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         Hiyya Abraham Bar:     more books (25)
  1. The Meditation of the Sad Soul (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization) by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1984-06-21
  2. 12th-Century Mathematicians: Omar Khayyám, Adelard of Bath, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Al-Khazini, Bhaskara Ii, Sharaf Al-Din Al-usi
  3. Spanish Astrologers: Abraham Ibn Ezra, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Ibn Arabi, Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Al-Zarqali, Arnaldus de Villa Nova
  4. Medieval European Mathematics: Fibonacci, Alcuin, Adelard of Bath, Thomas Bradwardine, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Jordanus de Nemore, Abacus School
  5. 1136 Deaths: Harald Iv of Norway, William de Corbeil, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Gwenllian Ferch Gruffydd, Hugues de Payens, Leopold Iii
  6. Spanish Mathematicians: Abraham Bar Hiyya, Enrique Zuazua, José Celestino Mutis, David Ríos Insua, Esteban Terradas I Illa
  7. Jewish Astrologers: Abraham Ibn Ezra, Jewish Views on Astrology, Philip Berg, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Mashallah, Jackie Stallone, David Gans
  8. Translators to Hebrew: Arabic-hebrew Translators, Latin-hebrew Translators, Jacob Anatoli, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Reuven Snir, Joseph Kimhi
  9. La Obra Sefer Hesbon Kahlekot Ha-kokabim De R. Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Bargeloni. Edicion Critica, Con Traduccion Introduccion y Notas Por Jose M. Millas Vallicrosa by Jose M. Millas, Ed. Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Bargeloni. Vallicrosa, 1959
  10. Spanish Jews: Ricardo Bofill, Jehuda Cresques, Spanish and Portuguese Jews, Petrus Alphonsi, Gabriel Milan, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Judah Halevi
  11. Catalan Astronomers: Abraham Bar Hiyya, Josep Comas Solà, Dionís Renart, Lupitus of Barcelona, Jaume Nomen
  12. 11th-Century Mathematicians: Alhazen, Omar Khayyám, Shen Kuo, Abu Rayhan Biruni, Su Song, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Ibn Yunus
  13. 11th-Century Scientists: 11th-Century Mathematicians, Alhazen, Omar Khayyám, Shen Kuo, Abu Rayhan Biruni, Su Song, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Ibn Yunus
  14. Judaism As A Philosophy : The Philosophy of Abraham Bar Hiyya (1065 - 1143) by Leon D. Stitskin, 1960

61. Pubblicazione
Translate this page Jewish Authors - T. LÉVY, Les débuts de la littérature mathématique hébraïquela géométrie d’abraham bar hiyya (XI-XIIe siècle) - S. SELA, abraham

62. Education World® - *Math : Mathematicians : General Resources
Philosophy;. Abbe Ernst. Abel Niels Henrik. abraham bar hiyya. abrahamde Moivre (1667 1754) . abrahamMax . Abu Kamil Shuja. Ackermann Wilhelm.

63. Expo Temps (page Expo) GB
Augustine, the Venerable Bede, Charlemagne, Al Kharizmi, Gerbert (Sylvester II,pope in the year 1000), Omar Khayam, abraham bar hiyya haNasi, Roger Bacon
Recite II Travelling exhibition
First inauguration 1 February 2000 " ... listening to time ..."
(Catalogue of the exhibition)
The European Bell Institute
(IEAC Midi-Pyrenees)
offered, for the year 2000, a new travelling exhibition dedicated to the history of time. The History of the calendar
from 11000 B.C. to the present. The history of dividing time
into years of 12 months, 52 weeks,
365 days, 8760 hours The history of telling time
The history of clock-making

from the medieval alarm clock to the quartz watch, by way of the history
of monumental mechanical clocks, household clocks (comtoise clocks, pendulums), alarm watches, electric clocks and the atomic clock. The history of sound in time telling by means of religious or lay bells timbres, automatic carillons This exhibition was conceived in the framework of the European programme RECITE II. It is part of the IDC medici dossier on the construction of steeples. In this framework if helped develop an awareness by indigenous populations and regional European groups of the conservation of clock towers which have become real estate by allocation. First of all , these towers, symbols of identity of a community and a region, bells and monumental clocks give rhythm to the life of the local folk. Why, since when and how ? Here are some of the questions that the exhibition "... listening to time ..." offers to answer.

