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Hudde Johann: more detail |
81. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Calvados, France Died 14 June 1886 in Pétiers (near Caen), France hudde, Johannvan Waveren hudde Born 23 April 1628 in Amsterdam, Netherlands Died 15 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=H |
82. Band 50-61 Translate this page Biographie des Nürnberger Kaufmanns und Bürgermeisters johann Merkel (1785 HeinrichHUDDE Theaterleidenschaft und tragisches Lebensgefühl in den Memoiren http://regionalforschung-erlangen.de/Franken/50-61.htm | |
83. Cumpleaños Translate this page 131, 26, Garcia Brillembourg, Oscar Alejandro, 132, 26, hudde Chacin, JohannAlberto, 133, 26, Martinez Lugo, Heli Daniel, 134, 26, Obregon Cudemus, MariaFabiola, http://www.exalumnoscslc.org.ve/data.php?mode=cumple&mes=Julio |
84. ITAL. THEMEN AN DEN UNIV. DEUTSCHLANDS - WS 2002/2003 Translate this page Italienisches Theater (V). hudde (P). Frühe italienische Lyrik (V). hudde (P).Einführung in die Fachdidaktik Italienisch (Ü). Seuring-Schönecker (Lb). http://culturitalia.uibk.ac.at/italienisch/THEMEN/D_2002-03.htm | |
85. ITAL. THEMEN AN DEN UNIV. DEUTSCHLANDS - WS 2003/2004 Translate this page Geschichte der italienischen Lyrik ab Petrarca (V) hudde (P). Così fan tutteund andere Extreme Frauenfiguren im Theater des 700 (M) hudde (P). http://culturitalia.uibk.ac.at/italienisch/THEMEN/D_200304.htm | |
86. ªk °ê ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a 17centurey 1602~1675, 6Fermat 1601.8.17~1665.1.12, 28? ?hudde 1628~1704. 84Johann Rahn1622~1676, 65 Roger Cotes 1682~1716, 83Georg Mohr1640~1697. http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/1 | |
87. It's 6:19. Do You Know Where You Are?: July 2002 Archives Leonhard Euler (also from Basel) studied under johann. Fermat and johannesHudde looked at primitive methods to determine maxima and minima. http://arsenal.media.mit.edu/notebook/archives/2002_07.html | |
89. Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft (DO-G) hudde, Essen; Prof http://www.do-g.de/german/frames/research/main.htm | |
90. úåìãåú äîñôøéí äùìéìééí - áéåâøôéåú The summary for this Hebrew page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://stwi.weizmann.ac.il/g-math/negnum/who_is.htm | |
91. WhoWasThere Reply Jonas Moore was 48 this year and would die in a further 4 years. JohannHudde was 47 this year and would die in a further 29 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1675 |
92. WhoWasThere Reply Jonas Moore was 23 this year and would die in a further 29 years. JohannHudde was 22 this year and would die in a further 54 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1650 |
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