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         Heisenberg Werner:     more books (100)
  1. Nuclear physics, by Werner Heisenberg, 1969
  2. Heisenberg and the Nazi Atomic Bomb Project, 1939-1945: A Study in German Culture by Paul Lawrence Rose, 1998-10-16
  3. University of Leipzig Faculty: Wilhelm Wundt, Werner Heisenberg, Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe, Wilhelm Ostwald, Peter Debye, Felix Klein
  4. Draft Letter from Niels Bohr to Werner Heisenberg, ca. 1957: An entry from Gale's <i>American Decades: Primary Sources</i>
  5. Humboldt University of Berlin Faculty: Erwin Schrödinger, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Robert Koch, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg
  6. Philosophic problems of nuclear science: Eight lectures by Werner Heisenberg by Werner Heisenberg, 1952
  7. Nuclear Program of the German Third Reich: Werner Heisenberg, Hermann Göring, Otto Hahn, German Nuclear Energy Project, Karl Zimmer
  8. Schule in Leverkusen: Landrat-Lucas-Gymnasium, Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Leverkusen, Marienschule Opladen, Aloysianum Opladen (German Edition)
  9. Heisenberg, Werner: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Chemistry: Foundations and Applications</i> by Todd W. Whitcombe, 2004
  10. Werner Karl Heisenberg: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Sherri Chasin Calvo, 2000
  11. Mitglied Der Sächsischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, Hans Geiger, Hermann August Korff, Theodor Mommsen (German Edition)
  12. Récipiendaire de L'ordre Du Mérite de La République Fédérale D'allemagne: Roger Moore, Steven Spielberg, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Werner Heisenberg (French Edition)
  13. Briefwechsel 1916-1955 : Kommentiert v. Max Born. Vorw. v. Werner Heisenberg
  14. German Essays on Science in the 20th Century: Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, and ot (German Library) by Wolfgang Schirmacher, 1996-09-01

81. Crystal Clouds Quotations: Source Profile
Size . heisenberg, werner (1901), Click For External OnlineReference German Physicist. Quotations By This Source. Philosophy.

82. Heisenberg
heisenberg, werner Karl. (19011976).
Heisenberg, Werner Karl
Nìmecký teoretik, zabýval se kvantovou teorií. Je autorem maticové kvantové mechaniky, kterou odvodil v roce 1925. Jde o jiný postup výpoètu kvantových stavù než je Schrödingerova vlnová mechanika. Odvodil slavné Heisenbergovy relace neurèitosti: poloha a hybnost objektu nemohou být souèasnì pøesnì zmìøeny. Mìøení jedné velièiny narušuje výsledek mìøení druhé velièiny. Za vybudování základù kvantové teorie získal v roce 1932 Nobelovu cenu za fyziku. Heisenberg vystudoval teoretickou fyziku na universitì v Mnichovì. PhD studia zakonèil úspìšnì pod vedením Sommerfelda v roce 1923 a stal se asistentem Maxe Borna v Gottingenu. Tøi roky pracoval v Kodani spolu s Nielsem Bohrem , od roku 1927 do roku 1941 byl profesorem teoretické fyziky v Lipsku, od roku 1942 do roku 1945 byl øeditelem Institutu Maxe Plancka v Berlínì a od roku 1946 byl øeditelem Institutu Maxe Plancka v Kodani.

83. Heisenberg, Werner Karl - Gedächtnis Berlin
Translate this page heisenberg, werner Karl. * 05.12.1901 Würzburg (Bayern). † 01.02.1976München (Freistaat Bayern). Physiker. Straße Kontext heisenbergstraße
Heisenberg Werner Karl Physiker

84. Search For Heisenberg, Werner
View My Bibliography. Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues. Home People heisenberg, werner, results 110 of 74. Creator, Title,, Werner

85. Heisenberg
Translate this page werner heisenberg. heisenberg, werner (1901-1976), Physiker und Nobelpreisträger,einer der Begründer der Quantenmechanik. heisenberg
Werner Heisenberg
Max Born Niels Henrik David Bohr

86. Werner Heisenberg - Werner Heisenberg (don't Translate) (English Translations)
Science. werner heisenberg = werner heisenberg (don t translate). wernerheisenberg times is a name and i don t know how we translate it.

