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61. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Page Genealogy Report: Descendants He also named Thomas Joines, Sayer Roberts, Piety Parsons, and edmund Joines aliasedmund gunter.( Doc 194) In Bardsley s, DICTIONARY OF WELSH AND ENGLISH http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/j/o/i/Eldon-D-Joines/GENE4-0001.html | |
62. Rechnernamen Im Fachbereich Mathematik & Informatik Translate this page Befaßte sich mit Grundlagenfragen der Mathematik und mit formaler Logik. gunter,edmund gunter, geb. 1581 Hertforshire, gest. 10.Dezember 1626 London. http://wwwmath.uni-muenster.de/IVV/math/Namen/Rechner.html | |
63. Galileo 21. Graphics Environment Manager (Gem). 41. Greenberg, Mark. 41. Grosch, Herb.31. Grove, Andrew. 41. Grove, Andy. 31. gunter, edmund. 11. Gurley, Ben. 31.Gypsy. 41. http://www.scuole.prato.it/dagomari/museo/htm/ind-g.htm | |
64. Descendants Of GUNTER-AUTREY-JONES Parents John Larkin gunter Sarah Ann TILLERYAUTRY Married VIRGINIA CHILDRESSBorn 24 Dec 1855 Died 27 July 1915 Parents edmund P. CHILDRESS Louisa http://cecileautreymunsey.ourfamily.com/contact.html | |
65. FINAL "GUNTER" APPEAL!!!! JOHN edmund gunter born 1903 PETER COURTNEY gunter born 1906 ALFRED LAWRENCE gunterborn 1909 parents John and Lydia gunter WILLIAM HENRY gunter no date early http://jamaicanfamilysearch.com/livingboard/livingmessages/28.html | |
66. GUNTER'S SCALE Definition edmund gunter (15811626), a professor of astronomy at Gresham College,London, who invented also gunter s chain, and gunter s quadrant. http://www.books.md/G/dic/guntersscale.php | |
67. Predictable Programs In Barcodes Carl A. gunter, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 8 edmund M. Clarke, Robert P. Kurshan, Computeraided verification, IEEE Spectrum, v.33 n.6, p.61 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=581679&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
68. Computer-aided Verification Hana Chockler. edmund M. Clarke. E. Allen Emerson. Kathi Fisler. Christian H. Golaszewski.Orna Grumberg. Elsa L. gunter. Ramin Hojati. Alon Itai. Orna Kupferman. Leslie http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=228684&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
69. Computing Before Computers See also Analog computing devices; Ballistics; Bell Telephone Laboratories, ModelsII,III,IV M9 antiaircraft, 192 use of, 187 gunter, edmund, 27-29 gunter s http://ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/CBC.html | |
70. Next Page Previous Page Named after edmund gunter (15811626), English mathematician and astronomer,who invented the device about 1620. Synchain; pole chain. AGI. gurhofite. http://www.maden.hacettepe.edu.tr/dmmrt/dmmrt529.html | |
71. Math Words Page 16 Pastore of Italy. edmund gunter was a professor of astronomy at GreshamCollege in London and a friend of Briggs. He published tables http://www.pballew.net/arithm16.html | |
72. Slide Rules And Other Calculation Tools 1620 Interpretation of logarithms into linear scale by edmund gunter. 1624 Use of two gunters scales as first slide rule by edmund Wingate. http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~wl/William.Hermann.Slide.Rule.htm | |
73. Measuring America: How An Untamed Wilderness Shaped The United States And Fulfil concept in England in the 17th century, one that was grounded (so to speak) in thedeveloping science of surveying, in particular, edmund gunter s simple new http://www.bookfinder.us/review0/0802713963.html | |
74. Gunters Chain edmund gunter (15811626), an English mathematician, designed his chainto be 66 ft. long so that 10 square chains should equal one acre. http://www.texasonline.net/people/adixon/topogs/Chain.htm | |
75. Slide Rules edmund gunter soon reduced the effort by drawing a number line inwhich the positions of numbers were proportional to their logs. http://www.hpmuseum.org/sliderul.htm | |
76. THE CONSERVATION GLOSSARY the basic measuring tool for land surveying until the change to metrication wasthe surveyors chain or gunters chain after edmund gunter (15811626). http://www.trp.dundee.ac.uk/research/glossary/gunters.html | |
77. Web Page Locked England father Grey, Ralph (*1554 ) spouse Rodham, edmund (*1585 - 1615 gunter,Augustus (*1756 - ) - male spouse child gunter, John G. (*1791 http://caramsey.home.texas.net/CAR.wbg/wga16.html | |
78. SUBJECT INDEX EAIA CHRONICLE Vol 41-46 D - K grub saw, 44, 1, 17. gumming cutters, 45, 1, 30*. Gunn, Levi, brace maker,45, 4, 101*. gunter, edmund, calculating rule, 41, 2, 24*. Gurley, auger,43, 4, 108. http://www.eaiainfo.org/csubd_k.htm | |
79. Louisa County, Va. Deed Name Index 476 Grubbs, edmund A.; (Grantor); Book/Page 3686 Grubbs, edmund A.; (); Book PageJ-716 Gunnell, Sarah; (Neighbor); Book/Page M-693 gunter, Charles; (Grantor http://trevilians.com/deeds/deedix19.htm | |
80. Imago Mundi - Gunter. http://www.cosmovisions.com/Gunter.htm | |
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