64. Expo Temps (page Expo)
Translate this page Saint Augustin, Bède le Vénérable, Charlemagne, Al-Khwarizmi, Gerbert (SylvestreII, le pape de l’An 1000), Omar Khayam, abraham bar hiyya ha-Nasi, Roger
exposition itinérante Recite II
Première inauguration 1 er février 2000 "... à l'écoute du temps ..."
(Catalogue de l'exposition)

Pourquoi, depuis quand et comment ? Voilà les questions auxquelles l’exposition " à l’écoute du temps " se propose de répondre. L’exposition " " est une exposition richement iconographiée et extrêmement modulable, pouvant s’adapter dans un grand espace vide comme à une succession de petites salles. Le visiteur, dans sa déambulation libre (tous les objets exposés sont protégés), pourra suivre à sa guise, en continu comme en fragmenté, trois discours parallèles : Une chronologie , sorte de " continuum " décrivant les grandes dates de l’histoire du calendrier et de la maîtrise du temps, du premier calendrier lunaire vers 11000 av J.-C. jusqu’à l’an 2000 année " bissextile " du siècle dans le système grégorien. Une collection
aux adultes comme aux enfants, de comprendre le découpage du temps et sa maîtrise : cadrans solaires, clepsydre, horloge à cire, sabliers, horloges mécaniques monumentales, comtoises, pendules, montres, horloge atomique, montres à quartz, horloge astronomique commandée par satellite, temps universel dit temps Internet ; de même que cloches historiques (an 1000, XIV°, XVI°, XIX°, XX° siècle), timbres monumentaux, jacquemart. Une galerie de portraits en l'AN 2000 Nous sommes en 1997 selon la probabilité actuelle de la naissance du Christ. 2753 selon le vieux calendrier romain. 2749 selon l'ancien calendrier babylonien. 6236 selon le premier calendrier égyptien. 5760 selon le calendrier juif. 1420 selon le calendrier musulman. 1378 selon le calendrier perse. 1716 selon le calendrier copte. 2544 selon le calendrier bouddhiste. 5119 selon le grand cycle maya. 208 selon le calendrier de la révolution française.

65. Registro Completo
Translate this page seleccionado. Autor(es) hiyya HA-barGELONI, abraham bar. MILLAS VALLICROSA,Jose M¦, Trad. y Pr. Título LA OBRA FORMA DE LA TIERRA.
Registro completo
Aquí tiene el registro bibliográfico completo del título que ha seleccionado.
Autor(es) : HIYYA HA-BARGELONI, Abraham Bar. : MILLAS VALLICROSA, Jose M¦, Trad. y Pr. Título : LA OBRA FORMA DE LA TIERRA. Editorial : Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto Arias Montano. Descripción : 123 p. ; 25 cm. Colección : Serie D ; 5. Materia : HISTORIA DE LA ASTRONOMIA. Ubicación, No. reg. : Biblioteca General. : 09025. Signatura : A-Q 117.
Página inicio Principio Página

