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         Higman Graham:     more detail
  1. Finite Simple Groups: 1st: Conference Proceedings
  2. Existentially Closed Groups (London Mathematical Society Monographs New Series) by Graham Higman, Elizabeth Scott, 1988-07-21
  3. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA; VOL. 86, NUMBER 1, JAN. 1984 by Graham (editor-in-chief) Higman, 1984

41. Graham Jaunays Site - South Australian 1836-41 Emigrants
of this material, the result of original research and transcription, is held by GrahamJaunay 1 Dec 1838 and wife and 3 child/ren COUCH William higman 9 Nov
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South Australian Emigrants 1836-41 - C
Name - arrival date - accompanied by CAIN: John - 23 Jan 1839 CAIN: John - 7 Dec 1840 and wife and 2 child/ren CAIN: Margaret - 23 Jan 1839 CAIN: Thomas - 23 Jan 1839 and wife and 2 child/ren CAIN: Thomas - 23 Jan 1839 CAIN: William - 23 Jan 1839 CAIN: William - 17 Jun 1840 and wife CAIRNS: Hugh - 19 Sep 1839 CAIRNS: William - 3 Apr 1839 CALDERWOOD: Alexander - 25 Feb 1839 CALLABY: Henry - 17 Dec 1839 and wife and 6 child/ren CALNAN: Jeremiah - 2 Nov 1836 and wife and 4 child/ren CALTON: Charles - 18 Jan 1838 and wife and 4 child/ren CALTON: Henry - 12 Oct 1838 and wife CALTON: Sarah - 12 Oct 1838 CAMAC: John - 16 May 1839 and wife and 1 child/ren CAMERON: Anne - 10 Jul 1840 CAMERON: Dougall - 10 Mar 1840 and wife CAMERON: Duncan - 10 Mar 1840 and wife and 1 child/ren CAMERON: George - 10 Mar 1840 and wife and 3 child/ren CAMERON: Hugh - 25 Feb 1839 CAMERON: Hugh - 18 Jun 1839 CAMERON: Janet - 29 Oct 1839 CAMERON: John - 10 Mar 1840

42. MATH Database: Online Ordering
Author higman, graham. Title A finitely generated infinite simple group. SourceJ. Lond. Math. Soc. 26, 6164 (1951). Publication Year 1951. ISSN

43. Search Results An = (01657118)
The author finds in this masterpiece the complete solution to the 60 yearold problem posed for the first time in the thesis of graham higman.

44. [BS] Bogley, WA And Sieradski AJ Universal Path Spaces
Soc. (3), 5 (1956), 45580 Higm higman, graham Unrestricted free product, andvarieties of topological groups , J. London Math. Soc.(2), 27 (1952), pp.

45. [BS] Bogley, WA And Sieradski AJ Universal Path Spaces
Soc. (3), 5 (1956), 45580 Higm higman, graham Unrestricted free product, andvarieties of topological groups , J. London Math. Soc.(2), 27 (1952), pp.

46. Elizabeth Graham Book Store Featuring 29 Elizabeth Graham And
Society by graham higman, Elizabeth Scott (Hardcover February 1988)Existentially Closed Groups (London Mathematical Society

47. Australian Mathematics Trust
After Sheila’s honours degree she stayed on at Oxford to do a D.Phil. under the supervision of graham higman. It was the work
BH Neumann Award for Sheila Williams
On Friday 12 April 2002, Professor BH Neumann presented a BH Neumann Award to Dr Sheila Williams.
Sheila Williams receives her Award from Professor Neumann, at the function at Quay West Hotel, Brisbane.
Sheila Williams with Neil (also a holder of this award) and Neil's parents Colin and Marjory.
Sheila Williams was born in Cornwall. Her parents were both teachers. Her father was in fact a school headmaster at Tintagel, on the north coast of Cornwall (where King Arthur is is said to have been born). She passed the notorious 11+ exam when she was ten, and went to Sir James Smith's Grammar School, Camelford. This was a very small school; less than 200 students and about 10 teachers. However, as is the case with so many of us, Sheila had an inspiring teacher, a Mr Alfred Hooper. He was a local, who, having got a first in mathematics at university, had chosen to go back to Cornwall to teach and those with any mathematical talent blossomed under his tutelage. When Sheila entered the sixth form she chose for her A level subjects Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. She spent an extra year at school in order to take the Oxford Entrance examination, and was fortunate enough to win a scholarship to St Hugh's College, Oxford.

