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         Herschel John:     more books (100)
  1. Out of the Shadows: Herschel, Talbot, and the Invention of Photography by Mr. Larry J. Schaaf, 1992-07-29
  2. Outlines of Astronomy (Classic Reprint) by Sir John F. W. Herschel, 2009-08-04
  3. Outlines of Astronomy by Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 2010-10-14
  4. A Hero Borne (A tribute to John Glenn)
  5. Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects (Classic Reprint) by Sir John F. W. Herschel, 2010-06-09
  6. Outlines of Astronomy Part One by Sir John F. W. Herschel, 2010-01-11
  7. Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry by Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1974-11
  8. A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy by Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 2009-12-19
  9. Mysteries of life, death, and futurity by John Timbs, 2009-07-21
  10. Person (Edeldruckverfahren): John Herschel, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Gabriel Lippmann, William Henry Fox Talbot, Hippolyte Bayard (German Edition)
  11. Astronome Britannique: Robert Hooke, William Herschel, John Herschel, Edmond Halley, Jeremiah Horrocks, Arthur Eddington, Stephen Gray (French Edition)
  12. Essays on astronomy: a series of papers on planets and meteors, the sun and sun-surrounding space, stars and star cloudlets; and a dissertation on the ... of the life and works of Sir John Herschel by Richard A. Proctor, 1872-01-01
  13. John Herschel and Victorian Science. by University of Texas., 1966
  14. 19th-Century Photographers: Lewis Carroll, Eadweard Muybridge, Julia Margaret Cameron, Nadar, John Herschel, William Fox Talbot

61. MSN Encarta - Herschel, Sir John Frederick William
Already a subscriber? Sign in above. herschel, Sir john Frederick William. Find moreabout herschel, Sir john Frederick William from, Other Features from Encarta.
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62. No. 395: John Herschel
No. 395 john herschel. But then john herschel threw the veil of modestyover all his dazzling accomplishment. His last feat was
No. 395:
by John H. Lienhard
Click here for audio of Episode 395. Today, we meet a modest giant. The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. W illiam Herschel, the astronomer who discovered Uranus, was 50 when he married. He was 54 when his only son, John, was born in 1792. John was raised by a cheerful mother, a famous father, and a maiden aunt, Caroline. Caroline was also an astronomer of first rank. It was she who discovered the nebulae in Cetus and Andromeda. For 56 years she and John were joined by a great bond of affection. The household was more than a home. It was also an observatory. The grounds housed the largest reflector telescope in the world. It was 40 feet long with a 48-inch mirror. You might say John was born with a silver telescope in his eye. At first, John studied mathematics at Cambridge.

63. Photos
john Frederick William herschel. Slough House. 18.7 Reflector at Feldhausen, SA.
John Frederick William Herschel
Slough House
18.7" Reflector at Feldhausen, SA

de William herschel et de Mary Badlwin Pitt. Contrairement
l'Analytical Society , voulant ainsi utiliser et populariser les méthodes d'analyse utilisées en Europe. Dans cette optique, ils traduisent le Traité de calcul différentiel et de calcul intégral , de Lacroix. En 1813, suite à cinq publications sur les mathématiques, il devient membre de la Royal Society. En 1816, ayant obtenu une maîtrise de Cambridge, il quitte définitivement cette institution. Il entreprend sa carrière scientifique à la suite d'une série de conférences, où il assiste son père, âgé de 78 ans. Ce dernier désire ardemment voir son travail continué et il compte fermement sur son fils qui vient à l'astronomie probablement par dévotion filiale. Les intérêts de John sont très diversifiés: la polarisation, la biréfringence, l'interférence de la lumière et des ondes sonores, et l'analyse spectrale. Pendant la première moitié des années 1820, il effectue plusieurs séjours en Europe. En 1821, il visite la France, la Suisse, l'Italie. En 1822, il apprend la mort de son père pendant un voyage; en 1824, il retourne en France et en Italie, puis il séjourne en Allemagne. Il rencontre plusieurs hommes de science et il en profite pour faire des expériences de physique, de géologie et de météorologie. Il pousuit l'oeuvre de son père sur les étoiles doubles. Aidé de J. South, il publie, en 1824, un catalogue de 380 étoiles doubles. Il participe activement à trois sociétés: la Royal Society, la British Association for Advancement of Science et l'Astronomical Society. Il participe à la fondation des deux dernières, occupe des postes importants dans chacune et reçoit leurs médailles et décorations. En 1816, il a compilé six catalogues comprenant 3 346 systèmes d'étoiles ( nébuleuses, amas, étoiles doubles, etc.). Il écrit aussi plusieurs articles scientifiques pour des encyclopédies.

