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41. Biographies Of Computer Pioneers A-J inventor of fax machine; Henry, Joseph;; herbrand, jacques;; Heronof Alexandria; Greek mechanician and inventor; Herschel, John;; Herz http://www.thocp.net/biographies/biographies.htm | |
42. Godel 1 62, Hasenjaeger, G. 19631965. 1c, 63, Henkin, Leon, 1960-1972. 64, herbrand, jacques,1931. Heyting, Arend 65, 1931-1933. 66, 1957, 1969. See also Series XIII Folder8. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/godel/godel1.html | |
43. Carnegie Mellon Press Release October 20, 2003 The herbrand Award is named after jacques herbrand, a brilliant French mathematicianwho developed what is now known as herbrand s Theorem in 1929. http://www.cmu.edu/PR/releases03/031020_pandrews.html | |
44. 7. Computing Unsatisfiability worth. jacques herbrand proved his result in 1929 and Kurt Gödel hisin 1930. Skolem s 1922 result is better than herbrand s. herbrand s http://www.hf.uio.no/filosofi/njpl/vol1no2/pioneer/node7.html |
45. References van Heijenoort, Jean. 1981. jacques herbrand s work in logic in itshistorical context. In van Heijenoort 1985, pp. 99121. English http://www.hf.uio.no/filosofi/njpl/vol1no2/howlogic/node5.html |
46. ISBN.pl - Machine Theory Price £ 325.00 more info Book location UK. herbrand, jacques. - Thèses jacquesherbrand (1908-1931) was a mathematical prodigy. After http://www.isbn.pl/478-2-Machine-Theory.html | |
47. A General Framework For Distributed Reason Maintenance. A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR DISTRIBUTED REASON MAINTENANCE jacques Calmet, Joachim Sch?u,Morio Taneda of A is at least 05 2 0; 1. Let H be the herbrand base of http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/indexer-vvv/1994/informatik/14 | |
48. A Novel Approach Towards An Integration Of Multiple Knowledge Sources. A novel approach towards an integration of multiple knowledge sourcesJacques Calmet ? T from the herbrand base onto a lattice. http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/indexer-vvv/1993/informatik/14 | |
49. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 157*) Helmholtz, Hermann von (120*) Heng, Zhang (228*) Henrici, Olaus (117*) Hensel,Kurt (252*) Heraclides of Pontus (773*) herbrand, jacques (376*) Hérigone http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
50. Themen-Index: Ja Translate this page jacques Derrida 57. jacques Étienne Montgolfier 58. jacques Féréol Mazas 59.jacques herbrand 60. jacques Lacan 61. jacques Mieses 62. jacques Necker 63. http://www.themensuche.de/Ja.htm | |
51. Fiches Familiales Translate this page de HENRIPONT jacques,. Naissance. Naissance. Date. Lieu. Baptême. Date. Lieu.Décès. Décès. Date. Lieu. herbrand Anna Catharina, dite Anne Catherine,1. http://users.swing.be/jm.dumont/ff012.htm | |
52. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 909*) Helmholtz, Hermann von (120*) Heng, Zhang (228*) Henrici, Olaus (117*) Hensel,Kurt (252*) Heraclides of Pontus (773*) herbrand, jacques (376*) Hérigone http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
53. Neff B27/B39/B41/B88 Room Schedule 600, 7 15 pm, Chansavang, jacques, BUS K200, 15. 600, 7 15 pm,Chansavang, jacques, BUS K211, 20. 1200, 1 15 pm, herbrand, L, OLS121, 9. http://www.its.ipfw.edu/scheduling/NEFF_LABS_SPRING.HTML | |
54. Neff B27/B39/B41/B88 Room Schedule 1200, 1 15 pm, herbrand, L, OLS 121, 2. 1200, 1 15 pm, herbrand, L, OLS 399,1. 130, 2 45 pm, Groff, Brenda, OLS 280, 9. 600, 7 15 pm, Chansavang, jacques,BUS K200, 1. http://www.its.ipfw.edu/scheduling/neff_labs_fall.html | |
55. Herbrand Universe - Information from the basic symbols. It is named after jacques herbrand. Links.http//mathworld.wolfram.com/herbrandUniverse.html. All text is http://www.book-spot.co.uk/index.php/Herbrand_universe | |
56. Resolution Method. Herbrand Theorem. Clause Form. Mathematical Logic. Part 5. Borland C++ project (200K zip). 5.6. herbrand s Theorem. jacques herbrand(19081931) After leaving Goettingen, herbrand decided http://www.ltn.lv/~podnieks/mlog/ml5a.htm | |
57. Press Release: 2004 Herbrand Award For Distinguished Contributions To Automated The award, which carries a $1000 prize, is named after the French mathematicianand logician jacques herbrand (19081931) and is considered to be the most http://domino.mpi-sb.mpg.de/internet/news.nsf/Press Releases/20040420 | |
58. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Request Of Information About Nico Dear HM list members,. I m looking for biographical information (life, intellectualdevelopment and influences, aso) about Jean Nicod and jacques herbrand. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jun99/0011.html | |
59. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Request Of Information About There is a bit more information in *jacques herbrand Logical Writings*,edited by Warren Goldfarb. Harvard U Press, 1971. This http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jun99/0015.html | |
60. Filosofian Kansakunnat 4. jacques herbrand 19081931, Recherches sur la théorie de la démonstration(1929), ja Jean Nicod 1893-1924, Le problème logique de l induction http://www.netn.fi/397/netn_397_eng.html | |
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