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         Householder Alston:     more books (26)
  1. The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Alston S. Householder, 2006-01-20
  2. Principles of Numerical Analysis by Alston S. Householder, 2006-09-29
  3. Bibliography on numerical analysis by Alston Scott Householder, 1955-01-01
  4. Numerical Treatment of a Single Nonlinear Equation (Pure & Applied Mathematics) by Alston S. Householder, 1970-06
  5. Handbook for Automatic Computation: Volume 2: Linear Algebra (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (Vol 2) by John H. Wilkinson, C. Reinsch, 1986-05-09
  6. Mathematical Biophysics of the Central Nervous System (Mathematical biophysics monograph series) by Alston Scott Householder, Herbert D. Landahl, 1945
  7. Principles of Numerical Analysis by Alston S. Householder, 1953-01-01
  8. The generation of error in digital computation by Alston Scott Householder, 1955-01-01
  9. On the convergence of matrix iterations by Alston Scott Householder, 1955-01-01
  10. Lectures on numerical algebra by Alston Scott Householder, 1972
  11. Generated error in the solution of certain partial difference equations by Alston Scott Householder, 1956-01-01
  12. Mathematical Biophysics of the Central N by Alston Householder, 1945-01-01
  13. Handbook for Automatic Computation: Volume 1, Part b: Translation of ALGOL 60 (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Albert A. Grau, U. Hill, et all 1967-01-01
  14. Dictionary of Abbreviations (Hutchinson Pocket Series) by Alston S Householder, 1994-01

81. Cellar Stories Bookstore: MATHEMATICS
householder, alston S. The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis New York BlaisdellPublishing 1964 ExLibrary H Near Fine Item 034473 $15.00 Add to your
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Lindahl, L.A. and F. Poulsen (editors)
Thin Sets in Harmonic Analysis
New York Marcel Dekker 1971 S Very Good Item #
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Nagata, Masayoshi Polynominal Rings and Affine Spaces Providence American Mathematical Society 1978 S Very Good Item # Add to your cart Flensted-Jensen, Mogens Analysis on Non-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces Providence American Mathematical Society 1986 S Near Fine Item # Add to your cart Coburn, Nathaniel Vector and Tenor Analysis New York Dover Publications 1970 S Good Item # Add to your cart Hopf, Eberhard Ergodentheorie New York Chelsea Publishing Co. 1948 H Very Good Item # Add to your cart Knopp, Dr. Konrad Theory of Functions New York Dover Publications 1947 H Near Fine Item # Add to your cart Crouch, Ralph B. and David N. Beckman

82. - Matrizen
Preis £ 14.17 mehr info Buchposition Grossbritannien. householder,alston - The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis.
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Architektur Belletristik Comics ... Mathematik Stichtwort: Autor: Titel: ISBN: Preisbereich: zu Buchposition: Grossbritannien Irland Deutschland Frankreich USA Resultate 141-160 von 172
Preis: EUR 5500.00 - mehr info
Buchposition: Deutschland
Ruys' Maschinen (Hrsg.) - Gebrauchsanweisung f¼r den Edison-Dick Mimeograph.

Gebrauchsanweisung f¼r den Edison-Dick Mimeograph. Bln. (Ca. 1915). 4 . 27 S. Mit Abb. OKart. Der Mimeograph ist ein Vervielf¤ltigungsger¤t f¼r Matrizen.
Preis: EUR 60.00 - mehr info
Buchposition: Deutschland
Sperner, Emanuel - Einf¼hrung in die Analytische Geometrie und Algebra.

