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         Hollerith Herman:     more books (18)
  1. Herman Hollerith by Geoffrey D. Austrian, 1982-10-15
  2. American Statisticians: Charles Sanders Peirce, George Dantzig, Herman Hollerith, W. Edwards Deming, Persi Diaconis, George Gallup
  3. Unternehmer (It): Konrad Zuse, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Herman Hollerith, Bill Gates, Gordon Moore, Dave Winer, Marc Andreessen, Jack Tramiel (German Edition)
  4. Hollerith, Herman: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by Laura Snyder, 2002
  5. Herman Hollerith
  6. City College of New York Alumni: Henry Kissinger, Stanley Kubrick, Herman Hollerith, Mordecai Kaplan, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Jonas Salk
  7. HOLLERITH, HERMAN: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History</i>
  8. Herman Hollerith's Punched Card Tabulating Machine Automates the 1890 U.S. Census: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Keith Ferrell, 2000
  9. Hollerith, Herman: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by Karen E. Esch, 2002
  10. Statistiker (19. Jahrhundert): Carl Friedrich Gauß, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Herman Hollerith, Ernst Abbe, Florence Nightingale, Francis Galton (German Edition)
  11. Herman Hollerith: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Keith Ferrell, 2000
  12. Herman Hollerith, the first "statistical engineer" by Frederick J Rex, 1961
  13. Phonograph: Phonograph, Sound Recording and Reproduction, Sound, Record Changer, DJ Mixer, Worcester, Massachusetts, Herman Hollerith, F. B. Fenby, Stereophonic Sound
  14. Tabulating Machines: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Computer Sciences</i> by Charles R. Woratschek, 2002

61. Inventor Of The Week: Archive
herman hollerith, inventor of the hollerith Electric Tabulating System, wasborn in Germany and moved to the United States in 1848 with his family.
This Week Inventor Archive Inventor Search Inventor of the Week Archive Browse for a different Invention or Inventor Electric Tabulating System Herman Hollerith, inventor of the Hollerith Electric Tabulating System, was born in Germany and moved to the United States in 1848 with his family. He entered the City College of New York in 1875 and graduated from the Columbia School of Mines in 1879 with honors. At Columbia, one of his teachers, Professor W. P. Trowbridge, asked Hollerith to become his assistant. Hollerith agreed. When Trowbridge was later appointed Chief Special Agent to the Census Bureau, Hollerith remained with him and was given the opportunity to help in solving the problem of analyzing the large amounts of data generated by the 1880 U.S. Census. The nation's population had grown so large that it was becoming very difficult to tabulate the data manually. Hollerith was to look for ways of manipulating data mechanically. In 1882, Hollerith joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he taught mechanical engineering. It was at MIT that he began to develop a solution to the Census problem. He watched the way a Jacquard loom worked and saw that the punched cards could be a very efficient of storing information. His experiments led him to create a mechanism that could read the presence or absence of holes in punch cards by using spring-mounted nails that passed through the holes to make electrical connections. He continued to work on his ideas, leaving MIT in 1884 for a position at the U.S. Patent Office. That year he applied for his first of what would amount to more than 30 U.S. patents over the course of his career. This patent covered a system of using punch cards to convert information into electrical impulses, which would activate mechanical counters. With switches, operators could instruct the machine to examine each card for characteristics, such as profession, marital status, or number of children. a card was detected that met the specified criteria, an electrically controlled sorting mechanism could gather those cards into a separate container.

Translate this page herman hollerith. Científico informático norteamericano, nacido enBuffalo (Nueva York) en 1860, y muerto en Washington DC en 1929.

63. Hollerith, Herman
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Hollerith, Herman

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Biography of Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) ... Herman Hollerith. Born: 29 Feb 1860 in Buffalo, New York, USA ... Herman Hollerith's parents were immigrants to the United States from Germany in 1848 after political disturbances in ...
Inventor Herman Hollerith
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65. Herman Hollerith
Go Back index biographies herman hollerith. 1860, Buffalo NY, USA 1929, BuffaloNY, USA. principal papers. hardware. software. keywords. see also. related subjects.

