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         Hiyya Abraham Bar:     more books (25)
  1. Arabic-hebrew Translators: Jacob Anatoli, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Reuven Snir, Joseph Kimhi, Kalonymus Ben Kalonymus, Samuel Ibn Tibbon
  2. Catalan Scientists: François Arago, Pere Bosch-Gimpera, Luis González-Mestres, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Ferran Lagarda Mata, Esteban Terradas I Illa
  3. 12th-Century Scientists: 12th-Century Mathematicians, Omar Khayyám, Adelard of Bath, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Al-Khazini, Bhaskara Ii
  4. Spanish Astronomers: Petrus Alphonsi, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Josef de Mendoza Y Ríos, Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Al-Zarqali, Antonio de Ulloa
  5. La Obra Forma De La Tierra De R. Abraham Bar Hiyya ha-Bargeloni by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1956-01-01
  6. 12th-Century Rabbis: Maimonides, Rashi, Eliezer Ben Nathan, Abraham Bar Hiyya, Judah Halevi, Abraham Ibn Daud, Abraham Ben David, Joseph Kimhi
  7. Sefer Megilat ha-megaleh (Hebrew Edition) by Rabbi Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda, 2007-12-10
  8. La Obra Forma De La Tierra De R. Abraham Bar Hiyya ha-Bargeloni
  9. LA OBRA ENCICLOPEDICA; YESODE HA-TEBUNA U-MIGDAL HA-EMUNA, DE R. ABRAHAM BAR HIYYA HA-BARGELONI. Edicion Critica Con Traduccion, Prologo Y Notas, Por Jose Maria Millas Vallicrosa by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1952-01-01
  10. Studies in Medieval Jewish Philosophy

21. Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi - Encyclopedia Article About Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi
abraham Clark encyclopedia article about abraham Clark. Free abraham Clark. Word Word. abraham Clark (February 15 February 15 is the 46th dayof the year in the Gregorian Calendar. bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century Decades: 1020s 1030s 1040s 1050s 1060s - Years: 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 - Events
  • Hereward the Wake begins a Saxon revolt in the Fens of eastern England.
  • Lanfranc, an Italian lawyer, becomes William's formidable Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Central Asian poet Yusuf Balasagun completed Kutadgu Bilig
  • Bergen, Norway founded by king Olav Kyrre.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 11th century - 12th century - 13th century Decades: 1080s 1090s 1100s 1110s 1120s - Years: 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 - Events
  • Beginnning of construction of the Saint Denis Basilica
Births Deaths

  • Click the link for more information. ) was a Spanish The Kingdom of Spain is a country located in the southwest of Europe. It shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal and Gibraltar. To the northeast, along the Pyrenees mountain range, it borders France and the tiny principality of Andorra. It includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the cities of Ceuta and Melilla in the north of Africa, and a number of minor uninhabited islands on the Mediterranean side of the strait of Gibraltar, such as the Chafarine islands, the "rocks" (es:
    Click the link for more information.
  • 22. Biblioteca De Ciències I D'Enginyeries
    abraham bar hiyya Ha-nasi Llibre de geometria
    Llista d'obres exposades:
    Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-nasi
    Al-Din Al-Kashi, Jamshid Ghiyath

    The Planetary equatorium / of Jamshid Ghiyath Al-Din Al-Kashi ; with translation and commentary by E.S. Kennedy. Princenton : Princenton University Press, 1960 Al-Khuwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa
    The Astronomical tables of Al-Khwarizmi / translation with commentaries of the latin version edited by H. Suter supplemented by Corpus Christie MS 283 by O. Neugebauer. Kobenhavn : Ejnar Munksgaard, 1962 Al-Zayyat, Ishaq ibn al-Hasan
    Baldi, Bernardino

    Vite di matematici arabi / tratte da un'opera inedita di Bernardino Baldi ; con note di M. Steinschneider. Roma : Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisique, 1874 Bar Hiyya, Abraham
    Bensaude, Joaquim
    Cantor, Moritz
    Critchlow, Keith

    Islamic patterns : an analytical and cosmological approach / Keith Critchlow. Repr. London : Thames and Hudson, 1989 D'Hollander, Raymond Encyclopedia of the history of Arabic science / edited by Roshdi Rashed. London : Routledge, 1996 Glick, Thomas F.