48. MainPage
Edward James. David Jasper. *David Laity. Fred higman. Barry Jose. Robert Loveridge.Dennis Moses. Ron higman. graham Peak. David Medlyn. Mike Oliver. Les Hodge.
Site Updated 1 May 2004 1st Tenors 2nd Tenors Baritones Basses Frank Bache Dennis Cartwright David Rowe David Beattie Bill Blackmore Hedley Curnow Ron Eyre Brian Brewer Colin Blackmore Chris Chaterton Roy Garside Sid Bryant Sid Barlow Chris Harvey Reg Gatt Ron Denny Roger Furse John Hosking Owen Hooker Paul Fehrenback Edward James David Jasper David Laity Fred Higman Barry Jose Robert Loveridge Dennis Moses Ron Higman Graham Peak David Medlyn Mike Oliver Les Hodge Des Trapp Dudley Pascoe Mike Parsons Alan Jory Gerald Trenoweth Tony Snellgrove Andrew Pool Alan Martin Wally Trenoweth David Pinhay Ivor Richardson Rodney Myers Alan Trevithick Dennis Teague Dennis Smitherham Keith Penrose Len Simpson John Sobey Brian Ruscoe Albert Thomas David Stamp John Tregunna Alan Wills David Stuthridge Trevor Williams David Tucker *Founder Members: Mike Parsons and David Laity who are still singing with the Choir Nankersey is the old Cornish name for the village of Flushing, which lies on the opposite side of the harbour to the town of Falmouth. The choir's motto is "to sing for and to give pleasure".

49. A Hetfoi (februar 17, 1000) Geometria Szeminarium Eloadasa Odor
1993), no. 2, 99122. \bibitem{higman} G.\ higman, graham, {\em Finitelygenerated infinite simple group}, 6164. \bibitem{Stillman

50. Atlas: Embedding Finitely Generated Abelian Lattice-ordered Groups: Higman's The
graham higman proved that a finitely generated group can be embedded in a finitelypresented group iff it has a recursively enumerable set of defining relations
Atlas home Conferences Abstracts about Atlas International Conference on Modern Algebra in conjunction with the 17th annual Shanks Lectures
May 2124, 2002
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA Organizers
Jonathan Farley, Ralph Freese, Matthew Gould, Peter Jipsen, George McNulty, Miklos Maroti, Alexander Ol'shanskii, Steven Tschantz, Constantine Tsinakis, Matthew Valeriote View Abstracts
Conference Homepage

A.M.W. Glass
Cambridge, UK
Coauthors : Vincenzo Marra Graham Higman proved that a finitely generated group can be embedded in a finitely presented group iff it has a recursively enumerable set of defining relations. We consider the analogue for lattice-ordered groups. Clearly, the finitely generated lattice-ordered groups that can be l-embedded in finitely presented lattice-ordered groups must have recursively enumerable sets of defining relations. We prove the converse direction for a special class of lattice-ordered groups: The technique is an amalgamation of three disparate areas: (1) continued fractions, (2) recent advances in direct limits of Abelian lattice-ordered groups, and (3) using permutation groups to encode the necessary information (a technique whose origins can be found in work of Ralph McKenzie and Richard Thompson). Date received: January 9, 2002