Herman Hollerith
1860, Buffalo NY, USA
1929, Buffalo NY, USA
principal papers hardware software keywords see also
related subjects Achievement Biography Son of German immigrants born in Buffalo, New York. In 1879 he got his masters at the University of Columbia School for mining and started to work for the cencus buro in Washington. He came at the right time to see hundreds of clercks wrestling to proces all data of the cencus from 1880 by hand. John Shaw Billings, a high official for the buro and Hollerith's future father in law, suggested to process all counting by punched cards, and Hollerith started to work through the 80's and developed a system just for that puirpose. It is un known whether Billings gotr the idea himself. From studying Jaquards loom or by watching the railway conductors punching tickets But he was satisfied with the idea that Hollerith followed up on the idea. By 1890 Hollerith perfected the system. In a census office speed contest, his statistical tabulator bested several rivals to win the 1890 census contract. And this forged a new link in the chain of computer history.

66. Herman Hollerith
Translate this page Lochkarten. 1/x. herman hollerith und seine Lochkarten. Der geniale Erfinder hermanhollerith wurde 1860 in Amerika geboren. Nach einem Studium
Herman Hollerith und seine Lochkarten
Der geniale Erfinder, der als erster mit Lochkarten arbeitete, gründete eine Firma, die sich zum größten Computerhersteller der Welt entwickelte (IBM). Herman Hollerith wurde 1860 in Amerika geboren. Nach einem Studium an der Columbia University arbeitete er als Assistent in der Volkszählungsbehörde der Vereinigten Staaten und wertete die Daten der Zählung im Jahre 1880 statistisch aus. Da alle Daten mühsam per Hand ausgewertet wurden, lagen bei der nächsten Zählung, zehn Jahre später, noch nicht einmal alle Ergebnisse der letzten Befragung vor. Hollerith glaubte fest daran, dieses Problem lösen zu können, und er ließ sich deshalb von dem National Census Office zum Patentamt in Washington versetzen. Bei seinem ersten Lösungsversuch übertrug Hollerith die Daten zunächst auf Papierbänder, die in verschiedene “Felder" unterteilt waren. Jedes einzelne symbolisierte eine bestimmte Kategorie wie z. B. männlich/ weiblich oder schwarz/weiß und wurde durch Löcher belegt. Die kreisrunden Löcher wurden später maschinell “gelesen". erhielt Hollerith seine ersten Patente. Während der nächsten Jahre arbeitete er an der Verbesserung seines Systems, das zunächst für die Krankheitsstatistiken der Armee und der schnell anwachsenden amerikanischen Städte eingesetzt wurde.

67. Computing People: Herman Hollerith
Computing People in History herman hollerith by Kilen Matthews American inventorof a tabulating machine that was an important precursor of the electronic
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Computing People in History: Herman Hollerith
by Kilen Matthews
American inventor of a tabulating machine that was an important precursor of the electronic computer. Born: 29 Feb. 1860 in Buffalo, New York, USA
Died: 17 Nov 1929 in Washington D.C., USA Beginnings and Education
Herman Hollerith's parents immigrated, in 1848, to the United States from Germany fleeing political disturbances there. Hollerith was surely a bright child but struggled in his early schooling with difficulties learning spelling. There ensued a battle of will with his teacher resulting in young Herman avoiding school at all possible opportunities. Eventually, he was removed from school and received private tutoring at home from the family's Lutheran minister. His higher education was a series of outstanding successes. Entering at the City College of New York in 1875, Hollerith then studied advanced engineering at the Columbia School of Mines in 1879. Hollerith earned honors and a distinction in his final examinations and so impressed one of his instructors, Prof. W P Trowbridge, that he asked Hollerith to become his assistant at Columbia University. A Census Bureau in trouble..

68. Hollerith, Herman @
hollerith, herman @ Computer Dictionary Online. a b c d e f g h i j kl m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. hollerith, herman herman hollerith, Herman

