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1. Huygens Christiaan Huygens. Christiaan Huygens came from an important Dutch family. Hisfather Constantin Huygens had studied natural philosophy and was a diplomat. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Huygens.html | |
2. Biographies Info Science : Huygens Christiaan Translate this page nouvelle recherche, huygens christiaan Mathématicien, astronome 1695).Christiaan Huygens naît le 14 avril 1629 à La Haye (Pays-Bas). Issu http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=77 |
3. WIEM: Huygens Christiaan huygens christiaan (16291695), wybitny niderlandzki fizyk, astronom i matematyk,czlonek Royal Society i francuskiej Akademii Nauk. Sformulowal http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/006373.html | |
4. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Huygens Christiaan huygens christiaan . Biographies Info Science huygens christiaan Page d affichage des biographies d Info Science http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Huygens_Christiaan.html | |
5. Huygens Christiaan http://www.lycee-international.com/travaux/histmath/huygens/ | |
6. Huygens Christiaan Translate this page huygens christiaan (1629 - 1695). http://www.pianeta-marte.it/nasce_aerografia/huigens/huygens_christiaan.htm | |
7. Stargazer Online || Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens A View to the Universe. Christiaan Huygens was a contemporaryof Robert Hooke, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Jan Vermeer, and Isaac Newton. http://my.voyager.net/~stargazer/huygens.html | |
8. Huygens Translate this page huygens christiaan. Physicien et mathématicien néerlandais (La Haye, 1629 id., 1695). Christiaan Huygens naît à La Haye le 14 avril 1629. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/bernard.tallent/huygens.htm | |
9. Huygens Christiaan des professeurs lui enseignent la géométrie et la mécanique à la http://www.ucam.ac.ma/fssm/optique/biographies/huygens.htm | |
10. Backsets - Huygens Christiaan / Oeuvres Completes huygens christiaan / Oeuvres Completes. Swets Backsets Department Reprint. ISSNvolume(s), year(s), issue(s), price (EUR), status. 1, 1888, all, 130.00, available, http://backsets.swets.nl/web/show/id=47067/dbid=34510/typeofpage=47001 | |
11. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Huygens Christiaan Encarta Search results for huygens christiaan . Page 1 of 1. 5. Magazineand news articles about huygens christiaan *. Encarta Magazine Center. http://encarta.msn.com/Huygens_Christiaan.html | |
12. Stichting Huygens-Fokker: Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens (16291695). Publications of his work. Huygens, Christiaan.Le cycle harmonique. Rotterdam, 1691; Novus cyclus harmonicus, Leiden, 1724. http://www.xs4all.nl/~huygensf/english/huygens.html | |
13. Stichting Huygens-Fokker: Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens (16291695). Uitgaven van zijn werk. Huygens, Christiaan. Lecycle harmonique. Rotterdam, 1691; Novus cyclus harmonicus, Leiden, 1724. http://www.xs4all.nl/~huygensf/huygens.html | |
14. Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens. Christiaan Huygens. Christiaan Huygens (April 14, 1629 July 8, 1695) was a Dutch mathematician and physicist; born in The Hague. http://www.fact-index.com/c/ch/christiaan_huygens.html | |
15. Biografie Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens (16291695). Christiaan Huygens werd op 14 april1629 te Den Haag geboren in een gezin van vijf kinderen. In zijn http://www.geschiedenis.com/hoofdlijn/biografie/huygens.html | |
16. Christiaan Huygens - Wikipedia NL Christiaan Huygens. Huygens Descartes. Deze laatste beïnvloedde duidelijkde opvoeding van Christiaan Huygens op het vlak van de wiskunde. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christiaan_Huygens | |
17. Christiaan Huygens Definition Of Christiaan Huygens. What Is Christiaan Huygens? Definition of Christiaan Huygens in the Dictionary and Thesaurus. Provides examplesfrom classic literature, search by definition of Christiaan Huygens. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Christiaan Huygens | |
18. Systema Saturnium By Christiaan Huygens Introduction by Ronald Brashear. Systema Saturnium 1659 text Gift ofthe Burndy Library. List of Figures and Illustrations. The Dibner http://www.sil.si.edu/DigitalCollections/HST/Huygens/huygens.htm | |
19. Christiaan Huygens -- Encyclopædia Britannica Cite this article. christiaan huygens. born April 14, 1629, The Hague. died July 8, 1695, The Hague. christiaan huygens, portrait by C http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=42596 |
20. Systema Saturnium By Christiaan Huygens http://www.sil.si.edu/DigitalCollections/HST/Huygens/huygens-text.htm |
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