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         Heng Zhang:     more books (61)
  1. Stories of Scientists in Ancient China: Zhang Heng Counted Stars, Zu Chongzhi and the Value of Pi, Yi Xing Revised Calendars, Traveller Xu Siake (Science Stories of Ancient China) by Zhu Kang, 1996-09
  2. all of matters by zhang xiao heng, 1991-01-01
  3. Album of Famous Paintings of the Northern and Southern Song Period by Zhang Heng, 1000
  4. Liu Biao and Associates: Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning, Jia Xu, Huang Zu, Wang Can, Liu Biao, Zhang Xiu, Mi Heng, Huo Jun
  5. Liu Yao and Associates: Taishi Ci, Liu Yao, Ze Rong, Xu Gong, Zhang Ying, Chen Heng, Fan Neng, Xue Li, Yu Mi
  6. Shi chi di ke heng: Zhang Mo shi zuo ping lun ji (Wen xue cong kan) (Mandarin Chinese Edition)
  7. Zhang Heng quan zhuan: Gu dai ke xue ju zi (Zhongguo li dai cai zi zhuan cong shu) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Xijun Liu, 1998
  8. Zhang Heng ping zhuan (Zhongguo si xiang jia ping zhuan cong shu) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Jie Xu, 1999
  9. Yong heng di huai nian: Zhang Wentian ji nian ji (Mandarin Chinese Edition)
  10. Qing hong bang san da heng (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Hongwen Zhang, 1994
  11. Qu yu nei jing ji bu ping heng zeng zhang lun (Liaoning da xue gong shang guan li xue yuan wen ku) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Jizhong Huang, 2001
  12. Zhang Heng: Zhang Heng, History of the Han Dynasty, Government of the Han Dynasty, Chinese literature, Society and culture of the Han Dynasty, Science and technology of the Han Dynasty
  13. Kong ju di ping heng (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Kangkang Zhang, 1993
  14. Da heng Du Yuesheng (Zhang pian zhuan ji wen xue) (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Yunqing Lai, 1993

41. Zhang Heng Index Page
Albertson College Logo. zhang heng. 78 AD 139 AD. zhang heng. Biography.Historical Setting. Discoveries. References and Links. History of Math.
Zhang Heng A.D. A.D. Zhang Heng Biography Historical Setting Discoveries References and Links ... History of Math

42. Zhang Heng's Seismoscope
zhang heng. 78 AD 139 AD. Seismoscope. zhang heng invented the seismoscope,or Di Dong Yi (Earth Motion Instrument) for measuring earthquakes.
Zhang Heng A.D. A.D. Seismoscope Zhang Heng Biography Historical Setting Discoveries ... History of Math Zhang Heng invented the seismoscope, or Di Dong Yi (Earth Motion Instrument) for measuring earthquakes. A similar device did not reach Europe until sixteen hundred years later, when a seismoscope was "invented" again in France. Heng's device was made of bronze in the shape of an urn eight feet in diameter. Although Heng's original seismoscope was destroyed, Wang Zhenduo reconstructed it in 1951. Inside the seismoscope is a copper pendulum shaft connected to eight copper arms. Outside the device are eight dragon he ads around the top, each with a ball in its mouth. Around the bottom, eight frogs squat with open mouths, each directly under a dragon head. When an earthquake occurred, a ball fell out of a the dragon's mouth into a frog's mouth, making a noise that was supposedly loud enough to wake the Emperor's household, alerting them of the earthquake. Then, all anyone had to do was look to see which ball had dropped to determine which direction the earthquake was coming from. According to the History of the Later Han Dynasty , one day in February, 138 A.D., Zhang Heng and several others found that the dragon facing west had dropped its copper ball. In response, Heng made a report to the emperor saying that an earthquake had happened somewhere to the west of the capital, Louyang. However, on that particular day, nothing unusual occurred around Louyang, nor was there any news about an earthquake elsewhere. This led to various suspicions and accusations to the effect that Zhang Heng's seismograph was a fraud and he was a liar. However, within two days, several men riding on horseback were seen galloping in the direction of Luoyang along the road that led west from the capital. The message they brought to the emperor was that a violent earthquake had taken place about 500 kilometers to the west in western Gansu and had caused landslides. This anecdote is evidence that the seismograph was not only very sensitive, but also accurate.

43. Yi Zhang - ResearchIndex Document Query
yi zhang scientific articles matching the query yi zhang I also thank Prof. Yi zhang for helping me in working out the mathematical Clustering Categorical Data - zhang, Fu, Cai, heng (2000) Zhang

44. Encyclopedia: Zhang Heng
Updated Feb 05, 2004. Encyclopedia zhang heng. zhang heng was the first person inChina to construct a rotating celestial globe. He also invented the odometer.

