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         Hironaka Heisuke:     more books (28)
  1. Complex Analytic Desingularization by Jose M. Aroca, Heisuke Hironaka, et all 2005-12-31
  2. Japanese Mathematicians: Heisuke Hironaka, Goro Shimura, Teiji Takagi, Seki Kowa, Toshikazu Sunada, Yozo Matsushima, Kunihiko Kodaira
  3. Algebraic Geometers: Alexander Grothendieck, Henri Poincaré, André Weil, Heisuke Hironaka, Vladimir Voevodsky, Elmer Rees, David Mumford
  4. Spouses of Japanese Politicians: Heisuke Hironaka, Sanae Takaichi, Sakata Tojuro Iv, Nariaki Nakayama, Makiko Tanaka, Haruko Hatoyama
  5. Kyoto University Alumni: Ryoji Noyori, Fumimaro Konoe, Lee Teng-Hui, Heisuke Hironaka, Hayato Ikeda, Tetsuji Takechi, Kisho Kurokawa
  6. Japanese Scientist Introduction: Yukihiro Matsumoto, Heisuke Hironaka, Tokiharu Abe, Fumitada Itakura, Tokubei Kuroda, Katsunori Wakabayashi
  7. Asian Mathematician Introduction: Heisuke Hironaka, Sarvadaman Chowla, Habash Al-Hasib Al-Marwazi, Yum-Tong Siu, Hansraj Gupta
  8. Hironaka Heisuke soshin taidan (Japanese Edition) by Heisuke Hironaka,
  9. Kagaku no chie kokoro no chie (Japanese Edition) by Heisuke Hironaka,
  10. Gakumon no hakken (Japanese Edition) by Heisuke Hironaka,
  11. Introduction to the theory of infinitely near singular points (Memorias de matematica del Instituto "Jorge Juan") by Heisuke Hironaka, 1974
  12. Introduction to real-analytic sets and real-analytic maps by Heisuke Hironaka, 1973
  13. Bimeromorphic smoothing of a complex-analytic space by Heisuke Hironaka, 1971
  14. On the characters [nu]* and [tau]* of singularities by Heisuke Hironaka, 1967

41. Auteur - Hironaka, Heisuke
Translate this page Auteur hironaka, heisuke, 2 documents trouvés. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer, Envoyerpar mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage Algebraic geomerty and commutative algebra.

42. Editeur - Academic Press
hironaka, heisuke(Editeur) ; Maruyama, Masaki (Editeur) Academic Press 1988 Ouvrage RdC (A).

43. Heisuke Hironaka :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
heisuke hironaka. Online Encyclopedia heisuke hironaka () (born 1931) is celebrated for proving in 1964 that singularities
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Heisuke Hironaka
Online Encyclopedia

Heisuke Hironaka ) is celebrated for proving in that singularities of algebraic varieties admit resolutions in characteristic zero. This means that any projective variety can be replaced by a similar one (i.e. birationally equivalent) which has no singularities. For this theorem he won the Fields Medal in 1970. He was for many years a professor of mathematics at Harvard but currently lives in Japan where he is greatly respected and influential. He has been active in raising funds for causes such as mathematical education.
External links:

44. The New York Review Of Books: Authors: H
Daryl Hinkley, David Hinsley, FH Hintikka, Jaakko Hinton, Carma Hinton, David B.Hinton, JM Hinton, Peter Hinton, William H. hironaka, heisuke Hirsch, David

45. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Heisuke Hironaka
heisuke hironaka Biography Ph.D. Harvard University 1960. According to our currentonline database, heisuke hironaka has 12 students and 28 descendants.

46. Fonds Heisuke Hironaka
Translate this page Soirée de Lancement du Fonds heisuke hironaka. Patronnée par CarlosGHOSN, Président de Nissan Motor Corp., Yves DELAUNAY, Ministre
Carlos GHOSN Yves DELAUNAY , Ministre Conseiller de l'Ambassade de France et Hiroo IMURA Jean Pierre BOURGUIGNON Heisuke HIRONAKA et Mikhael GROMOV
J-P. Bourguignon, C. Ghosn, H. Hironaka
Y. Delaunay, H. Imura, M. Gromov " "

