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         Householder Alston:     more books (26)
  1. The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Alston S. Householder, 2006-01-20
  2. Principles of Numerical Analysis by Alston S. Householder, 2006-09-29
  3. Bibliography on numerical analysis by Alston Scott Householder, 1955-01-01
  4. Numerical Treatment of a Single Nonlinear Equation (Pure & Applied Mathematics) by Alston S. Householder, 1970-06
  5. Handbook for Automatic Computation: Volume 2: Linear Algebra (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (Vol 2) by John H. Wilkinson, C. Reinsch, 1986-05-09
  6. Mathematical Biophysics of the Central Nervous System (Mathematical biophysics monograph series) by Alston Scott Householder, Herbert D. Landahl, 1945
  7. Principles of Numerical Analysis by Alston S. Householder, 1953-01-01
  8. The generation of error in digital computation by Alston Scott Householder, 1955-01-01
  9. On the convergence of matrix iterations by Alston Scott Householder, 1955-01-01
  10. Lectures on numerical algebra by Alston Scott Householder, 1972
  11. Generated error in the solution of certain partial difference equations by Alston Scott Householder, 1956-01-01
  12. Mathematical Biophysics of the Central N by Alston Householder, 1945-01-01
  13. Handbook for Automatic Computation: Volume 1, Part b: Translation of ALGOL 60 (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Albert A. Grau, U. Hill, et all 1967-01-01
  14. Dictionary of Abbreviations (Hutchinson Pocket Series) by Alston S Householder, 1994-01

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62. Archival Biographical File
Charles T. Holst, Hermann von Holt, Arthur E. Holzinger, Karl J. Hoselitz, BertF. Houk, Elizabeth Messick Houle, Cyril O. householder, alston S. Howe, John
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Archival Biographical File
The Archival Biographical File was established in order to organize and make accessible information on faculty members, officers, trustees, staff members, and other individuals related to the University. The materials have been received from many sources, although the largest portion has come from the Office of University News and Information and its predecessors. No attempt is made by the Archives to systematically collect biographical information on all members of the University community, but appropriate items are filed here as they are received. The file includes biographical data sheets, curriculum vitae, obituaries, press releases, articles, and news clippings. Some folders also contain small amounts of letters and other original manuscripts. With a few exceptions, the file does not contain information on students or alumni, unless they have some other affiliation with the University. Book-length biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs are listed in a separate inventory, "Archival Biographical Monographs."

63. Dickeson_to_Diconson.htm
married Ruth Stagg 12May1768 (Garrigill) DICKINSON Joseph married Sarah Raw 20Jan1799(alston) DICKINSON Joseph of Cockan householder bur18May1763 (Lamplugh PR
CUMBRIAN GENEALOGY DICKESON Agnes d of John Dickason bapt5Nov1596 (Lamplugh PR)
DICKESON Annas m Stanwix Leonard 24Jun1583 (Lamplugh PR)
DICKESON Annas m Wilkinson Wm 1Dec1594 (Lamplugh PR)
DICKESON Anne d of Thomas Dickeson of Strickelandgate bapt1607Mar20 (Kendal PR)
DICKESON Eliz d of John of Streatget bapt26Oct1595 (Lamplugh PR)
DICKESON Guliellmus f Robt bapt 2Dec1618 (Skelton PR)
DICKESON Janet d of John Dickeson bur1558Apr9 (St Andrews Penrith PR)
DICKESON Janet d of Thos of Woodend bapt13May1592 (Lamplugh PR)
DICKESON Jenet m Jackson Anthony 12Jun1586 (Lamplugh PR)
DICKESON John s of John Dickeson of Streatgat m Annas Richardson 5Jun1595 (Lamplugh PR)
DICKESON Thos m Isabell ? both of this pish 20Jun1585 (Lamplugh PR) DICKESON Thos of the Woodend thelder bur28Sep1590 (Lamplugh PR) DICKESON Thos s of Wm bapt18Sepbaptl625 (Lamplugh PR) DICKEUSON Thomas s of Roberte Dickeuson of Finkellstrecte bapt1607Jan31 (Kendal PR) DICKINGSON Agnes d of John Dickingson of Stretegate bur2Jun1602 (Lamplugh PR) DICKINGSON Annas d of Wm Dickinson of the High trees bur14Feb1608 (Lamplugh PR) DICKINSON DICKINSON ? d of John Clark bapt 1640 (Skelton PR) DICKINSON ? s of Lancelot bapt30May1713 (Lamplugh PR) DICKINSON Abigail d of Isaac of Hunter-how bapt28Jun1715 (Lamplugh PR) DICKINSON Abigail d of John of Wood-end bapt7Mar1707 (Lamplugh PR) DICKINSON Abigail wife of Daniel of Streetgate bur29Apr1741 (Lamplugh PR)

