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         Hensel Kurt:     more books (31)
  1. Kurt Hensel (1882-1948): Ein Maler in Einbeck (Studien zur Einbecker Geschichte) (German Edition) by Cornelia Limpricht, 1998
  2. Theorioe Der Algebriaischen Funktionen Einer Variabeln (German Edition) by KURT HENSEL, 2010-02-11
  3. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 131 (German Edition) by Kurt Hensel, Lazarus Fuchs, 2010-03-15
  4. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 119 (German Edition) by Kurt Hensel, Lazarus Fuchs, 2010-03-26
  5. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 122 (German Edition) by Kurt Hensel, Lazarus Fuchs, 2010-02-11
  6. Leopold Kronecker's Werke (German Edition) by Leopold Kronecker, Kurt Hensel, 2010-04-20
  7. Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Physik, Volume 4 (German Edition) by Max Planck, Gustav Kirchhoff, et all 2010-03-05
  8. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 123 (German Edition) by Kurt Hensel, Lazarus Fuchs, 2010-03-31
  9. Vorlesungen Über Zahlentheorie, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Leopold Kronecker, Kurt Hensel, 2010-03-22
  10. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 115 (German Edition) by August Leopold Crelle, Walter De Gruyter & Co, et all 2010-01-12
  11. Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen einer Variabeln und ihre Anwendung auf algebraische Kurven und Abelsche Integrale (German Edition) by Kurt Wilhelm Sebastian Hensel, 2010-06-20
  12. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 130 (German Edition) by Kurt Hensel, Lazarus Fuchs, 2010-01-11
  13. Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Optik (German Edition) by Gustav Kirchhoff, Kurt Hensel, 2010-02-28
  14. Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik, Volume 42 (German Edition) by Kurt Hensel, Lazarus Fuchs, 2010-03-26

1. Hensel
Kurt Hensel. Kurt Hensel was born in the East Prussia in the city thencalled Königsberg. He studied mathematics in Berlin and Bonn.
Kurt Hensel
Died: 1 June 1941 in Marburg, Germany
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Kurt Hensel Lipschitz Weierstrass Kirchhoff Helmholtz and especially Kronecker . He devoted several years to the editing of Kronecker's collected works. His work followed that of Kronecker in the development of arithmetic in algebraic number fields In 1897 the Weierstrass method of power-series development for algebraic functions led him to the invention of the p -adic numbers. Hensel was interested in the exact power of a prime which divides the discriminant of an algebraic number field. The p -adic numbers can be regarded as a completion of the rational numbers in a different way from the usual completion which leads to the real numbers. His invention led to the development of the concept of a field with valuation which has had a great influence on later mathematics. He was able to use his methods to prove many results in the theory of quadratic forms and number theory It was not until 1921 that the potential of the p -adic numbers was demonstrated by Hasse when he formulated the local-global principle. He showed, at least for quadratic forms, that an equation has a rational solution if and only if it has a solution in the

2. Poster Of Hensel
Kurt Hensel. lived from 1861 to 1941. Hensel invented the padic numbers,an algebraic theory which has proved important in later applications.
Kurt Hensel lived from 1861 to 1941 Hensel invented the p-adic numbers, an algebraic theory which has proved important in later applications. Find out more at

3. Hensel
Kurt Hensel. Born Kurt Hensel invented the padic numbers, an algebraictheory which has proved important in later applications. He
Kurt Hensel
Died: 1 June 1941 in Marburg, Germany
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Kurt Hensel invented the p-adic numbers, an algebraic theory which has proved important in later applications. Lipschitz Weierstrass Kirchhoff Helmholtz and especially Kronecker . He devoted several years to the editing of Kronecker's collected works. His work followed that of Kronecker in the development of arithmetic in algebraic number fields. In 1897 the Weierstrass method of power-series development for algebraic functions led him to the invention of the p-adic numbers. Hensel was interested in the exact prime power which divides the discriminant of an algebraic number field. The p-adic numbers can be regarded as a completion of the rational numbers in a different way from the usual completion which leads to the real numbers. His invention led to the development of the concept of a field with valuation which has had a great influence on later mathematics. He was able to use his methods to prove many results in the theory of quadratic forms and number theory. It was not until 1923 that the potential of the p-adic numbers was demonstrated by Hasse when he formulated the local-global principle. He showed that an equation has a rational solution if and only if it has a solution in the p-adic numbers for each prime p.