69. Herman Hollerith Und Das Lochkartenprinzip
Translate this page herman hollerith. herman hollerith wurde am 29.02.1860 in Buffalo imUS-Bundesstaat New York geboren. Er war Sohn deutscher Einwanderer
Herman Hollerith
(Bild klicken, um es in voller Größe genießen zu können!!!) Herman Hollerith wurde am 29.02.1860 in Buffalo im US-Bundesstaat New York geboren. Er war Sohn deutscher Einwanderer, die 1848 vor revolutionären Unruhen aus Deutschland geflohen waren. Über seine Kindheit gibt es wenig zu berichten. Sein Vater starb, als Hollerith 7 Jahre alt war. An und für sich war Hollerith ein guter Schüler, jedoch bereitete ihm die Rechtschreibung große Probleme. Da er dadurch die Schule mied, wurde er im Alter von 9 Jahren von der Schule genommen und erhielt Privatunterricht. Ab 1875 ging er auf die Columbia School of Mines, das City-College von New York. Im Jahr 1879 machte er seinen Abschluss als Ingeneur für Bergbau mit Auszeichnung. Durch einen seiner Professoren bekam er danach eine Assistentenstelle an der Columbia University und kurz darauf bei der US-Volkszählungsbehörde.
Der Census von 1880
Funktionsweise des Lochkartenprinzips
Die zu erfassenden Daten wurden mit Hilfe eines Stanzers in die Karten gelocht. Eine Sortiermaschine ordnete die Karten nach gleichen Gruppen. Holleriths Zählmaschine bestand aus 2 Platten, mehreren Stiften, genauso vielen Behältern mit Quecksilber und 40 Zähluhren. Die Lochkarte lag auf einer feststehenden Grundplatte. Über die andere Platte wurden die Stifte auf die Lochkarte geführt. an den Stellen, an denen ein Loch vorhanden war, fiel der Stift in einen der Quecksilberbehälter und ein elektrischer Kontakt wurde geschlossen. Dieser Kontakt führte dazu, dass der Wert der Zähluhr an dieser Stelle erhöht wurde.

70. Herman Hollerith, Father Of Data Processing
herman hollerith Online Encyclopedia Information Geniusherman hollerith. Online Encyclopedia. herman hollerith (February 29, 1860November17, 1929) was an American business man and the promulgator of the punch card.
Herman Hollerith, Father of Data Processing
Part of the story of the migration of Frederick W. Taylor's ideas from industry into retailing can be traced back to a pioneer in the field of electronic data processing, Herman Hollerith (1860-1929), sometimes called the first "statistical engineer." In his biography Herman Hollerith: Forgotten Giant of Information Processing (1872), Geoffrey D. Austrian maintains that "While Taylor's famous time and motion studies started with the individual worker, and Hollerith's attention focused on efficient use of the machine, their interests came firmly together on the common ground of statistics. [Indeed] Taylor's methods could not be proved without accurate and timely cost accounting" (p. 202). (INTRO NOTE Taylorism) In the early years of the century, Hollerith, the inventor of the electric tabulating machine and punched cards that came to be used in industrial accounting, hired out his services to Chicago merchant Marshall Field, who was about to turn a small dry goods firm into the largest department store in the world. Determined to find out what women consumers, to whom he had begun to advertise directly, wanted, and faced by the growing assortment of goods, Field asked Hollerith to undertake a systematic sales analysis. (INTRO NOTE Retailing) Punch cards were able to tell what articles had been sold in a given month, by class and item number and value, by date, location, customer, and whether for credit or cash. A profile of the business picture, then, could be achieved simply by grouping the cards according to any single organizing principle or combination of principles; comparative figures could be obtained by passing the cards one or more times through the machines.

71. Herman Hollerith
Hypostyle; Hypotenuse; Hypothermia; Hypothesis. herman hollerith. What is it?herman hollerith was an inventor of an early computer that read punch cards.

72. Herman Hollerith Definition Meaning Information Explanation
herman hollerith definition, meaning and explanation and more about herman hollerith.FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, herman hollerith.
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Herman Hollerith
Herman Hollerith February 29 November 17 ) was an American businessman and the promulgator of the punch card Hollerith graduated from Columbia University New York and joined the US Census Bureau as a statistician where he used a punched card device (inspired by the system used by the railroad conductors, which used punching holes in various places on a passenger's ticket to identify the holder's gender, age group, etc.) to help analyse the US census data. This evolved, in 1928, into a punched card system that stored data in 80 columns. This "80-column" concept has carried forward in various forms into modern applications. On January 8 Hollerith received a patent for his electric tabulating machine. In , Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to exploit his invention and in his firm became part of IBM. The Hollerith system was used for the 1911 UK census This article was originally based on material from the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing , used with . Update as needed.

73. Herman Hollerith - InformationBlast
herman hollerith Information Blast. herman hollerith. Imagehollerith.jpg.herman hollerith (February 29, 1860 - November 17, 1929
Herman Hollerith
Herman Hollerith February 29 November 17 ) was an American businessman and the promulgator of the punch card Hollerith graduated from Columbia University New York and joined the US Census Bureau as a statistician where he used a punched card device (inspired by the system used by the railroad conductors, which used punching holes in various places on a passenger's ticket to identify the holder's gender, age group, etc.) to help analyse the US census data. This evolved, in 1928, into a punched card system that stored data in 80 columns. This "80-column" concept has carried forward in various forms into modern applications. On January 8 Hollerith received a patent for his electric tabulating machine. In , Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to exploit his invention and in his firm became part of IBM . The Hollerith system was used for the 1911 UK census Wikipedia is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License

