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         Heisenberg Werner:     more books (100)
  1. Werner Heisenberg 1901 - 1976 by Armin Hermann, 1976-01-01
  2. Die Jahrhundertwissenschaft: Werner Heisenberg u. d. Physik seiner Zeit (German Edition) by Armin Hermann, 1977
  3. Werner Heisenberg: Leben und Werk (German Edition) by Cassidy, 1995-03-09
  4. Werner Heisenberg (German Edition)
  5. Goethes Tragweite in der Naturwissenschaft: Hermann von Helmholtz, Ernst Haeckel, Werner Heisenberg, Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker (German Edition) by Maren Partenheimer, 1989
  6. Quantum mechanics and objectivity;: A study of the physical philosophy of Werner Heisenberg, by Patrick A Heelan, 1965
  7. Werner Heisenberg. Das selbstvergessene Genie. by Ernst Peter Fischer, 2002-10-01
  8. Werner Heisenberg in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Rowohlts Monographien ; 240) (German Edition) by Armin Hermann, 1976
  9. Werner Heisenberg (Reihe Hanser ; 228) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Weizsacker, 1977
  10. Denken und Umdenken: Zu Werk u. Wirkung von Werner Heisenberg (German Edition) by Werner Heisenberg, 1977
  11. Werner Heisenberg als Physiker und Philosoph (German Edition) by Bodo Geyer, Helge Herwig, et all 1993-04-03
  12. Von Der Uranspaltung Zur Gottinger Erklarung: Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg, Carl Friedrich Von Weizsacker Und Die Verantwortung Des Wissenschaftlers (German Edition) by Elisabeth Kraus, 2001-01
  13. Werner Heisenberg in Leipzig 1927-1942 (Abhandlungen der Saechsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, math.-nat. Klasse) (German Edition)
  14. Das Politische Leben Eines Unpolitischen: Erinnerungen an Werner Heisenberg (German Edition) by Elisabeth Heisenberg, 1983

21. ESVA: Heisenberg Mini-Exhibit
werner heisenberg (19011976) Photo A1; portrait, head on hand. CREDIT heisenberg.Click Here to Search for More werner heisenberg Photos.
AIP home page Scitation AIP Publications AIP Journals Publishing Services History Center Statistical Research Center Career Services Science News Science Policy Site Index Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)
Photo A1; portrait, head on hand. CREDIT: AIP Meggers Gallery of Nobel Laureates. Visit our Exhibit:
Heisenberg / Uncertainty
"Natural Science does not simply describe and explain nature; it is part of the interplay between nature and ourselves; it describes nature as exposed to our method of questioning."
Werner Heisenberg Click Here to Search for More Werner Heisenberg Photos Next: Goeppert Mayer Search Collection Fees ... History Center
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American Institute of Physics

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22. Werner Heisenberg - Forscher, Lehrer Und Organisator. Eine Ausstellung Zum 100.
Die OnlinePr¤sentation der von der Universit¤t Leipzig erstellten Ausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag des Physikers.
Sitemap Impressum Die Ausstellung geht auf Wanderschaft:
Deutsches Museum Bonn

vom 17.02.bis 17.03.2002
Zum Programm


[Klick zur Grossansicht] Sonderbriefmarke zum 100. Geburtstag von Werner Heisenberg.
Internationales Begegnungszentrum (IBZ) Werner-Heisenberg-Haus, Leipzig.
Volker Bigl.
weiter im Thema
Bilder Leipziger Gedenken an Werner Heisenberg 9. Dezember 1991. [Klick zur Grossansicht] Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer der Tagung zum 90. Geburtstag von Werner Heisenberg, 9-12. Dezember 1991. Peter Mittelstaedt. 5. Dezember 1991. Tagung zum 90. Geburtstag Werner Heisenbergs. Christian Kleint und Ehefrau, Helmut Rechenberg. [Klick zur Grossansicht] Dr. Gerald Wiemers und Dr. Helmut Rechenberg bei der Vorbereitung des Buches "Werner Heisenberg in Leipzig", Leipzig 1993. nach oben Impressum. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. E-Mail

23. Heisenberg, Werner
heisenberg, werner, werner heisenberg, c. 1925 in full werner KARL heisenberg, physicist, philosopher, and public figure who helped to establish the modern science of
Heisenberg, Werner,
Werner Heisenberg, c. Corbis-Bettmann in full WERNER KARL HEISENBERG, physicist, philosopher, and public figure who helped to establish the modern science of quantum mechanics , out of which came the famous indeterminacy, or uncertainty, principle , for which he received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1932. He also made important contributions to the theories of the hydrodynamics of turbulence, the atomic nucleus, ferromagnetism, cosmic rays, and elementary particles; and he planned the first post-World War II German nuclear reactor, at Karlsruhe, West Germany.
In his philosophical and methodological writings, Heisenberg was much influenced by Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein . From the former he derived the concepts of the social and dialogical character of scientific invention; the principle of correspondence (pragmatic and model-theoretical continuity) between macrophysics and microphysics; the permanence, though not the universality, of classical physics; the "interactive," rather than passive, role of the scientific observer in microphysics; and, consequently, the contextualized character of microphysical theories. From Einstein he derived the concepts of simplicity as a criterion of the central order of nature; scientific realism ( i.e.

