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         Holmboe Bernt:     more detail
  1. University of Oslo Faculty: Ole-Johan Dahl, Kristen Nygaard, Fridtjof Nansen, Ragnar Frisch, Viggo Brun, Per Kværne, Bernt Michael Holmboe
  2. People From Østfold: Haakon Iv of Norway, Bernt Michael Holmboe, Hans Nielsen Hauge, Nordal Wille, Nils Otto Tank, Johannes Gerckens Bassøe
  3. Fachdidaktiker (Mathematik): Nicolas Bourbaki, Felix Klein, Bernt Michael Holmboe, Alexander Witting, Otto Toeplitz, Walther Lietzmann (German Edition)
  4. Niels Henrik Abel: Abelian Group, Niels Henrik Abel, Abelian Category, Abel-ruffini Theorem, Abelian Variety, Bernt Michael Holmboe
  5. Liberal Left Party Politicians: Anton Wilhelm Brøgger, Bernt Holtsmark, Hulda Garborg, Hans Jørgen Darre-Jenssen, Johan Henrik Rye Holmboe

81. - Debatt
Michael holmboe 11.5.2004 SV 29 plitikere støttet beboerne Stein Roalkvam 11.5.2004 1349 SV 29 plitikere støttet beboerne - bernt Olsen 11.5.2004 1439




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82. Norske Matematikere
gå til tabell . bernt Michael holmboe, f. 23/31795, Vang i Valdres, d. 28/3-1850, Oslo. Amanuensis for Hansteen 1815, adjunkt ved Kra.
(Kronologisk ordnet, korte biografiske notater.)
Samlet av Bent Birkeland.
Christopher Hansteen, 1784-1873.

Bernt Michael Holmboe, 1795-1850.

Niels Henrik Abel, 1802-1829.

Ole Jacob Broch, 1818-1889.
Wilhelm Ljunggren, 1905-1973.
Han ble utnevnt til professor i "den rene matematik" 16/1 1813, underviste de første årene også i eksperimentalfysikk. Han var en meget dyktig og inspirerende lærer, men hadde ingen vitenskapelig produksjon. Foruten elementære emner til “Examen Philologico-Philosophicum", foreleste han over rekker (dvs høyere aritmetiske rekker), "krumme linjer" (antakelig kjeglesnitt), høyere likninger, differensial-og integralregning. Blant hans tilhørere var B. M. Holmboe og N. H. Abel. Han støttet Abel økonomisk, bl. a. med 100 riksdaler for å reise til København og bli kjent med danske matematikere 1823. Tok avskjed 1825, for å bli "Zahlkasserer", som var en av topp-stillingene i finansdepartementet.
Christopher Hansteen, f. 26/9-1784 i Oslo, d. 15/4-1873 i Oslo.

As early as 1839, a collection of Niels Henrik Abel s works was published under the editorship of Abel s teacher, bernt holmboe.
As early as 1839, a collection of Niels Henrik Abel's works was published under the editorship of Abel's teacher, Bernt Holmboe . This collection however, was incomplete. For example, the Paris memoir with the famous addition theorem was not included because the manuscript had disappeared. Also, some minor papers by Abel had been omitted. The Paris Memoir was found and published in 1841, and when the Holmboe edition of Abel's went out of print, it was felt that a mere reprint would be unsatisfactory. In 1872 the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters commissioned Ludvig Sylow and Sophus Lie to prepare a new and more complete edition. Sylow and Lie spent eight years on this task, searching for previously unpublished manuscripts and notebooks in French and German archives as well as those in Norway. According to Lie , most of this work was done by Sylow . The two-volume edition was published in 1881. Volume I contains papers which had been published by Abel, most of them in (Crelle's Journal). Volume II contains papers found after Abel's death and passages on the subject of mathematics that had been excerpted from his letters. The 1881 edition was composed of a print-run of 2000. The remaining 200 copies of the 1881 edition are in the possession of the

84. Niels Henrik Abel
Klassen fikk Rasmussens elev, bernt holmboe, som lærer. Han ble Niels Henrik Abels venn og hadde stor betydning for Abels karriere som matematiker.
Store framskritt i kort liv
Det store nordiske tog Under hele sin reise hadde Abel bekymret seg over framtidsutsiktene til en fast stilling ved Det Kongelige Frederiks Universitet. Holmboe hadde overtatt Rasmussens stilling ved universitetet, og da Abel kom hjem, var det ingen stilling ledig.
Niels Henrik Abel.
Et geni og hans samtid.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 1954 Bent Birkeland:
Norske matematikere.
Litt om deres liv og virke.
Temahefte. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag/Norsk Matematisk Forening 1993

