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         Hobbes Thomas:     more books (100)
  1. Hobbes and the Law of Nature by Perez Zagorin, 2009-11-16
  2. Leviathan (Philosophical Classics) by Thomas Hobbes, 2006-03-31
  3. The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol (Heritage of Sociology) by Carl Schmitt, 2008-10-15
  4. Thomas Hobbes and Political Theory by Mary G. Dietz, 1991-09
  5. Leviathan: Or The Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill (Rethinking the Western Tradition) by Thomas Hobbes, 2010-07-27
  6. Leviathan (mobi) by Thomas Hobbes, 2008-10-21
  7. Behemoth: Or, the Long Parliament (1889) by Thomas Hobbes, 2009-07-08
  8. Behemoth (Spanish Edition) by Thomas Hobbes, 1992-10-15
  9. Morality in the Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes: Cases in the Law of Nature by S. A. Lloyd, 2009-07-20
  10. Leviathan (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) (B&N Library of Essential Reading) by Thomas Hobbes, 2004-03-18
  11. Hobbes: A Biography by A. P. Martinich, 2007-08-20
  12. The Correspondence: Volume II: 1660-1679 (Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes , Vol 2) by Thomas Hobbes, 1998-01-08
  13. Virtues and Rights: The Moral Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes by R. E. Ewin, 1992-05
  14. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, Volume 1 by Thucydides, Homer, et all 2010-02-23

21. Hobbes's Moral And Political Philosophy
Survey of work of thomas hobbes; by Sharon A. Lloyd.
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Hobbes's Moral and Political Philosophy
The 17 th Century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes is now widely regarded as one of a handful of truly great political philosophers, whose masterwork Leviathan
1. Major Political Writings
Hobbes wrote several versions of his political philosophy, including The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic (also under the titles Human Nature and De Corpore Politico) published in 1650, De Cive (1642) published in English as Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society in 1651, the English Leviathan published in 1651, and its Latin revision in 1668. Others of his works are also important in understanding his political philosophy, especially his history of the English Civil War, Behemoth (published 1679)

22. Thomas Hobbes
Pr©sentation de la pens©e politique de thomas hobbes.
Auprès des défenseurs de l'orthodoxie théologique, il passe pour un imposteur et est victime de leurs attaques en 1624. Thucydide, dont il traduit en 1628 la Guerre du Péloponnèse , représente pour Hobbes un modèle de la connaissance, avant qu'il ne découvre, en 1629, à Paris, la méthode inspirée d'Euclide, qu'il commence à appliquer dans son Court Traité des premiers principes . Un nouveau voyage sur le continent, en 1631, lui permet de rencontrer Mersenne et Galilée. En 1640, alors qu'éclate la révolution anglaise, Hobbes rédige les Éléments du droit naturel et politique De cive (paru en 1642) et le Léviathan (publié en 1651) en reprochant à ces œuvres d'attribuer à l'autorité civile une origine populaire et de prendre le "conatus" (l'effort pour se conserver soi-même) comme une loi fondamentale de la nature. Les étudiants dansèrent autour des bûchers où furent brûlés les livres condamnés dans l'allégresse générale.

23. Thomas HOBBES, 1588-1679
Translate this page thomas hobbes, 1588-1679. (1642) Traduction française de Samuel Sorbière, secrétaire de thomas hobbes, en 1649. Livre téléchargeable !
Thomas HOBBES De la nature humaine
De Cive. Le citoyen ou Les fondements de la politique

  • Hobbes Dictionnaire historique et critique
  • Hobbisme , Tome VIII, 1765.
Liste des oeuvres de Thomas Hobbes Autres liens Page d'accueil centrale Dimanche 02 mai 2004
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue

24. Hobbes, Thomas Forum Frigate
Forum and live chat for discussing the life and philosophy of thomas hobbes.,Thomashall/shakespeare1.html
Hobbes, Thomas Forum Frigate
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Hobbes, Thomas Forum Frigate
Welcome to the Hobbes, Thomas Forum Frigate. Post yer opinion, a link to some of yer work, or yer thoughts regarding the best books and criticisms concerning Hobbes, Thomas . We'd also like to invite ye to sail on by the Hobbes, Thomas Live Chat , and feel free to use the message board below to schedule a chat session. And the brave of heart shall certainly wish to sign their souls aboard The Jolly Roger Oak planks of reason, riveted with rhyme,
designed to voyage across all of time.