64. Dawson_Katheren_to_Dennson.htm
de Reeddeall bapt 1676Mar22 (Wigton PR) DAWSON Thomas householder bur1570Sept5 (St PenrithPR) DAWSON Thomas married Ann White 29Nov1794 (alston) DAWSON Thomas
CUMBRIAN GENEALOGY DAWSON Katheren d of Thomas Dawson bapt1566Feb17 (St Andrews Penrith PR)
DAWSON Katheren marr John Nelson 1594June30 (St Andrews Penrith PR)
DAWSON Mabell d of Wm de Lamanby bapt 18Dec1614 (Skelton PR)
DAWSON Mabell m Gill Wm 24Nov1593 (Skelton PR)
DAWSON Mabell marr Jefferay Topping 1563Jan29 (St Andrews Penrith PR)
DAWSON Mabell w of John Dawson of Newton bur 5Aug1587 (Newton Reigny PR)
DAWSON Mabella fa Johannis de ?bapt bur 16Feb1636 (Skelton PR)
DAWSON Mable of Unthank widdow 79 bur 15Oct1792 (Skelton PR)
DAWSON Magdalin widdow bur1656May26 (St Andrews Penrith PR)
DAWSON Marey of Catterlen bur 16Octl699 (Newton Reigny PR)
DAWSON Margaret a poor woman bur1567Jan16 (St Andrews Penrith PR) DAWSON Margaret d of Robert Dawson bapt1576Sept19 (St Andrews Penrith PR) DAWSON Margaret d of Roger Dawson Stricklandgait bapt1597April18 (Kendal PR) DAWSON Margaret d to John Dawson bapt 28Feb1599 (Newton Reigny PR) DAWSON Margaret d to Robt Dawson bapt 25July1610 (Newton Reigny PR) DAWSON Margaret d to Robt Dawson bur 21Oct1610 (Newton Reigny PR) DAWSON Margaret d to Willm Dawson of Newton bapt 18Oct1580 (Newton Reigny PR) DAWSON Margaret m HUNTER Rich 15Nov1709 (Milburn PR) DAWSON Margaret marr Jefferaye Mattison 1582Feb10 (St Andrews Penrith PR) DAWSON Margaret marr Thomas Clerke 1580Dec8 (St Andrews Penrith PR) DAWSON Margaret marr Willm Hardnes 1585Sept8

