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         Gunter Edmund:     more detail
  1. Ein neuer Psychologismus?: Edmund Husserls Kritik am Relativismus und die Erkenntnistheorie des radikalen Konstruktivismus von Humberto R. Maturana und Gerhard Roth (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Gunter Frohlich, 2000
  2. The description and use of His Majesties dials in White-Hall garden (The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile) by Edmund Gunter, 1972
  3. The description and vse of the sector, the crosse-staffe, and other instruments for such as are studious of mathematicall practise. (1623) by Edmund Gunter, 2010-07-13
  4. The description and vse of his Maiesties dials in VVhite-Hall Garden (1624) by Edmund Gunter, 2010-07-13
  5. The description and vse of the sector for such as are studious of mathematicall practise. (1623) by Edmund Gunter, 2010-07-13
  6. Use of the Sector, Crosse-Staffe, and Other Instruments (The English Experience, No. 422) by Edmund Gunter, 1971-12
  7. Unser Selbst. Identität im Wandel der neuronalen Prozesse. by Josef Quitterer, Günter Rager, et all 2003-01-01
  8. Staatssekretär (Deutschland): Günter Gaus, Egon Bahr, Edmund Forschbach, Hans-Heinrich Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Peter Boenisch (German Edition)
  9. Kynologe: Wolf-Eberhard Barth, Albert Heim, Edmund Löns, Bernd Krewer, Erik Zimen, Günter Millahn, Hellmuth Wachtel (German Edition)
  10. Innovations in Stage and Theatre Design (Paperback-1972) by Donald Oenslager, Frederick Hunter, et all 1972

41. Cherokee Nation Gunter Marriages And Funeral Home Records
gunter, Leonidas B. 21 Aug 1845 27 Dec 1914; gunter, Minnie Earle 24 Oct1859 - 27 Sep 1951; gunter, William edmund 25 Mar 1882 - 19 Nov 1917.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Cherokee Nation Gunter Marriages and Oklahoma Funeral Home Records
Source: Book entitled, Cherokee Nation Marriages 1869-1898 And 1884-1901 By Dorothy J. Nix
  • Gunter, Maggie to Wesley Venderford 15 Jan 1891
  • Gunter, Nannie to Lucien W. Buffington 8 Apr 1886
  • Gunter, Sammie to Andrew Bell Cunningham -Vinita 25 May 1899
  • Gunter, Lulie to W. H. Curtice 16 Feb 1880
  • Gunter, Mary to John Free 23 July 1891
Source: Book entitled, Will Rogers: Official Genealogy By Pat Lowe This book has two pages and then some of Gunter information. Only information that makes reference to Oklahoma will be listed here.
  • ELIZABETH GUNTER SCHRIMSHER was buried in the Gulager Family Cemetery located eight miles southwest of Tahlequah, Cherokee County, OK. The plot is about 300 yards north of the old Gulagher home.
  • EDWARD "NED" GUNTER (#334) (John 1, John 2) was born 1802. Edward died 1843 in Tahlequah, OK He married twice. He married Elsie McCoy. (Elsie McCoy is #335.) He married Letitia Keys. (Letitia KEYS is #336.)
  • GEORGE WASHINGTON4 GUNTER (#970) (Samuel2, John1, John2) birth unknown. He married Eliza Nave. (Eliza Nave is #971.) Eliza was born in Cherokee Nation East. According to the Cherokee Advocate of 19 Oct. 1844, Geo. W. Gunter had erected a cotton gin at his place on the Arkansas River, 15 miles from Ft. Smith, the first in the Cherokee Nation. In a family history of Sequoyah County, OK, Mrs. F. Wilson gives the following: "G. W. and Eliza Gunter came from Alabama to the Indian Territory in 1830 with their children, Mary, Susan and Sam...Five more children were born in Indian Territory, Araminta, George, Elizabeth, John, and Jeanetta..."

42. Gru
Gunnison. Gunpowder Plot. gunter, edmund. Guntram. Guntur. Guo Moruo. Gunnarsson,Gunnar. Gunnison. Gunpowder Plot. gunter, edmund. Guntram. Guntur. Guo Moruo. Gupta.Gur.
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    43. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math
    First series; no. 8777) ALT. ENTRY gunter, edmund, 15811626. I m not sure whatthese books will have to offer, as it looks like they re really old.