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91. Syntropia Spezialbuchversand
Translate this page Der Teil und das Ganze, heisenberg, werner, Der Teil und das Ganze Physikund Philosophie, heisenberg, werner, Physik und Philosophie

92. Werner Heisenberg
Translate this page La Fisica delle particelle elementari werner heisenberg. heisenberg,werner (Würzburg 1901 - Monaco 1976), fisico tedesco. Studiò
La Fisica delle particelle elementari WERNER HEISENBERG Heisenberg, Werner (Würzburg 1901 - Monaco 1976), fisico tedesco. Studiò all'Università di Monaco e nel 1923 divenne assistente del fisico anglo-tedesco Max Born presso l'Università di Gottinga; dal 1924 al 1927 ricevette una borsa di studio dalla Rockfeller Foundation per specializzarsi con Niels Bohr presso l'Università di Copenaghen. Nel 1927 ottenne l'incarico di professore di fisica teorica all'Università di Lipsia e fu successivamente professore presso le università di Berlino (1941-1945), Gottinga (1946-1958) e Monaco (1958-1976). Nel 1941 divenne direttore dell'Istituto Kaiser Wilhelm per la fisica (che nel 1946 prese il nome di Istituto Max Planck). Heisenberg fu sospettato di aver collaborato con le autorità del governo nazionalsocialista tedesco e venne pertanto tenuto prigioniero in Gran Bretagna per un certo periodo di tempo alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Fu uno dei più grandi fisici teorici e fornì il suo contributo più rilevante alla teoria della struttura atomica. Nel 1925 elaborò una formulazione della meccanica quantistica denominata "meccanica delle matrici", che si fonda sulle frequenze e sulle ampiezze delle radiazioni assorbite ed emesse dall'atomo nel corso delle transizioni tra i livelli energetici del sistema atomico. Il principio di indeterminazione di Heisenberg, secondo cui è impossibile determinare con la medesima precisione la posizione e la velocità di una particella, ebbe un ruolo importantissimo per gli sviluppi della meccanica quantistica e per il pensiero filosofico moderno. Fu insignito nel 1932 del premio Nobel per la fisica. Tra i suoi numerosi scritti ricordiamo: Principi fisici della teoria quantistica (1930), Raggi cosmici (1946), Fisica e filosofia (1958), e Introduzione alla teoria unificata delle particelle elementari (1967).

93. Heisenberg, Werner (Nordic Authors)
heisenberg, werner (1901 1976) physicist, Germany. Project Runebergneeds your help in writing a presentation of this person.
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Heisenberg, Werner Heisenberg, Werner (1901 - 1976) physicist, Germany.
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94. Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Bad Dürkheim Online
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95. WHG Goeppingen
Translate this page WHG Goeppingen Online - Alles über das werner heisenberg Gymnasium

96. PhysicsWeb - Werner Heisenberg: Controversial Scientist
werner heisenberg controversial scientist Feature December 2001.Some 100 years after the father of the uncertainty principle was

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Feature: December 2001 Some 100 years after the father of the uncertainty principle was born, historians of science continue to debate the role that Werner Heisenberg played during the Second World War.
Uncertain history
Read any account of the development of physics in the early 20th century and you will almost certainly discover that a stay in Germany was de rigueur for any aspiring young physicist. One German physicist who became famous as the teacher of a generation of outstanding pupils was Arnold Sommerfeld. In the summer of 1922, shortly after the young Werner Heisenberg came under his tutelage, Sommerfeld wrote to Paul Epstein, a former student who had since become professor of theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology: "I expect enormous achievements by Heisenberg, who I think is the most gifted one among all my pupils, including Debye and Pauli." Just 10 years later, Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for the "creation of quantum mechanics". The Nobel committee summed up Heisenberg's merits in a nutshell. But why is Heisenberg still controversial 100 years after his birth? In his recent monograph

97. Werner Heisenberg Ad Personam
Who Was werner heisenberg ? 1) Letter from werner heisenberg to hiswife Elisabeth written during his 1941 visit in Copenhagen.

98. Great Books Index - Werner Heisenberg
GREAT BOOKS INDEX. werner heisenberg (19011976). An Writings of wernerheisenberg. Links to Information About werner heisenberg. Biography
Werner Heisenberg (19011976)
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99. Heisenberg / Uncertainty Principle
heisenberg / uncertainty principle This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained by the Center for History of Physics division of the American Institute of Physics, presents an exhibit featuring the

100. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Heisenberg,_Wern
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