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         Hobbes Thomas:     more books (100)
  1. The Collected English Works of Thomas Hobbes (Collected Works)
  2. Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: An Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy by Ross Harrison, 2002-12-16
  3. Thomas Hobbes: Political Ideas in Historical Context by Johann P. Sommerville, 1992-08-15
  4. Thomas Hobbes (Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers) by R.E.R. Bunce, John Meadowcroft, 2009-05-15
  5. The Tragedy of Thomas Hobbes (Oberon Modern Plays) by Adriano Shaplin, 2009-09-01
  6. Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes (Mind Association Occasional Series)
  7. Thomas Hobbes: A Reference Guide (Reference Publication in Literature) by Charles H. Hinnant, 1980-03
  8. Des Engländers Thomas Hobbes Leviathan: Cder, Der Kirchliche Und Bürgerliche Staat ... (German Edition) by Thomas Hobbes, 2010-03-16
  9. Thomas Hobbes. by Herfried Münkler, 2001-01-01
  10. Thomas Hobbes as philosopher, publicist by George Edward Gordon Catlin, 2010-08-08
  11. The English Works Of Thomas Hobbes V5 by Thomas Hobbes, 2007-07-25
  12. Thomas Hobbes (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi) (Italian Edition) by Norberto Bobbio, 1989
  13. Talking Wolves: Thomas Hobbes on the Language of Politics and the Politics of Language (Synthese Library) by A. Biletzki, 2010-11-02
  14. Thomas Hobbes: A Bibliography. by Hugh MacDonald, Mary Hargreaves, 1952

81. - Great Books -
thomas hobbes (15881679), thomas hobbes (1588-1679) was a great English political philosopher, most famous for his book Leviathan.
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was a great English political philosopher, most famous for his book Leviathan . In this book, he described human nature and the necessity of governments and societies. In the state of nature, while some men may be stronger or smarter than others, none are so far above as to be beyond fear of another man doing harm. Thus, each of us has rights to everything, and due to the scarcity of these things, we are in a constant state of war. However, man has a self-interested desire to end war, and so he forms societies by entering into a social contract. According to Hobbesism, such a society needs a leader to whom all members of that society surrender their authority, in order to secure a common defense. This benevolent sovereign is chosen at random and becomes the Leviathan, an unquestionable authority. Hobbes also wrote numerous other books on political philosophy and other matters, providing a fairly perceptive account of human nature as self-interested cooperation. He was also a contemporary of Descartes and wrote one of the replies to Descartes Meditations . Philip Coates in "Wreaking Hobbes on mankind" ( Independent Review , 06/01/97) postulates that Hobbes's pessimistic view of human nature reflected the social and political situation of his own times. The tiger in Bill Watterson's comic strip

82. Hobbes, Thomas
Search. Agnosticism / Atheism thomas hobbes. Back to Last Page Glossary Index . Name thomas hobbes. Dates Born April 5, 1588

83. MedHist: The Gateway To Internet Resources For The History Of Medicine
hobbes, thomas 15881679. As of June 2002, the represented writers were Robert Burton, thomas hobbes, John Locke, and George Berkeley.
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The gateway to Internet resources for the History of Medicine
Hobbes, Thomas 1588-1679
The pre-history of cognitive science The Pre-History of Cognitive Science web site summarises the theories of human cognition developed between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. The site consists of separate pages devoted to each major thinker that discussed the relationship between the material world, our physical bodies, and abstract thought. As of June 2002, the represented writers were Robert Burton, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and George Berkeley. For each author, the page begins with a brief overview of their major texts and general intentions; next, their model of human cognition is described in some detail; finally, the significance of the model to the history of human cognition is discussed, and the strengths and weaknesses of their theories are examined. Important concepts are hyperlinked to a subject index, thus allowing the user to cross-reference particular topics in each of the featured writers. Bibliographic information and a chronology are also included.
Description supplied by the Humbul Humanities Hub: Philosophy Chronology [Publication Type] Bibliography [Publication Type] Locke, John 1632-1704