M. HIRONAKA a de son côté fait de nombreux éloges sur l'Institut et ses professeurs en déclarant notamment que " " 2,5 millions d'euros Le Fonds Hironaka permettra donc : Le Professeur Heisuke HIRONAKA, grand mathématicien japonais, a reçu la Médaille Fields au Congrès International des Mathématiciens qui s'est tenu à Nice en 1970 pour son théorème sur la " résolution des singularités ", qui, selon Mikhael GROMOV, est " ".
" Japan Association for Mathematical Sciences ".
H. Iimura, H. Hironaka
H. Hironaka

47. Index By Authors Of The Publications Mathematiques De L'IHES
193216. hironaka, heisuke, Normal cones in analytic Whitney stratifications,36 (1969), 127-138. HIRSCHOWITZ, André, Existence
Index by author
Index of the volumes from 1 to 98
B C D ... Z
ABHYANKAR, Shreeram, Automorphisms of analytic local rings,
ABHYANKAR, Shreeram, MOH, Tzoung Tsieng, and van der PUT, Marius, Invariants of analytic local rings,
A'CAMPO, Norbert, Generic immersions of curves, knots, monodry and Gordian number,
A'CAMPO, Norbert, Planar trees, slalom curves and hyperbolic knots,
AKBULUT, Selman, and KING, Henry C., Real algebraic structures on topological spaces, (1981), 79-162. AKBULUT, Selman, and TAYLOR, Laurence, A topological resolution theorem,
ANDREOTTI, Aldo, and VESENTINI, Edoardo, Carleman estimates for the Laplace-Beltrami equation on complex manifolds, voir aussi Erratum to...,
ARBARELLO Enrico, and CORNALBA, Maurizio, Calculating cohomology groups of moduli spaces of curves via algebraic geometry, ARTHUR, James, A local trace formula, ARTIN, Michael F., Algebraic approximation of structures over complete local rings, ATIYAH, Michael F., Characters and cohomology of finite groups

48. Seznam Osob Podle Jména: Ahoj-Hm
1989; Hirokazu bok Tanaka, Japonec nahrát skladatele hry a programátora;hironaka, heisuke, (narozený 1931), matematik; Hiroo
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Seznam osob podle jm©na: Ahoj-Hm
Seznam osob podle jm©na B C D ... G H J K L ... On-Hh Ahoj-Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq ... Hz
  • Hiaasen, Carl , (narozen½ 1953), n¡s spisovatel Hibbert, Eleanor , (1906-1993), autor Hibbler, Al Hickam, Homer, NASA Inžen½r, autor ' ' Coalwood cesta, chlapci rakety, obloha ř­jna, křižovatka torp©da a Bac Hickel, Walter Joseph , (Alaskan nez¡vislost) 1990-1994 Hickey, William, (1928-1997), herec Hickman, Tracy , N¡s autor fantazie Venkovsk© bal­ky, ºÄet , (1961-1994), komik Venkovsk© bal­ky, Dan , (narozen½ 1941), n¡s hudebn­k Hickson, Richard Mahoney, britsk© panensk© ostrovy prezident Venkovsk© bal­ky, Thomas Holliday, n¡s guvern©r Hidaka, Ken , (narozen½ 1978), charakter v Weissovi Kreuz Hidalgo, Miquel Mexick½ nez¡vistostn­ vůdce Hieb, Richard, astronaut Hieng, Andrej, (narozen½ 1925), pov­dk¡Å™, dramatik, filmovat člena spr¡vn­ rady a vydavatele st¡dia. Hierotheus II Alexandrie, patriarcha Alexandrie Hierotheus j¡ Alexandrie, patriarcha Alexandrie Hietanen, Helena