    23. Carlo Suares Revived Qabala Lexicon Tohu Ve Bohu (Tohu We-Bohu)
    in Genesis 12 at the beginning of the Bahir can definitely be said to be borrowedfrom the writings of the Jewish Neoplatonist abraham bar hiyya, who wrote

    24. Facoltà Di Filosofia - Aa 2001-2002
    (Isaac Israeli,Shelomoh Ibn Gabirol, abraham bar hiyya, abraham Ibn Ezra
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    docente Mauro Zonta settore M-FIL/06 PROGRAMMA DEL CORSO
    • TEMA DEL CORSO Tema generale: La filosofia ebraica nel Medioevo Tema del modulo del primo semestre: Linee storiche della filosofia ebraica medievale Tema del modulo del secondo semestre: Testi e contesti del pensiero ebraico medievale NUMERO DEI CREDITI PER SEMESTRE: PRESENTAZIONE DEI MODULI IN CUI SI ARTICOLA IL CORSO: Modulo 2: Lettura antologica, in traduzione italiana, e commento, con introduzione storica, di passi di Isaac Israeli, Shelomoh Ibn Gabirol, Abraham bar Hiyya, Maimonide, Gersonide, e i filosofi ebrei del Quattrocento. PROGRAMMA D' ESAME Programma I modulo insegnamento: C.SIRAT

    25. Adventures In Philosophy: A Brief History Of Jewish Philosophy
    c. 937). Solomon Ibn Gabirol (c.1021 c. 1058). abraham bar hiyya (c. 1065- 1136). Bahya Ibn Pakuda (c. 1050). Judah Halevi (c. 1080 - 1140). Essay.
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    TABLE OF CONTENTS Philosophers Philo Judaeus
    (c. 25 B.C. - c. 50 A.D.) Saadia
    David Ibn Merwan


    (? - c. 937) Solomon Ibn Gabirol
    (c.1021 - c. 1058) Abraham Bar Hiyya
    (c. 1065 - 1136)

    26. Preliminary Index To FSP, The Toledan Tables, Copenhagen 2002
    165r175r abraham Avenezra, De mundo vel saec 101b 23 for Toulouse, connected withabraham bar hiyya ( Savasorda , 13v 101b 35 not located, attributable to

    27. Quotations By Abraham
    Quotations by abraham bar hiyya HaNasi. Who wishes corectly to learnthe ways to measure surfaces and to divide them, must necessarily
    Quotations by Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi
    Who wishes corectly to learn the ways to measure surfaces and to divide them, must necessarily thoroughly understand the general theorems of geometry and arithmetic, on which the teaching of measurement ... rests. If he has completely mastered these ideas, he ... can never deviate from the truth.
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    28. Mathem_abbrev
    Abbe, Ernst Abel, Niels Henrik abraham bar hiyya Abu Kamil Shuja Abu Jafar, al_KhazinAbu lWafa al-Buzjani Adams, John Couch Adelard of Bath Agnesi, Maria
    Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
    Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
    (a) Any wars etc.
    (b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
    (c) Major discoveries of the time
    (d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

    29. About "História Da Matemática"
    Translate this page Biografías incluem abraham bar hiyya, abraham ben Erza, Alcuino de York, Ananiade Shirak, Aryabhata I, Bhaskara II, Leonardo de Pisa, Levi ben Gershon, e

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    30. Re: Abraham Ben Ezra + Hebrew Alphanumerics By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
    8399 (1996). A survey of mathematical authors, with special attentionto abraham bar hiyya and abraham ibn Ezra. \{As far as Misnat
    Re: Abraham ben Ezra + Hebrew alphanumerics by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
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    Subject: Re: Abraham ben Ezra + Hebrew alphanumerics Author: Date: The Math Forum

    31. Jewish Astronomy
    The scene now shifts to Spain, where abraham bar hiyya Hanasi ( The Prince ) ofbarcelona (d. 1336) improved on these tables, using calculations performed by
    Astronomy in Israel
    Suggested Text
    Astronomy of Levi Ben Gerson, 1288-1344...
      Prehistoric astronomical activity is represented by a Stonehengelike megalithic circle and "Observatory" at Rujm-el-Hiri , near Yonathan in the Golan, the Westernmost sector of the historical Bashan plateau dating from the IIIrd Millenium BC. Star worship is mentioned in the Old Testament as beeing common among the Canaanites, but the Bashan inhabitants who built that Golan megalithic circle antedate the Canaanites. Very little is known about them and the presumably religous role of their edifice. To the IIIth Century BC Israelitis, they appeared as the work of giants (Refa'im, also Anakim, Emim, Zuzim), and this is probably the source of the legends about races of giants that had lived in Eretz-Israel prior to the Israelite conquest - including the characterization "a remnant of the giants" for Og , King of Bashan, in Deuteronomy and Joshua. Indeed, the Rujm-el-Hiri circle is just one among many megalithic remains in the Bashan, probably at the origin in Greece and England (the "Giant's Dance" = Stonehenge).
      The Israelitis' abstract monotheism and their centering of intellectual creativity on ethical issues were detrimental to a natural development of observational science, as did happen in Sumeria or Greece. However, the requirements of agriculture induced a cycle of holidays that were incorporated in time into Judaism and were given Ethnical or National religious significance. There thus developed a need for an understanding of the recurrence of seasons and for a synchronized calendar fitted to Solar, Lunar and Sidereal time. Several of the Mishnaic scholars were versed in Astronomy, such as the "Tannaim"

    32. Abraham
    Educators, Scholars, and Social Workers Ibrahim anNazzam (775-845) Muslimtheologian. abraham bar hiyya (1065-1136) Spanish Jewish philosopher.