65. Title Laboratory Physics Imprint New York McGraw-Hill Title
Methuen Author Harvey, Bernard G; Title Introduction à la physique et la chimienucléaires Imprint Paris Dunod Author householder, alston S; Title
Title : Laboratory physics Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Title : Atlas classique Larousse Imprint : Paris : Larousse Title : Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch- Englisch Imprint : Berlin : Langenscheidt Title : Cassell's Italian-English, English-Italian dictionary Imprint : London : Cassell Conference : Computer and Information Sciences Symposium, Evanston Title : Proceedings, Evanston, Illinois, 17-18 June 1963 Imprint : Washington : Spartan Conference : Conference on Remote Systems Technology, San Francisco Title : Proceedings, San Francisco, Calif., 30 Nov. - 3 Dec. 1964 Imprint : Hinsdale, Ill. : American Nuclear Society Conference : CongrÈs de Calcul et de Traitement de l'Information AFIRO, Versailles Title : Comptes-rendus, Versailles, 21-24 Apr. 1964 Imprint : Paris : Dunod Conference : Ecole d'Eté de Physique Théorique, Les Houches Title : Relativité, groupes et topologie : [proceedings], Les Houches, France, 1963 Imprint : New York : Gordon and Breach Conference : International Summer Institute on Theory of Distributions, Lisbon Title : Theory of distributions : proceedings, Lisbon, Sep. 1964 Imprint : Lisboa : Centro de Cálculo Científico, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência Conference : Istanbul Summer School of Theoretical Physics, Istanbul Title : Group theoretical concepts and methods in elementary particle physics : lectures, Istanbul, 16 July - 4 Aug. 1962 Imprint : New York : Gordon and Breach Series : Quantum physics and its applications, v.1 Conference : Session of the Spring School of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Nor-Amberd Title : Problems of elementary particle physics : lectures, Nor- Amberd, USSR, 16-26 Apr. 1964 Author : Agence Internationale de l'Energie Atomique. Vienne. Title : Photonuclear reactions : a bibliography Imprint : Vienna Series : Bibliographical series, no.10 Author : American Documentation Institute. Title : Parameters of information science Imprint : London : Cleaver-Hume Author : Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne, Ill.. Title : Proposal for the construction of a 12 foot hydrogen bubble chamber Imprint : Lemont Author : Centre du mazout. Paris. Title : Constructeurs de matériel d'équipement au mazout Imprint : Paris Series : Publication, no. 93 Author : CERN. Geneva. Accelerator Division. Title : Rapport sur le projet d'un synchrotron à protons de 300 GeV Imprint : Geneva Author : CERN. Geneva. Accelerator Division. Title : Report on the design study of a 300 GeV proton synchrotron Imprint : Geneva Author : CERN. Geneva. Accelerator Division. Title : Rapport sur le projet d'un synchrotron à protons de 300 GeV Imprint : Geneva Author : Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique. Paris. Title : Préparations radioactives étalonnées Imprint : Paris Author : Ecole Polytechnique. Paris. Title : Cours de physique Imprint : Paris Author : Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité. Paris. Title : Technique des impulsions Imprint : Paris Author : Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité. Paris. Title : Les amplificateurs spéciaux Imprint : Paris Author : Euratom. Brussels. Title : Unionlist of "Non-United States Atomic-Energy Commission" reports, available in Europe : NP-reports Imprint : Brussels Author : Fédération Internationale de Documentation. La Haye. Title : Bibliographie de la documentation et de la bibliothéconomie, année 1963 Imprint : La Haye Author : General Electric Company. Syracuse, N.Y.. Title : Transistor manual. - 7th ed Imprint : Syracuse Author : General Motors Research Laboratories. Warren, Mich.. Title : Cavitation in real liquids Imprint : Amsterdam : Elsevier Author : International Business Machines. New York.. Title : General information manual : PERT, a dynamic project planning and control method Imprint : New York Author : Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. Md.. Title : X ray wavelengths Imprint : Oak Ridge, Tenn., : Div. of Technical Information Author : Marti. Denver, Colo.. Title : Cryogenic materials data handbook. - 2nd ed Imprint : Denver Author : National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C.. Title : Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables Imprint : New York : NBS Series : N.B.S. applied mathematics series, 55 Author : National Institut for Research in Nuclear Science. Rutherford High Energy Laboratory. Harwell. Title : High energy and nuclear physics data handbook. - 2nd ed Imprint : Rutherford Author : New York Institute of Technology. Title : A programmed course in basic electronics Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : New York Institute of Technology. Title : A programmed course in basic transistors Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Phillips Petroleum Company. Title : Scintillation spectrometry : gamma-ray spectrum catalogue. - 2nd ed Imprint : Idaho Falls Author : Phillips Petroleum Company. Title : Scintillation spectrometry : gamma-ray spectrum catalogue. - 2nd ed Imprint : Idaho Falls Author : Phillips Petroleum Company. Title : Scintillation spectrometry : gamma-ray spectrum catalogue. - 2nd ed Imprint : Idaho Falls Author : Physical Science Study Committee. Cambridge, Mass.. Title : La physique Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Physical Science Study Committee. Cambridge, Mass.. Title : Recueil d'expériences de physique Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : University of California. Berkeley. Radiation Laboratory. Title : Introduction to the detection of nuclear particles in a bubble chamber Imprint : Cambridge, Mass. : Ealing Press Author : University of California. Livermore. Radiation Laboratory. Title : Thresholds of nuclear reactions Imprint : Livermore Author : Van Valkenburgh, Nooger and Neville. New York. Title : Basic electronic circuits : a basic training manual ... Imprint : London : Technical Press Author : Adler, Irving; Title : Initiation à la mathématique d'aujourd'hui. - 2e éd Imprint : Paris : Office Central de Librairie Author : Adler, richard Brooks; Title : Introduction to semiconductor physics Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Avner, Sidney H; Title : Introduction to physical metallurgy Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Barnothy, Madeleine Forro; Title : Biological effects of magnetic fields Imprint : New York : Plenum Author : Basquin, René; Title : Résistance des matériaux. - 1ère éd Imprint : Paris : Delagrave Author : Becker, Richard; Title : Electromagnetic fields and interactions Imprint : London : Blackie Author : Bedford, B D; Title : Principles of inverter circuits Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Birks, John Bettely; Title : The theory and practice of scintillation counting Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Author : Birks, John Bettely; Title : The theory and practice of scintillation counting Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Author : Bjorken, James D; Title : Relativistic quantum mechanics Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Blatt, John Markus; Title : Theory of superconductivity Imprint : New York : Academic Press Series : Pure and applied physics, v.17 Author : Blitzer, Richard; Title : Basic pulse circuits Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Blokhintsev, Dimitrij I; Title : Quantum mechanics Imprint : Dordrecht, Holland : Reidel Author : Bôcher, Maxime; Title : Introduction to higher algebra Imprint : New York : Dover Author : Bouchet, Louis; Title : Cours d'électronique Imprint : Paris : Gauthier-Villars Author : Boulouvard, Jean; Title : Les installations électriques en moyenne tension Imprint : Paris : Entreprise Moderne Author : Bousquie, Georges; Title : Comment rédiger vos rapports. - 5e éd Imprint : Paris : Entreprise Moderne Author : Briggs, Richard J; Title : Electron-stream interaction with plasmas Imprint : Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Series : Research monograph, No.29 Author : Brooks, Nelson; Title : Language and language teaching : theory and practice. - 2nd ed Imprint : New York : Harcourt, Brace and World Author : Brown, Gerald Edward; Title : Lectures on theory of nuclear matter Imprint : Copenhagen : NORDITA Author : Cahen, François; Title : Electrotechnique : leçons professées à l'Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité Imprint : Paris : Gauthier-Villars Author : Carter, Harley; Title : Photoelektronische Bauelemente : Theorie und Praxis Imprint : Eindhoven : Philips Author : Cassignol, Etienne Jean; Title : Physique et électronique des semiconducteurs Imprint : Eindhoven : Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken Author : Compoint, R; Title : Exploitation des réseaux de distribution. - nouv. éd Imprint : Paris : Electricité de France Author : Cottrell, Alan Howard; Title : Theory of crystal dislocations Imprint : New York : Gordon and Breach Author : Crowhurst, Norman H; Title : Mathematics for electronics engineers and technicians Imprint : Slough, Bucks. : Foulsham Author : De Benedetti, Sergio; Title : Nuclear interactions Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : De Swart, J J; Title : SU(3) symmetry and particle physics Imprint : Chilton, Didcot : Rutherford Appleton Lab. Author : Dean, Kenneth John; Title : An introduction to counting techniques and transistor circuit logic Imprint : London : Chapman and Hall Author : Denis-Papin, Maurice; Title : Mathématiques générales, t.2. - 8e éd Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Dessauer, Friedrich; Title : Quantenbiologie : Einführung in einen neuen Wissenszweig. - 2. Aufl Imprint : Berlin : Springer Author : Dévoré, Georges; Title : Cours de physique : optique 2. - 2e éd Imprint : Paris : Vuibert Author : Durand, Emile; Title : Electrostatique Imprint : Paris : Masson Author : Fagot, J; Title : Emploi des tubes électroniques et des transistors Imprint : Paris : Masson Author : Faupel, Joseph H; Title : Engineering design : a synthesis of stress analysis and materials engineering Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Fettes, Edward M; Title : Chemical reactions of polymers Imprint : New York : Interscience Series : High polymers, v.19 Author : Feynman, Richard Phillips; Title : The Feynman lectures on physics Imprint : Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Feynman, Richard Phillips; Title : The Feynman lectures on physics Imprint : Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Feynman, Richard Phillips; Title : Lectures on gravitation Imprint : Pasadena : California Institute of Technology Author : Florine, Jean; Title : La synthèse des machines logiques et son automatisation Imprint : Bruxelles : Presses Académiques Européennes Author : Fok, Vladimir A; Title : The theory of space, time and gravitation. - 2nd ed Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Author : Fox, Leslie; Title : An introduction to numerical linear algebra Imprint : Oxford : Clarendon Press Author : Frisch, David Henry; Title : Elementary particles Imprint : New York : Van Nostrand Author : Fuks, Boris Abramovich; Title : Functions of a complex variable and some of their applications Imprint : London : Pergamon Series : International series of monographs on pure and applied mathematics, v.51 Author : Gamow, George; Title : Thirty years that shook physics : the story of quantum theory Imprint : Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday Series : Science study series, 45 Author : Gel'fand, Izrail Moiseevich; Title : Commutative normed rings Imprint : Bronx, N.Y. : Chelsea Author : Gell-Mann, Murray; Title : The eightfold way Imprint : New York : Benjamin Author : Godwin, Herbert James; Title : Inequalities on distribution functions Imprint : London : Griffin Series : Griffin's statistical monographs and courses, no.16 Author : Goldberger, Marvin L; Title : Collision theory Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Gowing, Margaret; Title : Britain and atomic energy 1939-1945 Imprint : London : Macmillan Author : Grevisse, Maurice; Title : Le bon usage : grammaire française avec des remarques sur la