4. Hensel
Translate this page hensel kurt, allemand, 1861-1941. Né en la célèbre ville de Königsberg(Kaliningrad) un des hauts lieux, avec Göttingen, des
HENSEL Kurt, allemand, 1861-1941 (Kaliningrad) un des hauts lieux, avec Kronecker Steinitz et Hilbert Crelle Les nombres p-adiques : nombres p-adiques extension du corps Q q = a -n p -n a -n+1 p -n+1 + a o + a p + ... a m p m Andrew Wiles Notion de nombre p-adique : Volterra Whitehead

5. Biography-center - Letter H html. hensel, kurt. Mathematicians/hensel.html. Henson, Jim
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6. Hensel
Biography of kurt hensel (18611941) kurt hensel. Born 29 Dec 1861 in Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) kurt hensel was born in the East Prussia in the city then called Königsberg
Kurt Hensel
Died: 1 June 1941 in Marburg, Germany
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Kurt Hensel Lipschitz Weierstrass Kirchhoff Helmholtz and especially Kronecker . He devoted several years to the editing of Kronecker's collected works. His work followed that of Kronecker in the development of arithmetic in algebraic number fields In 1897 the Weierstrass method of power-series development for algebraic functions led him to the invention of the p -adic numbers. Hensel was interested in the exact power of a prime which divides the discriminant of an algebraic number field. The p -adic numbers can be regarded as a completion of the rational numbers in a different way from the usual completion which leads to the real numbers. His invention led to the development of the concept of a field with valuation which has had a great influence on later mathematics. He was able to use his methods to prove many results in the theory of quadratic forms and number theory It was not until 1921 that the potential of the p -adic numbers was demonstrated by Hasse when he formulated the local-global principle. He showed, at least for quadratic forms, that an equation has a rational solution if and only if it has a solution in the

7. About Paul Hensel
kurt hensel s Biography (a famous mathematician from Konigsberg, Germany whichmeans that we may actually be related in some distant way, since I have
Paul R. Hensel
Department of Political Science
Florida State University
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I was born and raised in Jackson, Michigan the home of Ted Nugent and his bow-hunting shop, the NFL's Tony Dungy , Southern Michigan Prison, Michigan International Speedway , the Michigan Space Center and several astronauts, the "world-famous illuminated Cascades Falls ," two pro golfers (Dave and Mike Hill), and more than twenty public golf courses, as well as birthplace of the Republican Party . My birthday, February 12, is the same day on which both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born in 1809 (see also Abraham Lincoln Online and The History Place's Lincoln feature , as well as The Darwin Page ). Some might argue that being born on Lincoln's birthday predisposed me to a career in Political Science , and that being born on Darwin's birthday predisposed me to pursuing an evolutionary approach in studying international conflict and rivalry. Others, of course, might be a bit more skeptical. Along these same lines, I have ancestors from almost every territory that Germany has ever lost, including

8. [HM] Kurt Hensel By Walter Felscher
HM kurt hensel by Walter Felscher. reply to this message. post a message on a new topic. Back to historia. Subject
[HM] Kurt Hensel by Walter Felscher
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Subject: [HM] Kurt Hensel Author: Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 14:32:09 +0100 (MET) Hensel's two books are Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen 1908 Zahlentheorie 1913 A memorial article on Hensel (1861-1941) can be found in Crelle's Journal 187 (1950) 1-13 . W.F. The Math Forum

9. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Kurt Hensel
Select a mirror. NDSU (main) AMS. Bielefeld. Ole Miss. IMPA. kurt hensel. Biography. Ph.D. Universität Berlin 1884. DissertationArithmetische Untersuchungen über Diskriminaten und ihre außerwesentlichen Teiler. Advisor Leopold Kronecker According to our current online database, kurt hensel has 12 students and 753 descendants

10. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs
ès sciences mathématiques. hensel, kurt Theorie Der AlgebraischenZahlen (Volume 1). Zahlentheorie. Hermite, Charles Correspondance
Sorted by Title A B C ... G H I J K L ... XYZ Authors "H" Haan, D. Bierens Hadamard, Jacques Hagen, Johann Halphen, Georges Henri Halsted, George Bruce

11. MIT Libraries' Catalog - Barton - Basic Search Of Full Catalog
Geburtstag von kurt hensel am 29. Dezember 1931" v Lazarus), 18331902. hensel, kurt, 1861-1941.

12. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Kurt Hensel
kurt hensel Biography Ph.D. Universität Berlin 1884. According to our currentonline database, kurt hensel has 12 students and 753 descendants.

13. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Kurt Hensel
The Mathematics Genealogy Project

14. Kaliningrad, Russia
KALININGRAD In Your Pocket. hensel/kurt hensel. sts63-mcc-05.txt
  • sts-73-mir-01.txt
  • Hesse/Ludwig Otto Hesse
  • KALININGRAD In Your Pocket
  • Hensel/Kurt Hensel
  • sts-73-mir-01.txt
  • Hesse/Ludwig Otto Hesse
  • KALININGRAD In Your Pocket
  • Hensel/Kurt Hensel ...
  • BALT:5705 Kaliningrad resolution - vote action in US.
  • 15. Auteur - Hensel, Kurt
    Translate this page Auteur hensel, kurt, 1 document trouvé. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer,Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage Theorie der algebraischen

    16. References For Hensel
    References for kurt hensel. Articles H Hasse, kurt hensel zum Gedächtnis,Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 187 (1950), 113.
    References for Kurt Hensel
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • H Hasse, Kurt Hensels entscheidender Anstoss zur Entdeckung des Lokal-Global-Prinzips,
  • O Perron, Obituary: Kurt Hensel, Close this window or click this link to go back to Hensel
    Welcome page
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    Famous curves index ... Search Suggestions JOC/EFR December 1996 The URL of this page is:
  • 17. [HM] The Mendelssohn-Dirichlet-Hensel Connection By Hans Lausch
    HM The MendelssohnDirichlet-hensel connection Author Hans Lausch Date Hayman is a grandson of kurt hensel, but there is also another
    [HM] The Mendelssohn-Dirichlet-Hensel connection by Hans Lausch
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    Subject: [HM] The Mendelssohn-Dirichlet-Hensel connection Author: Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 10:09:47 +1100 Dear Julio and Walter, Not only can the Mendelssohn-Dirichlet-Hensel connection extended into the presence by noting that Walter Hayman is a grandson of Kurt Hensel, but there is also another mathematical line starting with Mendelssohn: The philosopher Moses Mendelssohn (1728 or 1729 - 1786) had three surviving sons, his youngest being Nathan (1782-1852). Nathan became a maker of "mathematical" instruments (workshops in Berlin and in London), and his magnetic instruments gained the praise of Alexander von Humboldt. Nathan's daughter Ottilie Ernestine (1819-1848) married Ernst Eduard Kummer, while their daughter Marie Elisabeth (1842-1921) became Hermann Schwarz's wife. Roland Percival Sprague (1894-1967, best-known through the Sprague-Grundy theory of NIM-like games, was a grandson of Schwarz. Greetings, Hans Lausch The Math Forum

    18. Kurt Hensel
    Translate this page kurt hensel nasceu em 29 de dezembro de 1861 em Königsberg, Prussia (hoje Kaliningrad,Russia), e morreu no dia 1º de junho de 1941 em Marburg, Alemanha.
    Kurt Hensel p-adic E p-adic p-adic
    E p-adic p-adic para cada primo p.

    19. Kurt Hensel - Ein Maler Aus Einbeck - Kultur & Freizeit - Einbeck-online
    Translate this page kurt hensel - Ein Maler aus Einbeck. Der Maler kurt hensel teilt mitvielen guten Künstlern seiner Zeit das gleiche Schicksal In

    20. Castrop-Rauxel Kurt Hensel Händler - Deutschland Regional Informationen – 1a-r
    Translate this page kurt hensel Auto Händler Informationen in Castrop-Rauxel, Castrop-RauxelHändler, kurt hensel (mehr info). kurt hensel Auto Händler Offers.
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