84. Modern History Sourcebook: Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan, Chap 13
Back to Modern History SourceBook. Modern History Sourcebook thomas hobbes Leviathan, Chaps 1314, 1651. CHAPTER XIII OF THE NATURAL
Back to Modern History SourceBook
Modern History Sourcebook:
Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan, Chaps 13-14, 1651
CHAPTER XIII: OF THE NATURAL CONDITION OF MANKIND AS CONCERNING THEIR FELICITY AND MISERY NATURE hath made men so equal in the faculties of body and mind as that, though there be found one man sometimes manifestly stronger in body or of quicker mind than another, yet when all is reckoned together the difference between man and man is not so considerable as that one man can thereupon claim to himself any benefit to which another may not pretend as well as he. For as to the strength of body, the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or by confederacy with others that are in the same danger with himself. From this equality of ability arise the quality of hope in the attaining of our ends. And therefore if any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies; and in the way to their end (which is principally their own conservation, and sometimes their delectation only) endeavour to destroy or subdue one another. And from hence it comes to pass that where an invader hath no more to fear than another man's single power, if one plant, sow, build, or possess a convenient seat, others may probably be expected to come prepared with forces united to dispossess and deprive him, not only of the fruit of his labour, but also of his life or liberty. And the invader again is in the like danger of another.

85. The Philosophy Of Thomas Hobbes
thomas hobbes (picture) was born in Malmesbury in 1588. He was educated at Oxford University, which was at the time a center of nominalistic Scholasticism.
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The Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes TABLE OF CONTENTS I.


Also see: I. General Notions Hobbes' system is a synthesis of Empiricism and Rationalism. The fundamental points of Hobbes' doctrine are:
  • (1) All reality is matter and derived from matter;

86. Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan.
Leviathan. thomas hobbes. The First Part The Second Part The Third Part The Fourth Part. 1651 L EV I AT H A N by thomas hobbes.
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Renascence Editions
Thomas Hobbes
The Second Part The Third Part The Fourth Part Note on the e-text: this Renascence Editions Publisher L EV I AT H A N by Thomas Hobbes
To describe the nature of this artificial man, I will consider
  • First, the matter thereof, and the artificer; both which is man. Secondly, how, and by what covenants it is made; what are the rights and just power or authority of a sovereign; and what it is that preserveth and dissolveth it. Thirdly, what is a Christian Commonwealth. Lastly, what is the Kingdom of Darkness.
Concerning the first, there is a saying much usurped of late, that wisdom is acquired, not by reading of books, but of men. But let one man read another by his actions never so perfectly, it serves him only with his acquaintance, which are but few. He that is to govern a whole nation must read in himself, not this, or that particular man; but mankind: which though it be hard to do, harder than to learn any language or science; yet, when I shall have set down my own reading orderly and perspicuously, the pains left another will be only to consider if he also find not the same in himself. For this kind of doctrine admitteth no other demonstration.
THE FIRST PART OF MAN CHAPTER I OF SENSE CONCERNING the thoughts of man, I will consider them first singly, and afterwards in train or dependence upon one another. Singly, they are every one a representation or appearance of some quality, or other accident of a body without us, which is commonly called an object. Which object worketh on the eyes, ears, and other parts of man's body, and by diversity of working produceth diversity of appearances. The original of them all is that which we call sense, (for there is no conception in a man's mind which hath not at first, totally or by parts, been begotten upon the organs of sense). The rest are derived from that original.

87. Philosophie-Seiten: Thomas Hobbes
Translate this page thomas hobbes (1588-1679). Werke und Übersetzungen. Ein Biogramm. Bernard Gert hobbes, thomas (1588 - 1679) Eine Einführung. hobbesi
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
Philosophen und Philosophinnen Hannah Arendt Aristoteles Augustinus Francis Bacon ... Mary Wollstonecraft

88. Project Gutenberg Titles By Hobbes, Thomas
Project Gutenberg Titles by. thomas hobbes. Leviathan. You can also look up this author on The Online Books Page, which may list additional, Thomas