66. Almanac.1521-4-2000
Translate this page Intorno al 1100, il matematico ebreo di barcellona, abraham bar-hiyya ha-Nasi, notoanche come Savasorda, inizia a tradurre alcuni trattati scientifici arabi
San Galgano Almanacco del XII secolo 15 - 21 aprile 2000 15 - 21 aprile 1100 Il nostro calendario del Duemila, con le vicende di 900 anni fa. Una macchina del tempo dal 12 al 21 secolo. Sabato Intorno al 1100, Adelardo di Bath compone la su aprima opera intitolata De eodem er diverso Sonetti di Folgore da San Giminiano Domenica Nicola Abbagnano - Storia della filosofia (la filosofia medievale) - TEA Sonetti dei "Mesi" XVIII D'aprile D'april vi dono la gentil campagna
tutta fiorita di bell'erba fresca;
fontane d'acqua, che non vi rincresca,
donne e donzelle per vostra compagna ambianti palafren, destrier di Spagna,
e gente costumata alla francesca
cantar, danzar alla provenzalesca
con istormenti nuovi d'Alemagna. E d'intorno vi sian molti giardini,
e giacchito vi sia ogni persona;
ciascun con reverenza adori e 'nchini a quel gentil, c'ho dato la corona
c'ha 'l Presto Gianni o 'l re di Babilona. Robert Delort - La vita quotidiana nel Medioevo - Laterza Roberto Donati - Castelli del Trentino e Alto Adige - Publigraf Intorno al 1100, il matematico ebreo di Barcellona, Abraham bar-Hiyya ha-Nasi, noto anche come Savasorda, inizia a tradurre alcuni trattati scientifici arabi in ebraico.

67. Vorkom00
Translate this page Natürlich werden wir auch die Astrologie als ‘Wissenschaft’ in den Schriftendes Sa’adja Gaon, abraham bar hiyya und abraham Ibn Ezra erörtern.
Tel.:+49-221-470/2989 (Sekretariat oder voice mail) Fax:+49-221-470/5065 Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis WS 2000/01
Vorlesungen xxxx Ringvorlesung:
Medizin in den antiken Hochkulturen: Alter - Zeit der Krankheit, Zeit der Weisheit?
Dozenten: H. J. Thissen, E. von Weiher, T. Kwasman, K. Bergdolt, Ch. Leitz
Beschreibung: Grundstudium
Dozent: R. Schmitz
Termin: 4 St. Mo 11-13, Do 16-18 Do u. Di 14-16 Übung / Sprachkurs:
Hebräisch IIIa - Rabbinische Texte
Dozent: T. Kwasman (24.10.)
Termin: 2 St. Di 9.30-11 Beschreibung: In dieser Übung sollen die Studenten mit der Textgattung der Ma`aseh-Erzählungen in Mischnah und Tosefta vertraut gemacht werden. Neben der Übersetzung dieser Texte werden Besonderheiten der Grammatik, des Vokabulars/Terminologie und der Textstruktur erarbeitet. Darüber hinaus liegt ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf Untersuchungen zu Traditionsgeschichte des Textmaterials in der Mischnah und der Tosefta. Zu Beginn des Semesters wird der Text ausgeteilt. Voraussetzung: Bestandenes Hebraicum; die Übung ist als Teil der Vorbereitung zur Zwischenprüfung obligatorisch.

68. Encyclopedia Of The Middle Ages - List Of Contributors (L - P)
Béatrice Leroy (Univ. of Bordeaux) Navarre. Mathieu Lescuyer Richard Fitzralph.Tony Lévy (CNRS) abraham bar hiyya. Giambattista Livi Job (Exegesis).
Home Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages List of Contributors ENCYCLOPEDIA
Edited by André Vauchez
A - C
D - K L - P Q - Z List of Contributors
L - P
Paulette L’Hermite-Leclercq
: Christina of Markyate; Margery Kempe; Recluse (Univ. of Provence): Antoninus; Antonius of Florence; Poverty/The Poor (the West); Sexuality (Theology and Pastoral Teaching); Wealth (IRHT): Morality Play Pierre Lacroix (Seminary, Lons-le-Saunier): Apostles’ Creed; Misericord (Monastic Iconography); Saint-Claude; Stalls (Univ. of Paris II): Maxim Marielle Lamy (Univ. of Paris IV): Conception of the Virgin Mary (the West); Joseph of Nazareth (Theology); Mary The Virgin (Theology); Salve Regina Richard Landes (Boston Univ., MA): Adhemar of Chabannes; Millennium; Peace and Truce of God Hanne Lange (Univ. of Copenhagen): Numbers and Numerology (IRHT): Exultet; Initials; Latin Manuscripts Michael Lapidge Christian Lauranson-Rosaz Bruno Laurioux (Univ. of Paris I): Cooking Michel Lauwers C. H. Lawrence (Institution of Historical Research, Univ. of London): Marsh (Adam) (Univ. of Montpellier): Alms; Bridge; Bruno of La Chartreuse; Carthusians/Charter-house; Guigo the Carthusian; Hospital/Hospice; Mercedarians; Peter Nolasco; Works of Mercy (the West)