51. Jakob Nielsen Papirer
Hevesy, G. 1 særtryk. Heywood, Bryon 1 særtryk. higman, graham 7 særtryk.Hilb, Emil 1 særtryk. Hilbert, David 3 særtryk. Hoff, Ove 2 særtryk.
KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET Arkivets hjemmeside Samlingsoversigt
Jakob Nielsen papirer
Overordnet beskrivelse af samlingen
Kort beskrivelse:
Denne samling af Jakob Nielsens papirer består for størstedelen af særtryk, som Nielsen har modtaget fra andre videnskabsfolk og sorteret efter forfatter. Udover særtrykkene er der i forbindelse med nogle af personerne breve, manuskripter, ansøgninger og andet. Alt materiale er fra ca. 1890-1959 og på en lang række sprog hvad angår særtrykkene. Det øvrige materiale er dog fortrinsvis på dansk eller tysk.
Samlingen omfatter 79 arkivkasser, hvoraf de første 25 er almindelige arkivkasser og resten er Nielsens originale kasser.
Samlingen befandt sig i Matematisk biblioteks kælder i E-bygningen på H. C. Ørsted Institutet i efteråret 1996. Det vides ikke, hvornår eller hvordan den er kommet der. I juli 1999 blev der tilføjet fotokopier af materiale fra Staatsarchiv Hamburg til box 10

52. Jakob Nielsen Papers
Hevesy, G. 1 reprint. Heywood, Bryon 1 reprint. higman, graham 7 reprints.Hilb, Emil 1 reprint. Hilbert, David 3 reprints. Hoff, Ove 2 reprints.
THE UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN The homepage of the archive List of collections
Jakob Nielsen papers
General, short description of the collection
A short description:
This collection of Jakob Nielsen papers consists mainly of reprints, which Nielsen has received from other scientists and sorted by authors. In addition to the reprints there is other material from some of the persons, i.e. letters, manuscripts, applications for positions etc. All the material is from the period around 1890-1959 and the reprints are in many different languages. However, the additional material is mainly in Danish or German.
The collection is contained in 79 archival boxes of which the first 25 are standard boxes while the rest are Nielsen's original boxes.
Handed over:
The collection was located in the basement of the mathematical library in the E block of the H. C. Ørsted Institute in the fall of 1996. It is not known when and how it was put here. Photocopies of material from the Staatsarchiv Hamburg was added to box 10 in July 1999.

53. Contact Information
Austell practice was then carried on by WH graham and HN Wright at Cross Lane Therewas also higman Hubbard at Lloyds Bank Chambers, of which JC Hubbard was
Company History
The Grahams - 1777 to 1994 The firm was joined in October 1909 by Walter Hill Graham, eldest son of W. J. Graham and, for a time, he operated a branch office in Bodmin. When James Newton Graham left the firm he went to India as a missionary but did not stay there for many years. He came back to Tywardreath and built the house in South Park Road opposite the masonic lodge. He died there on 3rd January 1925. W. J. Graham retired in 1917 and went to live in Great Malvern, where he died on 23rd June 1940. W. H. Graham was joined by his brother, Henry Schofield Graham, when he was demobilised after the end of the 1914 - 1918 war. He had served in France with the Cornwall (Fortress) Royal Engineers, a territorial unit which he had joined in peace time. He was a law student in 1909. W. H. Graham lived in Tywardreath, practised in St. Austell and was clerk to the Tywardreath Magistrates. H. S. Graham lived at Gorse Cottage in Passage Lane, Fowey. He practised in Fowey and was also town clerk. W. H. Graham was clerk to Fowey Harbour Commissioners and later became clerk to the St. Austell Tax Commissioners. At Cross Lane there were buildings were the disabled car park is, but they caught fire one night and burned to the ground. There was much panic but the firm's office was saved.