    33. Traductorestoledo
    Translate this page la tradición que llevaba produciendo frutos muy valiosos desde tiempos anteriorescon nombres como Pedro Alfonso (Mosé Sefardí), abraham bar hiyya o abraham
    Escuela de traductores de Toledo

    34. Sages
    Rabbenu Tam). Benjamin of Tudela. abraham bar hiyya. Maimonides (RabbiMoses Ben Maimon). Nachmanides (Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman). Meir
    Home Shammai
    Philo of Alexandria

    Gamaliel I

    Yochanan Ben Zakkai

    Gamaliel II
    Rabbi Akiba Ben Joseph

    Rabbi Judah Ha-Nasi

    Mishnah edited
    Rabbi Yitzhak Bar Maryon Palestinian Talmud edited Babylonian Talmud edited Yehudai Ben Nachman Karaism founded Amram Ben Sheshna Eldad Ha-Dani Saadia Gaon Sherira Bar Channina Hasdai Ibn Shaprut Aaron Ben Moses Ben Asher Hai Ben Sherira Nathan Ben Yechiel Isaac Ben Jacob Alfasi (Rif) Solomon Ibn Gabirol Isaac Abalia Isaac Ben Judah Ibn Ghayyat Rashi (Rabbi Solomon Ben Isaac) Meir Ben Samuel Judah HaLevi Samuel Ben Meir (RaSHBAM) Abraham Ibn Ezra Jacob Ben Meir (Rabbenu Tam) Benjamin of Tudela Abraham Bar Hiyya Maimonides (Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon) Nachmanides (Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman) Meir Ben Baruch Solomon Ben Abraham Adret Moses Ben Shem Tov De Leon Abraham Abulafia Jacob Ben Asher (Ba'al Tur) Levi Ben Gerson The Zohar written Bahya Ben Asher Hasdai Crescas Moses Botarel Don Isaac Ben Judah Abarbanel Rabbi Ovadiah Sforno Joseph Karo Solomon Ben Moses HaLevi Alkabetz Isaac Ben Solomon Luria Hayyim Vital Shulchan Aruk published David Ben Solomon Ibn Abi Zimra Nathan of Gaza Jonathan Eybeschuetz Jacob Emden Baal Shem Tov (Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer) Moses Hayyim Luzzatto Elijah Ben Solomon Zalman Moses Mendelssohn Rabbi Nachman of Breslov Leon Pinsker Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan Abraham Isaac Kook Menachem Mendel Schneerson Jewish Sages/Scholars 50 BCE - 30 CE 70 BCE - 10 CE 13 BCE - 41 CE ca. 40 CE

    35. Detailed Record
    0231031947 • Primary Language English • Named Person Sa‘adia ben Joseph;Judah, haLevi; Moses Maimonides; ha-Nasi abraham bar hiyya • Document Type
    About WorldCat Help For Librarians Studies in medieval Jewish philosophy
    Israel Efros
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    WorldCat is provided by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. on behalf of its member libraries.

    36. BOOK
    Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers ( Dordrecht Kluwer, publication plannedfor 200?). “abraham bar hiyya”. “Dunash Ibn Tamim”. “alKhiraqi”.
    BOOKS îùâá éøåùìéí. éøåùìéí úùî"æ, 187 òî'. Ibn al- Haytham’s On the Configuration of the World, Garland Publishing, New York and London , 1990, 280+97 pp. Yemenite Midrash Philosophical Commentaries on the Torah. An Anthology of Writings from the Golden Age of Judaism in the Yemen Harpercollins Publishers, 1996, 351 pp. The Jews and the Sciences in the Middle Ages Variorum Collected Studies Series. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Aldershot , 1999, 346 pp.
    Shlomo Pines Studies in Islamic Atomism , translated from the German by Michael Schwarz, edited by Tzvi Langermann Magnes Press, Jerusalem , 1997, 212 pp. Science in Context , vol. 10, no. 3, Judaism and the Sciences , edited by Y. Tzvi Langermann (guest editor) and Snait Gissis ARTICLES “A Note on the Use of the Term orbis falak in Ibn al- Haytham’s Maqala fi Hay’at al-’ alam Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences “The Mathematical Writings of Maimonides Jewish Quarterly Review, “The Book of Bodies and Distances of Habash al- Hasib Centaurus “ñôø 'îèä òåæ' ìø' éöç÷ âàåï". ëøê ö"ç, úùî"å, øèå-øëá.