69. US Book Review Form
Mukammas, Saadia ben Joseph alFayyumi, Joseph al-Basir, Jeshua ben Judah, Solomonibn Gabirol, Bahya ibn Pakuda, Pseudo-Bahya, abraham bar hiyya, Joseph ibn

70. The Newberry Library: Smith Center: Mapline 84/85 Feature
of Aragon. His work in turn was based on the observations and tablesof Levi ben Gerson and abraham bar hiyya. The Jewish Catalan
Issue 84/85, Fall 1998
Some time during the Middle Ages people began to make measured maps designed for practical use in navigation. The oldest surviving example is the Pisan chart, now in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. It dates from the late 13th century, but there is no reason to believe that it was the first of its kind. Unlike the mappamundi, which co-existed with the portolan charts for a long time, the new maps emphasized purely geographical features with little of the historical, religious, and fabulous information so prominently displayed on the mappamundi. Among the many questions raised by the portolan charts, one of the most vexing is that of their construction. What kind of instruments were used to make their meticulously drawn coastlines? No written evidence survives from the earliest period of their existence. However, we do know that two tools, useful for making measured maps, were introduced into Europe in the Middle Ages. These were the astrolabes, which appeared in the tenth century, and the compass in the twelfth. The possible use of the compass in making the charts, which are marked by compass roses and rhumb lines, has been widely discussed, though no firm conclusions have been drawn. The use of the astrolabe has been treated very little. The next oldest dates from the 14th century, though it is possible that Western Europeans were using astrolabes of Islamic manufacture imported through Spain.

71. El Huerto Del Nogal - Kabalah - Reencarnación O Guilgul
Translate this page b) abraham bar hiyya, (1150 aprox.) en Meditación del alma triste. c)Yehudáh Haleví (1100 aprox.) no menciona el Guilgul en su obra.
Reencarnación o Guilgul Kohelet (Eclesiastés) 1,4: “Una generación se va y otra viene, más la tierra permanece”. Resulta obvio, por lo menos para algunos, destacar que el judaísmo y el cristianismo son resurreccionistas. Por ello la visión de la reencarnación se dificulta en varios sentidos: a) No es oficial ni bien entendida la creencia en la reencarnación y por ello no aceptada. b) No resulta sencillo encontrar antecedentes para justificar su existencia, sobre todo si los mismos apuntan a ser oficiales. c) Sólo en la Kabalah, o en un desprendimiento del judaísmo (el movimiento karaíta, primera etapa de Anan ben David, su fundador en el siglo octavo e.c.), encontramos antecedentes serios. En la Kabalah la reencarnación ocupa un lugar trascendente en líneas de pensamiento importantes, como veremos más adelante. Habíamos mencionado como la Resurrección se relacionaba con un retorno de la muerte con el mismo cuerpo en concordancia al momento final de la vida del mismo.

72. La Trigonométrie :
Translate this page Usage des fractions sexagésimales. Bris du lien entre la mesure de l’arc etcelle du rayon. · Chez abraham bar hiyya (barcelone, 1116). R = 14 unités.
Louis Charbonneau UQAM
Similitude des triangles o Dans un triangle rectangle o Le sinus est un rapport o o o v o o o un radian
o o La corde : crd( a ) = AB crd( a ) = sin( a/2 o Les tables de cordes o a a/2 a-b Lois du sinus et cosinus (implicites)
o e - La vitesse angulaire constante v de rotation de l'équant est 360°/(365 1/4 j.) = 0° 59'8"
et, de l'été à l'automne, 90 - b + a = 92j.1/2 x v, ou v = 0° 59' 8". Calcul des demi-cordes, ce qui me donnera TL et LD, et donc aussi TD. TL = (1/2)crd(2a) = 2;16 LD = (1/2)crd(2b) = 1;2 TD = 2;29,30 L'orbitre du soleil est de rayon 60 dans ces calculs, ce qui permet d'utiliser les tables.
o al-Biruni (973-1055) ombre directe (cotangente) GE o cot (a) + B = csc (a), B o tan (a) + B = sec (a) o
o Rheticus (1514-1574) o Pitiscus (1561-1613) Trigonometriae sive, de dimensione triangulis, Liber
Calcul des hauteurs avec un quadrant dans Pitiscus
2) Par la table des ombres (tangentes dans un triangle dont la base est 100 000)
Chez Abraham bar Hiyya (Barcelone, 1116)
Chez Fibonacci (1175-1240) (1220), R = 21