49. Fields Medal
USA 32 1966 Grothendieck, Alexander Berlin Germany 38 1966 Smale, Stephen Flint,MI USA 36 1970 Baker, Alan London UK 31 1970 hironaka, heisuke Yamaguchiken
Next: Erdos Number Up: Human Interest Previous: Indiana bill sets the
Fields Medal
Historical Introduction
This is the original letter by Fields creating the endowment for the medals that bear his name. It is thought to have been written during the few months before his death. Notice that no mention is made about the age of the recipients (currently there is a 40 year-old limit), and that the medal should not be attached to any person, private or public, meaning that it shouldn't bear anybody's name. It is proposed to found two gold medals to be awarded at successive International Mathematical Congress for outstanding achievements in mathematics. Because of the multiplicity of the branches of mathematics and taking into account the fact that the interval between such congresses is four years it is felt that at least two medals should be available. The awards would be open to the whole world and would be made by an International Committee. The fund for the founding of the medals is constituted by balance left over after financing the Toronto congress held in 1924. This must be held in trust by the Government or by some body authorized by government to hold and invest such funds. It would seem that a dignified method for handling the matter and one which in this changing world should most nearly secure permanency would be for the Canadian Government to take over the fund and appoint as his custodian say the Prime Minister of the Dominion or the Prime Minister in association with the Minister of Finance. The medals would be struck at the Mint in Ottawa and the duty of the custodian would be simply to hand over the medals at the proper time to the accredited International Committee.

50. List Of Mathematical Topics (G-I) - Information
seventh problem Hilbert s sixteenth problem Hilbert s tenth problem Hilbert sthird problem Hipparchus hironaka, heisuke Histogram History
List of mathematical topics (G-I) - Information Home
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H infinity H-principle Haar integral Haar measure ... Hypothesis testing
IACR Icosagon Icosahedron Icosidodecahedron ... Iwasawa theory All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details). . Wikipedia is powered by MediaWiki , an open source wiki engine.

51. H Index
Hindenburg, Carl (54) Hipparchus of Rhodes (170*) Hippias of Elis (96) Hippocratesof Chios (167*), Hire, Philippe de La (297) hironaka, heisuke (279*) Hirsch
Names beginning with H
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Haar
, Jean (57)
, Jacques (599*)
, John (191*)
, Hans (138*)
, Abu Ali al' (269*)
Hall, Marshall

Hall, Philip

, Edmond (350*)
, Paul (1315*)
, George (70*) Halsted , George (299*) Hamill , Christine (398) Hamilton, William Hamilton, William Rowan Hamming , Richard Wesley (561*) Hankel , Hermann (94*) Hardy, Claude Hardy, Godfrey H Harish-Chandra Harriot , Thomas (498) Hartley , Brian (466*) Hartree , Douglas (436*) Hasse , Helmut (1189*) Hausdorff , Felix (345*) Hawking , Stephen (1282*) Heath , Thomas (199*) Heaviside , Oliver (1209*) Heawood , Percy (596*) Hecht , Daniel (117) Hecke , Erich (69*) Hedrick , Earle (490*) Heegaard , Poul (380*) Heilbronn , Hans (129*) Heine , Heinrich (268*) Heisenberg , Werner (621*) Hellinger , Ernst (75*) Helly , Eduard (157*) Helmholtz , Hermann von (120*) Heng , Zhang (228*) Henrici , Olaus (117*) Hensel , Kurt (252*) Herbrand , Jacques (376) , Pierre (148) Hermann, Jakob

52. SciMath FAQ
38 U of Paris France 1966 Smale, Stephen Flint MI USA 36 UC Berkeley USA 1970 Baker,Alan London UK 31 Cambridge U UK 1970 hironaka, heisuke Yamaguchiken
SciMath FAQ Back

53. The Kyoto Prize Laureates Selection
Institute. Fujisawa, Norio, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University. hironaka,heisuke, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University. Kushiro, Ikuo,
Kyoto Prize Laureate Selection Processes
From among internationally recognized authorities worldwide, the Inamori Foundation annually selects nominators for each of the three categories of the Kyoto Prizes and invites them to nominate candidates. Only from among those candidates nominated by these nominators, the Kyoto Prize screening organizations select laureates for each year.
The candidates are screened in the following three steps, regarding a fair impartial selection as most important. First stage, the Kyoto Prize Screening Committee, consisting of specialists in the specific fields of the year, screens nominated candidates for each prize. Next stage, the Kyoto Prize Committee for each prize further screens selected candidates from a broader perspective. Final stage, the Kyoto Prize Executive Committee examines comprehensive viewpoints, particularly in light of the philosophy of the Kyoto Prizes, and nominates the laureates. The Board of Directors then approves these laureates. MEMBERS OF THE KYOTO PRIZE SCREENING ORGANIZATION

