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         Hironaka Heisuke:     more books (28)
  1. Complex Analytic Desingularization by Jose M. Aroca, Heisuke Hironaka, et all 2005-12-31
  2. Japanese Mathematicians: Heisuke Hironaka, Goro Shimura, Teiji Takagi, Seki Kowa, Toshikazu Sunada, Yozo Matsushima, Kunihiko Kodaira
  3. Algebraic Geometers: Alexander Grothendieck, Henri Poincaré, André Weil, Heisuke Hironaka, Vladimir Voevodsky, Elmer Rees, David Mumford
  4. Spouses of Japanese Politicians: Heisuke Hironaka, Sanae Takaichi, Sakata Tojuro Iv, Nariaki Nakayama, Makiko Tanaka, Haruko Hatoyama
  5. Kyoto University Alumni: Ryoji Noyori, Fumimaro Konoe, Lee Teng-Hui, Heisuke Hironaka, Hayato Ikeda, Tetsuji Takechi, Kisho Kurokawa
  6. Japanese Scientist Introduction: Yukihiro Matsumoto, Heisuke Hironaka, Tokiharu Abe, Fumitada Itakura, Tokubei Kuroda, Katsunori Wakabayashi
  7. Asian Mathematician Introduction: Heisuke Hironaka, Sarvadaman Chowla, Habash Al-Hasib Al-Marwazi, Yum-Tong Siu, Hansraj Gupta
  8. Hironaka Heisuke soshin taidan (Japanese Edition) by Heisuke Hironaka,
  9. Kagaku no chie kokoro no chie (Japanese Edition) by Heisuke Hironaka,
  10. Gakumon no hakken (Japanese Edition) by Heisuke Hironaka,
  11. Introduction to the theory of infinitely near singular points (Memorias de matematica del Instituto "Jorge Juan") by Heisuke Hironaka, 1974
  12. Introduction to real-analytic sets and real-analytic maps by Heisuke Hironaka, 1973
  13. Bimeromorphic smoothing of a complex-analytic space by Heisuke Hironaka, 1971
  14. On the characters [nu]* and [tau]* of singularities by Heisuke Hironaka, 1967

61. MathSciNet Search Results Matches For Class=(57C15) [This
81 (1975), 726728. (Reviewer III Seebeck, CL) 57C15 (57A05) 24 51 10331 hironaka,heisuke Triangulations of algebraic sets. Algebraic geometry (Proc.

62. Members Of The School Of Mathematics
Translate this page HINGSTON, Nancy, 1985-86, 1998-99. HINRICHSEN, John J. 1970-72. hironaka, heisuke,1962-63. HIRSCH, Morris W. 1958-60, 1983-84. HIRSCHMAN, Isidore I., Jr. 1952-53.
HABICHT, Walter R. HABOUSH, William J. HACHTROUDI, Mohsen HAEFELI, Verena HAEFLIGER, André HAFNER, James L. HAHN, Frank J. HAIMO, Deborah T. HAIMO, Franklin HAIN, Richard M. HAINES, Thomas HAKEN, Wolfgang R.G. HAKULINEN, Ville HALÁSZ, Gábor HALE, Mark P., Jr. HALES, Thomas HALL, Marshall HALMOS, Paul R. HALPERN, James D. HALVERSON, Thomas HAMBLETON, Ian HAMILTON, Richard HAMRICK, Gary C. HAMSTROM, Mary E. HAN, Zheng-Chao HANAMURA, Masaki HANDEL, Michael HANF, William P. HANG, Fengbo HANGES, Nicholas W. HANNER, Olof HARADA, Koichiro HARARY, Frank HARDER, Günter HARDT, Robert HARDY, Godfrey H. HARIS, Stephen J. HARISH-CHANDRA, HARNAD, John HARRIS, Bruno HARRIS, Michael H. HARRIS, Morton E. HARRISON, Virginia C. HARROLD, Orville G., Jr. HARTUNG, Paul G. HARVEY, F. Reese HARVEY, William J. HASENJAEGER, Gisbert HASS, Joel HÅSTAD, Johan HATCHER, Allen E. HAUSEL, Támas HAUSMANN, Jean-Claude HAVER, William E. HAWKINS, Thomas W. HE, Zheng-Xu HECHT, Henryk HECKE, Erich HEDLUND, Gustav A. HEGENBARTH, Friedrich HEIDER, Lester J. HEIERMANN, Volker HEINS, Maurice H. HEITSCH, James L.

