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         Hausdorff Felix:     more books (42)
  1. Felix Hausdorff: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  2. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band 5: Astronomie, Optik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (German and English Edition) (v. 5)
  3. Analytiker (20. Jahrhundert): Stefan Banach, David Hilbert, Felix Hausdorff, Sergei Natanowitsch Bernstein, Alexander Grothendieck (German Edition)
  4. Felix Hausdorff
  5. Algebraiker (20. Jahrhundert): Emmy Noether, David Hilbert, Felix Hausdorff, André Weil, Alexander Grothendieck, Alfred Theodor Brauer (German Edition)
  6. Biography - Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  7. People From Wroc?aw: Manfred Von Richthofen, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Felix Hausdorff, Max Born, Edith Stein, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  8. Topologists: Waclaw Sierpinski, René Thom, Henri Poincaré, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Felix Hausdorff, John Milnor, Vladimir Arnold
  9. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke: Band IV: Analysis, Algebra und Zahlentheorie (German Edition) by Felix Hausdorff, 2001-07-03
  10. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band III: Mengenlehre (1927,1935) Deskripte Mengenlehre und Topologie (German and English Edition) (v. 3) by Felix Hausdorff, 2008-03-11
  11. People From the Province of Silesia: Paul Ehrlich, Manfred Von Richthofen, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Felix Hausdorff, Max Born
  12. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band VI: Geometrie, Raum und Zeit (German and English Edition)
  13. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band VII: Philosophisches Werk. "Sant' Ilario. Gedanken aus der Landschaft Zarathustras" "Das Chaos in kosmischer Auslese" ... Gesammelte Werke) (German Edition) by Felix Hausdorff, 2004-02-23
  14. Mengenlehre by felix hausdorff, 1944-01-01

21. Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
Mathematicians. Nationality. German. Biography Contributors. Elkins. hausdorff, felix (18681942) This entry contributed by Ben Elkins. German mathematician who founded point-set topology in Grundzüge der Mengenlehre ( Topology and Its Applications International Conference in Memory of felix hausdorff (1868-1942 Berlin, March 22-28).
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality German ... Elkins
Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942)

This entry contributed by Ben Elkins German mathematician who founded point-set topology in (1914). He also developed Hausdorff spaces In addition to his work in set theory Hausdorff developed the concepts of metric and topological spaces Hausdorff sought to develop the idea of "closeness" without any dependency on being able to "measure" the distance between these points. As a result of the Nazi Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Hausdorff was forced to leave his academic position at Bonn and, although he remained mathematically active for several more years, his research could only be published outside Germany. In January 1942, when internment in a concentration camp became imminent, Hausdorff, his wife, and her sister committed suicide together (Burton 1995).
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Vorlesungen zum Gedenken an Felix Hausdorff. Burton, D. M. The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, 3rd ed. William C. Brown, 1995. Czyz, J.

22. Hausdorff
Biography of felix hausdorff (18681942) felix hausdorff. Born 8 Nov 1868 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) felix hausdorff graduated from Leipzig in 1891 and then taught there until
Felix Hausdorff
Born: 8 Nov 1868 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland)
Died: 26 Jan 1942 in Bonn, Germany
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Felix Hausdorff As a Jew his position became more and more difficult. In 1941 he was scheduled to go to an internment camp but managed to avoid being sent. However by 1942 he could no longer avoid being sent to the internment camp and, together with his wife and his wife's sister, he committed suicide. Hausdorff's main work was in topology and set theory. He introduced the concept of a partially ordered set and from 1906 to 1909 he proved a series of results on ordered sets. In 1907 he introduced special types of ordinals in an attempt to prove Cantor 's continuum hypothesis . He also posed a generalisation of the continuum hypothesis by asking if 2 to the power n was equal to n . Hausdorff proved further results on the cardinality of Borel sets in 1916.

23. Hausdorff, Felix
hausdorff, felix (18681942). German mathematician and philosopherwho developed the branch of mathematics known as topology, in
Hausdorff, Felix
German mathematician and philosopher who developed the branch of mathematics known as topology, in which he formulated the theory of point sets. He investigated general closure spaces, and formulated Hausdorff's maximal principle in general set theory.
Hausdorff was born in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), and studied at Berlin, Freiburg, and Leipzig. In 1902 he was appointed professor at Leipzig, later moving to Bonn. During World War II he committed suicide rather than be sent to a concentration camp.
Hausdorff formulated a theory of topological and metric spaces, proposing that such spaces be regarded as sets of points and sets of relations among the points, and introduced the principle of duality. This principle states that an equation between sets remains valid if the sets are replaced by their complements and the symbol for union is exchanged for that of intersection.
He also created what are now called Hausdorff's neighbourhood axioms; from these four axioms he derived Hausdorff's topological spaces. A topological space is understood to be a set E of elements x and certain subsets Sx of E which are known as neighbourhoods of x.