54. Special Advisors, Directors And Councilors
Corporation. Vice Presidents, Fukukawa, Shinji, Advisor, Dentsu Inc.hironaka, heisuke, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University. Senior
SPECIAL ADVISORS Yamada, Keiji Governor, Kyoto Prefecture Masumoto, Yorikane Mayor, Kyoto City Oike, Kazuo President, Kyoto University Miyahara, Hideo President, Osaka University BOARD OF DIRECTORS Senior Advisors Sejima, Ryuzo Advisor to the President, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Chairman, Asia University Okamoto, Michio Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University Chairman Imura, Hiroo Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University President Inamori, Kazuo Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Kyocera Corporation Vice Presidents Fukukawa, Shinji
Advisor, Dentsu Inc. Hironaka, Heisuke Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University Senior Managing Director Inamori, Toyomi President, KI Enterprise Company, Ltd. Managing Director Okuno, Mikio Kyocera Corporation Directors Amari, Shun-ichi Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute Hashiguchi, Osamu Senior Adviser, The Bank of Hiroshima, Ltd. Honda, Katsuhiko President and CEO, Japan Tobacco Inc. Itoh, Kensuke

55. Encyclopedia: Heisuke Hironaka
Encyclopedia heisuke hironaka. heisuke hironaka () (born April9, 1931) is a Japanese mathematician. He was a student of Oscar Zariski.

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    Encyclopedia : Heisuke Hironaka
    Heisuke Hironaka April 9 ) is a Japan ese mathematician. He was a student of Oscar Zariski
    He is celebrated for proving in that singularities of algebraic varieties admit resolutions in characteristic zero. This means that any projective variety can be replaced by a similar one (i.e. birationally equivalent) which has no singularities. For this theorem he won the

    56. Encyclopedia4U - Heisuke Hironaka - Encyclopedia Article
    heisuke hironaka. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article heisuke hironaka .
    ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ...
    Encyclopedia Home Page
    SEARCH :
    Heisuke Hironaka
    Heisuke Hironaka ) is celebrated for proving in that singularities of algebraic varieties admit resolutions in characteristic zero. This means that any projective variety can be replaced by a similar one (i.e. birationally equivalent) which has no singularities. For this theorem he won the Fields Medal in 1970. He was for many years a professor of mathematics at Harvard but currently lives in Japan where he is greatly respected and influential. He has been active in raising funds for causes such as mathematical education.
    External links:
    • Hironaka biography
      Content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site. We encourage you to verify any critical information with the relevant authorities.
      This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article " Heisuke Hironaka

    57. Hironaka '01
    Number In Process Title Resolution of singularities of an algebraic variety (characteristiczero) Author hironaka, heisuke Published np nd Location
    Dr. Hironaka¤ÎÆ°ÛÅÀ²ò¾ÄêÍý¤È¤½¤Î¸å
    23. D. Abramovich, A.J. de Jong, Smoothness, semi-stability and toroidal geometry,
    Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 6 (1997), pp. 789-801.

    Dr. Urabe HP

    Resolution of Singularities¡¡~¡¡intruduction by T.T.Moh
    Dr.Watanaba¡¡£È£Ð¡¡Æ°ÛÅÀ²ò¾ÄêÍý¤Î³Ø½¬¥â¥Ç¥ë¤Ø¤Î±þÍÑ¡¡ 1960ǯÂå¤Ë Buchberger ¤Ë¤è¤¤Æ¿¹à¼°´Ä¤Î¥¤¥Ç¥¢¥ë¤ä²·²¤Î¹½Â¤¤ò·×»»¤¹¤ë¤Î¤ËƳÆþ¤µ¤ì¤¿¡¥°ìÊý¤ÇƱ¤¸º¢¡¤¹­æÊ¿Í´¤Ë¤è¤ê¡¤¶Òµé¿ô´Ä¤ËƱÍͤγµÇ°¤¬Æ³Æþ¤µ¤ì¡¤Æ°ÛÅÀ²ò¾¤Î¤­¤¤«¤±¤È¤Ê¤¤¿¡¥ CG Lie Âå¿ô¤«¤éÀ¸¤¸¤ë¡¤¡ÖĶ´ö²¿·Ï¡×¤È¸Æ¤Ð¤ì¤ëÀþ·ÁÊÐÈùʬÊýÄø¼°·Ï¤Î¤¢¤ë¼ï¤ËÂФ·¤Æ¡¤¤½¤Î²ò¤Î¼¡¸µ¤¬¥°¥ì¥Ö¥Ê´ðÄì¤òÍѤ¤¤Æ·×»»¤Ç¤­¤ë¤³¤È¤ò¼¨¤·¤¿¡¥¤³¤Î¼¡¸µ¤Ï¤â¤È¤â¤È Gelfand-Graev-Postnikov ¤Ë¤è¤¤ÆÊ̤δÑÅÀ¤«¤é¼¨¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤¿¤¬¡¤²æ¡¹¤ÏÂå¿ôŪ¤Ê´ÑÅÀ¤«¤éÊ̾ڤòÍ¿¤¨¤¿