Preis: EUR 17.00 - mehr info Buchposition: Deutschland Siehe auch mehr Angebote Eheb¼chlein. Selbstgeschriebenes, selbstgedrucktes (Matrizen) und selbstgebundes Eheb¼chlein mit fester Karton (DinA4) des Ehepaares Quade aus Rostock.(Maurerfirma). Gedanken, Spr¼che und Verse zur Ehe, 95 Seiten, leicht stockfleckig. hardcover Publizierte: Preis: EUR 15.00 -

83. Householder Symposium XIV
householder Symposium XIV, 1999. householder Meeting on Numerical Linear Algebra.Monday June 14 Friday June 18, 1999. Chateau Whistler, Whistler, BC, Canada.
H ouseholder S ymposium XIV, 1999 Householder Meeting on Numerical Linear Algebra Monday June 14 - Friday June 18, 1999 Chateau Whistler, Whistler, B.C., Canada An article about Alston Householder by G.W. Stewart, appeared in SIAM News

84. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Alston Householder
The Mathematics Genealogy Project

85. Householder History
The householder Symposia originated in a series of meetings organized by Alstonhouseholder, Director of the Mathematics Division of Oak Ridge National

86. Tópicos Para O Jornal
Translate this page New York Springer, 2000. XIII, 283 p. ISBN 0-387-95052-4. householder, AlstonS. - Lectures on numerical algebra. Washington MAA, 1972. III, 250, VII p.
Jornal da Biblioteca do Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra Nº1 23 de Fevereiro de 2001 Instalações e funcionamento
  • de 25 de Fevereiro a 18 de Março Findo o prazo de recepção de comentários sobre a requalificação da cave da biblioteca, a Comissão da Biblioteca vai dar início ao processo de aquisição das estantes rolantes, primeiro passo para a criação de uma pequena área destinada à projecção de vídeos matemáticos.
Recursos bibliográficos / Informação
  • A SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) oferece alguns benefícios a seis alunos a indicar pela biblioteca sob proposta dos docentes. A Biblioteca pretende assinar séries monográficas de grande qualidade científica. Aguardam-se sugestões dos docentes.
Publicações recebidas - Jan./Fev.2001

87. English Books > Algebra - Elementary > Index > World Retail Store
1572321873. Theory Of Matrices In Numerical Analysis. householder, AlstonScott; Paperback; Code BE0486617815. Understanding Intermediate
Algebra - Elementary
English Books Index
Abels Proof: An Essay On The Sources And Meaning Of Mathematical Unsolvability
Pesic, Peter; Hardcover; Code: BE-0262162164 Algebra Artin, Michael; Hardcover; Code: BE-0130047635 Algebra Facts: Survival Guide To Basic Algebra Szymanski, Theodore John; Paperback; Code: BE-0534199860 Algebra For The Utterly Confused Stephens, Larry J.; Paperback; Code: BE-0071355146 Algebra From A To Z Goodman, A. W.; Paperback; Code: BE-9810249799 Algebra From A To Z Goodman, A. W.; Hardcover; Code: BE-9810249802 Algebra From A To Z Goodman, A. W.; Hardcover; Code: BE-9810249810 Algebra From A To Z Goodman, A. W.; Hardcover; Code: BE-9810249829 Algebra From A To Z Goodman, A. W.; Paperback; Code: BE-9810249837 Algebraic Homogeneous Spaces And Invariant Theory Grosshans, Frank D.; Hardcover; Code: BE-3540636285 Algebra In The Real World: Grades 10-12 Dalton, Leroy; Paperback; Code: BE-0866511210 Algebra Problems: Grades 7-12; One Step Beyond Schadler, Reuben; Paperback; Code: BE-0866515453 Algebra (Rev) Abbott, P.; With Wardle, M. E.; Paperback; Code: BE-0844231177

88. Descripteur - 65F10
Translate this page computation, 1967. Ouvrage The theory of matrices in numerical analysisHouseholder, alston S. (Principal) Blaisdell publishing Co. A

89. Ehrendoktoren
Translate this page nat. hc, Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. 1965Householder, alston S. ( * 1904 + 1993 ) BS, MA, Ph. D., Dr. rer. nat.
1953: von Neumann, John
Dr. phil., Dr. rer. nat. h. c.,
Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., USA
1965: Householder, Alston S.
B. S., M. A., Ph. D., Dr. rer. nat. h. c.,
1978: Wilkes, Maurice V.
M. A., Ph. D., F. I. E. E., F. B. C. S., Dr. h. c. mult.,
1986: Birkhoff, Garrett
Ph. D., Dr. rer. nat. h. c.,
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Cambridge, Mass., USA
1998: Langmaack, Hans Dr., Dr. rer. nat. h.c.,