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    44. A Bambusz Logarlőcs
    Vigyázat! Nem mindent mi találtunk fel/ki! ). megoldás gunter,edmund (1581—1626) angol matematikus. Winsgate, WT (1593—1653
    rovatok j¡t©k arch­vum jegyzetek mutat³k ... errata humor limes a rovat tartalomjegyz©ke kulcsszavak matematika, műszaki sz¡m­t¡sok, logarl©c A bambusz logarlőcs Tulajdons¡gok n©lk¼li ember -ben ( Tudom¡ny ©s technika bűv¶let©ben ) a logarl©cnek a modern ember (a XX. sz¡zad első ©vtizedeiről van sz³) ©let©ben bet¶lt¶tt szerep©ről, hogy k©nytelen vagyok elmes©lni egy r©gi t¶rt©netet ezen eszk¶zzel kapcsolatban.
    Geometrikus d­sz­t©sű jap¡n bambusz t¡l
    (Matsuoka Shiro aj¡nd©ka) feladat Ki b¡b¡skodott (esetleg kik b¡b¡skodtak) a logarl©c felfedez©se k¶r¼l.
    Vigy¡zat! Nem mindent mi tal¡ltunk fel/ki! :-) megold¡s
    Gunter , Edmund

    angol matematikus.
    Winsgate W. T.
    angol matematikus A t©m¡r³l, k¼l¶nf©le forr¡sok, k¼l¶nf©le adatokkal szolg¡lnak. Az al¡bbiakban Laczik B¡lint megfejt©s©t k¶zl¶m:
    "Ha az 1—10 terjedő sz¡mok tizedes, un. Briggs-f©le logaritmusait, tetsz©s szerint v¡lasztott l©pt©kben, sz¡m©rt©k¼kkel ar¡nyos hosszºs¡gº vonalakkal ©rt©kelj¼k, s ezeket egy fix pontb³l, mint kezdőpontb³l kiindulva keskeny kartonszalagra, vagy c©lszerűbben gyalult fal©cre felrakjuk, s a vonalak v©geit a logaritmusok helyett a megfelelő numerusokkal jel¶lj¼k, egy logaritmikus, vagy feltal¡l³ja eml©kezet©re Gunter sk¡la n©ven ismert, kezdetleges kivitelű logaritmikus sz¡mol³l©cet kapunk, amelynek seg­ts©g©vel, k¶rző ig©nybev©tele mellett m¡r egyszerű szorz¡si ©s oszt¡si műveleteket k¶nnyen elv©gezhet¼nk.

    45. Milestones: Section 3 1600-1699
    gunter s scale, or the ``gunter by seamen, was soon replaced by a true sliderule, containing two parallel logarithmic scales edmund gunter (1581-1626
    Milestones in the History of
    Thematic Cartography,
    Statistical Graphics,
    and Data Visualization
    Michael van Langren's 1644 depiction of 12 determinations of the longitude from Toledo to Rome: most likely the first visual representation of statistical data. The faint arrow marks the true longitude difference (16 o all the estimates were greater! The word ROMA marks van Langren's collective estimate. (Source: Tufte [ , p.15]) Up: Index Introduction References Related ... Pre-1600
    1600-1699: Measurement and theory
    Among the most important problems of the 17th century were those concerned with physical measurement- of time, distance, and space- for astronomy, surveying, map making, navigation and territorial expansion. This century saw great new growth in theory and the dawn of practice- the rise of analytic geometry, theories of errors of measurement and estimation, the birth of probability theory, and the beginnings of demographic statistics and ``political arithmetic''. By the end of this century, the necessary elements were at hand- some real data of significant interest, some theory to make sense of them, and a few ideas for their visual representation. Perhaps more importantly, one can see this century as giving rise to the beginnings of visual thinking.
    early 1600s
    Tables of empirical data, published tables of numbers (``Die Tabellen-Statistik'')- Germany.

