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81. Herman Hollerith From FOLDOC hollerith, herman . herman hollerith. person The promulgator of thepunched card. hollerith was born on 186002-29 and died on 1929-11-17. http://foldoc.hld.c64.org/foldoc.cgi?Hollerith, Herman |
82. Herman Hollerith - Wikipedia Read about the man who invented the tabulator Census Bureau....... kidsseek.cn site profile for hollerith, herman hollerith, herman Site Profile. ?, Title hollerith, herman. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Hollerith | |
83. Herman Hollerith -- Encyclopædia Britannica hollerith, herman Encyclopædia Britannica Article. herman hollerith born February29, 1860, Buffalo, New York, US died November 17, 1929, Washington, DC http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=41696 |
84. STORIA INVENTORI COMPUTER - HOLLERITH http://www.windoweb.it/edpstory_new/ep_hollerith.htm | |
85. Von Hollerith Zu IBM - Kapitel 1 Translate this page Unter den Hunderten von Auswertern befand sich ein junger Ingenieur namens HermanHollerith, angestellt als Sachbearbeiter zur Erstellung einer Statistik über http://www.dfki.de/~winter/papers/hollerith-ibm/kapitel-1.html | |
86. 1890--Herman Hollerith's US Census Bureau. 1890 hollerith describes hischildhood days in school. Download Quicktime here. http://www.census.gov/pubinfo/www/video/hollerith1.html | |
87. 1890--Herman Hollerith's US Census Bureau. 1890 hollerith was hired by the US Census Boardto create a machine to tabulate the census. Download Quicktime here, http://www.census.gov/pubinfo/www/video/hollerith2.html | |
88. INVENT NOW - The Page Has Moved National Inventors Hall of Fame We have redesigned our site and thepage you requested, http//www.invent.org80/book/booktext/57 http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/57.html | |
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