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    Encyclopedia : Zhang Heng
    Zhang Heng AD - AD) was an astronomer, mathematician, inventor, artist and literature scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China
    Born in today Nanyang County Henan , he was a good writer at age 12. At age 16, he left home to pursue his study in the capital cities. He spent at least 10 years of his youth in literature studies and writing. He published several well recognized literary writings.

    45. Zhang Heng Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    zhang heng. zhang heng (張衡) (78 AD 139 AD) was an astronomer, mathematician,artist and literature scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China.
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    Zhang Heng
    Zhang Heng AD - AD) was an astronomer mathematician , artist and literature scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China Born in today Nanyang County Henan , he was a good writer at age 12. At age 16, he left home to pursue his study in the capital cities. He spent at least 10 years of his youth in literature studies and writing. He published several well recognized literary writings. He switched to astronomy after age 30. He became a government official at age 38. He took on several positions since then (including 郎中, 太史令, 尚書). When he was a government minister, he cleaned up some corruption in the local government. In the year he corrected the calendar to bring it into line with the seasons. In , Zhang invented the first seismoscope for measuring earthquake s. He theorized that the universe was like an egg with the stars on the shell and the earth as the yolk. Zhang Heng was the first person in China to construct a rotating celestial globe . He also invented the odometer. In one of his publications Books about 'Zhang Heng' at:

    46. PureInsight Net- Revered Mountains And Ancient Temples: Mount Heng (N), The Most
    ¡­ zhang Guo was given such honorable titles as Yin Qing Guang Lu Da Fu ,and Gentleman Tong Xuan. ¡­ zhang Guo disappeared on Mount heng and was
    Revered Mountains and Ancient Temples: Mount Heng (N), the Most Significant Mountain in Northern China
    Tian Xin
    The rocky ridge of Mount Heng at Dusk [] Mount Heng is the Northern Mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains. The Northern Mountain Mount Heng sounds identical in Chinese to the Southern Mountain Mount Heng, but their written Chinese characters are different. The Northern Mountain Mount Heng is in Chinese while the Southern Mountain Mount Heng is in Chinese. Its main peak soars majestically over the northern Shanxi Province. Legend has it that about 4,000 years ago, Emperor Shun, one of the two saintly emperors in Chinese history, came through on an inspection tour to the north Hun Yuan. Emperor Shun was amazed when he saw the majestic and towering peaks of Mount Heng. They appeared to him as the northern gate to heaven, and so he bestowed on Mount Heng the honorable title "the Northern Mountain." Therefore, Mount Heng became known as the king of the more than ten thousand mountains in northern China. Mount Heng was once called Mount Chang (or Mount Constance in Chinese), Heng Zong, Xuan Yue or Zi Yue. Mount Heng was first renamed Mount Chang during the Han and Song Dynasties. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Mount Chang was renamed Damao Mountain or Shenjian Mountain. The Northern Mountain of Mount Heng has been discussed in history books since ancient times and is associated with many important historical incidents. According to the Yugong Chapter of

    47. Early Detection Of Incoming Earthquakes By Zhang Heng Seismograph On "chi" (in E
    Explains operation of the zhang heng seismograph based on telepathic waves (chi),provides literature describing this seismograph, indicates evidence that
    Free Web space and hosting - Choose an ISP NetZero High Speed Internet Dial up $14.95 or NetZero Internet Service $9.95 Early alarm against incoming earthquakes
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    48. Individuazione Tempestiva Dei Terremoti Dal Sismografo Dello Zhang Heng Sul "chi
    Translate this page Spiega il funzionamento del sismografo di zhang heng basato sulle onde telepathic(. Fig. 2b. Fig. 2b Una vecchia illustrazione del sismografo di zhang heng.
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    49. An Approximation Algorithm For Scheduling Two Parallel Machines With Capacity Co
    heng Yang, State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and System, Departmentof Jiawei zhang, Department of Management Science and Engineering, School of

    50. Chi-Seismograph Von Zhang Heng
    Chi-Seismograph von Zhang Heng
    Jan Pajak beschreibt Gestalt und Wirkungsweise des Chi-Seismographen des chinesischen Astronomen und Mathematikers Zhang Heng

    51. Associateship Directory Of Previous Awardees
    NRC Associateships Program Directory. Name zhang, heng. Award Information. EmailAddress Employment sector State or Local Government.

