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         Herbrand Jacques:     more detail
  1. Jacques Herbrand: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  2. Logical writings; by Jacques Herbrand, 1971
  3. MODERN LOGIC: FROM FREGE TO GÖDEL: HERBRAND: An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Bede Rundle, 2006

Jacques Herbrand (19081931) mathematician. In July, 1931, Jacques Herbrand worked with Emmy Noether in Göttingen. Near the end of the month, he went mountain-climbing in the French alps with two friends.
Jacques Herbrand (1908-1931)
In July, 1931, Jacques Herbrand worked with Emmy Noether in Göttingen. Near the end of the month, he went mountain-climbing in the French alps with two friends. There, in the granite of La Bérarde, near Isére, he fell to his death. It is written in Auguste Dick, Emmy Noether 1882-1935, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1970 (in German); translated to English, Birkhäuser, Boston,1981 that "Emmy Noether was profoundly shaken by the fate of this extraordinarily promising young mathematician." Months after the event, she wrote, "Mir geht der Tod von Herbrand nicht aus dem Sinn. - I can't get Herbrand's death out of my mind." Herbrand had finished his doctorate at École Normale Supérieure in Paris under Ernest Vessiot in 1929, having matriculated there at the exceptional age of 17 and having ranked first in the entering class. In October, 1929, Herbrand joined the army. In 1931, he was awarded a Rockefeller fellowship that enabled him to study in Germany, first with John von Neumann in Berlin, then during June with Emil Artin in Hamburg, and finally, in July, with Emmy Noether. Although Herbrand his best remembered for work in logic and metamathematics, his interests included algebra in general and ring theory in particular, and it was in this connection that he was collaborating with Noether.

2. Herbrand
Jacques Herbrand. Jacques Herbrand entered the École Normale Supérieureat the age of 17. This was quite exceptional at that time.
Jacques Herbrand
Born: 12 Feb 1908 in Paris, France
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Jacques Herbrand After his spell in the army, Herbrand was awarded a Rockefeller fellowship to allow him to study at various places in Europe. His first period, until May 1931, was spent at the University of Berlin where he worked with von Neumann . From Berlin, Herbrand went to Hamburg where he spent the month of June working with Artin Emmy Noether It is incredible how much Herbrand achieved in the short time he had to undertake mathematical research. He made contributions to mathematical logic where Herbrand's theorem on the theory of quantifiers appears in his doctoral thesis. See [5] for discussion of a gap which was found in Herbrand's proof in 1963. Herbrand's theorem establishes a link between quantification theory and sentential logic which is important in that it gives a method to test a formula in quantification theory by successively testing formulas for sentential validity. Since testing for sentential validity is a mechanical process, Herbrand's theorem is today of major importance in software developed for theorem proving by computer. Herbrand also worked on field theory considering abelian extensions of algebraic number fields . In the few months on which he worked on this topic, Herbrand published ten papers. These papers simplify proofs of results by

3. Jacques Herbrand
Jacques Herbrand. Jacques Herbrand (19081931) was a French mathematician,who worked in mathematical logic, and class field theory.
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Jacques Herbrand
Jacques Herbrand ) was a French mathematician , who worked in mathematical logic , and class field theory He introduced recursive functions in about 1932. Herbrand's Theorem was an early result in proof theory . The Herbrand quotient is a type of Euler characteristic , used in homological algebra
This article is from Wikipedia . All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License

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Dubois Jacques Dupuis Jacques Futrelle Jacques Gaffarel Jacques Gerschwiler JacquesGodbout Jacques Hadamard Jacques H?ert Jacques herbrand jacques Lacan
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5. Jacques Herbrand - Encyclopedia Article About Jacques Herbrand. Free Access, No
encyclopedia article about Jacques Herbrand. Jacques Herbrand in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Jacques Herbrand. Herbrand
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Jacques Herbrand
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Jacques Herbrand Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century Decades: 1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s 1890s - Years: 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 - This is a leap year starting on Wednesday (link will take you to calendar)
  • January 1 - A ball signifying New Year's Day drops in New York City's Times Square for the first time

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Click the link for more information. ) was a French mathematician A mathematician is a person whose area of study and research is mathematics.
Mathematicians not only study, but also research, and this must be given prominent mention here, because a misconception that everything in mathematics is already known is widespread among persons not learned in that field. In fact, the publication of new discoveries in mathematics continues at an immense rate in hundreds of scientific journals, many of them devoted to mathematics and many devoted to subjects to which mathematics is applied (such as theoretical computer science, physics or quantum mechanics).
Click the link for more information.