65. Faith Found A Place With Astronomer John F. W. Herschel
yesterday. john herschel was bullied at school so his parents had him tutoredat home. The Shadow of the Telescope; a biography of john herschel.
Christian History Institute tell a friend home contact us free newsletter ... get Glimpses BROWSE OUR INFO-PACKED PAGES Get our free newsletter. Order Glimpses or Kid's Glimpses. Who was born this day? It happened this day in church history. Back issues of Glimpses bulletins. Back issue of Kids' Glimpses Excerpts from Christian Heritage Library. Archive of earlier daily stories. Early church to 600 AD. Century-by-century thru church history. 100 most important church events. Supplemental stories. Stories behind famous sayings. Great Christian women. Dare we ask? Oddities and curiosities. Factoids: Interesting tidbits. Test your knowledge with these quizzes. Things to know about us. We need your support. Rate how we are doing. Best books. Where to find what in our site. Links to other sites. Index a b c d ... z
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In April 2001 a missionary family was shot out of the skies over Peru. The incident left Roni Bowers and her infant daughter, Charity, dead. In life, Roni reached hundreds for Christ. Through her death, God is using her to reach millions more. FEATURES
John Herschel was bullied at school so his parents had him tutored at home. Born the only child of the astronomer William Herschel, who discovered Uranus and cataloged the objects of the northern sky, John grew up knowing the most famous scientists of his day. The young man shot past his rivals in mathematics and science. At Cambridge, he placed first in mathematics exams. At twenty-one, he became the youngest person admitted to the Royal Society.

66. John Herschel : National Maritime Museum
john herschel. During the Hemisphere. john herschel completed the surveyby plotting similar objects in the Southern Hemisphere. To
Low graphics version Site map About us Contact us Search NMM Home Planning a visit What's on News ... Shop You are here: NMM Home What's on / The Herschels and the Royal Observatory Go back one level Alan Villiers (1903-82) Eclipses at Greenwich George Airy's Observatory ... Tycho's star maps
John Herschel
During the 19th century the gap between the astronomical interests of the professional and gentleman amateur was closing. John Herschel and 7th Astronomer Royal,George Biddell Airy were involved in many of the same academic societies and sometimes sat on the same committees. They frequently corresponded with each other on scientific matters including the establishment of a new magnetic and meteorological department at the Observatory and the organisation of eclipse expeditions. John went to South Africa in the 1830s, where he made important contributions to our knowledge of the nebulae of the southern hemisphere. His work was not confined to astronomy, however, and earlier in his life he carried out pioneering work in early photographic techniques. Airy was later in correspondence with John's son, Alexander, Professor of Physics at the University of Durham between 1871-86. Among the topics they discussed was the use of photography in astronomy.

67. Herschel: Sir John Frederick William Herschel
1970); JF herschel and SS Silvan, Aspects of the Life and Thought of Sir JohnFrederick herschel (1981); B. and N. Warner, Maclear and herschel (1984).

Sir John Frederick William Herschel
Among his books are Outlines of Astronomy (1849) and A General Catalogue of Nebulas (1864). The latter was revised by Johan Dreyer as A New General Catalogue of Nebulas and Clusters of Stars (1888), and, generally known as the NGC (see New General Catalog
See his diaries and correspondence, Herschel at the Cape, ed. by D. S. Evans et al. (1969); biography by G. Buttman (tr. 1970); J. F. Herschel and S. S. Silvan, Aspects of the Life and Thought of Sir John Frederick Herschel (1981); B. and N. Warner, Maclear and Herschel Sections in this article:
Caroline Lucretia Herschel
Herschel The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
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68. John F. W. Herschel 1792-1871
john herschel’s father, William herschel, was discoverer of the planet Uranus,maker of the largest and best telescopes of his day, and Europe’s foremost
Paradigm , Number 9 (December, 1992) John F. W. Herschel 1792-1871 George Rutter
Eton College,
Windsor, Berks. and supplemented this with a collection of examples. The campaign was a success: the translation of Lacroix was soon adopted as a university textbook, and as early as 1817 Cambridge Tripos papers contained questions using the continental notation advocated by Herschel and his friends. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana which covered all aspects of the subject, including both wave and corpuscular theories. Herschel also wrote similar articles on Physical Astronomy and on Sound for the same encyclopaedia. Cabinet Cyclopaedia This was later published as a volume in its own right. Outlines of Astronomy This was an enlargement of a second volume that Herschel wrote for the Cabinet Cyclopaedia Despite the technical and mathematical treatment of many of its topics, this was an enormous success, running to twelve editions in England, and more abroad, where it was translated into many European languages as well as Arabic and Chinese. In the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia published in 1830, Herschel wrote articles on the history of mathematics and on the isoperimetric problem.

