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         Hobbes Thomas:     more books (100)
  1. The Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury by Thomas Hobbes, 2004-10-25
  2. Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of Natural Philosophy (Continuum Studies in British Philosophy) by Stephen J. Finn, 2004-08-04
  3. Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera Philosophica Quae Latine Scripsit Omnia: In Unum Corpus Nunc Primum Collecta, Volume 1 (Latin Edition) by Thomas Hobbes, William Molesworth, 2010-04-20
  4. De Cive: The English Version (Hobbes, Thomas, Works. V. 3.) by Thomas Hobbes, 1984-04-26
  5. Hobbes and Bramhall on Liberty and Necessity (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy) by Thomas Hobbes, John Bramhall, 1999-04-28
  6. Man and Citizen: De Homine and De Cive by Thomas Hobbes, 1991-04
  7. The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis (Phoenix Books) by Leo Strauss, 1996-04-15
  8. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, Volume 8 by Thucydides, Homer, et all 2010-02-23
  9. State of Nature or Eden? Thomas Hobbes and His Contemporaries on the Natural Condition of Human Beings (Rochester Studies in Philosophy) by Helen Thornton, 2005-01
  10. Logic (Janus series) by Thomas Hobbes, 1981-12-01
  11. Thomas Hobbes Translations of Homer: The Iliad and the Odyssey (Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes) by Eric Nelson, 2008-09-20
  12. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury: Volume 4 by Thomas Hobbes, 2004-10-25
  13. Thomas Hobbes and Carl Schmitt: The Politics of Order and Myth
  14. Thomas Hobbes: Radical in the Service of Reaction by Arnold Rogow, 1986-05

61. Hobbes, Thomas - HDP - Par Marcel Stoessel
Translate this page thomas hobbes (1588 – 1679). Nouveau contexte au 17 e siècle. C’est un ensemble de découvertes qui donnent naissance à une
Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679)
Nouveau contexte au 17 e siècle
C’est un ensemble de découvertes qui donnent naissance à une mécanique rationnelle , la Création étant perçue comme écrite en langage mathématique. D’où l’idée de philosophie naturelle et de théologie naturelle dans le prolongement de la mécanique rationnelle. La mécanique est la science reine. Les exemples les plus célèbres : o Nicolas Copernic , 1543, précurseur de la Révolution scientifique o Galileo Galilei , 1610, fonde la physique moderne, découvre les lunes de Jupiter o Jean Kepler , 1627, astronome o René Descartes , 1637, dualisme esprit-matière o Isaac Newton , 1687, couronnement de la Révolution scientifique, notion de masse, trois lois du mouvement, etc La nouvelle science contribue aussi à une nouvelle art de la guerre.
Hobbes : L’homme, sa vie, son œuvre
Il interprète d’une manière matérialiste et mécaniste la Révolution scientifique (tributaire à Copernic, Galilée et Kepler) par un esprit marqué par Démocrite (penseur atomiste, matérialiste, déterministe) et Epicure (comme plus tard Karl Marx Hobbes est frappe par l’expérience de la guerre civile : « La crainte et moi, nous sommes deux jumeaux ».

62. Hobbes, Thomas
hobbes, thomas, hobz Pronunciation Key. hobbes, thomas , 1588–1679, English philosopher, grad. Related content from HighBeam Research on thomas hobbes.
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63. Thomas Hobbes, 1588-1679
thomas hobbes, 15881679. You will find a number of Internet resources about thomas hobbes by running your favorite search engine. thomas hobbes.
Thomas Hobbes, 1588-1679
You will find a number of Internet resources about Thomas Hobbes by running your favorite search engine. Included here are just a few links I managed to find without too much difficulty. On Hobbes' life see the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the MacTutor . If you are feeling ambitious, take a look at John Aubrey's, A Brief Life of Thomas Hobbes (text only) or A Survey of Mr Hobbes and His Leviathan , by Edward, Earl of Clarendon (text only). There is also a Hobbes links page worth looking at. A text only version of Hobbes' Elements of Law, Natural and Politic (1640) is available. His treatise De Cive is also available in three parts (Part 1: Liberty , Part 2: Dominion , Part 3: Religion ). The full text of Leviathan is available at Oregon State Included here is a selection from Hobbes' discussion of the natural condition of mankind (state of nature) from the Leviathan . A select bibliography follows the selection. CHAPTER XIII: Of the NATURAL CONDITION of mankind, as concerning their Felicity, and Misery

