invitation of the French King Louis XIV, he came to Paris in 1666 and became a founding member of the Academie Royale des Sciences (Royal Academy of Sciences) where he worked with G.D. Cassini

huygens, christiaan (16291695), Dutch mathematician, riiechanician, astronomerand physicist, was born at the Hague on the 14th of April 1629. He was.
HUYGENS, CHRISTIAAN His reputation now became cosmopolitan. As early as 1655 the university of Angers had distinguished him with an honorary degree of doctor of laws. In 1663, on the occasion of his second visit to England, he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and imparted to that body in January 1669 a clear and concise statement of the laws governing the collision of elastic bodies. Although these conclusions were arrived at independently, and, as it would seem, several years previous to their publication, they were in great measure anticipated by the communications on the same subject of John Wallis and Christopher Wren, made respectively in November and December 1668. Huygens never married. He died at the Hague on the 8th of June 1695, bequeathing his manuscripts to the university of Leiden, and his considerable property to the sons of his younger brother. In character he was as estimable as he was brilliant in intellect. Although, like most men of strong originative power, he assimilated with difficulty the ideas of others, his tardiness sprang rather from inability to depart from the track of his own methods than from reluctance to acknowledge the merits of his competitors. HUY SIR CONSTANTIJN HUYGENS

55. Encyclopedia: Christiaan Huygens
Updated May 04, 2004. Encyclopedia christiaan huygens. christiaanhuygens. christiaan huygens (April 14, 1629 July 8, 1695) was

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    Encyclopedia : Christiaan Huygens
    Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens April 14 July 8 ) was a Dutch mathematician and physicist; born in The Hague . Huygens is commonly associated with the Scientific Revolution . He was the son of Constantijn Huygens
    Christiaan is generally given minor credit for his role in the development of modern calculus. He is also notable for his arguments that light consisted of waves; see: wave-particle duality. In

    56. Encyclopedia: Christian Huygens
    christiaan huygens. christiaan huygens (April 14, 1629 July 8, 1695)was a Dutch mathematician and physicist; born in The Hague.

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  • Updated: Apr 04, 2003
    Encyclopedia : Christian Huygens
    Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens April 14 July 8 ) was a Dutch mathematician and physicist; born in

    57. Huygens, Christiaan (1629-95)
    huygens, christiaan (162995) Dutch physicist and astronomer who discoveredTitan, in 1655, and determined that Saturn has rings.
    The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight
    Huygens, Christiaan (1629-95)
    Dutch physicist and astronomer who discovered Titan , in 1655, and determined that Saturn has rings. He also figured in one of the great unsung moments in planetary exploration when at 7 p.m. on November 28, 1659, he sketched a feature - a dark triangular patch - on the surface of Mars which he had just seen through his modest telescope. Eventually, it came to be known as Syrtis Major , the "Great Marsh", and for many years was presumed to be some kind of watery body. The significance of its sighting lay in the fact that, whereas the large bright and dark areas on the Moon had been visible for all to see from prehistoric times and Galileo had telescopically discovered the Great Red Spot on Jupiter (an atmospheric feature), Syrtis Major was the first permanent marking to be glimpsed on the surface of another planet. Huygens quickly used his discovery to demonstrate that the Martian day - the time it takes Mars to spin once around on its axis - is similar in length to our own.
    He was deeply involved, too, in speculation about the existence of extraterrestrial life, a subject that dominates his

    58. LookSmart - Directory - Christian Huygens
    YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Physics Physicists Physicists HL huygens, christiaan. Christian huygens Take a look at bios
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    Christian Huygens - Take a look at bios of Christian Huygens, the Dutch scientist who worked with math, lenses and the clock.
    Directory Listings About
  • Huygens, Christiaan - Twente University
    Provides a biography of the Dutch mathematician along with detailed overviews of his contributions to math, optics, astronomy and mechanics.
    Huygens, Christaan - Huygens Lecture Hall

    Post a message, or read queries already posted at this forum for discussing all things related to Huygens. Follow the link to Huygens chat.
    Huygens, Christaan - Mathematics History

    Productive scientist worked with probability and conics, invented the pendulum clock, and perfected the grinding of lenses. Read a biography.
    Huygens, Christiaan - Catalog of Scientific Community

    Outline describes this Renaissance man's life, education, and patronage. Read about his work with lenses and his invention of the pendulum clock.
    Huygens, Christiaan - Eric's Treasure Trove
  • 59. Biografia De Huygens, Christiaan
    Translate this page huygens, christiaan. (La Haya, 1629-id., 1695) Matemático, astrónomoy físico holandés. Hijo del poeta renacentista Constantin
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    60. Comédie-Française
    Translate this page huygens (christiaan), 1629 - 1695 Physicien, astronome et mathématicienhollandais. Après de très brillantes études poursuivies
    Huygens (Christiaan)

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