    46. History Of Astronomy: Roughly Sorted Links - Biographies (1)
    Grimthorpe), edmund Beckett, 1st Baron Groombridge, Stephen Grosseteste, Robert Grotius,Hugo Guarini, Guarino Guericke, Otto von gunter, edmund Guyot, Arnold
    History of Astronomy Unsorted and roughly sorted links
    Roughly sorted links - Biographies (1)
    Please note that the links were found some time ago and may be outdated meanwhile. This list is not a permanent one. Any link may be moved or deleted without special announcement, and also this file may be deleted.
    Alexander Friedmann
    Jahrbuch fuer die Fortschritte der Mathematik
    Dirk Frimout (in German)
    Dirk Frimout (in French) ...
    ? Raleigh, Sir Walter
    Ramsden, Jesse
    Reber, Grote
    Reichenbach, Georg von ...
    Wolfgang R. Dick . Created: 20 Aug 2001. Latest update: 20 Feb 2002

    47. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On April 7, 2000
    Guericke Gericke, Otto von (16021686) Very short biography. gunter,edmund (1581-1626) Very short biography. J Jaeger, John Conrad
    History of Astronomy What's new
    History of Astronomy:
    What's new at this site on April 7, 2000
    Some URLs have been updated.
    Welcome / About
    History of astronomy

    48. Science Timeline
    Guignand, Jean Louis, 1890. Gulick, John Thomas, 1872. gunpowder, 2nd half 13thcentury. gunter, edmund, 1623. Gurdon, John. B., 1962, 1967. Gutenberg, Beno, 1956.
    use checkboxes to select items you wish to download
    Select Index Letter:
    b c d ... w-x-y-z
    Gabor, Dennis, 1947 Galard, Lucien, 1881 Galen, Claudius, 170, 1185, 1250, 1348, 1543, 1664 Galileo Galilei, 1583, 1586, 1592, 1612, 1621, 1632, 1636, 1642, 1655, 1687 Gall, Franz Joseph, 1791, 1800, 1810, 1824, 1861 Galle, Johann Gottfried, 1846 Gallo, Robert, 1985 Gally, Joseph, 1962 Galton, Francis, 1869, 1875, 1883 Galvani, Luigi, 1791, 1838 Gamow, George, 1928, 1928, 1939, 1946, 1948, 1953 Garan, Alan,1966 Garrod, Archibald Edward, 1908 Garstang, Walter, 1922 Gassendi, Pierre, 1624, 1631, 1642, 1649, 1687 Gasser, Herbert Spencer, 1922 Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1796, 1801, 1801, 1809, 1818, 1828, 1830, 1833, 1859, 1915 Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 1787, 1806, 1808 Gebhardt, Karl, 2000

    49. G Index
    Marcel (114) Grothendieck, Alexander (607*) Guccia, Giovanni (78) Gudermann, Christoph(68) Guinand, Andrew (529) Guldin, Paul (210) gunter, edmund (279).
    Names beginning with G
    The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Galerkin Boris (463)
    Galilei (823*)
    , Evariste (2110*)
    , Francis (188*)
    , Pierre (284*)
    , Carl Friedrich (2364*)
    , Leopold (123*)
    , Karl (258*)
    , Aleksandr (226*)
    , Henry (199)
    Gemma Frisius , Regnier (553) Genocchi , Angelo (858) Gentzen , Gerhard (277*) Gergonne , Joseph (75) Germain , Sophie (1063*) Gherard of Cremona (99) Ghetaldi , Marino (235) Gibbs , Josiah (1028*) Girard, Albert Girard, Pierre Simon (210) Glaisher , James (686*) Glenie , James (103) , Kurt (824*) Gohberg , Israel (640*) Goldbach , Christian (160) Goldstein , Sydney (350*) Gompertz , Benjamin (114) Goodstein , Reuben (257*) , Adolph (251) Gordan , Paul (58*) Gorenstein , David (369*) Gosset , William (416*) Goursat , Edouard (156*) , Karl (140) Gram , Jorgen (85*) Grandi , Luigi (444) Grassmann , Hermann (267*) Grave , Dmitry (469) Gravesande , Willem 's (180) Green , George (2688) Greenhill , Alfred (541*) Gregory, James

    50. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive
    Albert; Grandi, Guido; Gregory, David; Gregory, James; Guldin, Paul;gunter, edmund; Halley, Edmond; Hardy, Claude; Harriot, Thomas; Hérigone
    Mathematicians in Richard S. Westfall's archive
    Richard Westfall's archive contains concise biographical details of more than 640 members of the Scientific Community of the 16th and 17th Centuries. The mathematicians who have biographies in our archive are listed below.
    You can search the whole archive in several ways or can click on a name below.
  • Angeli, Stephano
  • Arbuthnot, John
  • Arnauld, Antoine
  • Bachet, Claude ... Search Suggestions
    JOC/EFR November 1998
  • 51. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
    12 June 1577 in St Gall (now Sankt Gallen), Switzerland Died 3 Nov 1643 in Graz,Austria gunter, edmund gunter Born 1581 in Hertfordshire, England Died 10