64. Glossary Of People: Ho
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of People. Ho. hobbes, thomas (15881679). hobbes took as his starting point Bacon s principle
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679) Hobbes took as his starting point Bacon's principle that all knowledge comes from the senses: "There is no conception in a man's mind which hath not at first, totally or by parts, been begotten upon the organs of sense. The rest are derived from that original" ( Leviathan ). Memory and imagination are like the ripples which continue on after the initial distrubance has ended. While Hobbes points out that what is given in the senses is not equal to what is "pressing upon" the sense organs, he accepts that by means of sensation, we gain knowledge of the objects in the material world. [Interestingly, Hobbes accepts the Biblical story of God telling Adam the names of the animals, and speculates on how language develops from that beginning]. He also advises that this knowledge will fall into error either due to inexperience, which can be corrected by further experience so long as the limitations of experience are attended to, or due to lack of adherence to formal logic in developing knowledge from the initial definitions of things. Hobbes was 21 when Bacon's Natural History for the Building Up of Philosophy was published in 1609, and Hobbes was in touch with Bacon from 1619 till Bacon's death in 1626. Hobbes visited Galileo in Florence in 1636,and he received Descartes'

65. Hobbes, Thomas: Three Discourses
hobbes, thomas Three Discourses, university press books, shopping cart, new release notification. 2 Three Discourses by thomas hobbes Pt.
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Hobbes, Thomas Three Discourses A Critical Modern Edition of Newly Identified Work of the Young Hobbes . Edited by Noel B. Reynolds and Arlene W. Saxonhouse. x, 182 p., 3 line drawings, 1 table. 5_1/2 x 8_1/2 1995 Cloth $31.00sp 0-226-34545-9 Fall 1995
Paper $13.00tx 0-226-34546-7 Spring 1997 For the first time in three centuries, this book brings back into print three discourses now confirmed to have been written by the young Thomas Hobbes. Their contents may well lead to a resolution of the long-standing controversy surrounding Hobbes's early influences and the subsequent development of his thought. The volume begins with the recent history of the discourses, first published as part of the anonymous seventeenth-century work, Horae Subsecivae . Drawing upon both internal evidence and external confirmation afforded by new statistical "wordprinting" techniques, the editors present a compelling case for Hobbes's authorship. Saxonhouse and Reynolds present the complete texts of the discourse with full annotations and modernized spellings. These are followed by a lengthy essay analyzing the pieces' significance for Hobbes's intellectual development and modern political thought more generally. The discourses provide the strongest evidence to date for the profound influences of Bacon and Machiavelli on the young Hobbes, and they add a new dimension to the much-debated impact of the scientific method on his thought. The book also contains both introductory and in-depth explanations of statistical "wordprinting."

66. Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan
hobbes, thomas Leviathan, university press books, shopping cart, new release notification. hobbes, thomas Leviathan. Edited by Karl Schuhmann and GAJ Rogers.
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Hobbes, Thomas Leviathan . Edited by Karl Schuhmann and G. A. J. Rogers. A new critical edition by Karl Schuhmann and G.A.J. Rogers. Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 800 p. (est.), 2 Volumes. 2003 Cloth CUSA $225.00tx 1-84371-026-9 Fall 2003 In their substantial introduction, the editors examine all previous editions of Leviathan , throwing light on its history, calling into question the assumptions of previous editors, and thus providing an entirely new picture of its production. Through these new perspectives they are able to offer the first complete critical edition, one that takes proper account of the book's publishing history and of Hobbes's own wishes. The result is as definitive an edition of Leviathan as modern scholarship can provide. Subjects:
  • Philosophy: History and Classic Works
  • Philosophy: General Philosophy
  • Political Science: Classic Political Thought
The University of Chicago Press You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores . Outside the USA, consult our