85. Niels Henrik Abel A Short But Influential Life
Rasmussen s student bernt holmboe took over the class, became friends with Abel and was to play an important role in Abel s career as a mathematician.
Niels Henrik Abel:
A short but influential life
The only existing authentic portrait of Niels Henrik Abel Norway's best known mathematician, Niels Henrik Abel, died at the age of 26. Despite his short life, he contributed a great deal to his subject and his name is inextricably linked with the world of mathematics. At the age of 13, he moved from Gjerstad in southeast Norway to Christiania [presentday Oslo] and started at the Cathedral School. Excelling in mathematics, he scraped through in the other subjects, showing every sign of being fed up with school. Berlin and beyond Most important work mislaid He arrived in Paris in July 1826, but the stay there was a disappointment. France's most important mathematicians showed little or no interest in meeting this unknown Norwegian. Nevertheless, his time there proved very productive and he wrote a piece on algebraic integrals which was later to be recognised as his masterpiece. In order to be accepted and printed, it had to be assessed by mathematicians at the French Academy of Sciences. Abel waited the entire autumn, but his piece was mislaid. It was not printed until 15 years later, after considerable pressure from the Norwegian government. The person responsible for printing it then stole the manuscript, which remained lost until 1952 when it resurfaced in Florence! The New Year of 1827 saw Abel returning to Crelle in Berlin and then on to Norway in May. In addition to his mathematical work, he took home some continental habits. His friends and colleagues noticed that his clothes were more modern and that he had "learnt some manners".

86. Nieles Henrik Abel - Mennesket Og Matematikken. In Norwegian
Dette førte til at Bader øyeblikkelig ble suspendert fra sin stilling, og Katedralskolen ansatte bernt Mikael holmboe (17951850) som ny matematikklærer.
Niels Henrik Abel - mennesket og matematikken Av Steinar Thorvaldsen,
e-post: Abels Hus Likningsteorien, teorien om elliptiske funksjoner , og teorien for uendelige rekker
Skolegang og studier i Oslo

Bernt Mikael Holmboe Christopher Hansteen Integration af differentialformler
    x + a x + a x + a x +a x +a
som et uttrykk i koeffisientene a , a , a , a og a Ferdinand Degen de elliptiske transcendenter Carl F. Gauss hvorledes Evariste Galois abelsk gruppe.
Elliptiske funksjoner
De velkjente trigonometriske funksjonene sinus og cosinus omvendte to uavhengige perioder , noe som viser litt av slektskapet med de trigonometriske funksjonene.
Integraler av generelle algebraiske funksjoner og elliptiske funksjoner var noe som Abel jobbet mye med. Han Abels addisjonsteorem "...han har gjort alle utviklinger med eleganse og skarphet" Carl G.J. Jacobi
Den store Europaturen August L. Crelle "Crelle's Journal" Abel leverte inn sin store avhandling om transcendente funksjoner til Akademiet i Paris, men Cauchy Uendelige rekker n n n I samme brev skrev Abel:
    sin x - 1/2 sin 2x + 1/3 sin 3x - 1/4 sin 4x + 1/5 sin 5x - ....

87. Zwei Mathematiker
Translate this page Geschwistern auf. Unter Anleitung seines Lehrers, bernt holmboe, entdeckte er seine Begabung für Mathematik frühzeitig. Bereits mit
Next: Gruppentheorie Up: Dokumentation Previous: Aus der Kursbeschreibung
Zwei Mathematiker
Niels Henrik Abel Abel formulierte zwei Probleme, die er zu erarbeiten beabsichtigte:
Next: Gruppentheorie Up: Dokumentation Previous: Aus der Kursbeschreibung

88. SMK - The Norwegian Council Of State 1905-
Minister of Trade June 1910. (C) Holtsmark, bernt. Minister of Agriculture 1 March 1910. Minister of Social Affairs. (C) holmboe, Johan Henrik Rye.
Odin Government Ministries Archive ... Publications
The Norwegian Council of State 1905 -
Office of the Prime Minister
The Kingdom of Norway has had national government institutions from the late 9th century until 1536, and again since the early 19th century. Since its re-establishment in 1814, the Norwegian Council of State consists of the King, a prime minister and at least seven ministers. Since 1884, any government is dependent upon the Storting's (parliament) confidence.
Norway's regents
1905 King Oscar II (of Sweden and Norway) 1905 - 1957 King Haakon VII (of Norway) 1957 - 1991 King Olav V 1991 - King Harald V
Peter Christian H.K. Michelsen's government
11 March 1905 - 23 October 1907
(Liberal Party (L), Conservative Party (C), Moderate Liberal Party (ML) and Coalition Party (Coal.))
11 March - 7 June 1905:
Prime Ministers Michelsen, Peter Christian Hersleb Kjerschow . Also Minister of Justice. (L) . Norwegian Prime Minister in Stockholm. (L) Ministers Arctander, Sofus Anton Birger