54. CIM Bulletin #10
theory. The group theory lectures were given by graham higman, withPeter Neumann running the problem classes. higman s lectures
Topology Atlas Document # iaah-22 from CIM Bulletin #10
An Interview with Gareth A. Jones
Gareth A. Jones I acquired this piece of information from Nigel Hitchin back in 1986. Let me see if I get it right. You were colleagues in Oxford and during your first year you were taught by Michael Atiyah. What course was it and how was he as a teacher for students just starting university? Nigel Hitchin and I were students together at Jesus College, Oxford, from 1965 to 1971. Oxford, like Cambridge, consists of several dozen colleges, each containing a few hundred students. Weekly individual teaching is provided by college tutors, but lecture courses and examinations are organized by the University departments. In my time, the mathematics tutors at Jesus College, Edward Thompson for Pure Mathematics and Christopher Bradley for Applied Mathematics, had excellent reputations as teachers, so the standard of mathematics in the college was very high. There were eight mathematics students there in my year: among them, Nigel Hitchin went on to do great work in geometry with Atiyah and Donaldson, while Lyn Thomas, after getting a doctorate in quantum theory, became one of the leading figures in the Operations Research community. Before your Oxford days how was your life? I think you come from Wales. Did you realize at an early age that Mathematics was the science you wanted to devote your life to?

55. Gorenstein
It was there that I began a long collaboration with John Walter and met manyof the leaders in the field Brauer, Suzuki, graham higman, and Ito.
Daniel Gorenstein
Born: 1 Jan 1923 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Died: 26 Aug 1992 in USA
Click the picture above
to see two larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Daniel Gorenstein became interested in mathematics at a young age. He taught himself calculus at the age of 12 years. His secondary schooling was at Boston Latin School from which he graduated, entering Harvard University. There he worked under Saunders Mac Lane and became interested in finite groups , the subject he would return to after a few years studying algebraic geometry to make it his life's major work. Gorenstein graduated in 1943 and, to contribute to the war effort, he accepted a teaching position at Harvard to teach mathematics to army personnel. At the end of World War II, Gorenstein returned to Harvard, this time to undertake graduate work with Zariski . This work led to a thesis on algebraic geometry in which he introduced rings which are now named after him. After the award of his doctorate in 1950 Gorenstein accepted a post at Clark University in 1951. He remained there, except for the year 1958-59 which he spent as a visiting professor at Cornell, until he moved to North Eastern University in 1964. In 1968-69 he was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. After five years at North Eastern, Gorenstein accepted a professorship at Rutgers University where he remained until his death.

56. Brent Everitt's Research
alternating groups A_n. This settles in the affirmative a longstandingconjecture of graham higman. J. Algebra 223 (2000) 457-476.
The papers below are available for downloading (complete list of publications at the bottom). York Algebra group See also
  • Coxeter groups and hyperbolic manifolds (21 pages)

  • The rich theory of Coxeter groups is used to provide an algebraic construction of finite volume hyperbolic n-manifolds. Combinatorial properties of finite images of these groups can be used to compute the volumes of the resulting manifolds. Three examples, in 4,5 and 6-dimensions, are given, each of very small volume, and in one case of smallest possible volume. Math. Annalen (to appear)
  • (original article) Alternating Quotients of Fuchsian Groups (20 pages).

  • It is shown that any Fuchsian group has among its homomorphic images all but finitely many of the alternating groups A_n. This settles in the affirmative a long-standing conjecture of Graham Higman. J. Algebra
  • Alternating Quotients of Fuchsian Groups Preprint version (25 pages).

  • The previous paper refers to the preprint version for a few isolated cases in the argument.
  • Constructing Hyperbolic Manifolds (8 pages) (with Colin Maclachlan)

  • In this paper we show how to obtain representations of Coxeter groups acting on H^n to certain classical groups G. We determine when the kernel K of such a homomorphism is torsion-free and thus H^n/K is a hyperbolic n-manifold. As an example, this is applied to the two groups described above, with G suitably interpreted as a classical group. Using this, further information on the quotient manifold is obtained.