73. Nasi; abraham Biography of abraham bar hiyya (10701136) abraham bar hiyya Ha-Nasi. Born 1070 in barcelona, Spain

74. The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias Of Science And Philosophy|KLUWER Academic Publ
JR Woolf. 6. The First Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science abraham bar hiyya sYesodei haTevunah u-Migdal ha-Emunah; M. Rubio. 7. Encyclopedic

75. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens
Translate this page Sarton (George Alfred Leon), Américain (1884-1956). Savage (Leonard Jimmie),Américain (1917-1971). Savasorda (abraham bar hiyya), Espagnol ( ? -v.1136).
Abel (Niels Henrik) Agnesi (Maria Guetana) Italienne (1718-1799) Alembert (Jean Le Rond d') Alexander (James Waddell) Alexandroff (Pavel Sergeevich) Russe (1896-1982) Apian (Peter Benneuwitz, dit) Allemand (1495-1552) Apollonios de Perga Grec(v.~262-v.~180) Appel (Paul) Grec (~287-~212) Aristote Grec (~384-~322) Arzela (Cesare) Italien (1847-1912) Ascoli (Guilio) Italien (1843-1896) Babbage (Charles) Anglais (1792-1871) Banach (Stefan) Polonais (1892-1945) Argand (Jean Robert) Suisse (1768-1822) Barrow (Isaac) Anglais (1630-1677) Bayes (Thomas) Anglais (1702-1761) Bellavitis (Giusto) Italien (1803-1880) Beltrami (Eugenio) Italien (1835-1900) Bernays (Paul) Suisse (1888-1977) Bernoulli (Daniel) Suisse (1700-1782) Bernoulli (Jacques) Suisse (1654-1705) Bernoulli (Jean) Suisse (1667-1748) Allemand (1878-1956) Bernstein (Sergei Natanovich) Russe (1880-1968) Bertrand (Josepn) Bessel (Friedrich) Allemand (1784-1846) Birkoff (George David) Bliss (Gilbert Ames) Bochner (Salomon) Allemand (1899-1982) Bolyai (Janos) Hongrois (1802-1860) Bolzano (Bernhard) Bombelli (Raffaele) Italien (1522-1572) Bonnet (Ossian) Boole (George) Anglais (1815-1864) Bourbaki (Nicolas) Braikenridge (William) Anglais (v.1700-1762)

76. Zero, Liczby Zespolone I Inne Takie
W roku 1145 hiszpanski Zyd imieniem abraham bar hiyya HaNasi (1070-1136) przetlumaczylna lacine dzielo Liber embadorum niejakiego Plato z Tivoli iw
Zero, liczby zespolone i inne takie
  • Brahmasphutasiddhata
  • to
  • gomutrika
  • Liber embadorum
  • algorytm
  • x +mx=n dla m,n >0
    x =mx+n
  • Ars Magna
  • liczbach zespolonych
  • Wielomian stopnie n n
  • imagine n ma n
  • Ten sam Euler w roku 1777 wprowadza na oznaczenie symbol i
  • kwaterniony
  • oktoniony
  • liczby Cayleya
  • ab a = lub b a b a ab a b algebrami rzeczywistych zespolonych i