89. En Av De Store Matematikere
Dette imponerer utenlandske matematikere. Abels geni ble oppdaget av hans nye matematikklærer bernt M. holmboe da han var i 16årsalderen.
tirsdag 01.06.2004
alle debatter





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90. Norske Matematikere
bernt Michael holmboe (1795 1850). The Mac Tutor History of Mathematics archive. Elling Holst (1849 - 1915). Otte Hustad (1928 - 1991).
Norske matematikere
Min hjemmeside.
Norske matematikere Adresser til norske matematikere Bent Birkeland har samlet en del materiale i "Norske matematikere". Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Professorer i matematikk ved Universitetet i Oslo. Tapir Avdeling for realfag, hjemmeside.
Niels Henrik Abel (1802 - 1829)

91. Jeff Vitter's Genealogical Links
Elling Bolt Holst (ffffff). Marius Sophus Lie (fffffff). Carl Anton Bjerknes (ffffffff). bernt Michael holmboe (fffffffff). Søren Rasmussen (ffffffffff).
Jeff Vitter's Genealogical Links
This section lists two types of my genealogical links: family and academic.
My Family Genealogy
Online Family Tree
At the web site, you can see the full up-to-date family tree and genealogy reports for the Vitter-St. Raymond-Artigues-Ferran-Hofeline-Dureau-Cougot-Péré-Weaver-Kohlenberg-Bendorf-Grimes-Bell-Mayberry-Wren-Nicolay Family. The database contains over 5,000 names. Recommended for more detailed info is the indexed database of my family tree at GeneaNet, surtout si l'on parle français ! You can access it at by clicking on the box below:
Relatives on the Web
Below is a partial list of my relatives on the Web. The path in my family tree from me to each person listed appears in parentheses, where
  • "f" indicates father, "m" indicates mother, "p" indicates parents (both father and mother), "s" indicates son, "d" indicates daughter, and

92. Junior-VM (og Dets Forgjengere)
2. Norge, 2.02.08. Holger Hott Johansen. bernt Bjørnsgaard. Odin Tellesbø. 3. Polen, 2.03.57. 10. Eniko Fey, ROM, 1.00.10. . 16. Elisabeth holmboe, NOR, 1.01.30. 52.
Junior-VM (og dets forgjengere)
HTML-versjonen er utarbeidet av Jan Kocbach . Kommentarer kan sendes til Internasjonal juniorlandskamp Junior-VM
1983: Ry, Danmark
Herrer Truls Nygaard, NOR Kent Hansen, DAN Joakim Ingelsson, SVE Jens Hansen, DAN Olli Ranta, FIN Lars Drage, NOR Damer Kjersti Hov, NOR Kerstin Haglund, SVE Annika Heino, FIN Ingrid Haga Kristensen, NOR Lene Stokseth, NOR Kari Christiansen, NOR Herrer, stafett Danmark 1 Kent Hansen Helge Lang Jens Hansen Finland 1 Olli Ranta Ari Koivuluomo Reijo Mattinen Sverige 1 Bo Engdahl Joakim Ingelsson Norge 2 Jon Tvedt Lars Drage Norge 1 Truls Nygaard Finland 2 Damer, stafett Norge 1 Kjersti Hov Kari Christiansen Sverige 1 Katarina Borg Kersti Larsson Kerstin Haglund Danmark 1 Charlotte Thrane Lene Skielbo Sverige 2 Finland 1 Danmark 2 Norge 2 Lene Stokseth Ingrid Haga Kristensen
[Til toppen]
Herrer Truls Nygaard, NOR

93. Los Grandes Matemáticos. E. T. Bell
Capítulo Decimoseptimo. GENIO Y POBREZA. ABEL Se trataba de bernt Michael Holmboë (17951850), quien más tarde (1839) publicó la primera cariñosa y clara enseñanza de Holmboë, Abel repentinamente descubrió lo que era



Zenón, Eudoxio y Arquímedes
Bajar Parte 3

Horacio (Odas 3, XXX). Disquisitiones Arithmeticae de Gauss. y x , o sea tercero y cuarto grado o sea a, b, c, d, e. algebraica es "finita"; no hay dificultad para encontrar soluciones de cualquier ecuación algebraica que no contenga extracción de raíces, aunque implique una infinidad de las otras operaciones racionales. Fracasaron: entonces intervino Abel.
  • Encontrar todas las ecuaciones de cualquier grado que sean resolubles algebraicamente.
  • indica para tratarlos de un modo completo. De su propio bolsillo, sólo Dios sabe cómo, Abel pagó la impresión de la memoria en que demostraba la imposibilidad de resolver algebraicamente la ecuación general de quinto grado. Era una impresión muy defectuosa, pero la mejor que podía obtenerse en Noruega en aquella época. Abel creyó ingenuamente que esta memoria sería su pasaporte científico para los grandes matemáticos del continente. Esperaba que particularmente Gauss reconocería los grandes méritos de la obra, concediéndole una larga entrevista. No podía sospechar que "el príncipe de los matemáticos" no siempre mostraba una generosidad principesca para los jóvenes matemáticos que luchaban para que sus méritos fueran reconocidos.