24. Hausdorff, Asser, Flachsmeyer And Rinow (1972) Theory Of Sets And Topology: In H
An academic directory and search engine Editor hausdorff, felix ( b. 1868, d. 1942
getCITED Home Search Add Content Reports ... Help Publications People Faculties Institutions Edit Publication Edit Contributors Delete Publication Edit References ... Change Bookstack
Theory of sets and topology: In honour of Felix Housdorff (1868-1942
Post a Comment CONTRIBUTORS: Editor Hausdorff, Felix
(b. 1868, d. 1942) Editor Asser, Günter
Editor Flachsmeyer, J.
Editor Rinow, Willi PUBLISHER: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften
525 p. SUBJECT(S):
Set theory; Topology; Addresses, essays, lectures DISCIPLINE: No discipline assigned LC NUMBER: HTTP: LANGUAGE: English PUB ID: Last edited on 2002/02/27 17:18:19 US/Mountain SPONSOR(S): ABSTRACT:
English, French, German or Russian. Includes bibliographies. STATISTICS Click on # to view Citations Chapters Citations of Chapters Comments Quality Interest View(er)s Quality N/A High Low Interest N/A High Low Prev Next ABOUT getCITED CONTACT US USER INFO PREFERENCES PRIVACY LOG IN
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25. Springer-Verlag - Mathematics
hausdorff Gesammelte Werke Band II Grundzüge der Mengenlehre Volume packagehausdorff,F.felix hausdorff Gesammelte Werke hausdorff, felix Brieskorn, E,10735,5-10042-22-2150850-detai
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26. Re: Felix Hausdorff By Samuel S. Kutler
Re felix hausdorff by Samuel S. Kutler. reply to this message. post a message on a new topic. Back to mathhistory-list. Subject Re felix hausdorff Author Samuel S. Date Thu, 2 Oct
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27. Springer-Verlag - Analysis
Gesammelte Werke Band IV Analysis, Algebra und Zahlentheorie Volume packagehausdorff,F.felix hausdorff Gesammelte Werke hausdorff, felix Chatterji, SD,10735,5-10044-22-2150913-detai
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28. Wikipedia Felix Hausdorff
Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'felix hausdorff' felix hausdorff (November 8, 1868 January 26, 1942) was a German partially ordered sets, hausdorff spaces, and the hausdorff dimension. He proved the hausdorff maximality theorem

29. Hausdorff Portraits
Portraits of felix hausdorff felix hausdorff. JOC/EFR August 2001 http// history/PictDisplay/hausdorff.html
Felix Hausdorff
JOC/EFR August 2001 The URL of this page is:

30. - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math
Click Here hausdorff, felix. howsdaw(r)f (18681942). Mathematician,born in Wroc lstrok;aw, Poland (formerly Breslau, Germany).

31. Names
Hamilton Hammerstein47H30 Hankel Hardy Hartogs hausdorff Hecke Helly Helmholtz Helson Hensel Hermite Heyting 41A) is not the felix Bernstein of the set theory SchroederBernstein

32. Biografia De Hausdorff, Felix
Translate this page hausdorff, felix. (Breslau, 1868-Bonn, 1942) Matemático alemán.Profesor en Leipzig y en Bonn, realizó diversos estudios sobre
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Hausdorff, Felix (Breslau, 1868-Bonn, 1942) Matemático alemán. Profesor en Leipzig y en Bonn, realizó diversos estudios sobre álgebra, análisis, topología y teoría de conjuntos y estableció la teoría de los espacios topológicos y métricos. Se suicidó, junto con su mujer y su hermana, para evitar su internamiento por los nazis en un campo de concentración. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

33. Bio
1929 _18651940 Harden, Maximilian (orig. felix Ernst Witkowski) Ger 1912 _1862-1946 hausdorff, felix Ger. math.; eponym of hausdorff metric hausdorff paradox _1868-1942

34. Auteur - Hausdorff, Felix

35. Hausdorff, Felix: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke Auf Evita Shopping In Allgem
hausdorff, felix 8. Handbuch der. 9. Papula, Lothar
Zoom var szmvars="evita1//contentyp//3H06DABB0000"; Sie sind hier: eVITA Shopping Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften / Technik / Medizin Mathematik Allgemeines, Lexika, Geschichte, Berufe ... world Hausdorff, Felix: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke 2003. 880 S.
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Translate this page Listing for hausdorff, felix. Viewing Page 1. Erweiterung einer Stetigen Abbildung.hausdorff, felix. 2. Die Schlichten Stetigen Bilder des Nullraums.;mode=display;BrowseT

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Translate this page Hassett, Brendan Hastad, J. Hastad, Johan Hastad, Johan T. Hatfield, C. Hatfield,Peter J. Hattori, Akira Hauschild, H. hausdorff, felix Hausknecht Hausknecht;mode=display;BrowseL

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Translate this page , Zurück. hausdorff, felix felix hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. hausdorff, felixfelix hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. 2003. 880 S. hausdorff, felix Handbuch der,
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39. Lexikon - Felix Hausdorff Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
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Felix Hausdorff 8. November in Breslau , Deutschland (heute Wroclaw, Polen 26. Januar in Bonn ) war ein deutscher Mathematiker . Er gilt als Mitbegr¼nder der modernen Topologie und lieferte wesentliche Beitr¤ge zur Mengenlehre und MaŸtheorie Hausdorff studierte in Leipzig und lehrte dort sp¤ter Mathematik bis , als er eine Berufung an die Universit¤t Bonn bekam. Von bis hatte er eine Stelle als auŸerordentlicher Professor in Greifswald , kehrt dann aber nach Bonn zur¼ck. Obwohl j¼discher Abstammung, glaubte Hausdorff auch nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten an seine Immunit¤t als angeseher Akademiker. Doch bald wurde seine Forschung als "j¼disch", "nutzlos" und "undeutsch" denunziert und er wurde seiner Stelle verwiesen. W¤hrend er seine Tochter zur Sicherheit nach England schickte, blieb er selber in Deutschland. Als ihm 1942 die Verschickung in ein Konzentrationslager drohte, nahm er sich, zusammen mit seiner Frau und seiner Schw¤gerin, das Leben.

40. Re: Topologically Continuous Surface By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
2. Aufl. Leipzig de Gruyter, 1914 Other Publications 1 Set theory hausdorff,felix 1978 Chelsea Publ. 3 Set theory hausdorff, felix 1962 Chelsea Publ.[
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