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41. Skogjamne Hb O 25008. Hurdal PN 08 05 (ca.) Nordlikampen 10.8.1928. bernt Lynge. Hb O 24975. Jens holmboe. Hb O 24977. PM 14 86 (ca.) Tømteåsen 14.9.1962. http://www.toyen.uio.no/botanisk/nbf/loa/dipcom.htm | |
42. Niels Henrik Abel was then called), and three years later he gave proof of his mathematical genius by his brilliant solutions of the original problems proposed by bernt holmboe. http://www.fact-index.com/n/ni/niels_henrik_abel.html | |
43. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Boris (2103*) Hobbes, Thomas (2973*) Hobson, Ernest (212*) Hodge, William (175*) Hölder, Otto (541*) Hollerith, Herman (1626*) holmboe, bernt (179*) Honda http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
44. Mathematical Database - Math Funland - Math Articles At the age of 15, Abel met his first mathematics teacher, bernt holmboe, who was only 7 years elder than him, but who already had a strong background in http://db.math.ust.hk/articles/abel/e_abel.htm | |
45. Vortrag Zum âBerliner Tag Der Mathematik" (Norwegen - Die Offizielle Seite Translate this page Er wählte einen seiner ehemaligen Schüler, bernt Michael holmboe, der in Ergänzung zu dem Mathematikunterricht, den man in dieser Zeit in Norwegen bekommen http://www.norwegen.no/education/education/stubhaugsspeechonabel.htm | |
46. A BIOGRAFI careere. bernt Michael holmboe (17951850). holmboe was a Norwegian mathematician, who is best known as Abels teacher and friend. http://home.c2i.net/greaker/comenius/prepare/9798/Abel_1.htm | |
47. Abel_5 school. After a few years he got a new mathematics teacher, bernt holmboe, who discovered Abels mathematics ability. He borrowed http://home.c2i.net/greaker/comenius/prepare/9798/abel_5.htm | |
48. Abeljubileet 2002 Frå 1818 fekk bernt Michael holmboe ansvar for all matematikkundervisning. For Niels Henrik Abel var dette eit lukketreff. Han http://www.gjerstad.kommune.no/abel/historikk.htm | |
49. Abeljubileet 2002 From 1818 bernt Michael holmboe took over the responsibility for all mathematical tuition. This was a stroke of good luck for Niels Henrik Abel. http://www.gjerstad.kommune.no/abel/english/history.htm | |
50. Abel Translate this page Abel fue un estudiante normal, con talento en Matemáticas y Física. En 1817 llegó a la escuela un nuevo profesor de matemáticas, bernt holmboe. http://www.terra.es/personal/jftjft/Historia/Biografias/Abel.htm | |
51. Digitalarkivet K. 6, Elengunille, holmboe, Deres børn, 7, K. 7, bernt-michael, holmboe, Deres børn, 6, M. 8, Christopher-andreas, holmboe, Deres børn, 5, M. 9, http://digitalarkivet.uib.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&filnamn=f10545&spr |
52. Utsatte Barn På Strilelandet, Statsarkivet I Bergen, Christopher John Harris Alle gode krefter, med holmboe og Neumann i spissen, i allefall i var Rådstuskriver Edvard Solberg, Politimester Fietzentz og Justissekretær bernt Anker. http://digitalarkivet.uib.no/sab/Deifors.htm | |
53. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Ludwig (22.12.1859 - 29.8.1937) Hoene de Wronski, Jozef Maria (23.8.1778 - 8.8.1853) Hollerith, Herman (1860 - 1929 holmboe, bernt (1795 - 1850) Hooke, Robert http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
54. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Boris (229*) Hobbes, Thomas (205*) Hobson, Ernest (212*) Hodge, William (175*) Hölder, Otto (541*) Hollerith, Herman (1626*) holmboe, bernt (179) Holywood http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
55. Glimt Fra Aktiviteten I Vest Et annet tiltaket er innstiftelsen av en holmboepris , oppkalt etter Abels lærer bernt Michael holmboe og i regi av Norsk Matematikkråd. http://www.lamis.no/abeldag/abelprisen.htm | |
56. Centre For Orienteering History 1 Bjornsgaard Anders 2 Bjornsgaard Andres 1 Bjornsgaard bernt 24 Bjornsgard bernt 1 Bjornstad PerR. 1 Holm Tove 1 Holm-Gundersen Geir 1 holmboe Christian 1 http://www.orienteering-history.info/an_nor.htm | |
57. CAPLEX Nettleksikon Www.caplex.no skolen. Interessen for matematikk ble for alvor vekket hos Abel da han fikk bernt M. holmboe (17951850) som matematikklærer. http://www.caplex.no/web/magasinet/artikkel.asp?art_id=abel |
58. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page norte-americano) Fatos relacionados 23/03/1795 Nascimento Matemática Fatos Noruega Nascimento de bernt Michael holmboe (matemático norueguês) 24/03/1809 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=2 |
59. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Noruega 23/03/1795 Nascimento Matemática Fatos Noruega Nascimento de bernt Michael holmboe (matemático norueguês) 24/03/1923 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad9.php?w=30 |
60. I31510: Marcus Marcussen ANGELL (CIR1670 - CIR1721) _Hans holmboe FLEISCHER _Edward Bratt FLEISCHER _ _Edvard Fridtjof bernt Christophersen HÅRD. http://home.online.no/~nermo/slekt/d0023/g0000065.html | |
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