langue française d'aujourd'hui. - 8e éd Imprint : Gembloux : Duculot Author : Grossman, Israel; Title : Groups and their graphs Imprint : New York : Random House Author : Guillien, Robert; Title : Problèmes d'électronique à l'usage des ingénieurs et chercheurs, des étudiants des facultés et des grandes écoles. - 2e éd Imprint : Paris : Eyrolles Author : Hamilton, James; Title : Elementary introduction to elementary particle physics Imprint : Copenhagen : NORDITA Author : Hammersley, John Michael; Title : Monte Carlo methods Imprint : London : Methuen Author : Harvey, Bernard G; Title : Introduction à la physique et la chimie nucléaires Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Householder, Alston S; Title : The theory of matrices in numerical analysis Imprint : New York : Blaisdell Author : Jacob, Maurice; Title : Strong-interaction physics : a lecture note volume Imprint : New York : Benjamin Author : Jans, James P; Title : Rings and homology Imprint : New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston Author : Jardine, Jim; Title : Physics is fun Imprint : London : Heinemann Author : Jury, Eliahu Ibraham; Title : Theory and application of the Z - transform method Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Kaden, Heinrich E; Title : Manuel du transistor : technique facile Imprint : Paris : Bibliothèque Technique Philips Author : Kaellén, Anders Olof Gunnar; Title : Elementary particle physics Imprint : Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Katz, Robert; Title : An introduction to the special theory of relativity Imprint : Princeton : Van Nostrand Author : Kays, William M; Title : Compact heat exchangers. - 2nd ed Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Kilmister, Clive William; Title : Hamiltonian dynamics Imprint : London : Longmans Series : Mathematical physics series, 2 Author : Kircher, John Frederick; Title : Effects of radiation on materials and components Imprint : New York : Reinhold Author : Koshlyakov, Nikolay Sergeyevich; Title : Differential equations of mathematical physics Imprint : Amsterdam : North-Holland Author : Kourganoff, Vladimir; Title : Initiation à la théorie de la relativité Imprint : Paris : PUF Author : Lambe, Cyril Gerard; Title : Teach yourself dynamics Imprint : London : English Univ. Press Author : Lapostolle, Pierre M; Title : Les accélérateurs de particules Imprint : Paris : Fayard Author : Lehnert, Bo; Title : Dynamics of charged particles Imprint : Amsterdam : North-Holland Author : Lichtenberg, Don Bernett; Title : The strongly interacting particles : an introduction to some recent developments Imprint : New York : City Univ. Author : Lynton, Ernest Albert; Title : La supraconductivité Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : MacGregor, M H; Title : Topics in scattering theory Imprint : Livermore Author : Madelung, Erwin; Title : Die mathematischen Hilfsmittel des Physikers. - 7.Aufl. od. später Imprint : Berlin : Springer Series : Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Bd.4 Author : Mandel, John; Title : The statistical analysis of experimental data Imprint : New York : Interscience Author : Margenau, Henry; Title : The mathematics of physics and chemistry Imprint : New York : Van Nostrand Author : Marks, Robert E; Title : Space, time and the new mathematics Imprint : New York : Bantam Books Author : Marshak, Robert Eugene; Title : Introduction à la physique des particules élémentaires Imprint : Paris : Dunod Series : Monographies Dunod, 56 Author : Martin, Gérard; Title : Le papier Imprint : Paris : PUF Series : Que sais-je?, 84 Author : Mathews, Jon; Title : Mathematical methods of physics. - 1st ed Imprint : New York : Benjamin Author : Matthaei, George Lawrence; Title : Microwave filters, impedance-matching networks, and coupling structures. - 1st ed Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : McAdams, William H; Title : Transmission de la chaleur : 2e éd Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : McClintock, Michael; Title : Cryogenics Imprint : New York : Reinhold Author : McCracken, Daniel D; Title : Numerical methods and FORTRAN programming with applications in engineering and sciences Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : McDaniel, Earl Wadsworth; Title : Collision phenomena in ionized gases Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : McLuhan, Marshall; Title : Understanding media : the extensions of man Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Mounic, Marcel; Title : Semiconducteurs : à l'usage des techniciens de l'industrie et des élèves de l'enseignement technique Imprint : Paris : Foucher Author : Muller, Jacques; Title : Formulaire technique de mécanique générale Imprint : Paris : Desforges Author : Myers, Richard H; Title : Reliability engineering for electronic systems Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Neville da Costa Andrade, Edward; Title : Rutherford and the nature of the atom Imprint : Garden City, N.Y., : Doubleday Series : Science study series, 35 Author : Newhouse, Vernon L; Title : Applied superconductivity. - 1st ed Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Oberg, Erik Waldemar; Title : Machinery's handbook : a reference book for the mechanical engineer, draftsman, toolmaker and machinist. - 17th ed Imprint : New York : Industrial Press Author : Pascal, Raoul; Title : Le calcul des arcs, anneaux et tubes circulaires : utilisation du calcul électronique, données experimentales Imprint : Paris : Eyrolles Author : Pertzoff, Vladimir Alexander; Title : Translations of scientific Russian Imprint : New York : Exposition Press Author : Pierce, John Robinson; Title : Electrons and waves Imprint : Garden City : Doubleday Series : Science study series, S38 Author : Poenicke, Klaus; Title : Das wissenschaftliche Manuskript : Materialsammlung und Gestaltung von Manuskripten für Universität und Verlag Imprint : Berlin : Langenscheidt Author : Poggendorf, Johann Christian; Title : Geschichte des Physik Imprint : Leipzig : Zentral-Antiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Author : Price, William J; Title : Nuclear radiation detection. - 2nd