90. Personen Der Biologie, Chemie, Physik Medizin Und Mathematik
HouseholderHouseholder, AlstonScott US-amer. Mathematiker (1904-1993), Variationsrechnung
Historische Persoenlichkeiten der
Biologie, Chemie, Physik, Medizin und Mathematik

Abel, Niels Henrik

norweg.Mathematiker (1802-1829), Beweis der Unmoeglichkeit der Aufloesung von Gleichungen hoeheren als 4.Grades, Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen, Theorie der elliptischen Funktionen, Abelsche Gruppen.
Adams, John Couch

brit. Mathematiker (1819-1892), 1845 Entdeckung des Planeten Neptun, ab 1861 Leiter der Sternwarte Cambridge, Adams-, Adams-Bashforth-, Adams-Moulton-Verfahren zur numerischen Loesung von Differentialgleichungen.
Ahmes (auch Ahmose)

aegypt.Mathematiker (um 17.Jahrh. v.Chr.), Verfasser des Papyrus Rhind, aeltestes Dokument aegypt.Mathematik.
Alembert, Jean le Rond d´

frz. Mathematiker (1717-1783), d´Alembertsches Prinzip in der Mechanik, Theorie der analytischen Funktionen, partielle Differentialgleichungen, Grundlagen der Algebra. Alexandrow, Pawel Sergejewitsch russ. Mathematiker (1896-?), kombinatorische Topologie u. kompakte Raeume. Anaxagoras griech. Philosoph (499-428 v.Chr.), Arbeiten zur Geometrie u. zur Zentrifugalkraft, 450 in Athen inhaftiert, wegen der Behauptung, die Sonne sei keine Gottheit u. der Mond reflektiere das Sonnenlicht. Anaximander Anaximenes Apastamba ind. Mathematiker (um 600 v.Chr.), sehr genaue Naeherung fuer 2^(1/2).

91. Sir Fragalot S WIKINDX Edit Resource

92. WIKINDX Edit Resource

93. Matematicas Generales Algebra, Analisis
Analisis numerico / Matrices (Matematicas). Como hacer matematicas con Derive
Matematicas generales : algebra, analisis
-Pisot, C. / Zamansky, Marc
Ed:Montaner y Simon Barcelona, 1966 XXIV, 657 p. ; 24 cm
Algebra / Analisis (Matematicas) Mathematiques generales : algebre-analyse
-Pisot, C. / Zamansky, Marc
Ed:Dunod Paris, 1966 XXIV, 648 p. ; 25 cm
Algebra / Analisis (Matematicas) Introduction to modern algebra and matrix theory
-Schreier, O. / Sperner, E.
Ed:Chelsea New York, 1959 2 ed VIII, 378 p. ; 24 cm
Algebra / Matrices (Matematicas) Algebra lineal y bases del analisis matematico
-Bolgov, V. / Efimov, A. / Demidovich, B.P. Ed:Mir Moscu, 1983 512 p. ; 21 cm Algebra lineal / Analisis (Matematicas) Teoria y problemas de algebra matricial y lineal -Carbo Carre, R. / Domingo Pascual, Llorenc Ed:Mac Graw-Hill Madrid, 1987 IX, 252 p. ; 28 cm 84-7615-164-0 Algebra lineal / Matrices (Matematicas) Algebra lineal y teoria de matrices -Herstein, I.N. / Winter, David J. / Ojeda Penia, Eduardo M. Ed:Grupo Editorial Iberoamerica Mexico, 1989 XV, 555 p. : graf. ; 24 cm 968-7270-52-7 Algebra lineal / Matrices (Matematicas) Algebre et analyse lineaires -Lichnerowicz, Andre

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