    94. Niels Abel
    Home Geschichte Mathematiker Zitate ... Suche
    Niels Abel
    5.8.1802, Finnöy, Norwegen - 6.4.1829, Froland, Norwegen Der folgende Text (gekürzt) stammt aus dem Buch "Biographien bedeutender Mathematiker" von H. Wussing und W. Arnold (VEV Volk und Wissen 1983, 3. Auflage). Niels Henrik Abel stammte aus einer Familie von Landpastoren. Als, zweites Kind von sieben Kindern wurde er am 5. August 1802 auf der Insel Finnöy an der Südwestküste Norwegens geboren.
    Abel wurde anfangs vom Vater, einem schwierigen Charakter, unterrichtet. Schliesslich gelang es, Niels Abel im Alter von 13 Jahren zusammen mit seinem älteren Bruder an der schon seit dem Mittelalter bestehenden Domschule in Oslo unterzubringen. Sein Lehrer, Bernt Michael Holmboe, gab ihm Poisson, Gauss, Newton, Lalande, d'Alembert, Lagrange und andere mathematische Autoren von Rang zu lesen und schirmte den sehr sensiblen, körperlich schwächlichen und anfälligen Niels Henrik vor den schlimmsten Übergriffen der Lehrer und Mitschüler ab.
    Abel seinerseits machte sich in unglaublich kurzer Zeit die mathematischen Ergebnisse seiner Zeit zu eigen und fing bereits an, eigene Untersuchungen anzustellen. Er glaubte vorübergehend sogar, die seit Jahrhunderten vergeblich gesuchte Auflösung der allgemeinen algebraischen Gleichung fünften Grades in Radikalen gefunden zu haben; seine Lehrer und sogar die besten Mathematiker Norwegens vermochten nicht, über die Richtigkeit seiner Ansätze zu entscheiden. Diese öffentlich diskutierte Affäre trug Abel ein solches Ansehen und solche Empfehlungen ein, dass er 1821 an der Universität Oslo immatrikuliert werden konnte. Seine persönlichen Verhältnisse waren indes fast verzweifelt: Er war völlig mittellos, sein Elternhaus familiär zerrüttet und verschuldet, der Vater war am Scheitern seiner politischen und volksbildnerischen Reformpläne innerlich zerbrochen und schon 1820 verstorben, der ältere Bruder durch Krankheit erwerbsunfähig.

    95. Neue Seite 1
    Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)

    96. Niels Henrik Abel (Norvège - Le Site Officiel Pour La France)
    Ambassade Commerce Tourisme P¥ norsk Langue
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    Niels Henrik Abel
    Niels Henrik Abel ©tait l'un des math©maticiens les plus brillants de son ©poque, et l'œuvre d'Abel reste toujours aussi vivante. 2002 marquait le bicentenaire de sa naissance.
    Les d©couvertes math©matiques d'Abel ont non seulement permis de r©soudre des probl¨mes fondamentaux de son ©poque mais elles ont aussi influenc© les math©matiques jusqu'  aujourd'hui. Les deux premiers m©moires d'Abel consacr©s   la r©solubilit© des ©quations alg©briques ont mis fin aux recherches initi©es d¨s le seizi¨me si¨cle de formules alg©briques permettant de r©soudre les ©quations polynomiales de degr© 5. En montrant que de telles formules n'existaient pas, Abel a ouvert la voie aux travaux de Klein sur l'icosa¨dre et aux recherches actuelles sur les fonctions alg©briques. Suite   ces premiers travaux, il a introduit les fonctions elliptiques et plus g©n©ralement les int©grales ab©liennes. La profondeur de ces recherches n'a ©t© comprise pleinement que bien des ann©es plus tard gr¢ce aux travaux de Riemann. R©cemment les int©grales ab©liennes ont jou© un r´le fondamental dans la d©monstration par Andrew Wiles du th©or¨me de Fermat r©solvant par la n©gative le probl¨me pos© voici plus de trois cents ans: est-il possible de trouver trois nombres entiers x, y et z, tous diff©rents de z©ro, tels que xn + yn = zn, pour une puissance n sup©rieure   2. De mani¨re plus ©tonnante, ces int©grales ab©liennes jouent ©galement un r´le essentiel en cryptographie: ce sont leurs propri©t©s math©matiques, d©couvertes par Abel, qui nous permettent de transmettre notre num©ro de carte bancaire par internet sans crainte d'ªtre lus.

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