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41. The Olympic History Page The Games, like all Greek Games, were an intrinsic part of a religiousfestival held in honor of Zeus. hippias of elis, at ca. 400 http://www.inglewoodcarecentre.com/history/olympic.htm | |
42. Sydney Olympic Games History And Facts From Koala Express In Sydney Australia 20 The first record of the Olympic Games comes from hippias of elis in the fifth centuryBCE, though the first Olympic victory is dated to 776 BCE (this assumes http://www.koalaexpress.com.au/olympics.htm | |
43. M. Luz Presocratics 10 hippias of elis (contemporary of Protagoras (c. 490420 BC) In the dialogue Protagoras,Plato briefly describes Hippias lecturing about nature, astronomy and http://research.haifa.ac.il/~mluz/Access/PhilLect10.html | |
44. The Last Of The Ancient Champions..... The list was compiled, circa 400 BC, by the sophist philosopher hippias of elis,probably based on the records of Olympia, oral tradition and memories of older http://www.ana.gr/olympics/English/pages/Historic/Zopiros.html | |
45. Hippias Online Encyclopedia Information Genius Online Encyclopedia hippias of elis, Greek sophist, was born about the middleof the 5th century BC and was thus a younger contemporary of Protagoras and http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/h/hi/hippias.html |
46. MLLL5063Intro Sophists (Wise men) A term applied by Plato to various teachers of whom hedisapproved Protagoras, Gorgias, Thrasymachus, and hippias of elis. http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/L/A-Robert.R.Lauer-1/MLLL5063Intro.html | |
47. Dividing One Angle Into Three Equal Angles Seems A Trivial Problem One of the earliest ways discovered was that of hippias of elis(circa 425BC). Hippias used a curve he had invented, called the quadratrix. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Tim/Trisection.page.html | |
48. Proclus Diadochus After him Mamercus the brother of the poet Stesichorus, is said to have embracedthe study of geometry, and in fact hippias of elis writes that he achieved http://www.phys.virginia.edu/classes/109N/lectures/proclus.html | |
49. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.09.40 crucial problem addressed is that of the reliability of our information about Olympicvictors since the list of Olympionikai compiled by hippias of elis ca. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2002/2002-09-40.html | |
50. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY: The Metaphysical Period - Page 1 c. hippias of elis. Hippias taught science among other things and appears inPlato s Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, and Protagoras. d. Prodicus of Ceos. http://radicalacademy.com/adiphilmetaphysical.htm | |
51. The Quadratrix The curve already appears in ancient Greek geometry. It s named afterhippias of elis and was used by Dinostratus and Nicomedes. http://cage.rug.ac.be/~hs/quadratrix/quadratrix.html | |
52. Search Tuna Report For Thales Five Theorems They commence with Mamercus, who was a pupil of Thales, and include hippias of elis,Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Eudoxus of Cnidus, Philippus of Mende, Euclid, and http://www.searchtuna.com/ftlive/548.html | |
53. Biblical Horizons : CH: Biblical Chronology Newsletter No. 6_02 use. Plutarch (c. AD 50120) says that hippias of elis, in the late5th century BC, drew up a list of victors of the races. But http://www.biblicalhorizons.com/ch/ch6_02.htm | |
54. 2004.com - Olympic History - Ancient History - Victory When hippias of elis started to write the history of the Games in the endthe 5th century BC there was only one event, a single foot race. http://www.2004.com/ohistory_ancient_victory.asp |
55. History Of Philosophy 6 The chief Sophists are Protagoras of Abdera, the individualist; Gorgias of Leontini,the nihilist; hippias of elis, the polymathist; and Prodicus of Ceos, the http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/hop06.htm | |
56. History Of Astronomy: Roughly Sorted Links - Biographies (1) Heinrich (Rudolf) Hertzsprung, Ejnar Hesiod Hess, Victor Francis Hevelius, JohannesHewish, Antony Hill, George William Hipparchus hippias of elis HoggPriestly http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/unsorted/rough_bio_01.html | |
57. Lists And Catalogues In Greek Paraliterary Papyri ordering. So it is not by accident that as a literary prose genreit first developed with the sophists (eg hippias of elis). As http://perswww.kuleuven.ac.be/~u0013314/lists&catalogues.htm | |
58. Zurück Translate this page Mai 2001, im Druck. hippias of elis and the Year 776 BC A Clarification,in Time and Temporality in the Ancient World, hg. von http://www.sag.uni-freiburg.de/ger/dozenten/amoeller.htm | |
59. THE OLYMPIAD Later, in the early 4th century BC, the sophist hippias of elis numberedall Olympiads in relation to the first Olympiad, held in 776 BC. http://www.hotelsgreece.org/olympics/olympiad.htm | |
60. TR-00-20.html That is a subset of the curve known since antiquity as the Quadratrix of Hippias.The first curve ever named after its discoverer, hippias of elis (ca. http://www.mapleapps.com/categories/mathematics/algebra/html/TR-00-20.html | |
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