57. 2004sailingprogramme
18Apr, 1100, 1804, SPRING AFTERNOONS, graham Buckingham Steve Coello, JohnMorrice, 28-Apr, 1845, 1226, SPRING WEDNESDAYS, Ken Lynne higman, Jenny March,Ken
Porthpean Sailing Club 2004 Sailing Programme DATE TIME HIGH TIDE EVENT SAFETY BOAT OOD DUTY OFFICER SPRING SERIES 28-Mar RNLI Pennant Race Dave Mackrell Paul Beacon 04-Apr SPRING MORNINGS John Hill 04-Apr SPRING AFTERNOONS John Hill 10-Apr EASTER CUP Alan Orton 11-Apr EASTER CUP Mike Voyzey 11-Apr EASTER CUP Mike Voyzey 12-Apr SOCIAL SAIL 18-Apr SPRING MORNINGS John Morrice Steve Coello 18-Apr SPRING AFTERNOONS John Morrice Steve Coello 21-Apr SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 25-Apr SPRING MORNINGS Paul Beacon 25-Apr SPRING AFTERNOONS Paul Beacon 28-Apr SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 02-May SPRING MORNINGS Peter Pope 02-May SPRING AFTERNOONS Peter Pope 03-May BANK HOL SOCIAL SAIL 05-May SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 09-May SPRING MORNINGS Chris Millard Colin Wainwright 09-May SPRING AFTERNOONS Chris Millard Colin Wainwright 12-May SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 16-May SPRING MORNINGS Nigel Dowrick Lionel Rigby 16-May SPRING AFTERNOONS Nigel Dowrick Lionel Rigby 19-May SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 23-May SPRING MORNINGS Peter Phillips Nick Haskins 23-May SPRING AFTERNOONS Peter Phillips Nick Haskins 26-May SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 30-May SPRING MORNINGS Nigel Dowrick Paul Jenkin 30-May SPRING AFTERNOONS Nigel Dowrick Paul Jenkin 31-May BANK HOL SOCIAL SAIL 02-Jun SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 06-Jun SPRING MORNINGS Mike Voyzey 06-Jun SPRING AFTERNOONS Mike Voyzey 09-Jun SPRING WEDNESDAYS Jenny March Ken Fobbester 13-Jun SPRING MORNINGS Colin Wainwright Paul Jenkin 13-Jun SPRING AFTERNOONS Colin Wainwright Paul Jenkin

58. MANIFOLD-10: Authors
They are both reseaching under the supervision of graham higman at Oxford.Chris is attached to Christchurch College, next to the famous meadow.
manifold-10 manifold home page manifold 10 contents next article in manifold 10 ] [manifold 11 contents]
These navigation links are repeated for convenience at the end of the article.
authors R.L.Goodstein
is professor of pure mathematics at the University of Leicester. He has written a number of articles popularising mathematics, including a number of essays on the philosophy of mathematics, his main research interest, in the Mathematical Gazette. H. Halberstam
is professor of pure mathematics at Nottingham University. His main research interest is in elementary and analytic number theory, and part icularly in sieve methods. He and K. Roth wrote a book on Sequences. At present he is writing a book with H. E. Richert. R. Hart
is a lecturer at Leeds University. The mathematics department there is most renowned for its ring theory group under Professor Goldie. Dr. Hart's main interest is in Noetherian rings. Douglas Woodall
is a research fel-low in combinatorics at Nottingham. He has written a number of articles for Eureka. He sings in a choir and enjoys walking - he 'did' the Penine way last summer.

59. News
Race four seen graham taking another win although Peter who has the higman handlingmuch better reeling graham in but did not quite catch him taking second
Welcome to Manx Calendar