    52. Genealogy Data
    Father gunter, Marsh Mother Silavant, Louise. Back to Main Page. Marriage1836 Spouse TAMPLIN, edmund W. Gender Male Parents
    Genealogy Data
    Back to Main Page
    Brackin, Mr
    Gender: Male
    Family: Spouse: Gunter, Dovie
    Gender: Female
    Parents: Father: Gunter, Marsh
    Mother: Silavant, Louise
    Back to Main Page
    Fulford, Cade
    Gender: Male
    Family: Spouse: Gunter, Rosie
    Gender: Female
    Parents: Father: Gunter, Marsh
    Mother: Silavant, Louise
    Back to Main Page
    Jones, Grady Gender: Male Family: Spouse: Gunter, Beatrice Gender: Female Parents: Father: Gunter, Marsh Mother: Silavant, Louise
    Back to Main Page
    Cotton, Mary Gender: Female Family: Spouse: Peacock, Judge Hubert Gender: Male Parents: Father: Peacock, Buel Gillis Mother: Silavant, Emma Estelle
    Back to Main Page
    Lee, Anne Gender: Female Family: Spouse: Peacock, Maxwell Walker Gender: Male Parents: Father: Peacock, Buel Gillis Mother: Silavant, Emma Estelle Children: Peacock, Maxwell Walker Jr. Gender: Male Peacock, Thomas Gender: Male
    Back to Main Page
    Boutwell, Dewey M Birth : 22 APR 1902 Death : 1 MAY 1966 , Coffee Co., Alabama Gender: Male Family: Spouse: Peacock, Haughtie

    53. NMAH | Surveying & Geodesy | Gunter Chain
    Discussion In 1620, an English mathematician and astronomer named edmund Gunterdescribed a surveyor s chain with 100 links, measuring 66 feet (22 yards or 4

    54. C J's Metal Detecting Pages
    edmund gunter (15811626) Professor of Astronomy at Gresham College, London wasa mathematician who by the 1620 s had designed a chain consisting of 100 iron's Chain.htm
    '...a Word or two of Dimensurators or Measuring Instruments, whereof the mosts usual has been the Chain,
    and the common length for English Measures 4 Poles, as answering indifferently to the Englishs Mile and
    Acre, 10 such Chains in length making a Furlong, and 10 single square Chains an Acre, so that a square
    Mile contains 640 square Acres...'
    John Ogilby, Britannia Fig.1 - illustrations from John Ogilby's Britannia of 1675.
    left - cherub holding chain. centre - complete chain folded at front of table.
    Fig.2 - detector found 20 and 30 link tags

    Featured in Figure 2 are two brass artefacts that have puzzled many archaeologists and metal detector users for some time. They have previously been published in archaeological excavation reports and detector magazines where their use has been suggested to range from harness pendants to amulets and their date range from Roman to Medieval but in fact they do not predate c1620AD. The use of a chain for surveying and measuring was first recorded in 1579. Edmund Gunter (1581-1626) Professor of Astronomy at Gresham College, London was a mathematician who by the 1620's had designed a chain consisting of 100 iron links measuring 66 feet (22 yards). Its usefulness was such that it became the principle means for the linear measurement of land for almost 300 years. The invention of the steel tape in 1867 brought a more convenient and accurate means of measuring large distances and therefore by the early 1900's Gunter's Chain had generally fallen out of use.

    55. Gunter Nolte, 1938-2000
    Following are excerpts from a eulogy delivered by edmund Alleyn, former Universityof Ottawa professor and colleague. To speak of gunter in a few words is
    Gunter Nolte, who recently retired as a professor in the Department of Visual Arts, died on March 4. Prof. Nolte joined the Department of Visual Arts in 1977 and was chair from 1993 to 1995. He remained on faculty as a part-time guest professor until 1999. Following are excerpts from a eulogy delivered by Edmund Alleyn, former University of Ottawa professor and colleague. About U of O Prospective Students Students Services ... Gazette Archives Printable Version Friday, March 31, 2000 Gunter Nolte, 1938-2000 Gunter Nolte, who recently retired as a professor in the Department of Visual Arts, died on March 4. Prof. Nolte joined the Department of Visual Arts in 1977 and was chair from 1993 to 1995. He remained on faculty as a part-time guest professor until 1999. Following are excerpts from a eulogy delivered by Edmund Alleyn, former University of Ottawa professor and colleague.
    To speak of Gunter in a few words is difficult, as he himself would probably agree, because he was the sum of many different parts. But what brought all these together was his deep integrity, intellectual generosity and an ever-present sense of wonder with a truly encyclopedic range. He embraced the old world as well as the new. He liked to shuttle between the past and the present. And his vitality could have powered a dozen lives.
    He loved life and was intent on ordering and recording as many of its sensations, moments and highlights as possible. His many notes on various subjects — on his university life, on his activity as an artist, on the places and moments of enjoyable leisure — are all documented with the photographs of a thousand memories, as if it were possible to live and re-live all simultaneously.

