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Henrici Olaus: more detail | |||||||
61. Science And Society Picture Library Caption Model made by olaus henrici. henrici taught mechanical engineering at theCity and Guilds College, South Kensington, London, in the late 19th Century. http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10314742 |
62. Science And Society Picture Library This one, designed by Professor olaus henrici (18401918) and made by G Coradi,uses the motions of three glass spheres which turn numbered dials. http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10210432 |
63. Ingelbertus Olai Helsingus Gift med olaus henrici Salamontanus, född 157090 ca i Kumla, död 1636-08-02i Mora, Mora sn (W). Komminister i Mora, Mora sn (W). Prästvigd 1615-09-21. http://members.tripod.com/~masgen/ingelber.htm | |
64. Clifford Article Endnotes 117. Ball, Content, p.151. 118. olaus henrici, The Theory of Screws, Nature, 5 January 1890, 42 127132, on p.131. 119. Robert http://members.aol.com/jebco1st/Paraphysics/wkcnotes.htm | |
65. FILE Authors.lst A Supplement To Webster S Revised Unabridged Hendyng. i Proverbs /i 12721307 Henfrey Henfrey, Arthur (Eng.botanist) 1819-1859 henrici henrici, olaus (Ger. math. at Univ. http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/mirrors/gnu/gcide/dictionary-0.41/uncompressed/author | |
66. Sliceform Abstrations The Sliceform technique originated with a mathematician called olaus henrici whotaught in London at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. http://www.futurafish.com/photopages/thumbnails_sliceform.htm | |
67. The King's Library, Copenhagen Elementa Chymia. 2. olaus Borrichius. MS. 1735. Defective collection of chemicaland alchemical books, including Trifolium novellum henrici Pragensis , and http://www.levity.com/alchemy/copenhgn.html | |
68. Runeberg.org - Dansk Biografisk Leksikon/index 1. Udgave Bind 7 Julius, f. 1828, Journalist, Politiker 1114 Hansen, Jens olaus, 1795-1854 Henrichsen,Rudolph Johannes Frederik, 1800-71, Rektor 359-360 henrici, Paul Christian http://runeberg.org/wiki/Dansk_biografisk_leksikon/index_1._udgave_bind_7 | |
69. Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi. Lemmario VIII, 354. Olahus, Nicolaus vol. VIII, 354; olaus, Ericus v. Ericus Olai vol. IV,370. olaus Petri vol. VIII, 425 v. Vita henrici IV imperatoris. Othelboldus vol. http://rmcisadu.let.uniroma1.it/isime/lemmi/listao.htm | |
70. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Otto Hesse 1862, Heinrich Weber, RuprechtKarls-Universität Heidelberg, 1863,144. olaus henrici, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 1863, Jacob http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=46967&fChrono=1 |
71. Suomalaisen Filosofian Kronikka ERITEO Marcus henrici Helsingius (15551609), helsinkiläissyntyinen tuleva Agricolapaneutui reformitehtäviinsä ruotsalaiskollegaansa olaus Petriä hieman http://www.netn.fi/Muut/netn_finfil.html | |
72. ET Genealogi - Swedish Names Danielis Bengt Eriksson = Benedictus Erici Johan Henriksson = Johannes henrici NilsHåkansson century, we find a few of these names olaus Andreæ Arosiensis http://www.etgenealogy.se/nwonamn.htm | |
73. Articles For Wittenberg TutorGig.com Encyclopedia olaus Petri olaus Petri originally Olof Persson 1493 1552 Sweden Swedish PicanderPicander was the pseudonym of Christian Friedrich henrici January 14 1700 May http://www.tutorgig.com/encyclopedia/sencyclo.jsp?keywords=Wittenberg |
74. Translating Latin Names Helyas, Heliae, Helia, Ellis. Henricus, henrici, Henrico, Henry. Hereweccus, Herewecci,Herewecco, Hervey. Odo, Odinis, Odine, Eudeu. Oenus, Oeni, Oeno, Owen. olaus, Olai,Olao, Olaf. http://www.jaydax.co.uk/genlinks/latin-names.html | |
75. Tableau 2806, Jakobus henrici Brennerus; syntynyt .05.1607 Vaasa, Rovasti, Kruununkylä,valtiopäivämies 5186, olaus Martini Nycopensis; Ärkebiskop i Uppsala, magister http://www.strang.ch/SUKU/kstekst.htm | |
76. Esipolvitaulu Nimellä olaus Michaelis Elgfooth Gubanitsin kirkkoherra 164757, ilmeisesti myös PojistaJohannes henrici Gummeruksesta tuli Iisalmen kappalainen ja hän http://www.saunalahti.fi/~varola/selina/ | |
77. Skeppningsverksamhet Under åren 1580-1589 Men även efterträdaren till herr Henrich, kyrkoherden Eschillus henrici drevsom Säljakt i Bottenviken enligt olaus Magnus Carta Marina och Historia. http://sydaby.eget.net/ody/bs11.htm | |
78. Noituus - Noitavainojen Ja Magian Historiaa Vuosilukuina 1555 olaus Magnus julkaisee kirjan Pohjoisten kansojen historia . Kalajoen kirkkoherraGregorius henrici syyttää Etelänkylän Martti Rautiota karhun http://www.chronicon.com/noita/ajat.html | |
79. WhoWasThere Reply Johannes Thomae was 70 this year and would die in a further 11 years.olaus henrici was 70 this year and would die in a further 8 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1910 |
80. Dansk Biografisk Lexikon / VII. Bind. I. Hansen - Holmsted f. 1828, Journalist, Politiker 9, 10, 11 Hansen, Jens olaus, 1795-1854 RudolphJohannes Frederik, 1800-71, Rektor - 357, 358, 359 henrici, Paul Christian, f http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/dbl/7/ | |
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