63. Sci-math-faq-fields
Alexander Berlin Germany 38 1966 Smale, Stephen Flint, MI USA 36 1970 Baker, AlanLondon UK 31 1970 hironaka, heisuke Yamaguchiken Japan 39 1970 Novikov
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64. Heisuke Hironaka
Article on heisuke hironaka from, licensed fromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Return Index heisuke hironaka.
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Heisuke Hironaka
Heisuke Hironaka April 9 ) is a Japanese mathematician. He was a student of Oscar Zariski He is celebrated for proving in that singularities of algebraic varieties admit resolutions in characteristic zero. This means that any projective variety can be replaced by a similar one (i.e. birationally equivalent) which has no singularities. For this theorem he won the Fields Medal in He was for many years a professor of mathematics at Harvard but currently lives in Japan where he is greatly respected and influential. He has been active in raising funds for causes such as mathematical education.
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65. Awards
USA 32 1966 Grothendieck, Alexander Berlin Germany 38 1966 Smale, Stephen Flint,MI USA 36 1970 Baker, Alan London UK 31 J 1970 hironaka, heisuke Yamaguchiken
award see aaward.htm
link Miss USA web page Field Forbes Hi Tech 100 Forbes 1998 Hi Tech 100 List of jews on list 1 Grove 2 Horowitz 3 Levy 4 Levine 5 Larry Ellison 6 Michael Dell range of 6-13% 7 Wilner Sailer on Forbes 100 Fortune Richest 40 under 40 Fortune Magazine 2001 list Fox Smartest Kid In America FOX SMARTEST KID IN AMERICA 90% ASIAN Ivy League MattNF compiled these figures: original McArthur Foundation Home Page Fellows Program Millionaire (Who Wants to Be) Apr 2000 "Greg McDivitt" Nobel Prize There are reports that Jews have gotten from 20% up to 40% of the Nobel prizes. It's way more than their population, but it's nowhere near that high. Not many Asians on most lists. Nearly all are Jews, Europeans or Euro-Americans, and the Asians tend to be Asian Americans. Japan has only one about 1 prize per decade. Links Database of the Nobel Laureates %%Asian Cochran Japan has as many nobel prizes - 6 as Australia?!

66. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen
Translate this page Lars (1931- ) 1962 Milnor, John (1931- ) 1966 Atiyah, Michael (1929- ) 1966 Cohen,Paul (1934- ) 1970 Baker, Alan 1970 hironaka, heisuke 1970 Novikov, Serge
På Kosmologikas sidor återfinns på många ställen länkar till kortare biografier över olika vetenskapsmän som har deltagit i utvecklandet av dessa spännande teorier. På denna sida finns länkar till alla dessa biografier samlade på ett enda ställe. Personerna är dels listade i både bokstavs- och födelsedagsordning men även efter nobelprisår (för de personer som har fått nobelpriset) samt i betydelsefullhetsordning för vetenskapen. Dessutom har jag nyligen lagt till Brucemedaljörer som är den högsta utmärkelsen inom astronomin, nobelpriset undantaget, samt Fields medalj som är matematikens nobelpris och som dessutom bara delas ut en gång vart fjärde år samt slutligen wolfpriset som är ett israeliskt pris som rankas steget under Nobelpriset men som ofta är åtminstone ett decennium snabbare med utnämningarna. Alfabetisk ordning Ahlfors, Lars (1907- )
Alembert, Jean le Ronde d' (1717-1783)

Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta (1908-1995)

Alpher, Ralph A. (1921- )
Zwicky, Fritz (1898-1974)

Födelsedagsordning Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665)

67. List Of Kokyuroku (1978)
Studies on Various Problem on Singularities 1978?4?104?12? hironaka,heisuke 1978?7?. No.
List of Kokyuroku (1978)

Eng. Title:
No. 317
Mathematics in Biology
$B!!(B $B#1#9#7#8G/#17n(B
No. 318

Study of Klein Group and Riemann Surface
$B!!(B $B#1#9#7#8G/#27n(B
No. 319
$BF1JQ%[%b%H%T! Covariant Homotopy Theory $B@n5WJ]!!>!IW(B KAWAKUBO,KATSUO $B!!(B $B#1#9#7#8G/#27n(B
No. 320
Isomorphism and Unbounded Differentials $BIp85!!1QIW(B TAKEMOTO,HIDEO $B!!(B $B#1#9#7#8G/#37n(B
No. 321
$B4v2?3X$K$*$1$kBg0hE*2r@O3X(B Global Analysis in Geometry $B?9@n!! MORIKAWA,HISASHI $B!!(B $B#1#9#7#8G/#37n(B
No. 322
$B7W;;5!2J3X$N?t3XE*4pAC(B Mathematical Foundation of Computer Sciences HONDA,NAMIO $B!!(B $B#1#9#7#8G/#37n(B
No. 323