6. Herbrand Universe - Encyclopedia Article About Herbrand Universe. Free Access, N
It is named after Jacques herbrand jacques Herbrand (19081931) was a Frenchmathematician, who worked in mathematical logic, and class field theory. universe
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Herbrand universe
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition In mathematical logic Mathematical logic is a discipline within mathematics, studying formal systems in relation to the way they encode intuitive concepts of proof and computation. As a matter of history, it was developed to understand and present the work of Kurt Gödel on the foundations of mathematics. See the list of mathematical logic topics.
The extent of mathematical logic
Although the layperson may think that mathematical logic is the
Click the link for more information. , for any formal language with a set of symbols (constants and functional symbols), the Herbrand universe recursively defines the set of all terms that can be composed by applying functional composition from the basic symbols. It is named after Jacques Herbrand Jacques Herbrand (1908-1931) was a French mathematician, who worked in mathematical logic, and class field theory. He introduced recursive functions in about 1932. Herbrand's Theorem was an early result in proof theory. The

7. Universidad De Navarra /Navarra
Translate this page Autor, Herbrand, Jacques. Logique et philosophie des sciences. Materia, Herbrand,Jacques - Biografías. Logica matemática - Francia - s. XX. Nota, Indice.*spi/dHerculano/dherculano/-5,-1,0,B/frameset&FF=dherbr
Historial de búsqueda) MATERIA: Psiquiatría pediátrica en Universidad de Navarra MATERIA: Hospitales psiquiátricos en Universidad de Navarra (Limpiar el Historial de búsqueda) (Fin de Sesión de Búsquedas)
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AUTOR TITULO MATERIA PALABRA CLAVE ISN SIGNATURA CURSO Otro Universidad de Navarra B.D. Cordoba Colección Completa Autor Herbrand, Jacques Titulo Publicac Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1968 UBICACION SIGNATURA ESTADO HUMANIDADES S. CONSULTA B.073.606 DISPONIBLE Descrip Colección Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine. Logique et philosophie des sciences Materia Herbrand, Jacques - Biografías Logica matemática - Francia - s. XX Nota Indice Bibliografia Bibliogr.: p. 233-239 Autor sec Chevalley, Claude, contribuidor Lautmann, Albert, contribuidor Chevalley, Claude, contribuidor Van Heijenoort, Jean, (1912-1986), prologuista (Historial de búsqueda) MATERIA: Psiquiatría pediátrica en Universidad de Navarra MATERIA: Hospitales psiquiátricos en Universidad de Navarra (Limpiar el Historial de búsqueda) (Fin de Sesión de Búsquedas)
Tel. 948 425 600

8. Jacques Herbrand - Wikipedia
Jacques Herbrand. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Z powodów techniczychserwer bedzie niedostepny dn. 200405-12 od ok. 0200 do ok. 0300 UTC.
Jacques Herbrand
Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii.
Jacques Herbrand francuski matematyk , znany gł³wnie ze swojego wkładu do logice matematycznej , w mniejszym stopniu też do algebry Autor twierdzenia Herbranda Zginął w wypadku podczas wspinaczki w Alpach Zobacz też: model Herbranda uniwersum Herbranda rozwinięcie Herbranda Views Personal tools nawigacja Szukaj narzędzia W innych językach

9. Classmark
AB, herbrand jacques, Logical writings Jacques Herbrand edited by WarrenD. Goldfarb a translation of the ‰crits logiques, 01, 1500618820.
Classmark Author Title Item status Barcode Serials (item status 57 = Holdings record) Unclassified Fundamenta mathematicae Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics Stack 1400 American Mathematical Society translations Annual review of fluid mechanics Annual review of fluid mechanics Annual review of fluid mechanics Annual review of fluid mechanics Books ABL Ablowitz Mark J. Solitons and the inverse scattering transform Mark J. Ablowitz and Harvey Segur ACH Acheson D.J. Elementary fluid dynamics D.J. Acheson AB Ackermann W. Wilhelm Solvable cases of the decision problem by W. Ackermann AIN Ainley Stephen Mathematical puzzles Stephen Ainley AND Anderson John D. John David Fundamentals of aerodynamics John D. Anderson, Jr. AND Anderson John D. John David 1930- Fundamentals of aerodynamics John D. Anderson, Jr APE Apel John R. John Ralph 1930- Principles of ocean physics John R. Apel ARI Aris Rutherford Vectors, tensors, and the basic equations of fluid mechanics Rutherford Aris ATH Athreya K.B. Krishna B.