25. The Stories Of Thomas Hobbes
Short stories in a number of genres such as science fiction and alternate history.
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The Stories of Thomas Hobbes
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Biografie, theorie en schilderijen van thomas hobbes, die zich bezig hield met de filosofie van het materialisme in de 17de eeuw.
"Thomas Hobbes vroeg zich af hoe het zou voelen als we geen vrije wil zouden hebben. Zijn conclusie was dat we het verschil niet eens zouden kunnen merken."
Deze Engelse filosoof bracht waarschijnlijk de meest complete filosofie van het materialisme in de 17 de eeuw. Hij verwerpt het Cartesiaans dualisme en gelooft in de sterfelijkheid van de ziel. Hij verwerpt de vrije wil en stelt determinisme in de plaats. Aan de natuurwetenschap van Galilei heeft Hobbes zijn algemene begrippenkader ontleend. De kernbegrippen van zijn systeem zijn : "Lichaam" en "Beweging". Alles wat gebeurt, ieder natuurlijk proces, is te herleiden tot de bewegingen van materiële lichamen. Ook de mens is een "natuurlijk lichaam" en al zijn gedragingen berusten op natuurlijke processen die op dezelfde wijze empirisch bestudeerd en causaal verklaard kunnen worden als de processen in de dode natuur. Daarnaast wordt Hobbes aanzien als een belangrijk denker over de staat, politiek en maatschappij. In de uiteenzetting van zijn theorie wordt dit duidelijk waarom.
Biografie De natuurstaat De natuurwetten ... Links
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27. Thomas Hobbes - Featuring A Biography, Online Works, And Links.
Featuring a short biography, online works, and papers on thomas hobbes' work.
Thomas Hobbes
featuring a biography, online works, and links.
The Thomas Hobbes site to find a biography, online works, thomas hobbes papers, and links. Home Papers Online Works Links
Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes was born to an impoverished clerical family in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. At school he made a reputation as a linguist and fluent poet and translator. After Oxford he worked for William Cavendish as a secretary, tutor, and general advisor to the family. During his employment, he went on several "Grand Tours" where he met the leading European intellectuals of his time. Hobbes was caught up in the turmoil preceding the Civil War and fled to France in 1640. He remained there until 1651. Because of his writings, especially The Leviathan , Hobbes lived in serious danger of prosecution after the restoration of Charles II. Hobbes's principal interests in his later years were translations. He lived out his old age at the Devonshire's home.
What's New
After spending a lot of time on my new JS Mill site I decided to come back to Thomas Hobbes with similiar upgrades. I've now moved a lot of sections off the home page that used to clutter things up. Sections like online works have been moved to their own page. In addition the header with the menu should now follow you around as you read papers and online works. I hope this interface is better than the old!

28. The Leviathan By Thomas Hobbes
1660 THE LEVIATHAN. by thomas hobbes. Search help Use descriptive phrases. Limit results to this hobbes. Search the Leviathan. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION.

by Thomas Hobbes
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29. Thomas Hobbes : A Short Biography
thomas hobbes ( 15881679) thomas hobbes. some famous thomas hobbes quotes. Check it out! thomas hobbes was born in London in 1588. He received his college education at Oxford University in England
Thomas Hobbes
some famous Thomas Hobbes quotes
Check it out!
Thomas Hobbes was born in London in 1588. He received his college education at Oxford University in England, where he studied classics. Hobbes traveled to other European countries several times to meet with scientists and to study different forms of government. During his time outside of England, Hobbes became interested in why people allowed themselves to be ruled and what would be the best form of government for England. In 1651, Hobbes wrote his most famous work, entitled Leviathan. In it, he argued that people were naturally wicked and could not be trusted to govern. Therefore, Hobbes believed that an absolute monarchy - a government that gave all power to a king or queen - was best. Hobbes believed that humans were basically selfish creatures who would do anything to better their position. Left to themselves, he thought, people would act on their evil impulses. According to Hobbes, people therefore should not be trusted to make decisions on their own. In addition, Hobbes felt that nations, like people, were selfishly motivated. To Hobbes, each country was in a constant battle for power and wealth. To prove his point, Hobbes wrote, "If men are naturally in a state of war, why do they always carry arms and why do they have keys to lock their doors?"