For Sale

News why not have a look at our look at our features page to see the driver of the night and the chump of the night Monday 31st May 2004 Monday 24th May 2004 Racing at Onchan Raceway was held in perfect conditions and all the three main classes all had a four race night ahead of them. Mike Booth (115) Was behind the microphone and as usual Mike was in good tune and he entertained the spectators and drivers all night. Race1: 1, 18, 9, 900, 161 Race 2: 1, 18, 9, 900, 161 Race 3: 1, 18, 9, 900, 161 Race 4: 1, 18, 9, 161 Race 1: 164,23,1, 27 Race2: 23, 164,1, 27 Race3: 164,23,1,27 Race 4: 23,164,1, 27 Race 1: 4, 29,61,144,17,300,3,71 Race2: 4,61,17,71,144,11,3 Race3: 4,29,61,11,144,17,71,808,3 Race 4: 144, 61,29, 300, 17,11,71 The Fiesta Challenge was out last and Scott Farthing(11) and Danny Keelan(29) put on a fantastic show with Mike Booth the commentator getting the crowd going to give the two drivers encouragement to bash each other to a pulp. The two lads put some hard hits on each other and both using the back of the car to good use, both drivers sustaining big damage to both Fiestas. The clash ended with a heavy impact and Scott's Fiesta Giving up Danny Managed to restart his engine and just about move forward to win. The lads have set a very high standard for others to follow and Danny will be back to face the challenge of another contender. see the pictures in the extra race gallery. 17th May 2004

60. Rock To Rock - Pacific Palms, Sunday, April 11, 04 - Results
graham, John, O/50M, 23.22, M, GREEN, Antony, O/30M, 22.30, M, GREGORY, Adam, O/30M,28.07, M, HAHN, Lindee, SeniorF, 29.57, F, higman, Dane, U/18M, 21.49, M, higman,Jan, O/40F, 30.52, F,
Rock to Rock - Pacific Palms, Sunday, April 11, 04 - Results alphabetically SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME CATEGORY TIME SEX ALLISON Jessica SeniorF F ARBUCKLE John O/40M M ARMSTRONG Cassandra U/14F F ARMSTRONG Craig O/30M M ARMSTRONG Jessica U/14F F AUSTIC Bob O/50M M BAIN Robert O/40M M BANKS Karen SeniorF F BARNES Garry O/40M M BARRACLOUGH Rick O/50M M BEARD Josh U/14M M BEARD Malcolm O/30M M BEARD Rebecca U/14F F BETTS Jeremy O/30M M BIRD Arielle U/18F F BLACKWOOD Tim SeniorM M BOWEN Christine O/50F F BRUCE Nicola O/30F F BURKETT Irene O/40F F CADWALLADER Toby SeniorM M CARMODY Susan O/50F F CASHMAN Mark O/50M M CHRISTIE Michael O/60M M CLARKE Ron O/60M M CLAYTON Darren O/30M M COOK Kelsey U/14F F COSSENS Wayne O/50M M CROWLEY Mike O/40M M CULBERT Amy SeniorF F CULBERT D O/50M M CURTIS Anne O/40F F DALY John O/60M Dnf M DAVIDSON Jay U/18M M DAVIDSON Lee U/18M M DAVIS Peter O/50M M DAVISON Paul O/40M M DEARLING Grahame O/30M M DEARLING Heather U/14F F DEARLING Michael U/14M M DRYER Jason SeniorM M EIZINE Alexandria U/14F F ELBOURNE Kylie SeniorF F ELLSON Michael O/30M M ETZINE A O/40M M FARMER Phil O/50M M FAULKNER Kersti O/30F F FORD Bobby O/60M M FREEMAN Heather O/40F F GAGG Judith O/50F F GAGG Nicholas U/14M M GATHERCOLE Jodie O/30F F GIBBENS Megan SeniorF F GIUFFRIDIA Marc SeniorM M GLOSSOP Steve O/30M M GRAHAM Alistair U/18M M GRAHAM John O/50M M GREEN Antony O/30M M GREGORY Adam O/30M M HAHN Lindee SeniorF F HIGMAN Dane U/18M M HIGMAN Jan O/40F F HILTON Margaret O/50F F HILTON Nick SeniorM M HOOPMAN Allicia SeniorF F HOOPMAN Olivia SeniorF F HOPE Sharon O/40F F HOWARD Belinda SeniorF F HOWARD Mino SeniorM M HUDSON Geoff O/40M M HUGGINS Mark O/40M M HUGHES Ben U/14M M IRELAND Carol O/50F F IRELAND Jarrad U/18M M JOHANSON Karen O/40F F JOHNSON Graham O/40M M JOHNSTON Helen O/60F

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