74. Hollerith, Herman - FOLDOC Definition
Free Online Dictionary of Computing. hollerith, herman. herman hollerith.FOLDOC Feedback. Comments or Problems. Again, thanks for visiting, Herman

75. Herman Hollerith's Self-Propelled Stoat Catcher
herman hollerith s SelfPropelled Stoat Catcher. Back to the herman hollerithShrine. Back to the Mustlied Mangling Impliment Museam.
Herman Hollerith's Self-Propelled Stoat Catcher
After the success of his Tabulating Machine in the reading and counting of the 1890 United States Census, Herman Hollerith began considering other uses for his tabulation machine and the punched-card system. After considering various possible uses, Herman became interested in the idea of creating a self-controlled roving machine, capable of operating independently from external instructions. The machine was to be controlled by the same punched-card system as the Tabulation Machine. At this point, Herman became inexplicably interested in the pursuit and capture of Stoats. It is still unsure as to how he became interested in this particular past time. The sport of Stoat-Catching (or Grogbodogivalkoia to give it’s proper Albanian name), traditionally done with implements resembling lacrosse sticks (known as Borisiztrousa ) and using live gerbils as bait had been introduced to the United States by Albanian immigrants during the 1850s, but had largely died out by the 1880s. (One can only wonder if Herman had played this sport when young). Herman decided to construct his roving machine as a Self-Propelled Stoat Catcher. The Self-Propelled Stoat Catcher (or SPSC as it came to be known to the development team.) was operated by punched cards fed into the back of the machine. These cards contained the parameters for the Stoat-Catching match. This included the terrain, the boundaries of the match, and the numbers of stoats expected. The machine would read the cards, and behave accordingly.

76. Von Hollerith Zu IBM @ Stefan Winterstein
Translate this page Überblick. Die Entwicklung der Datenverarbeitung und ihrer kommerziellen Anwendungbegann Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts mit dem Amerikaner herman hollerith.
Von Hollerith zu IBM -
Die Geschichte der kommerziellen Datenverarbeitung
von Stefan Winterstein
Wintersemester 1991/92
Prof. Friedemann Mattern
Die Entwicklung der Datenverarbeitung und ihrer kommerziellen Anwendung begann Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts mit dem Amerikaner Herman Hollerith . Durch die von ihm entwickelten Lochkartenmaschinen Datenverarbeitung IBM Computern Der Artikel behandelt in einem ersten Teil zweiten Teil Der gesamten Text gibt's hier als .zip-Datei.

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78. Herman Hollerith's Tabulating Machine
herman hollerith s Tabulating Machine.
Herman Hollerith's Tabulating Machine

79. Learn More About Herman Hollerith In The Online Encyclopedia.
Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answeredabout herman hollerith. see previous page. herman hollerith.
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Herman Hollerith
Herman Hollerith February 29 November 17 ) was an American business man and the promulgator of the punch card Hollerith graduated from Columbia University New York and joined the US Census Bureau as a statistician where he used a punched card device (inspired by the system, used by the railroad conductors, of punching holes in various places on a passenger's ticket to identify the holder e.g., gender, age group) to help analyse the US census data. This evolved, in 1928, into a punched card system that stored data in 80 columns. This "80-column" concept has carried forward in various forms into modern applications. On January 8 Hollerith received a patent for his electric tabulating machine. In , Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to exploit his invention and in his firm became part of IBM . The Hollerith system was used for the 1911 UK census Based on a FOLDOC entry
This article is from Wikipedia. All text is available under the terms of the

80. Ãåðìàí Õîëëåðèò (Herman Hollerith)
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a a b c ... z English German French Beartrap - Security Appliance - Dedicated Web Hosting - Currency Trading (Forex)
Íî íàøëèñü ÷èíîâíèêè, êîòîðûå îáâèíèëè Õîëëåðèòà â ñòÿæàòåëüñòâå, ñòàâÿùåì ïîä óãðîçó ãîñóäàðñòâåííûå èíòåðåñû Àìåðèêè. Áûëî ïðèíÿòî ðåøåíèå ñòðîèòü íîâóþ ãîñóäàðñòâåííóþ ñèñòåìó ïåðåïèñè íàñåëåíèÿ ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì òåõíîëîãèé TMC, îäíàêî â îáõîä ïàòåíòîâ Õîëëåðèòà.

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