ed Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Prutton, Martin; Title : Thin ferromagnetic films Imprint : London : Butterworths Author : Raether, Heinz; Title : Electron avalanches and breakdown in gases Imprint : London : Butterworth Author : Raether, Heinz; Title : Electron avalanches and breakdown in gases Imprint : London : Butterworth Author : Raisbeck, Gordon; Title : Information theory : an introduction for scientists and engineers Imprint : Cambridge : MIT Author : Randell, Brian; Title : ALGOL 60 implementation : the translation and use of ALGOL 60 programs on a computer Imprint : London : Academic Press Series : APIC studies in data processing, 5 Author : Ratner, Boris Samuilovich; Title : Accelerators of charged particles Imprint : London : Pergamon Author : Rice, John Richard; Title : The approximation of functions Imprint : Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Roberts, Edward Baer; Title : The dynamics of research and development Imprint : New York : Harper and Row Author : Roy, Maurice; Title : Thermodynamique macroscopique : notions fondamentales Imprint : Paris : Dunod Author : Rus'kin, Valerij Ivanovich; Title : Isotopic spin Author : Sakurai, Jun John; Title : Invariance principles and elementary particles Imprint : Princeton, N.J. : Princeton Univ. Press Series : Investigations in physics, 10 Author : Schneiter, Louis; Title : Géométrie Imprint : Genève : Ed. Techn. et Ind. Author : Schreiber, H; Title : Les transistors au laboratoire et dans l'industrie Imprint : Paris : Ed. Radio Author : Schrieffer, John Robert; Title : Theory of superconductivity; includes Nobel lectures, 1972. - Rev. printing Imprint : Redwood City, Calif. : Addison-Wesley Series : Frontiers in physics, v.20 Author : Schwarz, Winfred Max; Title : Intermediate electromagnetic theory Imprint : New York : Wiley Author : Sears, Francis Weston; Title : University physics. - 3rd ed Imprint : Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Author : Segrè, Emilio; Title : Nuclei and particles : an introduction to nuclear and subnuclear physics. - 1st ed Imprint : New York : Benjamin Author : Sharpe, Jack; Title : Nuclear radiation detectors. - 2nd ed Imprint : London : Methuen Author : Shreider, Yulij Anatol'evich; Title : Method of statistical testing : Monte Carlo method Imprint : Amsterdam : Elsevier Author : Sierpinski, Waclaw; Title : A selection of problems in the theory of numbers Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Series : Popular lecture in mathematics, v.11 Author : Smirnov, Vladimir Ivanovich; Title : A course of higher mathematics Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Series : International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics, v.57 Author : Smirnov, Vladimir Ivanovich; Title : A course of higher mathematics Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Series : International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics, v.58 Author : Smirnov, Vladimir Ivanovich; Title : A course of higher mathematics Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Series : International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics, v.59 Author : Smirnov, Vladimir Ivanovich; Title : A course of higher mathematics Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Series : International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics, v.61 Author : Smirnov, Vladimir Ivanovich; Title : A course of higher mathematics Imprint : Oxford : Pergamon Series : International series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics, v.62 Author : Spiegel, Murray Ralph; Title : Schaum's outline of theory and problems of complex variables, with an introduction to conformal mappping and its applications Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Streater, Raymond F; Title : PCT, spin and statistics, and all that Imprint : New York : Benjamin Author : Thalmann, Georges; Title : Electronique et radioélectricité. - 3e éd Imprint : Lausanne : Spes Author : Thalmann, Georges; Title : Electronique et radioélectricité. - 2e éd Imprint : Lausanne : Spes Author : Thalmann, Georges; Title : Electronique et radioélectricité. - 2e éd Imprint : Lausanne : Spes Author : Tikhonov, Andrej Nikolaevich; Title : Partial differential equations of mathematical physics Imprint : San Francisco : Holden-Day Author : Tinkham, Michael; Title : Group theory and quantum mechanics Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Tou, Julius T; Title : Modern control theory Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Tou, Julius T; Title : Modern control theory Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Trigg, George L; Title : Quantum mechanics Imprint : New York : Van Nostrand Author : Uhde, Kurt; Title : Spezielle Funktionen der mathematischen Physik Imprint : Mannheim : Bibliographisches Institut Series : B.I. Hochschultaschenbücher, 55/55a Author : Uhde, Kurt; Title : Spezielle Funktionen der mathematischen Physik Imprint : Mannheim : Bibliographisches Institut Series : B.I. Hochschultaschenbücher, 76/76a Author : Uhde, Kurt; Title : Spezielle Funktionen der mathematischen Physik Imprint : Mannheim : Bibliographisches Institut Series : B.I. Hochschultaschenbücher, 55-55a, 76-76a Author : Van Bladel, Jean; Title : Electromagnetic fields Imprint : New York : McGraw-Hill Author : Van Dijck, J G R; Title : The physical basis of electronics Imprint : Eindhoven : Centrex Author : Wernicke, Harry; Title : Dictionary of electronics, communications and electrical engineering. - 1st ed Imprint : Muenchen-Deisenhofen Author : White, Harvey Elliott; Title : Introduction to atomic and nuclear physics Imprint : Princeton, N.J. : Van Nostrand Author : Wilkins, Leslie T; Title : Social deviance : social policy, action, and research Imprint : London : Tavistock Author : Yamada, E; Title : Broken symmetry and Goldstone boson Imprint : Madras : Institute of Mathematical Sciences Series : Matscience report, 27 Author : Ziman, John Michael; Title : Principles of the theory of solids Imprint : London : Cambridge Univ. Press Author : Zumino, Bruno; Title : Lectures on magnetic properties of a superconductor Imprint : Madras : Institute of Mathematical Sciences

