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Higman Graham: more detail | |||||
41. Graham Jaunays Site - South Australian 1836-41 Emigrants of this material, the result of original research and transcription, is held by GrahamJaunay 1 Dec 1838 and wife and 3 child/ren COUCH William higman 9 Nov http://www.emigc.jaunay.com/ | |
42. MATH Database: Online Ordering Author higman, graham. Title A finitely generated infinite simple group. SourceJ. Lond. Math. Soc. 26, 6164 (1951). Publication Year 1951. ISSN http://www.emis.de/cgi-bin/zmolos?0042.02201 |
43. Search Results An = (01657118) The author finds in this masterpiece the complete solution to the 60 yearold problem posed for the first time in the thesis of graham higman. http://www.emis.de/MATH-item?01657118 |
44. [BS] Bogley, WA And Sieradski AJ Universal Path Spaces Soc. (3), 5 (1956), 45580 Higm higman, graham Unrestricted free product, andvarieties of topological groups , J. London Math. Soc.(2), 27 (1952), pp. http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Andreas.Zastrow/nonanlit.txt |
45. [BS] Bogley, WA And Sieradski AJ Universal Path Spaces Soc. (3), 5 (1956), 45580 Higm higman, graham Unrestricted free product, andvarieties of topological groups , J. London Math. Soc.(2), 27 (1952), pp. http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Andreas.Zastrow/fry-lit.txt |
46. Elizabeth Graham Book Store Featuring 29 Elizabeth Graham And Society by graham higman, Elizabeth Scott (Hardcover February 1988)Existentially Closed Groups (London Mathematical Society http://www.rbookshop.com/romance/g/Elizabeth_Graham/ |
47. Australian Mathematics Trust After Sheilas honours degree she stayed on at Oxford to do a D.Phil. under the supervision of graham higman. It was the work http://www.amt.canberra.edu.au/bhnwilliamss.html | |
48. MainPage Edward James. David Jasper. *David Laity. Fred higman. Barry Jose. Robert Loveridge.Dennis Moses. Ron higman. graham Peak. David Medlyn. Mike Oliver. Les Hodge. http://www.nankersey-choir.co.uk/ | |
49. A Hetfoi (februar 17, 1000) Geometria Szeminarium Eloadasa Odor 1993), no. 2, 99122. \bibitem{higman} G.\ higman, graham, {\em Finitelygenerated infinite simple group}, 6164. \bibitem{Stillman http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~hajnal/seminars/geoszem/199697/febr17 |
50. Atlas: Embedding Finitely Generated Abelian Lattice-ordered Groups: Higman's The graham higman proved that a finitely generated group can be embedded in a finitelypresented group iff it has a recursively enumerable set of defining relations http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/caig-59 | |
51. Jakob Nielsen Papirer Hevesy, G. 1 særtryk. Heywood, Bryon 1 særtryk. higman, graham 7 særtryk.Hilb, Emil 1 særtryk. Hilbert, David 3 særtryk. Hoff, Ove 2 særtryk. http://www.math.ku.dk/arkivet/jnielsen/jnarkiv.htm | |
52. Jakob Nielsen Papers Hevesy, G. 1 reprint. Heywood, Bryon 1 reprint. higman, graham 7 reprints.Hilb, Emil 1 reprint. Hilbert, David 3 reprints. Hoff, Ove 2 reprints. http://www.math.ku.dk/arkivet/jnielsen/jnpapers.htm | |
53. Contact Information Austell practice was then carried on by WH graham and HN Wright at Cross Lane Therewas also higman Hubbard at Lloyds Bank Chambers, of which JC Hubbard was http://www.graham-graham.demon.co.uk/history.htm | |
54. CIM Bulletin #10 theory. The group theory lectures were given by graham higman, withPeter Neumann running the problem classes. higman s lectures http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/h/22.htm | |
55. Gorenstein It was there that I began a long collaboration with John Walter and met manyof the leaders in the field Brauer, Suzuki, graham higman, and Ito. http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Gorenstein.html | |
56. Brent Everitt's Research alternating groups A_n. This settles in the affirmative a longstandingconjecture of graham higman. J. Algebra 223 (2000) 457-476. http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~bje1/research.html | |
57. 2004sailingprogramme 18Apr, 1100, 1804, SPRING AFTERNOONS, graham Buckingham Steve Coello, JohnMorrice, 28-Apr, 1845, 1226, SPRING WEDNESDAYS, Ken Lynne higman, Jenny March,Ken http://www.porthpeansc.co.uk/2004sailingprogramme.htm | |
58. MANIFOLD-10: Authors They are both reseaching under the supervision of graham higman at Oxford.Chris is attached to Christchurch College, next to the famous meadow. http://www.jaworski.co.uk/m10/10_authors.html | |
59. News Race four seen graham taking another win although Peter who has the higman handlingmuch better reeling graham in but did not quite catch him taking second http://www.manxstockcars.com/new_page_6.htm | |
60. Rock To Rock - Pacific Palms, Sunday, April 11, 04 - Results graham, John, O/50M, 23.22, M, GREEN, Antony, O/30M, 22.30, M, GREGORY, Adam, O/30M,28.07, M, HAHN, Lindee, SeniorF, 29.57, F, higman, Dane, U/18M, 21.49, M, higman,Jan, O/40F, 30.52, F, http://www.oceanswims.com/nsw/pacpalmsresalpha04.htm | |
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