30. Thomas Hobbes -- Moral And Politcal Philosophy [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philoso
hobbes, thomas (1998 1642) On the Citizen, ed trans Richard Tuck and Michael Silverthorne (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge) – The best translation
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
Moral and Political Philosophy

Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to that part of this article)
Introduction We can see Hobbes’s importance if we briefly compare him with the most famous political thinkers before and after him. A century before, Nicolo Machiavelli had emphasized the harsh realities of power, as well as recalling ancient Roman experiences of political freedom. Machiavelli appears as the first modern political thinker, because like Hobbes he was no longer prepared to talk about politics in terms set by religious faith (indeed, he was still more offensive than Hobbes to many orthodox believers), instead, he looked upon politics as a secular discipline divorced from theology. But unlike Hobbes, Machiavelli offers us no comprehensive philosophy: we have to reconstruct his views on the importance and nature of freedom; it remains uncertain which, if any, principles Machiavelli draws on in his apparent praise of amoral power politics. Writing a few years after Hobbes

31. The Stories Of Thomas Hobbes
Short stories in a number of genres. Stories in Word 97 format
The Stories of Thomas Hobbes
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32. The Elements Of Law Natural And Politic By Thomas Hobbes 1640 To
The Elements of Law Natural and Politic by thomas hobbes 1640 To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Newcastle, Governor to the Prince his Highness, one of

33. Hobbes, T
hobbes, thomas, 15881679, English philosopher. (2)Charles H. Hinnant, thomas hobbes A reference guide, Boston, MASS GK.Hall CO., 1980.
Hobbes, T Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679, English philosopher. Hobbes developed a materialist and highly pessimistic philosophy that was denounced in his own day and later, but has had a continuing influence on Western political thought. His Leviathan (1651) presents a bleak picture of human beings in the state of nature, where life is "nasty, brutish, and short." Fear of violent death is the principal motive that causes people to create a state by contracting to surrender their natural rights and to submit to the absolute authority of a sovereign. Although the power of the sovereign derived originally from the people, Hobbes said-challenging the doctrine of the divine right of kings-the sovereign's power is absolute and not subject to review by either subjects or ecclesiastical powers. Hobbes's concept of the social contract led to investigations by other political theorists, notably John Locke Spinoza , and J.J. Rousseau ILTweb (
(Univ.of Idaho)

34. Ti Tænkere
Introducerende artikler og kritik til filosoffer omkring 16001800 Bacon, hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant og Hegel. Af thomas Nygaard Laursen, filosofistuderende.

35. The Leviathan By Thomas Hobbes
THE LEVIATHAN. by thomas hobbes. Search help Use descriptive phrases. Limit results to this hobbes. Search the Leviathan. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I OF SENSE. CHAPTER II OF IMAGINATION

by Thomas Hobbes
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Search the Leviathan

36. Thomas Hobbes 310
thomas hobbes. 1588 1679. . . . . . Secondary Source Material thomas hobbes Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy thomas hobbes Weber - History of Philosophy.
Thomas Hobbes
On the Life and History of Thucydides The Elements of Law Natural and Politic De Cive Leviathan Secondary Source Material:
Thomas Hobbes
: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Thomas Hobbes
: Weber - History of Philosophy Miscellanae:
Hobbes' Challenge
: Marcelo Dascal
Social Contract
: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A Brief Life of Thomas Hobbes
: John Aubrey
A Survey of Mr. Hobbes His Leviathan
: Edward, Earl of Claredon (Edward Hyde)
Thomas Hobbes
: Hegel - Lectures on the History of Philosophy
Biographical Information

Readings in Modern Philosophy

37. Hobbes, Thomas
Offre une bibliographie tr¨s compl¨te des ouvrages portant sur thomas hobbes.

38. Les Classiques Des Sciences Sociales: Thomas Hobbes: Photo
Translate this page thomas hobbes, 1588-1679. Philosophe anglais (Wesport, Wiltshire, 1588 - Hardwick Hall 1679). Partisan de la monarchie absolue, effrayé
Page d'accueil centrale Mardi 09 avril 2002
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue

Peter Möller hobbes - Translate this page thomas hobbes. Literatur (Auswahl). The Elements Allgemeines thomas hobbes (1588 - 1679). Englischer Philosoph. Atheist, Materia

40. Philosopher Results
Source History of Economic Thought. hobbes, thomas, Source Erratic Impact (PRB) Author Danne Polk. hobbes, thomas, Source Alliance for Lifelong Learning.

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