10. Jacques Herbrand
Jacques Herbrand. Jacques Herbrand (19081931) was a French mathematician,who worked in mathematical logic, and class field theory.
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Jacques Herbrand
Jacques Herbrand ) was a French mathematician , who worked in mathematical logic , and class field theory . He introduced recursive functions in about 1932. Herbrand's Theorem was an early result in proof theory . The Herbrand quotient is a type of Euler characteristic , used in homological algebra Note: The original source of this article can be found on the main Wikipedia Web site. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License , which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license. About This Site Editorial Staff Contribute News Advertise With Us Science Daily

11. HermesNet : Directory Di Logica : Logica Della Ricorsività
Translate this page Alonzo Church Alonzo Church Introduzione alla vita e al pensiero di Church.Jacques herbrand jacques Herbrand Scheda biografico-concettuale.
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Babbage, Post, Turing, Church, Herbrand, Skolem Charles Babbage: Charles Babbage Institute
Scheda biografico- concettuale. Charles Babbage Introduzione al pensiero e alla figura di Babbage. School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews, Scotland Scheda biografico-concettuale di Emil Post. Il sito contiene numerosi links di approfondimento. Alan Turing The Alan Turing Home Page Ottimo sito (non autorizzato) dedicato al fondatore della computer scienze, contiene bibliografie di riferimento, notizie biografiche, foto e un archivio delle risorse disponibili in rete.

12. Wikipedia:Artikelwünsche/Ding-Liste/J - Wikipedia
Translate this page Jacques Delors Jacques Deray Jacques Derrida Jacques Etienne Montgolfier JacquesÉtienne Montgolfier Jacques Fromental Halévy Jacques herbrand jacques Lacanünsche/Ding-Liste/J
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J - J. Edgar Hoover - J. F. Rutherford - J. G. Ballard - J. H. Pestalozzi - J. Hans D. Jensen - J. J. Rousseau - J. M. Coetzee - J. M. W. Turner - J. O. Krag - J. R. R. Tolkien - J. Robert Oppenheimer - J. S. Bach - J. Schwinger - J. W. Döbereiner - J.B.O. - J.C.Staff - J.D.Rockefeller - J.J.Rousseau - J.L.A. - J.R.R. Tolkien - J.S.A. - J.W. Döbereiner - J1 - J10 - - J11 - J12 - J15 - J2 - J2EE - J2ME - J4 - J7 - J8 - J9 - Ja - JA 37 Viggen - Ja zum Leben - Ja, vi elsker dette landet - Jaan Kross - Jaap de Hoop Scheffer - Jabba - Jabber - Jabel Jabiru - Jablonec - Jablonec nad Nisou - Jablonowskischen - Jablonski - Jabuti-Preis - Jachenau - Jacht - Jáchymov - Jack - Jack Bruce - Jack Dyer - Jack Jones - Jack Kerouac - Jack Lemmon - Jack London - Jack McDevitt - Jack Nicholson - Jack Ruby - Jack Russell Terrier - Jack S. Kilby - Jack Steinberger - Jack the Ripper - Jack Tramiel - Jack Unterweger - Jack Vettriano - Jack White -

13. Biography-center - Letter H
bio_uk.asp?PAR_I_ID=77927. Hadamard, jacques. Mathematicians BruceMedalists/Herbig/index.html. herbrand, jacques.
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14. Herbrand
Biography of jacques herbrand (19081931) jacques herbrand. Born 12 Feb 1908 in Paris, France jacques herbrand entered the École Normale Supérieure at the age of 17
Jacques Herbrand
Born: 12 Feb 1908 in Paris, France
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Jacques Herbrand After his spell in the army, Herbrand was awarded a Rockefeller fellowship to allow him to study at various places in Europe. His first period, until May 1931, was spent at the University of Berlin where he worked with von Neumann . From Berlin, Herbrand went to Hamburg where he spent the month of June working with Artin Emmy Noether It is incredible how much Herbrand achieved in the short time he had to undertake mathematical research. He made contributions to mathematical logic where Herbrand's theorem on the theory of quantifiers appears in his doctoral thesis. See [5] for discussion of a gap which was found in Herbrand's proof in 1963. Herbrand's theorem establishes a link between quantification theory and sentential logic which is important in that it gives a method to test a formula in quantification theory by successively testing formulas for sentential validity. Since testing for sentential validity is a mechanical process, Herbrand's theorem is today of major importance in software developed for theorem proving by computer. Herbrand also worked on field theory considering abelian extensions of algebraic number fields . In the few months on which he worked on this topic, Herbrand published ten papers. These papers simplify proofs of results by