    58. The Valuation Theory Home Page: Honorary Doctorate Degree For Abhyankar
    Translate this page Message from Professor heisuke hironaka. Dear Ram Your long and powerfulworks deserve far more than the honorary doctorate you are receiving.
    The Valuation Theory Home Page
    Honorary Doctorate Degree for Shreeram S. Abhyankar
    On 29 October 1998, Professor Shreeram S. Abhyankar of Purdue University was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree (Docteur Honoris Causa) by the University of Angers in France. The Congratulatory Message sent by the Fields Medalist Professor Heisuke Hironaka for that occasion is reproduced below, followed by the Eulogy given by Professor Jean Michel Granger of the University of Angers at the award ceremony.
    Message from Professor Heisuke Hironaka
    Dear Ram: Your long and powerful works deserve far more than the honorary doctorate you are receiving. Even so, I am happy to hear the good news. Your originality has been a gold mine for many other algebraic geometers, including myself. Now the mined gold is receiving rays of sunlight, facets after facets. Very best, Hei Hironaka
    Eulogy by Professor Jean Michel Granger, Angers
    Back to The Valuation Theory Home Page Last update: February 4, 1999

    59. Organization
    Chairman of the Jury, hironaka, heisuke, Mathematician, Professor Emeritus ofHarvard University and Kyoto University, President of Yamaguchi University.
    organization Organized by :
    Takasaki University of Art and Music
    The Yomiuri Shimbun
    Supported by :
    The Ministry of Education
    Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Japan Airlines (JAL)
    Japan Traffic Culture Association Sponsored by :
    Hironaka Educational Research Institute
    Japan Ervin Nyiregyhazi Association
    Horikoshi Gakuen Takasaki Training School of Nursery Teachers Takasaki Training School of Care Workers Horikoshi Kindergarten Kodomo no Kuni Kindergarten All Japan Soccer Academy Shichigashuku Campus at Miyagi Prefecture Seminar House "Kaya no Ie" at Hotaka Springs Chairman of the Jury Hironaka, Heisuke Mathematician, Professor Emeritus of Harvard University and Kyoto University, President of Yamaguchi University Special Honorary Advisors Inamori, Kazuo Honorary President of the Kyocera Corporation Sen, Soshitsu Grand Tea Master, Urasenke Tradition of Tea Artistic Advisors Nakamura, Hiroko Pianist, Juror of the Chopin Competition Advisors (Alphabetical order) Andrzej Wajda Film Director Krzysztof Penderecki Composer, Professor Doctor h.c. of Academy of Music, Cracow

    60. Greeting
    6. The jury will be chaired by hironaka, heisuke (mathematician, recipient of theJapanese Order of Cultural Merit, Professor Emeritus of Harvard University
    Greeting Koike, Daitetsu
    President of Takasaki University of Art and Music The 7th Takasaki International Art and Music Competition
    for High School Students 2001 Takasaki
    The City of Takasaki is the second largest city in Gunma Prefecture , which is located in the central part of Japan. It is approximately 100 km from Tokyo. It has a population of 244,311 and an area of 110.72 km2 (as of 2000). The city has developed as an important point of transportation to connect the North and the South of Japan, while it has been blessed with abundant greenery. It actually became a center of Culture, Transportation and Commerce in the northern part of the Metropolitan area due to the extension of Shinkansen (Bullet train) (50 minutes to/from Tokyo), Takasaki is also well known as a Òcity which has an orchestraÓ. Recently the Gunma Symphony Orchestra attracts a great deal of attention domestically and abroad.
    for High School Students, 2001
    1. This is the only international art and music competition held solely for high school students and young artists between the ages of 15 and 18.

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