89. Wauu.DE: Deutsch: Wissenschaft: Geisteswissenschaften: Philosophie: Personen: Ho
Translate this page Wauu.DE Deutsch Wissenschaft Geisteswissenschaften Philosophie Personen hobbes, thomas. Der Nominalist thomas hobbes Ein Aufsatz von Carl Grube.
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90. Alibris: Hobbes
depict edition offered for sale, hobbes Leviathan Revised Student Edition more books like this by Tuck, Richard (Editor), and hobbes, thomas hobbes Leviathan
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Browse for author " Hobbes " matched 54 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 3 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price Leviathan more books like this by Hobbes Its appeal to the twentieth century lies not just in its elevation of politics to a science, but in its overriding concern for peace. Its argument that the state of nature, in which life is 'nasty, brutish and short (and patriarchal), is important, but so too is its systematic analysis of power, and its convincing apologia for the then emergent... buy used: from buy new: from Hobbes: Leviathan: Revised Student Edition more books like this by Tuck, Richard (Editor), and Hobbes, Thomas

91. Creative Essay Paper
Press, 1987. 4) hobbes, thomas . Funk Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. 1979 ed. 5) hobbes, thomas. Leviathan. New York Collier Books, 1973. 6) Locke, John .
Creative Essay Paper Richard Goldberg 930699060
    The following is a transcript of a televised debate between Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, as seen on November 24, 2093, via Time~Warp Broadcasting Inc. COM: Television commentator MED: Mediator of the debate HOB: Thomas Hobbes LOC: John Locke Debate # 3 Hobbes vs Locke November 24, 2093 COM: Good evening and welcome to the third debate of our seven debate series featuring some of the most prominent theorists of all time. Last week, via Time~Warp's exclusive satellite system, we got a first hand taste of the famous Hart - Devlin debate. This week, as promised, we are privileged to be the first to witness what promises to be one of the great debates of all time. First, let me introduce an "English philosopher, born in Malmesbury, and educated at Magdalen Hall, University of Oxford." Over his years he associated with numerous noted thinkers, including Galileo and Descartes. His works include, Leviathan, Or

92. Cphm - Centre Thomas Hobbes
Translate this page Centre thomas hobbes. GDR 1952 DU CNRS. Parallèlement, le Centre thomas hobbes tient un séminaire régulier ouvert à tous publics.
Centre Thomas Hobbes GDR 1952 DU CNRS ­ DEA de Philosophie de l'Université Paris I, séminaire d' Yves Charles Zarka , directeur de recherche. ­ DEA Littératures, arts, cultures, langues et linguistique des pays anglophones, Université de Paris III- Sorbonne Nouvelle, séminaire de Franck Lessay , Professeur. Vous trouverez sur cette page: Présentation du séminaire Séminaire pour l'année 2002-2003 Le samedi tous les quinze jours de 9h à 13h
En Sorbonne, salle Cavaillès ou Halbachws
(Entrée par le 17, rue de la Sorbonne)
Escalier C, 1er étage au fond à gauche Thème : « Peuples, frontières, histoires » Le séminaire comportera trois volets :
- de 9h à 10H30 - de 10h30 à 11h45 : « Le contrat et l'institution du peuple de Hobbes à Kant ». Pour contribuer à l'élaboration d'une histoire du concept de peuple, on procédera à la lecture des textes d'une tradition philosophique pour laquelle le peuple est moins un être naturel qu'un être d'institution. Au centre de l'idée d'institution du peuple, il y a le contrat ou pacte social, conçu selon une problématique inaugurée par Hobbes dans ses trois ¦uvres politiques majeures, Elements of Law, De cive et Léviathan, et qui se poursuit jusqu'au changement de statut que Kant lui fait subir, en passant par Locke et Rousseau. Cette tradition sera confrontée avec celle qui lui est tout à fait opposée, pour laquelle le peuple est une réalité naturelle, voire organique, en tout cas historique dont l'existence, les liens et les lois d'organisation ne dépendent pas de la volonté des individus qui en font partie. On tâchera ainsi de mettre en évidence la discordance entre l'idéalisation du Peuple et la réalité des peuples réels

93. LBST 302 Lecture On Hobbes Copyright Ian Johnston, Malaspina
LBST 302 Lecture on hobbes Copyright Ian Johnston, Malaspina UniversityCollege, 1996 Note that this is the text of a lecture delivered, in part, in LBST 302

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95. Biography Search LeviathanHome Free Study Aids Study Guides Philosophy Leviathan Table of Contents. Navigate Here -.

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