    37. Mmmm
    The First Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science abraham bar hiyya s Yesodei haTevunahu-Migdal ha-Emunah . Mercedes Rubio, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
    Bar-Ilan University
    The Faculty of the Humanities and The Department of Philosophy together with State of Israel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Division of Scientific and Cultural Relations; Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Tel-Aviv; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany; L'Ambassade de France en Israel, l'Institut francais; State of Israel, Ministry of Education, Torah Culture Department invite you to An International Conference on MEDIEVAL HEBREW ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY
    11-14 January 1998
    SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 11 JANUARY - Beck Auditorium GREETINGS Moshe Kaveh, President, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Yehuda Friedlander, Rector Ruth Reichelberg, Dean, Faculty of the Humanities Ephraim Meir, Chairman, Department of Philosophy 14:30-16:15 SESSION I The Medieval Encyclopedia: Definitions and Examples Chair: Marcel Dubois, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem "
    The Nature and Characteristics of the Medieval Encyclopedia" Maria Teresa Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, University of Milano, Italy "The Emergence of the Encyclopedia in the Latin West"

    38. List Of Entries
    Abhidharmika Schools of Buddhism Collett Cox. Abhinavagupta Paul MullerOrtega.abraham bar hiyya Geoffrey Wigoder. abraham Cohen Herrera Nissim Yosha.
    List of Entries A B C D ... Z
    A A Posteriori
    Paul K. Moser A Priori
    Paul K. Moser `Abduh, Muhammad
    Neal Robinson Abelard, Peter
    Martin M. Tweedale Aberdeen Philosophical Society
    Paul Wood Abhidharmika Schools of Buddhism
    Collett Cox Abhinavagupta
    Paul Muller-Ortega Abraham Bar Hiyya
    Geoffrey Wigoder Abraham Cohen Herrera
    Nissim Yosha Abravanel, Isaac Oliver Leaman Abravanel, Judah Ben Isaac Idit Dobbs-Weinstein Absolute, the Timothy Sprigge Absolutism Anthony Pagden Abstract Art John Brown Abstract Objects R. Hale Abu ’l-Barakat Al-Baghdadh Tzvi Langermann Academy Jonathan Barnes Acquaintance and Description, Knowledge by Richard Fumerton Action Jennifer Hornsby Adorno, Theodor W. Jay M. Bernstein Adverbial Theory of Mental States Michael Tye Adverbs James Higginbotham Aenesidemus R.J. Hankinson Aesthetic Attitude Malcolm Budd Aesthetic Concepts Marcia Eaton Aesthetics and Ethics Michael Tanner Aesthetics in Islamic Philosophy Deborah L. Black Aesthetics, African Barry Hallen Affirmative Action Bernard Boxill al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din

    39. A-Z Entries
    Allah, king of Granada Abd alRahman I, emir of Córdoba Abd al-Rahman II, emir ofCórdoba Abd al-Rahman III, caliph of Córdoba abraham bar hiyya abraham el
    (Please note that the appropriate diacritical marks and accents are provided throughout the book, but are not included in the below list. List is not final and is subject to change prior to publication.) A B C D ... Z A Abbey of Poblet
    Abbeys, Royal
    Abd al-Aziz
    Abd Allah, king of Granada
    Abraham bar Hiyya
    Abravanel, Isaac
    Abu Marwan, Abd-l-Malik, Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar)
    Abu Zayd, governor of Valencia
    Abulafia, Meir
    Abulafia, Todros ben Yudah ha-Levy
    Abu-l-Qasim Adelantado Administration, Central, Castile Administration, Central, Navarre Administration, Central, Portugal Administration, Financial, Castile Administration, Financial, Navarre Administration, Financial, Portugal Administration, Judicial

    40. Tony Lévy
    Translate this page 2001b “Les débuts de la littérature mathématique hébraïque la géométried’abraham bar hiyya (XIe-XIIe s.)”, Micrologus IX 35-64.
    Liste des publications (décembre 2001) email : Ouvrages Articles
    • L'infini et le nombre chez H. Crescas (XIVe s) . Séminaire ENS; Collection Philosophie et mathématiques, n°31; 23 p.
      Pardès , vol II, pp. 7-29.
      Revue d'Histoire des Sciences , XLII (3), pp. 193-239.
      Guide des égarés Revue des études juives , CXLVIII (3-4), pp. 307-336.
      Judaïsme, sciences et techniques , Paris (Collection "Colloques Langues'O"), pp. 45-61.
      1989d: éd. du recueil (Nov. 1989).
      in B. Ribémont (éd.), Le Moyen Age et la science , Paris, pp. 133-151.
      1992a: "Mathématiques, infini et langage", Le genre humain
      Arabic Sciences and Philosophy

      G. Freudenthal

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