    52. Frühe Warnung Vor Erdbeben Mit Dem "Chi"-Seismographen Zhang Heng
    Translate this page Jan Pajak beschreibt Gestalt und Wirkungsweise des Chi-Seismographen des chinesischenAstronomen und Mathematikers zhang heng, der bereits im Jahre 138 unserer

    53. Menue Chi-Seismograph Zhang Heng
    var design=1;var idi=98741; idl=29; dfg=36;
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    54. CCTV-English Channel-civilization
    zhang heng 0406-2004 1754. According to Biography of zhang heng in History of Later Han , this seismograph had a diameter of 1.8 meters.
    CCTV-NEWS CCTV-1 CCTV-2 CCTV-3 ... Video var ChnlPath="/style/english"; adbanner.document.location.href="/program/civilization/ad/index.html";
    Zhang Heng 04-06-2004 17:54
    "Bamboo Book Annals", written in ancient times, recorded a strong earthquake happened in the 12 century BC in China. The Chinese people always wanted to observe this disastrous phenomenon of nature. Zhang Heng, a scientist of the Eastern Han period (25-220), carried out scientific experiments and in 123 invented a seismograph, the first of its kind in the world, that was able to record earthquakes happened hundreds of kilometers away. According to "Biography of Zhang Heng" in "History of Later Han", this seismograph had a diameter of 1.8 meters. Made of bronze it had 8 dragon figures facing 8 directions. There was mechanism in the head of each dragon. When seismic waves were felt, a rod in the center of the seismograph called "duzhu" would incline to the direction of the earthquake and trigger the lever in the dragon head, opening its mouth and releasing a bronze ball. The ball fell into the mouth of a toad, thus enabling people to know the time and direction of the quake. Zhang Heng's invention came into being 1,700 years before that in Europe. Joseph Needham of Britain claimed that it was a doubtless fact that China was the earliest inventor of seismograph; and that it was a contribution of the distinguished mathematician, astrologer and geographer Zhang Heng.

    55. English Channel
    zhang heng. CCTV.COM 200203-20 140324. According to Biography of zhang heng in History of Later Han , this seismograph had a diameter of 1.8 meters.
    Touch China Glory of Chinese Civilization Historical Celebrities > Scientists
    Zhang Heng CCTV.COM 2002-03-20 14:03:24 "Bamboo Book Annals", written in ancient times, recorded a strong earthquake happened in the 12 century BC in China. The Chinese people always wanted to observe this disastrous phenomenon of nature. Zhang Heng, a scientist of the Eastern Han period £¨25£­220£©, carried out scientific experiments and in 123 invented a seismograph, the first of its kind in the world, that was able to record earthquakes happened hundreds of kilometers away.
    According to "Biography of Zhang Heng" in "History of Later Han", this seismograph had a diameter of 1.8 meters. Made of bronze it had 8 dragon figures facing 8 directions. There was mechanism in the head of each dragon. When seismic waves were felt, a rod in the center of the seismograph called "duzhu" would incline to the direction of the earthquake and trigger the lever in the dragon head, opening its mouth and releasing a bronze ball. The ball fell into the mouth of a toad, thus enabling people to know the time and direction of the quake.
    Zhang Heng's invention came into being 1,700 years before that in Europe. Joseph Needham of Britain claimed that it was a doubtless fact that China was the earliest inventor of seismograph£» and that it was a contribution of the distinguished mathematician, astrologer and geographer Zhang Heng.

    zhang heng s Tombzhang heng s Tomb.

    57. China Virtual Museums_quake
    The Biography of zhang heng. The Historical Records of Later Han Dynasty· The Biography of zhang heng. Picture of zhangheng s seismograph.
    The Earliest Records Mo-tse, the Great Philosopher The State Chronicles of Lu Kingdom The Biography of Zhang Heng ...
    When Pressed Down
    The Biography of Zhang Heng
    ¡¡¡¡The Historical Records of Later Han Dynasty ¡¤ The Biography of Zhang Heng Picture of Zhangheng's seismograph ¡¡¡¡Zhang Heng, (78 AD - 139 AD), was a native of Shiqiao of Nanyang, Henan Province. He was a famous man of letters and scientist in the East Han Dynasty in the Chinese history. His works include Ode to the West Capital, Ode to the East Capital and 22 pieces of other literary works. He became a court official in 111 AD and was assigned as the court historian afterwards. He invented the armillary sphere and the seismograph. Guo Moruo (an outstanding litterateur and scientist in modern China) praised him as¡°such an all-around developed figure that was seldom seen in the world history¡±. the Imaginary Figure of the Seismograph Commemorative stamp of Zhangheng [More pictures] Earthquakes in China Foretell an Earthquake When Earthquakes Happen ... Games for Avoiding Hurt