    56. Play-A-Day: A Gurnard, A Gusset, And A Gunter's Chain, Sitting In Gurgan.
    Apparently the author doesn t even understand what I am, he just saw that it wasin the dictionary, named after some English mathematician named edmund gunter.
    Scene: A gurnard, a gusset, and a Gunter's chain, sitting in Gurgan. Gurnard: I am really not sure why I am here. As a member of the marine fish family Triglidae, this seems like an odd place to be. Gusset: Me too. I bet most people don't know I am a triangular insert in a garment used for strengthening. Gunter's Chain: Apparently the author doesn't even understand what I am, he just saw that it was in the dictionary, named after some English mathematician named Edmund Gunter. Gusset: And where is Gurgan? Gurnard: Isn't that an island? Gurgan's Island? I call dibs on Mary Ann! Gusset: Dibs on Ginger! Gunter's Chain: Oh, man, I get Mrs. Howell? Good grief, sure they called her Lovey on the show, but really, was she the kind of woman you would call Lovey? Maybe Looney, but Lovey? Gurnard: Excuse me, it's time for me to leave a gurry. Gusset: Do your gurry in a hurry. That's the slogan for the new Zip Lock Toilet! It bags, it seals, no mess! Gurnard: What are you talking about? Gusset: What are you talking about? Who uses the word gurry anyways? Only professional fishermen living in the Baltic talking about fish offal. Offal, who uses THAT word? Gurnard: I'm going to try to live my life sin free. Yes, I want to be Saint Gurnard.

    57. Edmund White
    Written by Herbert List , gunter Metken , Ulrich Pohlmann , Bruce Weber , EdmundWhite , Wilfried Wiegand , Max Scheler , Matthias Harder Published by The

    Search High Volume Orders Links ... Japanese Gardens Additional Subjects Popular American Fiction Kevin Val O. Bertoia In the Beginning: A Humorous Survey of the Bible Language Arts Disciplines Art ... Chihuly 2004 Desk Calendar Featured Books Our Paris: Sketches from Memory
    I picked up this little book for a return flight from Paris to LA. It looked like perfect plane reading short, gossipy, topical. And although it lived up to each of those expectations, the devastation implicit in the book (and explicit at the end) hit hard. The book is not easily forgettable and probably no less memorable for the passengers and crew of American Airlines flight 45 who watched me become a sniffling, tear-stained disaster. It's very intimate, shockingly un-French. White an...
    Written by Edmund White Hubert Sorin
    Published by Ecco (April 2002)
    ISBN 0060085924
    Price $19.95
    Lies: 1986-1999

    For 40 years, the diaries of Ned Rorem have been ideal bedtime reading for musicians. This first installment of the new century, covering 1986 to 1999, parades a few of Rorem's familiar themes: insomnia, self-contradictions, letters to the editor (some never sent, some never published), and, of course, notes on his own music (including an especially lovely commentary on the English Horn Concerto). There are some unexpected anecdotes as well, including one about dinner with Nancy Reagan, an ap...
    Written by