24. Werner Heisenberg --  Encyclopædia Britannica
heisenberg, werner (Karl) Encyclopædia Britannica Article. werner heisenbergborn Dec. MLA style werner heisenberg. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004.

25. Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium
Informationen zum Namenspatron, der Geschichte des Gymnasium, zu den Arbeitsgruppen und sonstigen Veranstaltungen und Wettbewerben an der Schule.
Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Neues aus dem WHG Geschichte des WHG Jubiläum 2003 Werner Heisenberg ... Schulpartnerschaften , die vielen Arbeitsgemeinschaften Bigband , Tanz, Sport und Internet , der bilinguale Unterricht , die Cafeteria , die sehr aktive Ehemaligenvereinigung , eine neue Musical-Tradition, Physikolympiaden und nicht zuletzt das Abendgymnasium Heisenbergs
von Harri Heise
Rosenstrasse 41
D-25746 Heide Tel.: + 49 - 481 - 786910
Fax.: + 49 - 481 - 74055 e-Mail: Direktor: Dr. Harri Heise

26. Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium
Informationen zur Schule, dem Lehrerkollegium sowie zu den einzelnen unterrichteten F¤cher.

27. Werner Heisenberg: A Bibliography Of His Writings, By David Cassidy
Covers years from 19202001, including the top 10 scientific papers, most popular essays, and most popular monographs. The bibliography is online at the American Institute of Physics, and is also available in print form.
A Bibliography of His Writings
By David C. Cassidy Introduction The Essential Heisenberg
  • Top 10 Scientific Papers Most Popular Essays for General Audiences Most Popular Monographs and Essay Collections
Format and Abbreviations Index This book is also available in print! Click here to order a copy. The Bibliography by David C. Cassidy
Center for History of Physics

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One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3843
Email: Phone: 301-209-3100; Fax: 301-209-0843 Page created March 29, 2001

28. Heisenberg
Biography of werner heisenberg (19011976) werner heisenberg's father was August heisenberg and his mother was Anna Wecklein. At the time that werner was born his father was about to progress from being a school teacher
Werner Karl Heisenberg
Died: 1 Feb 1976 in Munich, Germany
Click the picture above
to see twelve larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Werner Heisenberg August Heisenberg was [3]:- ... a rather stiff, tightly controlled, authoritarian figure. He was an Evangelical Lutheran and his wife Anna had converted from being a Roman Catholic to make sure there were no religious problems with their marriage. August and Anna, however, were only religious for the sake of convention. A Christian belief was expected of people of their status so for them it was a social necessity. In private, however, they expressed their lack of religious beliefs, and in particular they brought up their children to follow Christian ethics but showed total disbelief in the historical side of Christianity. In 1914 World War I began and the Gymnasium was occupied by troops. Lessons were arranged in different buildings and as a result of the disruption Heisenberg undertook much independent study which probably had a beneficial effect on his education. His best subjects were mathematics, physics and religion but his record throughout his school career was excellent all round. In fact his mathematical abilities were such that in 1917 he tutored a family friend who was at university in calculus. During this period he belonged to a paramilitary organisation which operated in the Gymnasium with the intention of preparing the young men for later military service.

29. Heisenberg / Uncertainty Principle - Werner Heisenberg And The Uncertainty Princ
The life of werner heisenberg, by the AIP Center for History of Physics.Text by historian regime and thereafter. Text Version.
Text Version
"The more precisely
the POSITION is determined,
the less precisely
the MOMENTUM is known" Enter the exhibit Werner Heisenberg and the Uncertainty Principle
American Institute of Physics
and David Cassidy

30. Quantum Mechanics, 1925-1927: Triumph Of The Copenhagen Interpretation
Part of exhibit on werner heisenberg and the uncertainty principle.
Heisenberg, standing front left, next to P.A.M. Dirac, in front of A.H. Compton, University of Chicago, 1929.
We regard quantum mechanics as a complete theory for which the fundamental physical and mathematical hypotheses are no longer susceptible of modification. Heisenberg and Max Born, paper delivered to Solvay Congress of 1927
Niels Bohr's Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen in the 1920s
H eisenberg formulated the uncertainty principle in February 1927 while employed as a lecturer in Bohr's Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen. Bohr, who had been on a skiing vacation, returned to the institute to find Heisenberg's paper already in draft. Forwarding the paper to Einstein at Heisenberg's request, Bohr complained to Einstein that Heisenberg's approach was too narrow and his gamma-ray microscope was flawed, although the result was correct. For Bohr, the uncertainty relations arose not merely from the quantum equations and the use of particles and discontinuity. Waves and particles had to be taken equally into account, and the scattering of light waves by the electron was also crucial. When Heisenberg corrected his thought experiment, it only confirmed the results. Niels Bohr, who articulated the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and mentored a generation of quantum physicists

31. Heisenberg's Physics And Philosophy
Key chapters of werner heisenberg's book outlining his philosophical conclusions
Werner Heisenberg (1958)
Physics and Philosophy
Source Physics and Philosophy , 1958; Chapters 2 (History), 3 (Copenhagen interpretation) and 5 (HPS), reproduced here;
Published : by George Allen and Unwin Edition, 1959.

