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41. Euclid Among these are hippocrates of chios (5th century BC), not to be confusedwith the physician Hippocrates of Cos (flourished 400 BC). http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/euclid.html | |
42. Hippias construction. The lunules of hippocrates of chios belong to it, andHippias, the universal genius, could not be left behind here. He http://ragz-international.com/hippias.htm | |
43. Assignment 4 The one on the right is a right lune. hippocrates of chios (ca. 460 380 BC) , who worked on the problems of squaring the circle http://mtl.math.uiuc.edu/modules/module13/Unit 1.4/assgn-4.html | |
44. Math Forum - Geometry Problem Of The Week of the original semicircle. What did hippocrates of chios prove aboutthese two regions? Hippocrates Lunes January 13-17, 1997. http://mathforum.org/geopow/archive/011797.geopow.html | |
45. Math Forum: Geometry Problem Of The Week Archive, January - May 1997 What did hippocrates of chios prove about these two regions? Dividing upa Triangle January 20-24, 1997 Take any triangle. Label it ABC. http://mathforum.org/geopow/tocs/1997T1.toc.html | |
46. Aristotle And Greek Mathematics: A Supplement To Aristotle And Mathematics by the intersection of two circular arcs (Prior Analytics ii 25, Sophistici Elenchi11, Physics i.2; this is a problem of hippocrates of chios, whom Aristotle http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-mathematics/supplement4.html | |
47. History Of Mathematics: Greece Chios (c. 450?); Leucippus (c. 450); hippocrates of chios (c. 450);Meton (c. 430) *SB; Hippias of Elis (c. 425); Theodorus of Cyrene http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
48. Science Timeline Hipparchus of Rhodes, 134 bce. hippocrates of chios, 430 bce. Hippocratesof Cos, 400 bce, 1185. His, Wilhelm, 1887, early decades 20th century. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_h.htm | |
49. Science Timeline About 430 bce, hippocrates of chios squared the lune, a major step toward squaringthe circle, probably using the theorem that circles are to one another as http://www.sciencetimeline.net/prehistory.htm | |
50. Online time A view like theirs was also expressed by hippocrates of chios and his pupilAeschylus Only they say that the tail does We offer great quality compatible http://www.the-ink-shop.com/buy_minolta_ink_refill.asp |
51. Time Hecataeus (550490 BC). Sun Tzu (544 - 496). 500BCE. Wars 524-500. History of fashion.Zeno (488 - 425). hippocrates of chios (470 - 410). Peloponnesian Wars , More. http://members.tripod.com/zephyr46/postmoderncogmap/id25.html | |
52. World And Nation-State Nearly 80 years before Plato s rebuke of the Delians, hippocrates of chios offeredan insight based on the Pythagorean principle of the connection among music http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2002-33/bruce3/gauss3.html | |
53. PPE - Working Class Encyclopedia H2 and tuned in. hippocrates of chios (c430 BC) Greek mathematician.First to compile elements of geometry. PRS. HIPPOCRATES of Cos http://www.embassy.org.nz/encycl/h2encyc.htm | |
54. Greek Mathematics hippocrates of chios (470410 BC) is famous for his quadrature of lunes (crescent-shapedfigures which are defined by two semi-circles of different radius). http://members.fortunecity.com/kokhuitan/greek.html | |
55. Dictionary Of The History Of Ideas hippocrates of chios (fifth century BC) had also written an Elements, a work unfortunatelylost; but we know that he had attempted in this work a systematic http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv1-24 |
56. Euclid Among these are hippocrates of chios (fl. c. 460 BC), not to be confusedwith the physician Hippocrates of Cos (c. 460377 BC). http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Greek/Tc/Euclid.htm | |
57. Index Of Ancient Greek Philosophers - Scientists Euctemon of Athens (430 BC). hippocrates of chios. Wrote his Elements almostone century before Euclid s. Hippocrates of Cos (460377 BC). http://www.ics.forth.gr/~vsiris/ancient_greeks/presocratics.html | |
58. Welcome To JMD COMPUTER TECH hippocrates of chios (ca. 450 BC) http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Hippocrates.html.Hippocrates of Cos (460-ca. http://www.jmdcomp.com/wldhweb.htm | |
59. Martin Tulic, Book Indexing - About Indexing - Qualifiers abstracts (pharmaceutical mixtures), Hippocrates ( Father of Medicine ),.. hippocrates of chios, Louis VIII, Louis IX, http://www.anindexer.com/about/qlifiers/qlifiersindex.html | |
60. Richard Delaware Talks hippocrates of chios Squares a Lune, But Can t Square a Circle! Apr. Hippocratesof Chios Squares a Lune, But Can t Square a Circle! Apr. http://d.faculty.umkc.edu/delawarer/RDtalks.htm | |
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