66. Personenliste Des Zentrum Mathematik, TU München
Translate this page 17902, hofmaier Honold, Thomas, Dr.rer.nat. 17915, honold **, alston S, Dr.Dr.hc, Högn, Ralph, Dipl.Math. 17036, hoegn

67. From Nick Higham Subject Householder Subject householder Award Date Tue, 3 Jul 2001 120628 +0100 (BST)householder AWARD XI Nominations are solicited for the alston S. householder
From: Nick Higham

68. From Paul Vandooren Subject
15feb 99 Date Tue, 19 Jan 1999 181635 +0100 (MET) LAST REMINDER householder AWARDX Nominations are solicited for the alston S. householder Award X (1999).
From: Paul Vandooren

69. Bliss Error Message
Numerical analysis. Added Entries, householder, alston Scott, 1904 ed.Önerileriniz/Suggestions. Send your comments to BLISS Discussion List.

70. FS: Old Math Books
Extensive mathematical functions, formulas and tables. Available for $4. householder,alston S. Principles of Numerical Analysis McGrawHill, 1953.

Books Technical FS: Old Math Bo... Post 1 of 1 Topic 162 of 333
FS: Old Math Books
by oldbooks78@[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oldbooks78) Jun 6, 2003 at 07:23 PM
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71. MathComp Database - Full View Of Document
to mail the record to your email account. SYSNO, 1049097. Holdings, ShelfNo. SYMP. 255.4 M65.HO 1949. Author, householder, alston Scott, 1904-.
MathComp database - Full view of document
to mail the record to your e-mail account.
SYSNO Holdings
Shelf No.
SYMP. 255.4 M65.HO 1949 Author Householder, Alston Scott, 1904- Title Monte Carlo method : proceedings of a symposium held June 29, 30, and July 1, 1949, in los Angeles, California, under the sponsorship of the Rand Corporation, and the National Bureau of standards, with the cooperation of the Oak Ridge National l
aboratory / [edited by A.S. Householder, with the assistance of G.E. Forsythe, H.H. Germond.] Corp.Head United States. National Bureau of Standards. Institute for Numerical Analysis Corp.Head Oak Ridge National Laboratory Corp.Head Rand Corporation
Imprint Washington, DC : United States Government Printing Office, 1951
Pages vii, 42 p. : ill.
Lang ENG Subject ProbabilitiesCongresses Subject Sampling (Statistics)Congresses Subject Monte Carlo methodCongresses Subject 255.4 Monte Carlo Method
Series U.S. National Bureau of Standards. applied mathematics series ; 012

72. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
William (858) Hopkinson, John (401) Hopper, Grace (1729*) Hörmander, Lars (799*)Horner, William (207) Hoüel, Jules (421*) householder, alston (1122*) Hoyle

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73. CAAM 453 - Rice University - Fall 2003
Compress an image of the founders of numerical linear algebra svd_gatlin_demo.m Fritz Bauer reminisces about alston householder and the Gatlinburg Meetings.
Fall 2003 · Rice University
Notes, Links, and Supplementary Material
Lecture 40: Secant method, wrap up
Lecture 39: Newton's method
Lecture 38: Cholesky factorization (make-up lecture)
"Who is Cholesky?"
from the NA Digest
Lecture 37: Bracketing algorithms for root finding
Lecture 36: QR Algorithm for eigenvalues
B. N. Parlett, "The QR Algorithm",
(Top 10 Algorithms of the 20th Century)
D. S. Watkins, "Understanding the QR Algorithm",
SIAM Revew
: a graphical illustration of the basic QR algorithm
Lecture 35: Conditioning and Stability
of James Hardy Wilkinson N. J. Higham, Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms , 2nd edition, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2002. Lecture 34: Pivoting in Gaussian elimination (Dan Sorensen guest lecture) Lecture 33: Gaussian elimination Lecture 32: Finite precision arithmetic - Doug Arnold's catalog of numerical analysis disasters M. L. Overton, Numerical Computing with IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic , SIAM, Philadelphia, 2001. ... William Kahan interviewed by Charles Severance) Lecture 31: Predictor-corrector methods, begin finite precision numbers

74. Proyecto_myriam
Translate this page 86. householder, alston S. (1970). The Numerical Treatment of a Single NonlinearEquation, McGraw-Hill, Nueva York. 87. householder, alston S. (1953).
ISBN 8483221810 Indice
Prólogo vii
1 Preliminares 1
1.1 Un repaso al cálculo infinitesimal 2
1.2 Números binarios 14
1.3 Análisis del error 26
2 Resolución de ecuaciones no lineales 45
2.1 Métodos iterativos para resolver x = g(x) 46
2.2 Los métodos de localización de raíces 57 2.3 Aproximación inicial y criterios de convergencia 69 2.4 Los métodos de Newton-Raphson y de la secante 77 2.5 Los métodos de Aitken, Steffensen y Muller (opcional) 99 3 Resolución de sistemas lineales 111 3.1 Vectores y matrices 111 3.2 Multiplicación de matrices 120 3.3 Sistemas lineales triangulares 132 3.4 Eliminación gaussiana y pivoteo 137 3.5 Factorización triangular 155 3.6 Métodos iterativos para sistemas lineales 171 3.7 Métodos iterativos para sistemas no lineales (opcional) 183 4 Interpolación y aproximación polinomial 203 4.1 Series de Taylor y cálculo de los valores de una función 205 4.2 Introducción a la interpolación 216 4.3 Interpolación de Lagrange 225 4.4 Polinoinio interpolador de Newton 239