    58. ³É¹ûչʾ
    zhang Wei( ?), Lin heng, zhang Weihan, From Virtuality to Reality IndividualizedFreeform Model Design and Rapid Manufacturing, Proc. of HAMAAHA 2003.
    Zhizhong Li( ½Ìʦ) Li Zheng Zhihai Zhang Variant milling process optimization based on cutting force prediction. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. accepted Rau, P. L. P.,( ½Ìʦ) Chen, S. H. Chin, Y. T. Developing Web Annotation Tools for Learners and Instructors Interacting with Computers An improved chip flow model considering cutting geometry variations based on the equivalent cutting edge method PIME,journal of engineering manufacture - part b, VOL217,NO12 Zhizhong Li( ½Ìʦ) Dirk Roesler Katalin Meszlery Discovering development of personnel qualification requirements by web mining: a case study. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 2003, 1(2): 82-97 Modification of overall equipment effectiveness Proceedings of IceCE'2003 Zhang Wei( ½Ìʦ) Lin Heng Ma Liang Human-computer interaction in freeform object design and simultaneous manufacturing Proc. of VRAI2003 л•F µç×Ó¼¼ÊõÓ¦Ó£¬Vol.29 Zhizhong Li( ½Ìʦ) Dirk Roesler Katalin Meszlery Investigation of Personnel Qualification Requirementsand Responsibilities by Mining Job Posting Web Pages. IEA2003, Aug 24-29, Seoul, Korea ½ð¸ÕʯÓëÄ¥ÁÏÄ¥¾ß¹¤³Ì£¬2003£¬n.4:9-12

    59. Clearharmony Europe
    zhang Guo gavs sådana ärofulla titlar som ”Yin Oing Guang Lu Da Fu” och”Gentlemannen Tong Xuan.” zhang Guo försvann på berget heng och sågs
    @import url(/clearharmony.css); /*IE and NN6x styles*/ >> Utskriftsversion Berget Heng – det mest betydelsefulla berget i norra Kina – del 2 (Foton)
    Första delen kan läsas här Taoister [någon som kultiverar Tao eller ”Vägen”] betraktar berget Heng som de odödligas boning och vill kultivera på berget Heng och de kallar berget Heng det femte bland de trettiosex välsignade landskapen eller Zong Xuan Dong Tian. Sima Chengzhen skrev i Kartan (förteckning) över himlens och jordens palats, de trettiosex små välsignade landskapen (Map of the Heaven and Earth Palace, The Thirty Six Small Blessed Lands): ”Det femte välsignade landskapet (platsen) är beläget på berget Chang, vilket mäter 3000 li [li, ett kinesiskt längdmått på ungefär 0.5 kilometer] i omkrets. Det femte välsignade landskapet är också känt som Zong Xuan Tian. Det är lokaliserat i Quyangs kommun i provinsen Heng. Det är styrt av den Odödlige av sanning Zhen Zizhen (the Immortal of Truthfulness Zhen Zizhen).” En meditationsgrotta (uppe till vänster) på berget Heng Idag återstår det rader av 7-8 cm djupa runda fördjupningar på klipporna vid bergskammen Zhang Guo Lao. Legenden säger att Zahng Guo Lao, en av de åtta odödliga, studerade alkemi och kultiverade Tao på berget Heng. Zhang Guo Lao lämnade spår på stenarna när han färdades upp och ned för berget Heng på en åsna. Det kinesiska folket kallar dem ” Himmelska märken av Zhang Guo Lao.” Mount Hengs besökare tycker om att gå på berget med skårorna (eller fördjupningarna). Det är sagt att man på det sättet kan ”absorbera en del av Zhang Guo Laos himmelska energi.”

    60. Kulturelles Aus China
    Tong Xuan. zhang Guo verschwand auf Berg heng und wurde nicht wieder

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    Der ewige Berg
    Verehrte Berge und antike Tempel: Berg Heng, der bedeutungsvollste Berg in Nordchina
    Verehrte Berge und antike Tempel: Berg Heng, der bedeutungsvollste Berg in Nordchina Der Legende nach ging vor über 4.000 Jahren Kaiser Shun, einer der zwei heiligen Kaiser der Chinesischen Geschichte, auf eine Inspektionsfahrt zum nördlichen Hun Yuan. Kaiser Shun war zutiefst beeindruckt, als er die majestätischen und auftürmenden Gipfel vom Berg Heng sah. Sie sahen für ihn wie das nördliche Tor zum Himmel aus, und deshalb verlieh er Berg Heng den ehrenvollen Titel "Der Berg des Nordens". Deshalb wurde Berg Heng als der König der mehr als zehntausend Berge in Nordchina bekannt. Heute sind noch Reihen von 7 cm tiefen kreisförmigen Eindrücken auf den Felsen am Zhang Guo Lao Pass zu sehen. Die Legende sagt, dass Zhang Guo Lao, einer der Acht Unsterblichen am Berg Heng Alchimie studiert habe und dort Tao kultivierte. Zhang Guo Lao hinterließ Abdrücke am Fels, als er auf seinem Esel hoch und runter wanderte. Die Chinesen nennen sie "Himmlische Zeichen von Zhang Guo Lao." Den Touristen macht es Spaß in die Abdrücke zu steigen. Es heißt, dass man dann ein bißchen von "Zhang Guo Laos Himmlischer Energie" aufnehmen könnte.

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