67. Hobbes, Thomas
hobbes, thomas. Title page of hobbes’s Leviathan or the matter, form, and power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil . English
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Hobbes, Thomas Leviathan or the matter, form, and power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil . English philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote this treatise in 1651, believing that without the fear inherent in absolute rule, the natural state of the human race is selfish and moved only by a need for power.
English political philosopher and the first thinker since Aristotle to attempt to develop a comprehensive theory of nature, including human behaviour. In Leviathan social contract
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68. Hobbes - Œuvres Principales
Translate this page thomas hobbes. (1588-1679). Biographie - Œuvres principales. thomas hobbes 124. _. Le nominalisme de thomas hobbes. Si
De Cive (1642) et le
Racines et apports
1 - Les racines
2 - Les apports conceptuels
l' Etat • l'état de nature (status naturalis), état caractérisé par la guerre de tous contre tous (" l'homme est un loup pour l'homme ") et dans lequel vivent les hommes avant de s'engager mutuellement selon un contrat; droit de nature comme pouvoir , force, • l'idée que le " souverain ", qu'il s'agisse d'un monarque ou d'une assemblée, ne peut vouloir et accomplir que le bien général : la fonction du souverain est de prendre soin du bien du peuple. Cf. J. Russ, Bordas p. 124
Le nominalisme de Thomas Hobbes
Nihil potest esse nominalius langage , Vrin 1987. La thèse directrice de Yves-Charles Zarka est que la réinvention hobbésienne du nominalisme se caractérise par une véritable "inversion de perspective" (p. 134) du nominalisme ockhamien. Là où Guillaume d'Ockham décrit la fonction référentielle du langage , Hobbes se demande comment le langage philosophie première, tout en modifiant de fond en comble l'économie conceptuelle de celle-ci. Le langage ontologique aristotélicien est conservé, mais toute son économie est repensée en fonction de ce que Zarka appelle très justement une véritable " métaphysique de la séparation " qui aurait certainement horrifiée Aristote. Ce bouleversement se reflète déjà dans le système hobbésien du savoir, qui décrit la

69. Thomas Hobbes - Thomas Hobbes Resources
The thomas hobbes site to find a biography, online works, thomas hobbes papers, and links. thomas hobbes. thomas hobbes Resources. thomas hobbes Resources.
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes Resources
The Thomas Hobbes site to find a biography, online works, thomas hobbes papers, and links. Home Papers Online Works Links
Thomas Hobbes Resources
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70. CogitoSearch - Philosophie - Auteurs - Hobbes (Thomas)
hobbes (thomas) thomas hobbes Présentation de la philosophie politique de hobbes.

71. Hobbes, Thomas - Message Boards -
Click here to visit our advertiser. Art Culture Message Boards hobbes, thomas. ICQ thomas hobbes, thomas topics (1). Show Polls Only.

72. Hobbes, Thomas - ICQ Interest Groups -
Click here to visit our advertiser. ICQ Interest Groups hobbes, thomas. Most Active Groups Newly Added Groups Popular Groups, hobbes, thomas.