The History of Quantum Theory
The idea that energy could be emitted or absorbed only in discrete energy quanta was so new that it could not be fitted into the traditional framework of physics. An attempt by Planck to reconcile his new hypothesis with the older laws of radiation failed in the essential points. It took five years until the next step could be made in the new direction. This time it was the young Albert Einstein, a revolutionary genius among the physicists, who was not afraid to go further away from the old concepts. There were two problems in which he could make use of the new ideas. One was the so-called photoelectric effect, the emission of electrons from metals under the influence of light. The experiments, especially those of Lenard, had shown that the energy of the emitted electrons did not depend on the intensity of the light, but only on its colour or, more precisely, on its frequency. This could not be understood on the basis of the traditional theory of radiation. Einstein could explain the observations by interpreting Planck's hypothesis as saying that light consists of quanta of energy travelling through space. The energy of one light quantum should, in agreement with Planck's assumptions, be equal to the frequency of the light multiplied by Planck's constant.

32. Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog
Physicists. Nationality. German. heisenberg, werner (19011976) German physicist who in 1927 derived the uncertainty principle which states that. Cassidy, D. Uncertainty The Life and Science of werner heisenberg. New York W. H.
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality German
Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976)

German physicist who in 1927 derived the uncertainty principle which states that
He also developed operator methods for the solution of quantum mechanical problems. On his death bed, Heisenberg is reported to have said, "When I meet God, I am going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first." However, this quote is also attributed to Horace Lamb
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Cassidy, D. Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1991. Heisenberg, W. Der Teil und das Ganze: Gesprache im Umkreis der Atomphysik. Munich, Germany: R. Piper, 1969. Heisenberg, W. The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory. New York: Dover, 1930. Powers, T. Heisenberg's War: The Secret History of the German Bomb. New York: Knopf, 1993.

33. Abi '99 (Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Bad Dürkheim)
Übersicht Zugang für Absolventen Benutzer: Passwort: Zugangsdaten vergessen? Dann kannst du sie dir einfach zuschicken lassen. eMail-Adresse: Quick-Links Forum
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34. Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog
heisenberg, werner (19011976), Andrews). References. Cassidy, D. UncertaintyThe Life and Science of werner heisenberg. New York W. H. Freeman, 1991.
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality German
Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976)

German physicist who in 1927 derived the uncertainty principle which states that
He also developed operator methods for the solution of quantum mechanical problems. On his death bed, Heisenberg is reported to have said, "When I meet God, I am going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first." However, this quote is also attributed to Horace Lamb
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Cassidy, D. Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1991. Heisenberg, W. Der Teil und das Ganze: Gesprache im Umkreis der Atomphysik. Munich, Germany: R. Piper, 1969. Heisenberg, W. The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory. New York: Dover, 1930. Powers, T. Heisenberg's War: The Secret History of the German Bomb. New York: Knopf, 1993.

35. Hedonistenjahrgang - Abi 1991
Termine, Downloads und EMail-Adressliste.
Hedonistenjahrgang - Abi 1991 am Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium in Bad Dürkheim
Hedonist, Abi, DÜW, WHG, Bad Dürkheim, Abitur, Jubiläum, Gymnasium, Werner Heisenberg, Abiturient, Abschluß, Schule, 1991, Jahrgang, MSS, Nachtreffen, Hedonisten, Party, 91
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36. EXakt - Die Schülerzeitung Am WHG Neuwied
Die Sch¼lerzeitung des wernerheisenberg-Gymnasiums in Neuwied.
var szmvars="lycos//CP//2B04APBA0000";

37. Offizielle Homepage Des WHG-Riesa
Informationen zum Bildungs und Schulprofil des Gymnasiums, sowie Erfolge bei internationalen Vergleichen.

38. Werner Heisenberg
Translate this page werner heisenberg La mécanique quantique. par Marie-France Genest et GhislaineSawadogo. Biographie. heisenberg, werner (Karl) (1901-76), En ligne.

39. Homepage Des Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasiums
Das Gymnasium stellt sich vor und bietet einen œberblick der Lehrer, Kurse und Termine. Es gibt auŸerdem Angaben ¼ber Wettbewerbe, Projekte und den Sch¼leraustausch. Mit einer Chronik und einem Ehemaligenbereich.

40. Werner K. Heisenberg
Translate this page Physiknobelpreis 1932 (Nobel Prize Physics 1932) werner K. heisenberg,dt. Physiker, geb. 5. Dez. 1901, gest. 1. Feb. 1976.
Physiknobelpreis 1932
(Nobel Prize Physics 1932)
Werner K. Heisenberg, dt. Physiker, geb. 5. Dez. 1901, gest. 1. Feb. 1976

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