77. A Breath Of Life
view the NARAN is the kabbalist acronym originated in the Torah and was developedby the Jewish neoplatonists, abraham ibn Ezra and abraham bar hiyya.
A Breath of Life Rabbi Nachman of Breslav told of the king who sent his son to distant places to learn wisdom." When the son returned home he was well versed in all branches of knowledge. The king then told his son to take a large stone, the size of a millstone, and bring it up to the palace attic. The son looked at the stone and realized that he would not be able to lift it. It was a huge, heavy boulder. He felt very bad because he would not be able to fulfill his father's request. The king then explained his true intention to his son: "Did you really think that I wanted you to carry this huge boulder" Even with all your wisdom, you could not do it. My intention is that you take a hammer and break the boulder into small pieces. You will then be able to bring the entire boulder up into the attic." In this story from Outpouring of the Soul , translated by Aryeh Kaplan, the Rebbe addresses those of us struggling for enlightenment with hearts heavy as stone. What we must do, he said, "is take the hammer of words, and break and crumble our hearts of stone. And then we can lift our heart up to God." Bazak Four contains the words of Torah, the words

78. The Infancy Narratives In Matthew And Luke
The Jewish writers abraham bar hiyya (about 1100 AD) and Isaac Abravanel (14371508)both believed that the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces
The Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke
by James Kiefer
PART ONE INTRODUCTION THE STAR AND THE MAGI THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM A COMET OR NOVA? Let us consider the opening of the second chapter of Matthew: + Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of + Herod the king, there came Magi from the East to Jerusalem + saying, "Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have + seen his star in the rising and have come to pay him homage." THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM A PLANETARY CONJUNCTION? AN ASTROLOGY LESSON JUPITER, SATURN, AND PISCES Matthew describes the wise men as seeing a star and deducing that it heralded the birth of a great king. Whatever else the wise men were, they were astrologers that is, they believed that the motions and appearances of the heavenly bodies foretold earthly events. Now a simple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, such as happened every twenty years, would not seem especially significant, but a triple conjunction would receive more attention. What would astrologers of that time take it to mean? Jupiter was regarded as the royal planet, the sign of kings. Therefore the conjunction would have been taken to indicate a royal event, such as the birth of a king.

79. Ue99
Translate this page Stevin, p. 381. WINICKI-LANDMAN GREISY, Elementary School Teachersmeet abraham bar hiyya Ha-Nassi, p. 393. WINSLOW CARL, Aspects
Edition Volume 1 : 422 pages, format 14,8 x 21 Volume 2 : 508 pages, format 14,8 x 21 ACCUEIL FAUVEL JOHN, Can mathematics education learn from its history ? p. 19 KOOL MARJOLEIN, Arithmetic in the Low Countries up to 1600 : trade, tradition, terminology, p. 31 TZANAKIS CONSTANTINOS, Mathematics Physics and "Physical Mathematics " : A historical approach to didactical aspects of their relation, p. 65 BAKKER ARTHUR, Historical and didactical phenomenology of the average values, p. 91 COSTA PEREIRA CARACOL TERESA DE ]ESUS, Les nombres complexes, les vecteurs et les quaternions (L’introducfion des quaternions au Portugal par Augusto d’Arzilla Fonseca-1884), p. 121 DE BOCK DIRK, VERSCHAFFEL LIEVEN, JANSSENS DIRK, Some reflections on the illusion of linearity, p. 153 DEMIETRIADOU HELEN, The role of physics in introducing vectors to secondary school students, p. 169 FREGUGLIA PAOLO, BERNARDI RAFFAELLA, About the notion of natural logic : historical and theoretical remarks, p. 203 MAMMANA CARMELO, TAZZIOLI ROSSANA, The Mathematical School in Catania at the begining of The 20th Century and its influence on Didactics, p. 223 MOLEA AMELIA, Language engineering - The outcome of the intersection of Linguistics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, p. 243

Saadia Ben Joseph AlFayyumi, Joseph Al-Basir and Jeshua Ben Judah, Solomon IbnGabirol, Bahya Ibn P akuda, Pseudo-Bahya, abraham bar hiyya, Joseph Ibn Zaddik

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