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Heraclides Of Pontus: more detail | ||||||
81. Heraclides Van Pontus heraclides van pontus. heraclides Ponticus (= van pontus) (387 312 vC) was een leerling van Plato en later Aristoteles. Hij was http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~lla015/biografie/Heraclides.html | |
82. Het Universum : Van Ether En Vuur? (Metaphysics 1073 b 13 ff). heraclides. heraclides van pontus (388 315 vC) was ook een leerling van Plato. Zijn ideeën waren ronduit revolutionair. http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~lla015/Astronomie/Vuurenether2.php | |
83. WisFaq - Printen WisFaq! geprint op zondag 16 mei 2004 heraclides van pontus. Voor het vak wiskunde moet ik een werkstuk over heraclides van pontus maken. http://www.wisfaq.nl/printen.asp?id=23981 |
84. Physik-Lexikon Physik Translate this page Biographie). 365 v.Chr. Erklärung der täglichen Bewegung des Himmels durch die Erdrotation heraclides von pontus. 360 v.Chr. Der http://www.physik-lexikon.de/chronik.php | |
85. Physik-Lexikon Physik Translate this page Gelehrten Aristoteles. -365 Erklärung der täglichen Bewegung des Himmels durch die Erdrotation heraclides von pontus. -360 Der freie http://www.physik-lexikon.de/chronik.htm | |
86. Astronomia Na Antiguidade Translate this page heraclides de pontus (388-315 aC) propôs que a Terra gira diariamente sobre seu próprio eixo, que Vênus e Mercúrio orbitam o Sol, ea existência de http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/antiga/antiga.htm | |
87. Meilensteine Vor 1500 Translate this page 390, Äther wird als fünftes Element eingeführt, Plato. -365, Erklärung der täglichen Bewegung des Himmels durch die Erdrotation, heraclides von pontus. http://physikaufgaben.de/meilev16.htm | |
88. HERACLIDES heraclides PONTICUS, Greek philosopher and miscellaneous writer, born at Heraclea in pontus, flourished in the 4th century BC He studied philosophy. heraclides. http://52.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HE/HERACLIDES.htm | |
89. Origins Of The Russian Rocketry 360 heraclides, of pontus, conceives of a semigeocentric universe where Mercury and Mars orbit Sun, while all of them orbit Earth. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/rockets_pre20th_cent.html | |
90. Diogenes Laertius: Life Of Heraclides, From Lives Of The Philosophers, Translate LIFE OF heraclides. I. heraclides was the son of Euthyphron, and was born at Heraclea, in pontus; he was also a wealthy man. II. http://classicpersuasion.org/pw/diogenes/dlheraclides.htm | |
91. Ancient Greek Science Learn about the scientists of Ancient Greece, what they have contributed to science and a little info. about their background. Archimedes. Aristarchus. Eratosthenes. Eudoxus. heraclides. Herophilus. Hipparchus. Hippocrates. Pythagoras http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/ancientgreecescience | |
92. "Natural Magick" - "Glossary/Index - P" Giambattista della (John Baptist) Porta (1537?1615), was a Neapolitan scholar of notable ability who had devoted great attention to the study of natural and physical science. Compendeum of life's http://homepages.tscnet.com/omard1/p.htm | |
93. Notes The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://e3.uci.edu/~papyri/bentley/notes.html | |
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