    58. Martin, Benjamin: Biographia Philosophica
    John Galileo Gassendus, Peter Gellibrand, Henry Gesner, Conrade Greaves, John Gregory,James Gregory, David Grew, Nehemiah gunter, edmund Halley, edmund Harriot
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    Martin, Benjamin Biographia Philosophica Being an Account of the Lives, Writings, and Inventions of the Most Eminent Philosophers and Mathematicians . Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 1764 Edition. 567 p. 5-3/8 x 8-1/2 2002 Cloth CUSA $140.00tx 1-85506-973-3 Spring 2002 Benjamin Martin (1704-82) came from a family of Surrey farmers and seems to have received little in the way of formal education. However, he taught himself mathematics and astronomy, and in time became an accomplished inventor and maker of scientific instruments. He was also a keen disciple of Newtonon whose physics he gave public lecturesas well as a considerable philosopher of language. Martin published many books on these various subjects, but his chief ambition as a writer was nothing less than to provide a synopsis of all scientific and philosophical knowledge in a grand fourteen-volume series. Martin only ever completed five of these projected booktwo on philology, two on mathematics, and the Biographia Philosophica This rare little encyclopaedia contains entries detailing the lives and works of 157 people, from Thales and Euclid in antiquity to Sir Isaac Newton and Dr Nicholas Saunderson in Martin's own century. Typically, an entry will begin with biographical information and then move on to a critical assessment of its subject's work, 'digested according to the Order of Time in which they lived'. Sometimes, a bibliography is given in conclusion. As was usual in his era, Martin construed the term 'philosophy' broadly enough to include the sciences as well as abstract thought.

    59. Books By Gunter Metken
    Herbert List The Monograph by Herbert List, gunter Metken, Ulrich Pohlmann,Bruce Weber, edmund White, Wilfried Wiegand, Matthias Harder (Editor), Max, Gunter
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    Books by Gunter Metken
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    22 titles
    (showing 1-20) Agam
    by Yaacov Agam Gunter Metken
    Book - January 1977

    by Gunter Metken Yaacov Agam
    Book - January 1977 Als Die Surrealisten Noch Recht Hatten : Texte U. Dokumente by Gunter Metken Book - January 1976 - 1st Christian Boltanski : Memento Mori Und Schattenspiel by Gunter Metken Christian Boltanski Museum fur Moderne Kunst (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Book - January 1991 Die Praraffaeliten : Ethischer Realismus Und Elfenbeinturm in 19. Jahrhundert by Gunter Metken Book - January 1974 Die Verteidigung Des Panoptikums : Autobiographische, Zeit- Und Kunstkritische Schriften Sowie Briefe, 1930-1955 by Rudolf Schlichter Dirk Heisserer Gunter Metken Book - January 1995 - 1st Fritz Henle, 1909-1993 : Die Quadratur Der Schonheit

    60. Ezekiel Joines (1720's-1803)
    Various records including Ezekiel s will mention edmund JOINES aliasedmund gunter, who must have been Sarah s son by a prior marriage.
    Genealogy of the Cheek Family of Alleghany County, North Carolina Joines Tree Ezekiel Joines EZEKIEL JOINES EZEKIEL JOINES was b. around the 1720's, location unknown, and d. between July-Aug. 1803 in Wilkes Co., NC. He m. (1) unknown, last name possibly PRUITT. He m. (2) SARAH GUNTER, widow of unk. GUNTER, July 14, 1779, Rowan Co., NC. She was born before 1755 and died after 1803 in Wilkes Co., NC.
    Children of EZEKIEL JOINES:
    Major JOINES , died in the Revolutionary War (based on family tradition)
    Thomas JOINES
    , b. 1750-1760, probably in NC; d. Jan. 1834, Wilkes Co., NC; m. Mary CAUDILL.
    Piety JOINES , b. 1765-1775, probably in NC; d. 1830-1840, Wilkes Co., NC; m. James PEARSON (PARSON), Feb. 1, 1792, Wilkes Co., NC.
    Sarah JOINES , b. 1770's-1780's, m. unknown ROBERTS.
    For more info on this family see The Joines/Joynes Family History Page
    See a photo of Ezekiel Joines's possible gravesite (outside link)
    Ezekiel JOINES arrived in Wilkes County, North Carolina, sometime prior to 1787, when his name first appears on a tax list. His birthplace is unknown. He may be the Ezekiel "JONES" on the Rowan County tax list of 1778, Capt. Lyon's Dist. His son Thomas "GOINS" was living in on Big Elkin Creek in Wilkes County by Sept. 14, 1778 (Wilkes Co., NC, Land Entry Book, Entry No. 406.)
    Ezekiel seems to have married twice. His first wife apparently died 1779. Rowan County's records show that "Ezikil GOINS" then married Sarah GUNTER on July 14, 1779. Various records including Ezekiel's will mention "Edmund JOINES alias Edmund GUNTER," who must have been Sarah's son by a prior marriage.

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