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Heyting Arend: more detail | ||||
41. CONFERENCES, SUMMER SCHOOLS, TALKS, WORKSHOPS [1] Eindhoven 23 FOR PARTICIPATION 7 Amsterdam (The Netherlands) 1426 September 1998 arend heytingCentenary PROGRAM heyting Lectures, heyting Symposium, Thematic Day 8 http://colibri.let.uu.nl/html/html.24-1998/general.html | |
42. HISTOIRE DE LA LOGIQUE- LA LOGIQUE MATHÉMATIQUE Translate this page preuve ou de justification jouent un rôle fondamental. arend heyting(1898-1980). On développera donc dans les années 1930 une http://logique.uqam.8m.com/histoire10.htm | |
43. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 355) Herschel, Caroline (188*) Herschel, John (143*) Herstein, Israel (295*) Hesse,Ludwig (165*) Heuraet, Hendrik van (170) heyting, arend (62*) Hilbert http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html |
44. AL Seminar (1994) Franchella () Abstract This talk presents the contentof the unpublished notes that the Dutch mathematician arend heyting wrote in http://www.jaist.ac.jp/is/labs/ono-ishihara-lab/ono-lab/ALseminars/al-seminars94 | |
45. Moviecity - Nederlands Grootste Aktuele Filmdatabase. heyting Scriptfragmenten uit originele werkscripten van Hetty heyting - Fotogalerij- Rekwistietenoverzicht meteen trammelant met Onkel X. En arend Vogel is http://www.moviecity.nl/?page=dvd&ID=2805 |
46. [Phil-logic] Re:Intuitionism-Heyting Vollstandigkeit der Principia ist die Vollstandigkeit meines Systems ME in der bestmoglichen Weise gesichert. , quoted in AS Troelstra, arend heyting and His http://philo.at/pipermail/phil-logic/2001-September/000031.html | |
47. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 2275) Herschel, Caroline (1760*) Herschel, John (2821*) Herstein, Yitz (295*) Hesse,Otto (165*) Heuraet, Hendrik van (170) heyting, arend (62*) Higman, Graham http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
48. File 22-1-95.TXT Dateilänge 46 KB * * * * Bearbeiter N. EGBERT JAN(003) 9 BETH,EVERT WILLEM(003) 9 heyting,arend(003) 9 http://www.phil.uni-passau.de/dlwg/ws03/22-1-95.txt | |
49. IPM - Homepage direct proofs. In 1930, Brouwer s student arend heyting gave thefirst axiomatization of intuitionistic logic. Kripke semantics http://www.ipm.ac.ir/IPM/activities/ViewProgramInfo.jsp?PTID=206 |
50. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page van Heuraet, Hendrik (1633 - 1660). heyting, arend (1898 - 1980). Hilbert,David (23.1.1862 - 14.2.1943). Hill, George William (1838 - 1914). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
51. Spreads And Choice In Constructive Mathematics 1 BISHOP, ERRETT AND DOUGLAS BRIDGES, Constructive analysis, SpringerVerlag1980. 2 heyting, arend, Intuitionism, an introduction, North-Holland 1956. http://www.math.fau.edu/Richman/docs/spreads.htm | |
52. The Ascending Tree Condition condition, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (1943), 225236. 3 heyting, arend,Intuitionism, an introduction, North-Holland 1956. 4 JACOBSSON http://www.math.fau.edu/Richman/docs/new-acc.htm | |
53. Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Brouwer s principal students were Maurits Belinfante and arend heyting; thelatter, in turn, was the teacher of Anne Troelstra and Dirk van Dalen. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/brouwer/ | |
54. Er Uendelighed Aktuel Eller Potentiel? På den anden side er der intuitionisterne, som i denne opgave repræsenteresaf LEJ.Brouwer (18811966) og arend heyting (1898-1980). http://www.filosofi.net/Afhandlinger/Html/uendelighed.htm | |
55. Learning-Org Jul 2000: Systematical Patterns In Boolean Logic L However, eventually one of his students (arend heyting) managed to createa model for this intuitionistic, constructivist logic of Brouwer. http://www.learning-org.com/00.07/0052.html | |
56. Learning-Org May 1999: "Junk" Science LO21531 In the mean while one of Brouwer s students arend heyting created a logical systemto generate the intuitionistic theorems which Brouwer so painstakedly had http://www.learning-org.com/99.05/0074.html | |
57. What Do Types Mean? In arend heyting, editor, Constructivity in Mathematics, pages 101128. Inarend heyting, editor, Constructivity in Mathematics, pages 81-100. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=766967&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
58. Finitism Now jump to arend heyting and Abraham Robinson in the 20th century. The latter wasthe genius at Yale responsible for most of modern aerodynamic wing theory. http://www.ccir.ed.ac.uk/~jad/vantil-list/archive-Sep-2000/msg00030.html | |
59. Diccionario De Autores Translate this page (1889-1971). HEYDE, JOHANNES ERICH (nac. 1892). HEYMANS, GERARDUS (1857-1930).heyting, arend (nac. 1898). HIEROCLES DE ALEJANDRÍA fl. 420. HIEROCLES EL ESTOICO http://cibernous.com/colabora/comunes/diccionario.htm | |
60. Geert Willems Kaptein 0211-1950 te Arnhem. arend overleed op 12-01-1944 te Arnhem. Kinderen 09-09-1895te Apeldoorn, (zoon van Gerrit van LOHUYZEN en Johanna Geertruida heyting). http://home.wanadoo.nl/kappetein/derden/4724.htm | |
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