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61. Ancient Coins Are What I Collect Athens was a mecca for hippocrates of chios and Hippocrates of Cos, Anaximander,Aristotle, et. al, and home to Socrates, Meton, et al. http://www.limunltd.com/numismatica/articles/ancients-what-i-collect.html | |
62. Math History - Pre-historic And Ancient Times paradoxes. About 440BC, hippocrates of chios writes the Elements whichis the first compilation of the elements of geometry. About http://lahabra.seniorhigh.net/pages/teachers/pages/math/timeline/MpreAndAncient. |
63. More Word Origins 5 The plane lune was studied in depth by the Greek mathematician hippocrates of chios(around 400 BC) in an attempt to find a way to find a square with the same http://www.pballew.net/arithme5.html | |
64. CHRONOLOGY OF MATHEMATICIANS 430 DEMOCRITUS. 430 PHILOLAUS ASTRONOMY. -430 hippocrates of chios ELEMENTS.-428 ARCHYTAS. -420 HIPPIAS TRISECTRIX. -360 EUDOXUS PROPORTION AND EXHAUSTION. http://users.adelphia.net/~mathhomeworkhelp/timeline.html | |
65. RSA Treasure Trails - The National Museum Of Photography, Film & Television Two of the resulting photographs, shown here, depict the classical busts of Minerva,the Roman goddess of war and wisdom, and hippocrates of chios, the Greek http://www.rsa.org.uk/250/nmpft.asp | |
66. Philosophical Themes From CSL: It was probably hippocrates of chios (c. 47010 bc) who reduced the Delian Problemof Doubling the Cube to that of constructing two mean proportionals between http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/cslphilos/euclid.htm | |
67. Pedro Pablo Fuentes González with authors as diverse as the Stoics Cornutus and Epictetus, the polygraph andscholar Eratosthenes of Cyrene or the mathematician hippocrates of chios. http://www.ugr.es/~odiseo/Fuentes.html | |
68. Meteorology Book 1 Chapter 6 A view like theirs was also expressed by hippocrates of chios and hispupil Aeschylus. Only they say that the tail does not belong http://www.aristoteles-heute.de/SeinAlsGanzesBewegt/Meteorology/Meteorology0106. | |
69. Euclid And The Elements Euclid s axiomatic approach to geometry is what caused it to eclipse other Elements written before it (such as that of hippocrates of chios). http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/wrightj/MA28/Euclid/Essay.htm | |
70. Historical Ways 450, Zeno of Elea, philosopher; hippocrates of chios, matematician; Callimachusdevelops the Corinthian order; Philolaus of Thebes, astronomer. http://members.cox.net/mystics1/mmgvnts.html | |
71. Crockett Johnson Homepage: Bibliography Of Crockett Johnson nd. Homethic Triangles (hippocrates of chios, 5th c BC). c. 1967. Law of Motion. SquaredLunes (hippocrates of chios). nd. Squared Lunex (hippocrates of chios). http://www.ksu.edu/english/nelp/purple/bibliography.html | |
72. Family Reunion my point about the enduring validly of mathematical truth, I presented my familymembers with a proof of doubling the square by hippocrates of chios (400 BC http://www.bayarea.net/~kins/Personal-FAMILY_REUNION.html | |
73. Conic Sections In Ancient Greece A breakthrough of a kind occurred when hippocrates of chios reduced the problem tothe equivalent problem of two mean proportionals , though this formulation http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~cherlin/History/Papers1999/schmarge.html | |
74. Homework Hotline - Mathematics bc ), hippocrates of chios made the beginnings of an axiomatic approach to geometryand Zeno of Elea proposed his famous paradoxes concerning the infinite and http://www.homeworkhotline.com/MathHotline.htm | |
75. Dupcubfin.html discrepancy. In addition to Eudoxus solution, hippocrates of chios alsodeveloped a working solution of the Delian problem. Hippocrates http://www.ms.uky.edu/~carl/ma330/projects/dupcubfin1.html | |
76. Ancient Greek Philosophy: Additional Search Terms DAMON DEMOCRITUS DIODORUS CRONUS DIOGENES LAERTIUS ECHECRATES EMPEDOCLES EPICURUSEPIMENIDES GORGIAS HERACLITUS HESIOD HIPPIAS hippocrates of chios HYPATIA ION http://karn.ohiolink.edu/philosophy/keywords/ast31001.html | |
77. 5-4-01 about numbers and such before the emergence of the Greek scientific approach of Ioniannaturalism, followed by the geometry of hippocrates of chios, c. 450 BCE http://www.flavinscorner.com/5-4-01.htm | |
78. 1998 Repères. Num. 31. P. 29-38. Les Lunules D'Hippocrate De Chios. de Chios. English title The lunulae of hippocrates of chios. http://publimath.irem.univ-mrs.fr/biblio/IWR98026.htm | |
79. 1998 Repères. Num. 31. P. 29-38. Les Lunules D'Hippocrate De Chios. Chios. English title The lunulae of hippocrates of chios. http://publimath.irem.univ-mrs.fr/bibliocomp/IWR98026.htm | |
80. Dr. Matrix' Discussion Of Mathematics were the atomist philosopher Democritus of Abdera, who discovered the correct formulafor the volume of a pyramid, and hippocrates of chios, who discovered http://scientium.com/drmatrix/sciences/mathref.htm | |
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