68. Orders, Decorations And Medals - Medals By Country - Medals Of Japan
Legion of Honor Mathematician heisuke hironaka will receive France s Legion ofHonor in recognition of his contributions to Japanese and French research.
Updated: 17 May, 2004 Japan

69. LetterToMathMajors
Ibes, Bures, France. hironaka, heisuke 1974, 1931, Yamaguchiken, Japan,Ph.D., 1960 Harvard University, 29, 196263, Professor, Harvard University.
GRADUATE STUDIES - AIM HIGH: A Letter to Mathematics Majors
from Dr. C. F. Stephens, Chairman
Department of Mathematics, State University College of Arts and Sciences
I. Introduction
In our advising pamphlet "WHY GRADUATE MATHEMATICS?", which was written by Dr. Vasily Cateforis of our mathematics faculty, you are advised to consider graduate studies and urged to aim high. The primary purpose of our mathematics program is not the preparation of students for graduate studies, but it is one of our purposes. We do hope that you will consider as one of the major purposes of an undergraduate liberal arts education the development of your ability to seek out the truth and to recognize the truth when you have found it. In addition, we hope you have been inspired to enjoy that life of the mind in which the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is its own justification and its own reward.
Your chance of becoming all you are capable of being depends on your opportunity to work and to study in a favorable learning environment as well as on your intellectual ability, motivation, high expectations and perseverance. Some information about academic environments which scholars consider favorable for mathematical research should be helpful to you. The recent publication "A Community of Scholars, The Institute for Advanced Study, Faculty and Members, 1930-1980" contains some useful information on this subject. A copy of this publication is in our mathematics reading room, which is opposite our mathematics coffee room.

70. Academy Members (H)
Hintikka, Jaakko, J. IV, 1, FELLOW. Hinton, Geoffrey, E. II, 3, FHM. hironaka, heisuke,I, 1, FELLOW. Hirsch, Eric, Donald, Jr. IV, 3, FELLOW. Hirschman, Albert, Otto,III, 2, FELLOW.

Members Search by Name A ... Class I Section 1 - Mathematics Section 2 - Physics Section 3 - Chemistry Section 4 - Section 5 - Section 6 - Class II : Biological Sciences Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5 -
Class III
: Social Sciences Section 1 - Section 2 - Economics Section 3 - Section 4 - Law (including the Practice of Law) Class IV Section 1 - Section 2 - History Section 3 - Literary Criticism (including Philology) Section 4 - Literature (Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories, Nonfiction, Playwrighting, Screenwriting) Section 5 - Class V Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 -
Last Name First Name Middle Cls Sec Membership
Type Hiatt Arnold Selig V FELLOW Hiatt Howard H. II FELLOW Hibbard Walter Rollo Jr. I FELLOW Hibbett Howard Scott IV FELLOW Hide Raymond I FELLOW Hiebert Erwin Nick IV FELLOW Higgins Rosalyn III FHM Hildebrand Roger H. I FELLOW Hildebrand John G. II FELLOW Hill Geoffrey William IV FELLOW Hill Thomas English Jr. IV FELLOW Hill Robert Lee II FELLOW Hill Jane H. III FELLOW Hille Bertil II FELLOW Hilleman Maurice Ralph II FELLOW Hillis David M.

71. Honorary Chairmen
Honorary Chairmen heisuke hironaka, Harvard University and Japan Associationfor Mathematical Sciences Edwin O. Reischauer, Former US Ambassador to Japan
Honorary Chairmen:
Heisuke Hironaka, Harvard University and Japan Association for Mathematical Sciences
Edwin O. Reischauer, Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Founding Honorary co-Chairman Honorary Chairmen:
Heisuke Hironaka, Harvard University and Japan Association for Mathematical Sciences
Edwin O. Reischauer, Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Founding Honorary co-Chairman Board of Directors:
Jun-ichi Igusa (Chairman), Johns Hopkins University
Heisuke Hironaka, Harvard University and Japan Association for Mathematical Sciences
Jean-Pierre Meyer, Johns Hopkins University
George D. Mostow, Yale University
William Brody, President, Johns Hopkins University Advisory Committee:
Bernard M. Dwork, Princeton University Charles Fefferman, Princeton University Yasutaka Ihara, RIMS, Kyoto University Shigeru Iitaka, Gakushuin University Kiyosi Ito, RIMS, Kyoto University, emeritus Kenkichi Iwasawa, Princeton University, emeritus Tosio Kato, University of California, Berkeley, emeritus Shoshichi Kobayashi, University of California, Berkeley