15. References For Herbrand
References for jacques herbrand. Books WD Goldfarb (ed.), Logical Writings of jacquesherbrand (Reidel, 1971). Articles C Chevalley, jacques herbrand, Stud.
References for Jacques Herbrand
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Books:
  • W D Goldfarb (ed.), Logical Writings of Jacques Herbrand (Reidel, 1971). Articles:
  • C Chevalley, Jacques Herbrand, Stud. Logic Foundations Math. (Amsterdam-New York, 1982), 1-2.
  • Stud. Logic Foundations Math. (Amsterdam-New York, 1982), 3-7.
  • B Dreben, P Andrews and S Aanderaa, False lemmas in Herbrand, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
  • J van Heijenoort, L'oeuvre logique de Jacques Herbrand et son contexte historique, Stud. Logic Foundations Math. (Amsterdam-New York, 1982), 57-85. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR December 1996 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 16. Herbrand, Jacques
    herbrand, jacques (19081931). French mathematical prodigy who originatedsome innovatory concepts in the field of mathematical logic.
    Herbrand, Jacques
    French mathematical prodigy who originated some innovatory concepts in the field of mathematical logic. He formulated the Herbrand theorem, which established a link between quantification theory and sentential logic.
    Herbrand was also fascinated by modern algebra and wrote a number of papers on class-field theory.

    17. Wikipedia Jacques Herbrand
    Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'jacques herbrand' jacques herbrand (19081931) was a French mathematician, who worked in mathematical logic, and class field functions in about 1932 .

    18. Mathematicians-H
    William Rowan Hankel, Hermann Hardy, Godfrey Harold Hargreaves, James Hausdorff,Felix, Heine, Heinrich Eduard Herapath, John herbrand, jacques Hermite, Charles
    Hadamard, Jacques
    Hadley, John H

    Hall, Philip

    Hamilton, William Rowan
    Hadamard, Jacques
    Hadley, John H

    Hall, Philip

    Hamilton, William Rowan
    Hogben, Lancelot Thomas

    19. HERBRAND, Jacques., Thèses Présentées à La Faculté Des
    Simon Finch Rare Books. herbrand, jacques. Thèses présentées science.jacques herbrand (19081931) was a mathematical prodigy. After

    20. L'Heureux Family Genealogy Database - I285445: Marie-Anne BOUGIE ( - )
    L'Heureux Genealogy Home Page. Copyright © jacques and Robert L'Heureux All rights reserved.HTML created Raymond Daniel herbrand. Nickolas Gayhart herbrand. Gilbert Orrin herbrand
    Marie-Anne BOUGIE
    Family 1 Charles PERRON
    • MARRIAGE : 7 SEP 1891, St-Honoré, Beauce, QC
  • Alphonse PERRON Marie-Anne BOUGIE Index of Persons - Index des Personnes L'Heureux Genealogy Home Page
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    Michel BRONSARD
    Family 1 Marie Flore MASSICOTTE
    • MARRIAGE : 7 JAN 1852, Ste-Geneviève-de-Batiscan, Champlain, QC

    Michel BRONSARD
    Index of Persons - Index des Personnes L'Heureux Genealogy Home Page
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    François DARVEAU
    Father: Joseph DARVEAU
    Mother: Marguerite MARTEL
    _Marguerite LEREAU
    _Joseph DARVEAU _Françoise RENAULT ... L'Heureux Genealogy Home Page
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    Joseph DARVEAU
    Father: Lin DARVEAU
    Mother: Marie Julie BELISLE
    Family 1 Marie PETITCLERC
    • MARRIAGE : 9 FEB 1891, St-Alban, Portneuf, QC
  • Julia DARVEAU
  • Yvonne DARVEAU
  • Alfred DARVEAU
  • Blanche DARVEAU ... L'Heureux Genealogy Home Page
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    Inconnu FERRON
    Father: Arthur FERRON
    Mother: Alma GRÉGOIRE Family 1 Louis-Paul BERGERON _Marie PÉTRIN Inconnu FERRON Index of Persons - Index des Personnes ... L'Heureux Genealogy Home Page HTML created by on Fri Feb 14 19:45:39 2003.
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