75. Xiaobai's Home Page
click here. householder Sympoiums Prof. Bauer s speech; An articleabout alston householder by GW Stewart; householder Symposium XIII.
From left to right: Antoine Petitet , Mohamadou Diallo, Henry, Susan Ostrouchov , Albert Cohen, Xiaobai Sun, Summer 1995, taken by Greg Quintana, who was disappointed by the `negative' or 'inverse' view for that his only interest and focus were on the plate LAPACK on Professor Jack Dongarra 's car. `Did you wash the car?' Jack asked.
Hello ! Welcome to xiaobai's home page !
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  • 76. History Of Mathematicians Used In Wi4010
    The methods are householder reflections ( alston Scott householder (19041993)and Givens rotations are also used in the Jacobi method to approximate
    History of mathematicians
    In this document we give some information of mathematicians which work or names are used in the course wi4010 Numerieke methoden voor grote lineaire algebraische stelsels . The course is based on the following book
    Matrix Computations
    Gene H. Golub
    and Charles F. Van Loan
    Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1983
    In order to be able to measure distances with respect to vectors and matrices we have defined normed spaces. Most of the spaces used in this course are Banach spaces Stefan Banach (1892-1945) . For the vector norms different choices are made. An important class of norms are the so-called Hölder norms Otto Ludwig Hölder (1859-1937) . For the special choice p=2 we get the Euclid norm Euclid ( 295 b.c.e.- ) . With respect to matrix norms we consider norms derived from vector norms. Furthermore we mention the Frobenius norm George Ferdinand Frobenius (1849-1917)
    Furthemore we use spaces where an inner product is defined. Most of these spaces are Hilbert spaces David Hilbert (1862-1943) . Using the Hölder inequality we show that the Euclid norm satisfies the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) and Karl Hermann Amandus Schwarz (1843-1921)
    Direct methods to solve linear systems
    We start our description of direct methods for solving linear systems with the Gauss elimination method ( Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) ). Thereafter we discuss the Cholesky (

    77. New Mexico State University
    March 15, 1965. Dr. alston householder, “The Kantorovitch and RelatedInequalities,” March 16, 1965. Dr. ML Juncosa, “Monte
    New Mexico State University Department of Mathematical Sciences Annual Report for 1964-65
    SECTION A Staff meetings were held at least twice each month and lasted an average of one and one-half hours. Some time was devoted to routine departmental business at each staff meeting. One major item dealt with in a number of meetings was the search for new staff. Another major item of business in practically every staff meeting was an overall review of the department activities. This review was necessary since the growth of the department has made it necessary to assign to committees responsibility for many activities that could formerly be handled by the department head and the department staff as a whole. Some of the results of these discussions are mentioned under "Improvements" below.
    STUDENT CREDIT HOURS PRODUCED Summer 1964 Fall 1964 Spring 1964 A. Undergraduate B. Graduate NUMBER OF MAJORS A. Undergraduate B. Graduate NUMBER OF DEGREES AWARDED A. Undergraduate B. Graduate 1. Master of Science

    78. Main Index For NA-Digest On WWW SB RAS
    html From Charles Romine DateFri, 22 Dec 2000 123346 -0500 Subject alston S. householder Fellowship at

    of a Magnetic Drum Calculator , Harvard University Press, 1952. householder,alston S. Principles of Numerical Analysis , McGrawHill, 1953.......
    GoTo Table of Contents BRL 1961, BIBLIOGRAPHY, start page 1085
    BRL 1961, BIBLIOGRAPHY, start page 1086 BIBLIOGRAPHY
  • Bell, Wm. D. "A Management Guide to Electronic Computers", McGraw-Hill, 1957.
  • Berkeley, E. C. "Giant Brains". John Wiley, 1949.
  • Canning, Richard G. "Installing Electronic Data Processing Systems", John Wiley, 1957.
  • Chapin, Ned "An Introduction to Automatic Computers". Van Nostrand, 1957.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W., Henderson, A., et. al. "Introduction to Linear Programming", Wiley, 1953.
  • Doss, Milburn P. "Information Processing Equipment". Reinhold, 1955.
  • Dwyer, P. A. "Linear Computations", Wiley, 1951.
  • Eckert, W. J. and Jones, R. "Faster, Faster', McGraw-Hill, 1955.
  • Gottlieb, C. C. and Hume, J. N. P. "High-Speed Data Processing", McGraw-Hill, 1958.
  • Gregory, R. H. and Van Horn, R. L. "Automatic Data Processing Systems". Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1960.
  • Harvard University, Staff of Computation Lab. "Description of a Magnetic Drum Calculator", Harvard University Press, 1952.
  • 80. Robert C. Ward: Projects
    The name honors alston S. householder, one of the pioneers in numerical linear algebraand organizer of the first four meetings. . Sep 17, 2001.
    This page is continuously under construction!
    Projects will be added as time becomes available to do so.
    Computing Approximate Eigensystems (CApE)
    The Computing Approximate Eigensystems (CApE) project has the goal of developing efficient methods for approximating, within specified accuracy, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices, especially those matrices with the property that the magnitudes of their matrix elements rapidly decrease when moving away from the diagonal. Such algorithms will be immediately applicable to non-linear eigenvalue problems with inner-outer iteration, such as the self-consistent-field method in quantum chemistry, and to the development of preconditioners for many other applications. This project is supported by a subcontract from the California Institute of Technology as part of the Academic Strategic Alliances Program of the DOE Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (DOE ASCI/ASAP).
    Scalable Intracampus Research Grid (SInRG)
    The Scalable Intracampus Research Grid (SInRG) project will deploy a research infrastructure on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville campus that mirrors the underlying technologies and the interdisciplinary research collaborations that are characteristic of the emerging national technology grid. SInRG's primary purpose is to provide a technological and organizational microcosm in which key research challenges underlying grid-based computing can be attacked with better communication and control than wide-area environments usually permit. The project is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

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