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1. Dr. Hui Yang's Web Page hui yang. Assistant Professor of Finance. Department of Finance. College ofBusiness Administration. Kansas State University. Email. yangh@ksu.edu. Address. http://info.cba.ksu.edu/yang/ | |
2. SFIAAFF : Welcome CHIhui yang, Festival Director. National Asian American Telecommunications Association http://www.naatanet.org/festival/2002/html/welcome_chihui.html | |
3. Yang, Hui [AIP Articles] Yang, Hui AIP Publications Xie, S. Y. Tong, and hui yang. Appl. Phys. Lett Huang, Fred H. Pollak, and hui yang. J. Appl. Phys http://authors.aip.org/Hui_Yang.html | |
4. UW E And CE Faculty - En-hui Yang Enhui yang, Professor Canada Research Chair in Information Theory and MultimediaCompression (http//www.chairs.gc.ca). Bin Zhu, En-hui yang, and Ahmed. http://www.ece.uwaterloo.ca/www_info/people/faculty/yang.html | |
5. Taiwan- Automobile Parts, Piston Ring, Oil Ring, Gasket Full Set, Head Set, Cycl http//www.huiyang.com.tw. Copyright (C) hui yang Precise IndustrialCo., Ltd. Taiwan Products, China Sources, China Trade. http://www.huiyang.com.tw/ | |
6. UW E And CE Faculty - En-hui Yang Enhui yang, Professor. Canada Research Chair in Information Theory and Multimedia Kieffer and En-hui yang, ``Sequential codes, lossless compression of individual sequences http://ece.uwaterloo.ca/www_info/people/faculty/yang.html | |
7. Contact Information Contact Information. Instructor Dr. hui yang. Class Hours Locations M,W F 1230pm120pm at Thompson (T) 101. Contents written by hui yang. http://info.cba.ksu.edu/yang/finan520/contact.html | |
8. En-hui Yang | Institute For Quantum Computing Enhui yang. e-mail phone office home page ehyang atbbcrdotuwaterloodotca(519) 888-4567 X 2873 DC 3726 ece.uwaterloo.ca http://www.iqc.ca/people/eyang/ | |
9. Taipei Taiwan Lawyer - Shih-Hui Yang Get essential info about this lawyer biography, background, education etc. Practice areas include Lobbying, Regulatory, Media Relations http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://wwvv.lawyers.com/lawyers_profiles_ink/pk |
10. UW E And CE Faculty - En-hui Yang Enhui yang. JC Kieffer and En-hui yang, ``Sequential codes, lossless compressionof individual sequences, and Kolmogorov complexity, IEEE Trans. Inform. http://www.multicom.uwaterloo.ca/yang.html | |
11. En Hui Yang - ResearchIndex Document Query en hui yang scientific articles matching the query en hui yang of Waterloo Ming Li y University of Waterloo En-hui yang z University of Waterloo Abstract This Le Chesnay Cedex, France En-hui yang is with the Department of Electrical http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=En-Hui Yang |
12. Dr. Hui Yang A COLLEGE FOR A CHANGING WORLD. CBA Home. Contact Us. Search CBA. Dr. hui yang.Assistant Professor. 10D Calvin Hall. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS 66506. http://www.cba.k-state.edu/faculty/profiles/yang.htm | |
13. John Benjamins: Contributions By Contributions by Jun hui yang. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP Jun hui yang has contributed to the following volumes http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_authorview.cgi?author=Yang, Jun Hui |
14. Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang- Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine (TCM) hui yang Jiu Ji Tang. Chinese herbal medicine formula. hui yang Jiu Ji Tang restores severe depletion of Yang, tonifies regulates Qi, revives pulse. http://tcm.health-info.org/formulas/singles/hui-yang-jiu-ji-tang.htm | |
15. Hui Yang yanghu@cis.ohiostate.edu. Home Page. Research INTERESTS. Research PROJECTS. Work Experience. Computer Skills. Resume. Contact Me. You are at HuiYang Home Page. Welcome! http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~yanghu | |
16. S.F. International Asian American Film Festival 2004 EXHIBITION FESTIVAL DIRECTOR Chihui yang FESTIVAL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Taro GotoFESTIVAL ASSOCIATE Lynne Connor SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR Mai Le PUBLICITY http://www.naatanet.org/festival/2004/html/staff.html | |
17. Yang_Hui Yang Hui. Born about 1238 Little is known about Yang Hui other thanthat he wrote several outstanding mathematical texts. He was a http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Yang_Hui.html | |
18. References For Yang_Hui References for Yang Hui. KQ Sun, hui yang s triangle and determinant (Chinese),Sichuan Shifan Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban 17 (4) (1994), 5357. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Yang_Hui.html | |
19. DBLP: Hui Yang dblp.unitrier.de hui yang. 2003. 8, EE, hui yang, Lekha Chaisorn, Yunlong Zhao,Shi-Yong Neo, Tat-Seng Chua VideoQA question answering on news video. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/y/Yang:Hui.html | |
20. DBLP: En-Hui Yang Enhui yang. 6, EE, Ashish Banerji, En-hui yang Applications of YK Algorithm tothe Internet Transmission of Web-Data Implementation Issues and Modifications. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/y/Yang:En=Hui.html | |
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