73. Hobbes, Thomas - LaCentral - Barcelona
hobbes, thomas, Leviatán.

74. Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. The Elements Of Law Natural And Politic.
hobbes, thomas, 15881679. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic. Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library. The entire work.
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
The entire work
  • Header Front Matter Part 1 PART I.
      Chapter 1 CHAPTER 1. The General Division of Man's Natural Faculties Chapter 2 CHAPTER 2. The Cause of Sense Chapter 3 CHAPTER 3. Of Imagination and the Kinds Thereof Chapter 4 CHAPTER 4. Of the Several Kinds of Discursion of the Mind Chapter 5 CHAPTER 5. Of Names, Reasoning, and Discourse of the Tongue Chapter 6 CHAPTER 6. Of a Knowledge, Opinion and Relief Chapter 7 CHAPTER 7. Of Delight and Pain; Good and Evil Chapter 8 CHAPTER 8. Of the Pleasures of the Senses; Of Honour Chapter 9 CHAPTER 9. Of the Passions of the Mind Chapter 10 CHAPTER 10. Of the Difference Between Men In These Discerning Faculty and the Cause Chapter 11 CHAPTER 11. What Imaginations and Passions Men Have, at the Names of Things Supernatural Chapter 12 CHAPTER 12. How by Deliberation From Passions Proceed Men's Actions Chapter 13 CHAPTER 13. How by Language Men Work Upon Each Other's Minds Chapter 14 CHAPTER 14. Of the Estate and Right of Nature
  • 75. Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. Leviathan, Or, The Matter, Forme, & Power Of A Common
    Library. CoRD logo home. hobbes, thomas, 1588-1679. Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill.
    Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library The entire work
  • Header Front Matter Part 1 OF MAN
      Chapter 1.1 CHAP. I Of SENSE Chapter 1.2 CHAP. II Of IMAGINATION Chapter 1.3 CHAPTER III Of the Consequence or TRAIN of Imaginations Chapter 1.4 CHAP. IV Of SPEECH Chapter 1.5 CHAP. V Of REASON, and SCIENCE Chapter 1.6 CHAP. VI Of the Interiour Beginnings of Voluntary Motions; commonly called the PASSIONS. And the Speeches by which they are expressed Chapter 1.7 CHAP. VII Of the end , or resolutions of DISCOURSE Chapter 1.8 CHAP. VIII Of the VIRTUES commonly called INTELLECTUAL; and their contrary DEFECTS Chapter 1.9 CHAP. IX Of the Several SUBJECTS Of KNOWLEDGE Chapter 1.10 CHAP. X Of POWER, WORTH, DIGNITY, HONOUR and WORTHINESS Chapter 1.11 CHAP. XI Of the difference of MANNERS Chapter 1.12 CHAP. XII Of RELIGION Chapter 1.13 CHAP. XIII Of the NATURAL CONDITION of mankind, as concerning their Felicity, and Misery Chapter 1.14 CHAP. XIV Of the first and second NATURAL LAWS, and of CONTRACTS Chapter 1.15 CHAP. XV Of other Laws of Nature Chapter 1.16
  • 76. Thomas Hobbes
    Welcome to hobbesiana.eng, the english section of an italian site devoted to the english philosopher thomas hobbes. The site wishes

    77. Thomas Hobbes
    Translate this page utenti dal 22/8/98. hobbesi@na Rassegna on line di materiale sulla filosofia politica di thomas hobbes English version. Benvenuti
    utenti dal 22/8/98 hobbesi@na
    Rassegna on line di materiale sulla filosofia politica di Thomas Hobbes
    English version
    Benvenuti su Hobbesiana, sito italiano dedicato al filosofo inglese Thomas Hobbes. Questo sito vuole offrire una panoramica essenziale del materiale più interessante su Hobbes disponibile online, con la segnalazione dei link a siti, gruppi di discussione, studi, ricerche bibliografiche ecc.
    Scopo di Hobbesiana è inoltre di offrire una serie di documenti utili, da una bibliografia delle opere ai testi di Hobbes e aggiornamenti sugli studi.
    Per informazioni o suggerimenti, contattate il curatore del sito COSA C'E' IN HOBBESIANA: Le novità del sito Vita e opere di Thomas Hobbe s Bibliografia delle opere di Hobbes: 1629-1995 ...
    Testi, grafica e impaginazione di hobbesi@na a cura di Nicola Caleffi

    78. Thomas Hobbes: De Cive: Contents
    De Cive. (The Citizen). Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society. by thomas hobbes. 1651. 15881679. Introduction by the Editor. Table of Contents.
    De Cive
    (The Citizen)
    Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society
    by Thomas Hobbes
    Introduction by the Editor
    Table of Contents
    Dedication and Preface
    Of Liberty. I Of the state of men without Civill Society II Of the Law of Nature concerning Contracts III Of the other Lawes of Nature IV That the Law of Nature is a Divine Law Of Dominion. V Of the causes, and first begining of civill Government VI Of the right of him, whether Counsell, or one Man onely, who hath the supreme power in the City VII Of the three kindes of Government, Democracy, Aristocracy, Monarchie VIII Of the Rights of Lords over their Servant IX Of the right of Parents over their children and of hereditary Government X A comparison between three kinds of government, according to their severall inconveniences XI Places and Examples of Scripture of the Rights of Government agreeable to what hath been said before XII Of the internal causes, tending to the dissolution of any Government XIII Concerning the duties of them who bear Rule XIV Of Lawes and Trespasses Of Religion XV Of the Kingdome of God, by Nature

    79. Hobbes, Thomas: Correspondence - Intelex Corporation - Collezioni A Testo Comple
    hobbes, thomas.¶m_select=H&t

    80. Hobbes, Thomas: English Works - Intelex Corporation - Collezioni A Testo Complet¶m_select=(Pas

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