72. JAMI Background
During the planning phase for these efforts, the organizers consulted and were stronglyencouraged by heisuke hironaka and EO Reischauer who agreed to serve as
Japan-U.S. Mathematics Institute (JAMI)
Department of Mathematics

Johns Hopkins University
This Year's Conference: Shimura Varieties and Automorphic Forms
Table of Contents
Background and Goals
Inaugural Conference (May 16-19, 1988) First Year (1988-89) Algebraic Analysis Second Year (1989-90) Algebraic K-Theory and Number Theory Third Year (1990-91) Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry Fourth Year (1991-92) Algebraic Topology and Conformal Field Theory Fifth Year (1992-93) Zeta Functions in Geometry and Number Theory Sixth Year (1993-94) Non-linear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations and Applications Seventh Year (1994-95) Linear and Non-linear Scattering Eighth Year Birational Geometry Ninth Year Elliptic Curves and their Applications ... Shimura Varieties and Automorphic Forms Fourteenth Year (2001-2002) Quantum Geometry in Dimensions 2 and 4.
Governing Committees
Background and Goals
Since its founding in 1876 as the first graduate school in the United States, the Johns Hopkins University has had an international character and attracted young scholars and students from Japan. We are proud to mention Inazo Nitobe among them, who studied at Johns Hopkins for three years and whose friendship with Woodrow Wilson during that time is well known. The goal of JAMI is to foster friendly relationships between Japan and the United States; its academic purpose is to formalize and extend the long-existing relationship between the department and the Japanese mathematical community, and to use that relationship more generally to further mathematical interactions between the two countries.

73. - Books And Stuff. Cheap!
Author(s) Aroca, Jose M.; hironaka, heisuke; Vicente Cordoba, Jose Luis/ ISBN 4431702180 / Hardcover / 6/1/2004 New Copy Not Yet Printed.

74. Paulette Liberman
(Kordaira Kunihiko 1915 ). (Takagi Teiji 1875-1960).(hironaka, heisuke, 1931- ). ?. .
ªk°ê ¼w°ê Ĭ«X ¦I¤ú§Q ... ªL®a¼¡£¤½¤¸ ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ªk°ê
Paulette Liberman
e¥[µÜ (Poincare ¡A ... ,H. (Henri Cartan 1904 ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ¼w°ê Hanna Von Caemmerer Emmy Noether(1882-) Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, (1831-1916) ±d¦«º¸¡D¢Õ¡] ... ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí Ĭ«X
Sophile Picard
°¨º¸¥i¤Ò L.G.Kha-chian( ¥d­Å ... ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ªiÄõ (Stefan Banach 1892~1945) ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ¦I¤ú§Q ¶¾¡E¿Õ¥ì°Ò¡£ Von Neumann, John, 1903-1957 ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ¶ø¦a§Q (Emil Artin 1898 ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ¸q¤j§Q ¥ð·æ§O¡D¤ñ¿Õ (Ginesppe Peano ¡A ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ... ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ±¶§J V.Chvatal( Âĥ˹F ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ¥Í¥­¨ÆÂÝ¡G µØôÁªÚ¡A¦r­Y¥Å¡A¦¿Ä¬ª÷¹¼¡£¤µµL¿ü¥«¡¤¤H¡C¤½¤¸ ¦~´¿°ê¿¡B§õÂE³¹¦X«µ³]¥ß¦¿«n»s³y§½©ó¤W®ü¡AµØôÁªÚ§Y©¹¤W®üÄw³Æ³]§½¨Æ©y¡C¦b¤W®ü¡A¥L»P¤j¥L ·³ªº§õµ½Äõ¦³¤Q¤À¤Íµ½ªº¥æ©¹¡C ¥D­n°^Äm¡G ¦~¡A»s³y§½¤º²K³]½ĶÀ]¡A½Ķ¦è¤è¬ì¾Ç®ÑÄy¡A»P­^¤H³ÅÄõ¶® John Fryer ¼¶¼gªÌ¡G B ¼Æ¾Ç®a°êÄy¤Àþªí ©P¹F¡£¤½¤¸ ¥Í¥­¨ÆÂÝ¡G ©P¹F¡A¦r¬üÅv¡A®ý¦¿«Ø¼w¤H¡A¤@¥Í¤£¶È¦Û¤v±q¨Æ¼Æ¾Ç¬ã¨s¡A¿n·¥±À°Ê¤¤°ê¼Æ¾Çªºµo®i¡C¤½¤¸ ¸ê®Æ¨Ó·½¡G ºô¯¸¦WºÙ¡GºÙ¯T©~ Wolf Club ¦¬¶°¤º®e¡G¦¬¶°¦Uþ¦³ö¼Æ¾Ç¥v¡B¼Æ¾Ç®a¡B¬ì¾Ç®a¤Hª«¶l²¼¡B¼Æ¾Ç²Å¸¹¡B ¼Æ¾Çã¨åµ¥¡C

75. Japan Today - News - Mathematician Hironaka To Receive France S
Wednesday, October 8, 2003 at 0202 JST TOKYO — Mathematician heisuke Hironakawill receive France s Legion of Honor in recognition of his contributions to
The article you have requested is no longer available on the server. Click HERE to be redirected to the most recent articles available.

76. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
Carl (512) Hipparchus of Rhodes (2557*) Hippias of Elis (904) Hippocrates of Chios(1282*) Hire, Philippe de La (297) hironaka, heisuke (279*) Hirsch, Kurt (528

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77. ƒCƒXƒ‰ƒGƒ‹EƒpƒŒƒXƒ`ƒiŽq‹ŸƒTƒbƒJ[
JIPCO. heisuke hironaka Supecial Adviser. JIPCO. PROJECT SUMMARY. Japan IsraelChamber of Commerce. NGO Groups. Tlas Company et al. Special. heisuke hironaka.
The 1st
The 1st
Japanese Israeli Palestinian Children's Friendship Soccer Match 2003
Executive Committee
Tokyo Football Association
Gunma Football Association
GREETINGS We are trying to organize "The 1st Japanese Israeli Palestinian Children's Friendship Soccer Match 2003" in order to contribute to the restoration of exchange between Israeli and Palestinian in Japan. We firmly believe that dialogue, cooperation and education are the main paths toward the establishment of peace especially for children and our future generations. In order to realize the role of Japan as "a full-fledged member of the world community", we feel that it is extremely important for civilian to commit oneself to the conflict resolution through the paths. The popularity of soccer game has no boundary in spite of the differences of nationality, language, culture and history. For this reason, we'd like to provide this opportunity for Israeli, Palestinian and Japanese children to pursue goodwill through various kinds of program such as soccer games, music concert, home stay and camping where the friendship and peace will be cultivated and flourish. We appreciate your kind cooperation and support.

78. ? ?
3. Complex Analytic Desingularization Aroca, Jose M./ hironaka, heisuke/ VicenteCordoba, Jose Luis / Springer Verlag / 2004. 07. 01 / 119.0,

79. Uni & Forschung - Nachrichten Vom 19. 01. 2004 - Universität Innsbruck
Translate this page der algebraischen Geometrie Die theoretischen Hintergründe der Singularitätentheoriewurden von dem japanischen Mathematiker heisuke hironaka revolutioniert.
Dienstag, 1. Juni 2004 ipoint/ news/ iPoint
News Archiv
Durchschlagender Erfolg für Innsbrucker Mathematik
Einem Forschungsteam um Prof. Herwig Hauser gelang ein international viel beachteter Durchbruch auf dem Gebiet der Singularitätentheorie, einem wichtigen Gebiet der algebraischen Geometrie. Die Innsbrucker Mathematiker vereinfachten einen der wichtigsten und schwersten Beweise diese Fachgebiets auf radikale Weise.
Wichtiger Satz der algebraischen Geometrie
Die theoretischen Hintergründe der Singularitätentheorie wurden von dem japanischen Mathematiker Heisuke Hironaka revolutioniert. In den sechziger Jahren bewies er in einer Aufsehen erregenden, zweihundert Seiten langen Arbeit, dass jede Varietät mit Singularitäten der Schatten eines Gebildes ohne Singularitäten in einem höherdimensionalen Raum ist. Anschaulich entstehen Singularitäten - sprich Katastrophen -, weil eine Varietät zu wenig Platz hat, sich auszubreiten (Bild 2). Hironaka's Satz über die sogenannte Auslösung von Singularitäten gilt als eines der wichtigsten und schwersten Resultate der algebraischen Geometrie. Für seine Arbeit erhielt Hironaka 1970 die Fields-Medaille, eine Art Nobelpreis für Mathematiker, die nur alle vier Jahre für besonders herausragende Leistungen vergeben wird.
Radikale Vereinfachung des Beweises gelungen
Büro für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
, Universität Innsbruck) Links:

80. Ambassade De France Au Japon
heisuke hironaka les insignes du gradede chevalier de la légion d’honneur à la Résidence de France le 21
Ambassade Calendrier Grands dossiers Presse Ambassade Calendrier Grands dossiers Presse ... Pour en savoir plus

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