enfant de William herschel et de Mary Badlwin Pitt. Contrairement
Gagnez de l'argent en jouant gratuitement sur Prizee !
l'Analytical Society

70. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Herschel, John Frederick William 1792 -
herschel, john Frederick William 1792 1871 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura.HOFFMANNOVÁ, Eva, Ctení o slavných prírodovedcích, K 10477.
Herschel, John Frederick William 1792 - 1871
Záhlaví Název Signatura HOFFMANNOVÁ, Eva Ètení o slavných pøírodovìdcích K 10477 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

71. Portrait Of Sir John Herschel
Portrait of Sir john herschel. Artist Julia Margaret Cameron Artist sLifespan 18151879 Title Portrait of Sir john herschel Date 1867
Portrait of Sir John Herschel
Artist: Julia Margaret Cameron
Artist's Lifespan:
Portrait of Sir John Herschel
Location of Origin:
Medium: Photography
Genre: Portrait
Commentary: Albumen on wet collodion photograph.

72. Herschel, Sir John F.W.
herschel, Sir john FW. Three Leaves, herschel, 1837. Home Page, ClassProject, Syllabus, Image Library, Bulletin Board, Class Web Resources.
Herschel, Sir John F.W.
Three Leaves, Herschel, 1837

73. Joslyn Art Museum By John And Alan McDonald And Herschel Elarth, Omaha Nebraska,
Joslyn Art Museum. john and Alan McDonald and herschel Elarth 1931.View from the east (with Foster addition to the rightor north).
Joslyn Art Museum
John and Alan McDonald and Herschel Elarth
View from the east (with Foster addition to the rightor north)
Dedicated to George Joslyn, the building faces downtown, the site of Joslyn's empire. The building is clad with Georgia Pink (Etowah Fleuri) marbleoverlaying brick masonry. Although the original design was a traditional Beaux-Arts classical building, even as the structure was being built, modifications transformed the museum into a "Moderne" style. Many of these changes were in architectural details. Some decoration was eliminated from the original design, other decoration transformed so that the museum is now seen as a classic of American Art Deco. (See the thunderbird capitals below.) Two architects are credited with this change: indirectly, Bertram Goodhue, the influential architect of the Nebraska State Capitol , and directly, Herschel Elarth, the design architect who was responsible for the actual decorative alterations. In addition, the sculptor, John David Brcin, a Serb born in Croatia, designed exterior sculptural decoration following a program conceived by Hartley Burr Alexander.

74. Joslyn Art Museum By John And Alan McDonald And Herschel Elarth, Omaha Nebraska,
The reliefs panels, upper corners of the Joslyn Art Museum. john DavidBrcin 1931. Brcin had contracted with the architects of the
The reliefs panels, upper corners of the Joslyn Art Museum
John David Brcin
Brcin had contracted with the architects of the museum for sculpture of various types, in particular, two free-standing monumental equestrian statues for the main entrance, a long relief panel over the main entrance, panels for the east doors (see door panel ), and 8 corner panels, 7 of which are included below. Designs for the equestrian statues and entrance relief panel were rejected, the door designs had to be reworked, and the subjects for the corner relief panels were in part determined by Hartley Burr Alexander, not the sculptor. According to Graham W. J. Beal, the final panels reflect "Alexander's view of cultural development in America[;] the eight panels were divided equally between the Native American and the European contributions" (37).
Since panels are located on the corners, the arrangement attempts to coordinate the panels thematically; to some extent, then, the corner panels can be viewed as a pair. However, the arrangement does separate the contributions of white settlers, occupying the panels on the eastern half of the building, from those representing Indian themes on the western half.
Dissemination of Intelligence (or Distribution of News)
The two panels relating to the career of George Joslyn as a newspaper journalist are located at the two corners of the east or main facade. Standing before a personified Intelligence, seated at the left, are figures holding signs for travela boat, train, and plane. Two other figures hold symbols for the telegraph and radio.

75. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - John Herschel
john herschel was the only child of renowned scientist and astronomer William herschel,and left Cambridge University in 1816 to assist in the astronomical

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John Frederick William Herschel
John Herschel was born in Slough, England on March 7, 1792, the only child of renowned scientist and astronomer William Herschel. He received an excellent education, and while studying for his undergraduate degree in mathematics, instituted the Analytical Society of Cambridge in conjunction with George Peacock and Charles Babbage. The group introduced Leibniz notation into English mathematics to supplant the unwieldy Newtonian symbols. When Herschel graduated from Cambridge in 1813, he was at the top of his class. Herschel began to study in London for a career in law in 1814, but changed his mind within a year. He then returned to Cambridge for a brief stint as a teacher of mathematics, but left in 1816 to assist in the astronomical research of his aging father. The years they spent working together served as the groundwork from which the younger Herschel would build the rest of his career. In 1820, Herschel was one of the founding members of the Royal Astronomical Society and when his father died in 1822 he carried on his work, making a detailed study of double stars. In collaboration with James South he compiled a catalog of observations that was published in 1824. The work garnered the pair the Gold Medal from the Royal Astronomical Society and the Lalande Prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences. Herschel was also knighted 1831. In 1833, Herschel decided to temporarily relocate with his family to Cape Colony, South Africa in order to observe the skies not visible in England. Herschel's research was carried out at a brisk rate, and by the time they ventured home four years later, he had amassed an amazing amount of data. He had made catalogs of nebulae and double stars, had described the Magellanic clouds, which are only visible in the southern hemisphere, and had made a study of the intensity of solar radiation using an actinometer, a device he invented in 1825.

76. Atelier Books: Familiar Lectures On Scientific Subjects. By HERSCHEL, John F. W.
London Alexander Strahan, Publisher, 1867....... Author herschel, john FW Title Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects.
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77. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
herschel, john Frederick William (17921871). john herschel was born in Slough,England, on 7 March 1792, the only child of the astronomer William herschel.

78. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
2. herschel, john Frederick William (17921871) The Hutchinson Dictionaryof Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998 herschel, john

79. WIEM: Herschel Sir John Frederick
herschel Sir john Frederick (17921871), fizyk i astronom brytyjski, syn FWherschela, wspólpracownik i kontynuator dziela ojca w dziedzinie
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Astronomia, Fizyka, Fotografia, Wielka Brytania
Herschel Sir John Frederick
Herschel Sir John Frederick (1792-1871), fizyk i astronom brytyjski, syn F.W. Herschela , wspó³pracownik i kontynuator dzie³a ojca w dziedzinie skatalogowania gwiazd podwójnych , podczas ekspedycji do Afryki pierwszy szczegó³owo zbada³ Ob³oki Magellana stwierdzaj±c w nich istnienie mg³awic i gromad gwiazd. Próbowa³ zobiektywizowaæ metodê okre¶lania blasku gwiazd ( fotometryczna skala wielko¶ci gwiazdowych By³ pionierem fotografii Herschela zjawisko ), wprowadzi³ pojêcia: negatywpozytyw . Publikowa³ te¿ prace z  optyki i teorii nauk przyrodniczych ( Wstêp do badañ przyrodniczych 1831, wydanie polskie 1955), w których rozwin±³ empirystyczn± teoriê nauk przyrodniczych oraz analizowa³ metody

80. Imago Mundi - Herschel.
Translate this page herschel (Sir john Frederick William), 1792-1871 - Né à Slough, fils de W.herschel, fut membre (1813) puis président (1848) de la Royal Society
Dictionnaire biographique Les gens Herschel Uranus (13 mars 1781), puis les principaux satellites Saturne n'est pas fixe et qu'il se porte tout entier vers la constellation d'Hercule Transactions philosophiques Arago Lebon W. Herschel Herschel , Caroline Lucretia (1750-1848). Soeur de William H. Catalogue Herschel Results of astronomical Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope Struve Catalogues Brewster de 1847 et dans son ouvrage Outlines of Astronomy (1849). Les points noirs qui se trouvent sur la partie du disque du Soleil exempte de taches du Soleil. (Lebon, 1899). Herschel Secchi John Herschel A B C D ... Z

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