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81. Computing Before Computers Frank, 244 Hanzawa, Masao, 117 Harley, Reverend Robert, 108 Harmonic analyzer,158, 172176, 180 Harmonic synthesizer, 172, 177 hartree, douglas R., 184 http://ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/CBC.html | |
82. About Winning With The Market: The Wall Street Journal Guide To Successful Inves douglas Rayner hartree Calculating Machines Recent and Prospective Developments andTheir Impact on Mathematical Physics Babbage Institute Reprint Series Vol 6. http://www.bookstore4u.net/29090_douglasrsease.html | |
83. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Hankel, Hermann (94*) Hardy, Claude (168) Hardy, GH (2486*) Harish-Chandra (413*)Harriot, Thomas (3306*) Hartley, Brian (466*) hartree, douglas (436*) Hasib http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
84. Tweedie Genealogy Archive: History Of Peeblesshire:Glenholm Parish Glenkirk, son and heir of John Porteous of Whitslade, conveyed it to William Brownof hartree, the superior then being William, Earl of douglas, who confirmed http://www.tweedie.org/272-280.htm | |
85. Computer Books Authors - Find, Compare And Buy At BizRate douglas K. Barry (2); douglas L. Perry (1); douglas Rayner hartree(1); douglas W. Nance (2); Dror Feitelson (1); Dror G. Feitelson (2 http://bizrate.com/buy/refine__062023att259818--062023-031746,att--100018,att100 | |
86. SWIF - Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia - LE IDEE, GLI INVENTORI E GLI STUDIOS Translate this page Goldstine, Herman Heine (1913- ). Grillet, Rene (XV sec.). hartree, douglas Rayner(1897-1958). Hollerith, Herman (1860-1929). Huskey, Harry douglas (1916- ). http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/storiainf/le_idee_e_le_persone.htm | |
87. Informatici Celebri - Wikipedia Michael Harrison; hartree, douglas R. Martin Hellman; John http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informatici_celebri | |
88. Unibibliothek Weimar: ZB Informatik / Mathe - Ausleihe Translate this page hartree, douglas R. Calculating machines recent and prospective developmentsand their impact on mathematical physics Hc 0060/46. http://www.uni-weimar.de/ub/ZBI/neu/februar.html | |
89. Scholarships Awards - The IEE Established as a Control and Automation premium in 1966. hartree, DouglasRayner (18971958). Physicist. Worked on numerical analysis and radio. http://www.iee.org/EduCareers/Awards/premiumdetails.cfm?PrintVersion=true |
90. Personen Der Biologie, Chemie, Physik Medizin Und Mathematik Hammett´sche H0-Funktion . HartreeHartree, douglas Rayner brit. http://home.t-online.de/home/Dr.Ursin.Bernd/site08_d.htm | |
91. »»Reviews For Calculators«« Reprint). Published in Hardcover by MIT Press (18 October, 1984). AuthorDouglas hartree. Amazon base price $35.00. Average review score http://www.booksunderreview.com/Health/Aging/Life_Expectancy/Calculators/Calcula | |
92. Science And Society Picture Library Credit Science Museum/Science Society Picture Library Keywords PersonalitiesHartree, douglas Rayner Man Men Mathematicians Mathematics Physics Physicists http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/piclib/imagerecord.asp?id=10301809 |
93. Theoretical Chemistry, KTH, List Of Publications three different levels the timedependent DiracHartreeFock approximation, thetime-dependent HartreeFock approximation with a DouglasKroll transformed http://www.theochem.kth.se/publications/abstract.php?id=386 |
94. ¡ïÁ¿×Ó»¯Ñ§Èí¼þÖÐÎÄÍø¡ï The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://zorkov.nease.net/calclink/bas.html | |
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